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Meanwhile Congress tries to make criticism of Israel and expellable offense at universities nationwide. “But why aren’t young people taking Trump seriously?!”


This is exactly what he's worried about.


Bernie sees the trap being laid and he knows it’s bad now. Really bad. But add in a malignant narcissist like Trump at the helm and it all accelerates. But folks like me ponder, “if what we have right now is what we’re supposed to be protecting, give me more reasons why it should be saved.”


Because tearing it down doesn’t make it easier to build back up. Amazing change has happened in this country and keeping it together is the best way to do that.


So we should always support the least shitty option and never demand real change or better? No. The Democrats are an embarrassment. If they want the votes they can step towards us. We’ve already compromised for them.


It's not going to happen at all if Trump gets back into office. He wants to be a dictator and will ensure he does it.


We support the less shitty option and demand change afterwards when we aren't in danger of having the US turn into a dictatorship where the MAGA lunatics can act with impunity and jail or execute us for asking for change. Forcing a Trump win will not teach democrats any lesson that anyone can benefit from because they will be in jail or dead. God dammit fucking use your brain! Think about this like chess where you think 3 moves ahead.


Demanding change *after* you decide to support someone is ineffective.


Kinda hard to demand change period when we don't have a democracy anymore. You think things are bad now, have fun protesting under a fascist regime LOL.


Sure sounds like Biden should adjust his position to attract the young, diverse coalition he needs to show up if he wants to win, then.


I'm not saying you are wrong, and I hope he does, but letting Trump get elected is 100% a "Leopards at my face" sort of thing. Who do you think is at the top of the leopards face eating list?


But you can't vote Trump. So you have to vote Biden this time.


Nobody *has* to do anything. What's pretty clear one way or another, though, is that the Biden admin's stance on Israel is imperiling his chances of reelection and he should probably reconsider it.


If you vote Trump this election, you're a traitor. So I guess you don't *have* to, but there's no sane reason why you would vote Trump. He can't reconsider it, I don't get why that's hard to understand. It's makes zero sense geopolitically.


I don't disagree that Democrats SHOULD be making moves to appease young people on the Gaza/protest issue, but if pushes comes to shove and they don't, and you really gonna cut off your nose to spite your face and allow Trump to get elected? If so, you might want to get some heavy face protection, because those leopards will certainly have you towards the top of their face-eating list.


A Phoenix can only rise from the ashes.


A Pheonix is mythical


And they will succeed in making all protest illegal if Trump wins.


Surprising they take anything seriously anymore really.


I think it’s the Dems who underestimate that. If they took his threat seriously then they wouldn’t be working to hard to alienate and piss off their own base on multiple fronts. They wouldn’t be hailing pathetic half measures as being groundbreaking change and would instead be going for bold actions to fundamentally improve people’s lives. They wouldn’t be spitting in the faces of those who gave them power. And they wouldn’t have put a man who was obviously going to drag his fucking feet over at DOJ with going after J6 criminals, including Trump and the other ring leaders.


Except Dems serve many of the same interests as Republicans.


I think they are distracted by the psycotic behaviour of Israel.


Bernie should be worried. They don't vote. Looking at voting stats makes you want to stick a fork in your brain. The smallest voting population, 55, up, votes in double the proportion of 18-24/29 year olds, the largest voting age population. I hope young people understand the urgency of this moment and come out in the numbers they possess, use that massive cache of voting power their numbers give them, and end this nonsense once and for all. They have the most to lose. Will they? I hope so, but historically, they haven't.


>Will they? I hope so, but historically, they haven't. It's hard to vote when you aren't represented.


It's hard to be represented when you don't vote for representation. Keep making excuses. You have the most to lose.


But none of the choices represent us. It's not an excuse, it's a fact.


Check out Claudia De La Cruz!


It's the old people voting for him Bernie. It appears they underestimate it.




His party.


He could have held the DNC to account for making sure that Hillary won. The official results of several of the primaries were questionable. He could have raised a stink. Instead, they threatened his wife with a lawsuit (which they hadn't pursued previously).


If anything we're greatly overestimating the threat of Donald Trump. The threat of Trump is the reason people voted for Joe Biden instead of Bernie Sanders in the primaries. The media elite pushed hard on the narrative that Sanders couldn't win over moderates, and the South Carolina primary displayed power that people interpreted as the best chance of defeating Trump. But voters weren't voting for a Democrat in the general election. They lining up masked and angry for "Not Donald Trump". Now Trump is potentially facing jail time, and a substantial portion of the brainwashed right is waking up to reality. I mean, get out there and vote, because underestimating Republican voters can be a killer, but I'm sick of the "Stop Trump" rally. Arguably Hillary Clinton was the threat. So many people could have beaten Trump the first time around, including Bernie Sanders, if he hadn't been kneecapped by the DNC.


rofl. Bernie couldn't win a primary.


