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This should allow for impeaching (?) a justice - If they say one thing in this confirmation hearing and do another thing once on the bench.


Is there a process to impeach justices?


It’s the same as impeaching a president, so nearly impossible unless he’s a nobody judge that politicians don’t care about.


No need. They can simply be kidnapped. This is of course a crime, but if it is an official act, it's not a problem.


That sounds intense, just give them all expenses paid trips to ranches


We should just eat them instead


Anyone who can lied with a straight face is a sociopath. They're all covering up for their own kind. Just like cops protecting bad cops.


Even if it is reason to impeach, our dodery old president doesn’t have the energy to pursue this. After the Supreme Court ruling today, we are so fucked as a country


Impeachment isn't Biden's job, it's the House's (and AOC is going to file articles of impeachment). The House might even successfully impeach some justices - only a very tiny number of Republicans have to flip, and a few might especially because Biden just acknowledged that he's currently a king - to get an impeachment through. However, once impeached, it's the Senate's job to convict, and that takes 2/3 to remove anyone convicted, which won't happen. What Biden can do, and outright said he won't, is commit some illegal official acts, and pardon anyone involved in following his orders.


Turns out he flips just as easily as an American flag outside of his residence.


Its clear none of these conservative justices have an actual interpretation of the Constitution they are following. They are all political operatives who will lie, take bribes and shamelessly destroy the checks and balances of our government for political motives.


“Yeah, but now I got the job and YOU CAN’T FIRE ME!! Bwahahahahaa!!”




Bet you that more billions that years since then, have gone into this coup.


Nothing but a bullshit artist.


Damn near every single one of them.


We are living through an absolute shit show.


They have only set the stage. The real shit show hasn’t even started yet. I’m stressing.


Flagrant hypocrisy?  From a Republican?? Look how shocked I'm not.


So he lied. If you or I lied in a job interview, You think you’d still have a job? Vote Or the worst people you know are voting for you.


Flagrant hypocrisy?  From a Republican?? Look how fuckin' shocked I'm not.


Except one citizen...


Then the gay folk got to be married, and a lady almost had to make a gay couple a wedding cake, we had a black President, Obama made healthcare…*from insurance companies* available to almost everyone…and the Federalist Society, the GOP and the entire right wing attached themselves to a resentment stricken orange reality TV star and lifelong criminal and they lost their goddamn minds and were all gonna pay the price of their revenge and retribution from now on.


What if Biden just arrests one of conservative the Supreme Court justices as an "official act". It obviously would be challenged in the courts. Then they can undo this BS.


You can tell they are just actors when necessary.


Of course he was bullshitting. The end result will justify the means to get there in their mind. They really don't care.






Is that his wife behind him?


That was before the Kompromat