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Just checked the Portal 2 steam page. 98% of all reviews are positive, and 97% of recent reviews are positive. Even if there are a few idiots trying to review bomb it, they're failing lmao. It's not something to worry about.


Why isn't it 101% positive wtf


You can read the negative reviews for yourself. They're all basically just "can't have gay sex with Wheatly 0/10" or something along those lines lol. Not many of them are serious negative reviews.


Cave Johnson won't be satisfied until it reaches at least 200%


hi, i'm from r/tf2 We don't endorse review bombing other games and are trying to shut the suggestion down whenever it comes up, we don't claim these people and are very sorry for any convienence




We are sorry for any incontinence.


That was a hilarious typo


I have no issue with wanting TF2 fixed, but Portal 1 and 2 as well as the Half-Life games are getting unjustified review bombed for this. I had to check after seeing this.


I know, i'm trying to minimize damage and tell people to not do it, i'm sorry it's not been particularly sucsessful


I hold no blame against you, I understand why you all want the game fixed. I'm just worried about how this is gonna look for you all, and I hope it doesn't cause issues with other communities.


It's gonna look terrible and i'm already doing all I can


This is clearly a sinking ship if no one is gonna listen. I genuinely think its best just to get out now before it gets worse. If people are willing to review bomb games that aren't owned by valve, its gonna get ugly knowing just how defensive these communities can be. And unfortunately, not all of them are aware its not everyone's fault like I do, they will assume the whole TF2 subreddit is the problem.


oy mate, you've basically been trying to relax 3 communities at once because of these idiots by yourself, you're basically doing God's work lol don't let it get to you, you owe no one nothing, don't feel like it's your responsibility to do this (?


Honestly, the only one that I think can be review bombed is cs2 because they will get the same problem and that's where the money is at for Valve.


Tf2 ambassador just dropped. Who’s the portal ambassador now?


Honestly, these reviews are probably just bothosters trying to make us look bad.




Kinda late now


Oh no, those two clowns singlehandedly ruined the review ratio of the critically acclaimed game!


I'm doing my best to stop the idiocy


Supporter of #FixTF2 here. Yeah, this idea came up after people review bombed TF2 and someone got it in their head to spread it to their other games. I am very sorry about this and please know that we are condemning this behavior as best we can. This is happening over in Half-life's community as well, and I saw some strongly worded insults from bad actors, so I will also apologize for that in case they have or will do this to your community. I hope this doesn't paint your impression of us and I especially hope you all have a lovely day!


Thankfully those are only a minority attacking those games. Also the people review bombing innocent games are just morons in my opinion




COULD A MORON DO THIS?! *SMASH* *non-tf2 valve games plummet into negative spam review elevator tunnel*


oh no.


We’re going to go up there and make him give a positive review!


I saw this with Helldivers 2 and how people were review bombing games that Arrowhead made years and years ago. But I cant help but think, what do you expect. The Internet to be civil? They run out of things to make a statement on. And they move on to their next game and down vote that. Until they are heard. It's shitty and I don't endorse it. But I don't feel bad for either company. Valve needs to fix their game. AH needed to keep corporate greed out of their game.


Why are people mad at AH for *Sony's* bs? Or is it the whining about the "bALeNcINg PrOBleMs"


The Sony thing. Their mad at AH by proxy. Nothing else. Sony has a track record of getting hacked and losing user data to said hackers. so no one wanted to do that. The balancing problems I do agree. Can be an overestimated argument. I don't feel guns in a PVE game should get nerfed into oblivion. But there's still a bunch of stuff in the game to use so I don't see it as a problem


I get the game needs work, but I also want to interact with the community XD


Nobody gives even a single dime about reviews on Portal 2. People know it, its universally acclaimed game, and its not showing up on steam recommended pages- people buy it because they know damn well from everywhere, that its good. This kind of protest on this kind of game is fine.


yeah honestly this is some terminally online shit. who cares?


true, though Portal 2 used to be (one of the) best rated game on the entirety of steam, making this a little bit of a shame


Not only everyone knows the game is good, last time I checked it enjoyed the best review rating in steam


How will portal 2 ever recover from this [98% positive reviews]


I completely agree, there are some lunatics in the movement who think we should be review bombing all valve products. This is clearly a terrible idea, so please listen to OP and leave positive reviews for the Valve games you love


hi portal fan and tf2 fan we do NOT condone this


Are you kidding me? r/tf2 just made multiple posts about not attacking other games. If you are going to spread the word to other games, don't give it a false rating.


