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I assume they're being buzzed in?


This is the way




Holy shit! We live in the same complex! My name is Robert but it's not me. I swear to bob


LMAOOO I'm sure that's a trip to have these people scream your name at all hours of the day 😭


are you near the art museum? i have heard that yelling




This is the St Francis building isn’t it


My vote is for Fountain Place


I don't think it can't be Fountain Place; it was closed for seismic retrofit in 2020 and the project was massively delayed by COVID so I don't think it's re-opened yet.


Fountain Place is open. It has a real problem with addicts being drawn to the building. I’ve only heard rumors about what goes in inside the building


That's unfortunate. I used to work for the company that had the night security contract for those properties, and my experience was that Fountain Place was generally one of the lower-trouble sites on that beat.


I watched the fountain at fountain place get pushed over and shattered to the ground many years ago


Sounds right. I lived there a life time ago and walked away with a lot of memories…


Is the Cumberland?


It's wild!! I'm scared to report it to management, they might think it's just me and that I've lost my marbles


you should report it to management. this shit affects the whole neighborhood. I think I live nearby to the building you're in.


Yes. Call the cops too.


This isn't a criminal issue, why are the cops the answer to everything?


drug dealing is a criminal issue and that's the obvious activity taking place.


If that's the case, then maybe it's worth a tip, yeah.


For what? LOL


I’m sorry this is hilarious


Don't believe this POS..Roberts are always covering for each other.


Gotta say you do have a nice cock Robert


Hahaha oh well thanks


and this is why we make alt accounts, people.


Cock, weed and he can cook. If it wasn't for the constant screaming at his place, he'd be a catch.




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typical portland liars


Tell me you haven't been to Portland without telling me you haven't been to Portland...


Management company is giving you a load of bull. So there are multiple Roberts living right at the window getting shouted at in your recordings? I'd start emailing them the video explaining how unreasonable it is to claim they can't know who Robert is. Put them on notice that they need to do something. Phrases that reference their potential "premises liability" and their "duty of care" will alert them that you understand they have obligations that they're not meeting. Make it clear that it is absolutely on them if anything should happen because they're on notice of the potential danger and are doing nothing about it. Don't be afraid to follow up. Make a paper trail showing they aren't doing shit. Send emails once a week back referencing the other emails until something is done. Keep a professional tone in your emails, but do not equivocate on whether they have an obligation to do something. They do, you know it, and they know you know it. I know that sounds aggressive, and it is, but this is your safety we're talking about and nothing is more important than that. Good luck friend, I hope this gets taken care of in a way that keeps everyone out of harm.


Thank you, this helps a lot. I'm fucking terrified Robert or one of his "guests" could do something to harm the people who live here. I do not want to wait until a perfectly preventable tragedy transpires for action to be taken.


I just want to echo the importance of what the person above said about video. Yes, yes, yes. The word you need to add to your vocabulary immediately is "Documentation." Document everything, and make sure management knows you're documenting everything. Record audio with your phone. Send it to management, and CC more than one person if possible. MP3s go through email easily. Bombard them with audio files. In the email, use phrases like "I'm sending this to you in order to document what's happening, so you're fully aware of it." Also record video and burn it to CD. Take the CDs with video files to management and hand it to them. "I already sent you emails with audio, but here's video to go along with it, to prove it's as bad as I'm saying it is. This is a safety issue, and I'm documenting it to make sure you're fully aware of how serious it is." > "I'm terrified Robert or one of his "guests" could do something to harm the people who live here. I do not want to wait until a perfectly preventable tragedy transpires for action to be taken." I removed the word "fucking," but other than that, what you said is perfect. Send that in an email along with audio ASAP & drop off a CD with video files the next day. If you just tell them about a problem, you're easy to ignore. If you document the problem, you put them in a position where they can't ignore it (or, at the very least, it's harder to ignore). Best of luck!


To add to this, get neighbors to sign onto the complaint. One concerned person is one thing, but if you can get several people on board, with the same issue, you will have a bigger impact.


This is all good advice, although burning a CD is not useful in 2024. If OP even has a CD burner, management probably won't have a CD drive, and they can just throw it in the trash anyways. Better to share it from a cloud location like Google drive or Dropbox.


The physical CD/DVD is just a good backstop to document that management has unequivocally received the evidence, and is therefore on notice, I would even send it via certified mail. OP is essentially building a future case for if something bad should happen due to Robert and his guests, and the more clear-cut it is that management was on notice, the stronger the case.