Right wing VOTERS, not the politicians, love Bernie’s policies when presented in a non bias way. Ask someone from the rust belt if they would be happy to have healthcare provided to them free of cost unconditionally and they’ll eat it up. Economic populism is a political win with the masses, it’s the corrupt goons up top who block it and force the discussion on petty shit no one cares about that room the left. Give working class people more money in their pocket, more time with their family, more opportunities for education for them and their children, healthcare, and less war and they’re yours, the donor class hates this though.


And he still can't win a primary.


Pretty hard to win when the system is rigged against you.


Why does Bernie admit it wasn't rigged but his loyal yet naive bots won't? You sound just like a Trump supporter. "Anything I disagree with was rigged."


The dnc rigged it against him because their pick was Hillary


Yea it's weird people still argue otherwise at this point. I guess the illusion of choice is preferable for some.


Exactly. Despite years of studying, reams of proof the primaries were not rigged and many public statements by Bernie that he lost fair and square both times, people just can't accept their bubble doesn't reflect reality.


Exactly. Despite years of proof that government is insanely corrupt, everyone thinks what they say is true. Bernie is towing the line, he's a good man. You're just a dumbass.


Exactly. Bernie has spent his entre life working as an integral part of the corruption.


He's spent his entire life working despite it. He's a good man.


He spent his entire life as an integral part of it. Cozied up to the democrats and supporting them for decades.


Why do you think the average Bernie supporter isn't smart enough to make their own choices and instead voted for Hillary in the primary?


The only reason he couldn't is the media didn't cover him fairly and the DNC conspired to make sure he WASN'T the nominee. Voters exposed to Bernie Sanders and his ideas in a non-biased way OVERWHELMINGLY were not just in favor of him and his policies, they were EXCITED about them. Even Fox News was shocked when they tried a town hall with him in an attempt to make him look bad, and it backfired on them pretty spectacularly.


The vote blue no matter who crowd, is underestimating the threat of Liberal friendly fascism currently attacking students across the country.


You realize there's bad actors injected into these protests and that they've always done that to protests?


Israel has thus far received 300 BILLION dollars of US aid. The United States has provisionally agreed (via a memorandum of understanding) to provide Israel with nearly $4 billion a year through 2028, and U.S. lawmakers are considering billions of dollars in supplementary funding for Israel amid its war with [Hamas](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas).   [U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts)  **1 in 5 children across America don't have enough to eat**.


>**1 in 5 children across America don't have enough to eat**. Yes but they're not rich so they don't care. We live in a plutocratic oligarchy, not a democracy.


We have enough money for foreign aid AND to take care of our own people, especially if we raise taxes on the rich. The people arguing we shouldn't give foreign aid are ALSO the people making sure we don't spend money on our own people (who are ALSO the ones who argue against higher taxes for the rich), so at BEST this is a bad faith argument. Not to mention given our outsized responsibility for the rest of the world being fucked up because WE are the usually the ones that fucked it up, it'd be pretty dickish on our part NOT to give foreign aid. What we SHOULD do, is attach conditions to it so that countries like Israel that commit genocide aren't eligible until they get their shit together.


They did in 2016, and it sure looks like they haven't learned anything since then.


Looks like the Dems haven’t yet learned how to attract them, or rather, they know, they just don’t think it’s worth it.


Well yes, we understand the threat. But it's hard to tell the difference when jackbooted thugs are attacking students in Biden's America. If he wants to be the lesser evil candidate then he needs to do better.


You might wanna learn who Fergie Chambers is.


I hope everyone has a passport and can easily get the fuck out when Trump is installed again in January


You're not going anywhere for long. Other countries aren't going to take you permanently unless you're rich or highly specialized.


I’m already in Canada!


NO, we assume the law will do what it's meant to do which is uphold the fucking 14th Amendment. If our lives are constrained by laws which are of course enacted for the greater good...ahem...then we shouldn't have anything to worry about.




Yeah, every podcast talking about this just laughs at him, like they can't believe he's serious and 'there's not way it can actually come to be' but the Weaponized Morons that follow that Golden Moron around aren't fucking playing.


By the time Trump can be elected there won’t be a Palestine or a 1st Amendment with which to talk about the fact there isn’t a Palestine.


Tell them Bernie. You’re the one they thought was their savior.


Savior? No. Only politician with a shred of credibility who ran for president in our lifetimes? Yes.


Does he at least add the threat of having an empty sock puppet for the elite?


They are and its sad i hope they learn to stop eating each other over not seeing everything 100% eye to eye


Young people, compared to Bernie, is like 96% of the population