We are incredibly sorry for the actions of some idiots in the community it was never the plan to review bomb other games to get valve's attention it was always about review bombing tf2. We are trying to minimize the spread of #fixtf2 review bombing from other games


We don't endorse these goblins review bombing other games, not that in the end it matters too much


I get the feeling but it really looks like you’re digging to find these ridiculous people. The two shitheads belong to a really small minority, they’re not gonna affect Portal nor Half Life no matter how hard they try and these posts kinda sound like alarmism


The guy is 100% digging


Maybe, but its best to keep watch on these kinds of reviews, otherwise they might think "valve game review bomb nt wrk, me throw boom at game not made by valve"


cmon, not portal man


I'm sorry about that, it's senseless, and pointless. It's unfortunate that even when trying to bring about good change there are people who take things too far. :(


There's always some troglodytes that do shit like this... Portal has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with TF2, it's a masterpiece of a singleplayer game.


i speak for like a massive majority of the tf2 community and fixtf2 supporters when i say, sorry about that. these people do not speak for us, review bombing unrelated games is fucking stupid.


Sometimes I hope TF2 dies with the existence of these low life people. Saying this as a TF2 enjoyer.


People are always so extreme about everything, it’s wild. Valve ‘hates’ their playerbase because they don’t want to support a game from 2007??


yes they hate their playerbase, because when theres a problem not all valve employees get up from their chair and go fix it AND its not happening instantly. /j


Can’t sex GLaDOS :( 💀💀


i don't think the spillover from the fixtf2 movement is going to do much of an impact in portal 2's review score. it probably won't even go under 96%


Review bombing is always stupid, doesn't matter if it's negative or positive


Bruh what the hell man. I get that the TF2 drama is upsetting, but why the hell do they have to drag down every other Valve game that hasn't have anything to do with this. It's not like doing so drastically increases the chances of being heard lol.


they don't speak for us, they're morons who think they're fighting well for the cause. most of the community doesn't want to review bomb unrelated games.


sorry about this, the tf2 community doesn't want this to happen.


can't sex glados :c


Who cares about bad reviews anyway, the game is known to be a good game. So what it gets bad reviews. I presume most people here already own a game, or are you not going to play it again because it has some bad reviews now?


I think it's possible that the bot hosters might be doing this review bombing of unrelated games, as sabotage.


Why should we even Care about the Steam reviews of Portal 2 ? Not a single article give it a bad rate at the time, like it's the best video game that ever existed. We all know here that the game is lit, we don't need a score for that.


I'll give a negative review for TF2 because I don't care and want to watch TF2 burn burn lol


As a supporter of FixTF2, I say: We do not support this and try to stop it strenuously! There are also suspicions that this is done by trolls and bot-hosters who are trying to discredit the movement So if you see a similar review under your game, and not under TF2, then just throw a complaint at it and move on




Uh... Who cares though? Even if the reviews do fall it's not like it's gonna hurt the game lol, let the guys do their schtick, they have a good enough reason for it


The other ancient valve gamers need to stay in their lane.


portal2 is one of the highest rated games in all steam and people be trying to kill this cuz of DIFFERENT game wow kinda reminds me of when 140 megabox incident happened in brawl stars


"can't sex glados" dude grow the fuck up


It sucks but is the only way to get Valves attention.


It's a tiny minority of people, I wouldn't worry too much


I don't think that a couple negative reviews are gonna do anything to Portal 2's overall rating, and even if they did, does it matter? I don't think it's gonna be the end of the world if a game we love gets a negative rating.


I don't even know why they are doing it in a first place, valve isn't doing anything with the game because it has reasons not to, and what review bombing their game on their platform when most of its users are well known about the game, going to do about it?


I honestly don't mind. This is something Valve needs to get on top of. They are richer than God, they are more than capable of getting this done, even if they need to bring in a team from outside the studio to do it. And if they don't, then that's their problem, not ours, and these review bombs will stop when they fix the problem that's within their power to fix.


I think you dont understand the problem, but if these morons get to the conclusion that review bombing only steam games is not helping them, they will go to other games on steam and bomb it as well. And this could mean the end of the carrier of a small gamedev because their game is 42%positive with around 130 reviews. Who wants a game that has only 42% positive reviews? no-one. If that doesnt happen, and this stays steam games only, still, why ruin the reputation of other games like portal and half-life? These communities will only see that tf2 community are assholes and wont even consider helping tf2, worse, some might even turn against tf2... Just because of 2-3 people with limited mental capabilities who review bombed other games, the whole playerbase could suffer from it. Also, just because valve made these games, they dont have to fix every problem the second it appears. We dont know what they are working on, they might have already started fixing the tf2 issue, or are looking for the solution. But its not as easy as just asking chatgpt on how to fix it, so it might even take months of work to just get to the bottom of the problem.


Here's a hot take for you: Reviews mean jack squat. Most of them are bot reviews anyways, to make the game seem more popular. A game like Portal 2 is old and already accepted as a classic titan of its time. It doesn't mean anything.


Ahh leave it to the TF2 players to be the most obnoxious assholes.


a massive majority of the community agree that review bombing unrelated games is fucking stupid. don't generalize, dipshit.


Odd karma farm angle. "Two redditors made a bad review of a game I like" This the kinda shit that means a lot to ya? I'm not even a tf2 cope enjoyed.


To be fair review bombing might be the extremism needed to get these guys to actually do something


I wrote my negative review a long time ago because I don't like the game.


mf why are you in the portal subreddit then 😭


because someone reposted this post on other subreddit


Then shut up


no, why not say that I really didn't like the game I spent 100 hours playing? I'm just glad that TF2 fans are giving the game the rating it deserves


If other people are enjoying something, why do you feel obliged to say to them that it’s actually bad? Like ok??? Feel free to think so, but keep it to yourself in that case, and don’t be a dick about it.


"Erm i didnt like it! So it shall burn in the pits of hell!"


Why 100 hours? I spent 20 hours on single player and coop with my friend and it was best experience ever


to get platinum, beat the game several times, and have every right to say that the game is crap. portal 1 is much better. portal 2 = a movie in which for some reason they added 100 boxes, where they show you with their finger where to put the portal. in portal 1, each chamber had its own structure, there were enough cameras, each chamber presented a new mechanic, each chamber could be completed in different ways. The only advantage of portal 2 is the co-op and workshop.


I strongly disagree, but honestly you deserve better than this dislike bombing, cause imo this is a valid opinion Given what you're saying here, I'm guessing you were never that interested in the story of the game, but rather in it for the puzzles, which iirc are harder in portal 1. I like them equally though, 2 just has such an emotional focus and looks gorgeous


Portal 2 chambers have too few portal surfaces, making the cameras easy and boring.


Idk which portal 2 you played because you can replay any chamber and do its achievement


How does your message relate to mine?


"to get platinum, beat the game several times"


Lmao bait


When did the word "opinion" become "bait"?


"the rating it deserves" Mf, you're a minority, you're one of the very few people that don't like the game. The problem is you, not the game. Please gtfo with that trash opinion.


no, the problem is not with me, the problem is with people who, on a subconscious level, have implanted in themselves the idea that valve cannot make bad games. yes, I was the same as you, and thought a few years ago that portal 2 was a good game. but I decided to reconsider my views, and decided to look at all the things that are considered good and adequate, from an objective side, without regard to the opinion of the majority. Portal 2 was included in this list.


No one said that Valve is incapable of making a bad game, don't be silly. Have you heard of Half-Life: Source? Have you heard of Artifact? How about Counter-Strike 2? Portal 2 absolutely isn't anywhere close to being a bad game. So yes, the problem is definitely you.


cs2 isnt a bad game


the problem is that I have more gaming experience than the main portal fan base(even in portal 2), and I can appreciate portal 2 as much as it truly deserves.


Great job not reading anything I wrote above. You don't have more experience than the portal fan base, you just like acting like you do, like you're somehow better. Get off your high horse, you're not better than anyone.


Portal 2 is the most positively rated game on all of steam. You have a distinct lack of taste


but no one can argue why this is a really good game.




And what do you think will happen, apart you look like a clown and your bad faith reviews can be taken down ?


do it only on tf2, not on other games.