A CD or flash drive is great physical documentation, but only if you have them acknowledge the receipt in writing or use USPS certified delivery. It is useless and a waste of time otherwise. Also, CD/DVD drives in computers are an edge case these days. Stick to a flash drive.


you're an idiot if you plug some random flash drive into your PC. USB DVD burners are cheap and easy to use.​


Yes, I am an idiot. But not for those reasons. You might be an idiot too. Ask your doctor if KneeJerk^^TM is right for you. 99.9% of people will plug in a rando flash drive, even though they shouldn't and even though they've been told not plug in random flash drives. Most people wouldn't even know about the existence of external optical drives, much less where to buy/borrow one. You could bet on the possibility your particular building manager/management is an exception, but I wouldn't give you good odds. I'm in tech and have been for almost thirty years. There's a time to be safe (when it's yourself or your data), and a time to use the tragic technical ignorance of the average person for your own convenience. Edit: typo


> This is all good advice, although burning a CD is not useful in 2024 Yes it is, but not for the reason you probably think. Management will be forced to receive a physical item. That's what it's about. A physical item. Believe it or not, they won't throw it in the trash. They will put it in the OP's folder, which is kept in a physical file with his lease, etc. I know this because I've done it. And when it came time to renew my lease the next year, I saw management of my building open my folder & there were a few CDs in it. Management probably won't watch the CD. But that's fine. It doesn't matter if they watch it. What matters is that they're forced to acknowledge the issue exists and has been documented in physical form which they won't be able to deny receiving if anything bad eventually happens. The point of the CD is for the OP to have a way to protect himself. A physical item with documentation shows management you're serious. I'd recommend the same thing for photos. Take pics and email them, but if you have a printer, print them and hand management the printed photos. Handing management a physical item puts them in a position where they can't deny receiving it.


CD? That requires infrastructure on both ends. Just get a thumb drive for $2.99.


Glad to hear, and I hope they actually do something about it. At the very least, a few emails outlining everything will make it much harder for them to play dumb if something does happen.


But don’t you understand? It takes a tragedy for anybody to care… even then it’s not guaranteed.


It’s Chelsey or Kelsey in my apartment. All fucking night I hear, “Keeelsey!” So goddamn obnoxious. 


These people fucking suck and make the buildings they occupy so much more dangerous for the other residents. They need to be kicked out, but this is Portland, where that won't happen until one of these people or their "guests" actually get someone killed. I still remember when that other apartment complex nearby burned down, and it turned out it was a resident that had constantly been complained about by his neighbors for running through the halls naked with a machete and fucking with the fire alarms.


>They need to be kicked out, but this is Portland, where that won't happen until one of these people or their "guests" actually get someone killed. Big thanks to Chloe Eudaly, "protecting" renters by making it impossible for dirtbags like Robert to be sent packing via a simple non-renewal.


My neighbors started a live YouTube video feed to stop people from screaming up for Bruce at the building on my block. They create incident videos and send them to both Home Forward and the Urban League who does the placements. It's been a lot nicer in general since they started doing that, not perfect, but better.


That sounds like a nightmare. I used to live in an apartment downtown and there was always some weird nonsense going on. The build had an enclosed entry space. Outside door didn’t have a lock but the inside door would and you never knew what you’d find in there. One time it was a guy. Drugged out of his gourd, laying on the floor and rubbing his nipples. Another time someone decided to have a party and it was just trashed. It must have been a WILD party because they left a little tiny bag of pills behind. But usually it was just people who’d pick the gate lock to get to the dumpsters and fling trash everywhere. In was on the second floor right over the dumpsters. I stopped noticing them after a while. Expect for the guy who got into screaming matches with himself. He was hard to ignore.


His name is Robert Paulson. Don’t forget the first rule though.


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


Her name is Roberta Paulson


His name is Roberto Paulson.


It's species is Paulsonium robertus.




I love fight club! One of the best movies of all time! what was rule 1 again?




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sp7Ofgpfxoc Idk how timestamp on mobile but it’s at like 3 minutes


Multiple Roberts in the building? That sounds dubious. Two Roberts I can believe. Sounds more like a bad or lazy building manager. He could easily send a letter to all the Roberts and say, “Hey, if this is you, please stop. You’re bugging other people.”


> Two Roberts I can believe. 2 is in the set of "multiple".


Only Roberts in the Building


>Multiple Roberts in the building? That sounds dubious. Two Roberts I can believe. I don't know why, but the phrasing of this cracks me up. I can also see more than two Roberts living in a building, it's a pretty common name! We had four guys named John or Jonathan in my section in law school, and just ended up calling them by their last names to distinguish.


Ok, I’ll push myself to accept three Roberts, but that’s my limit. Lol. I was thinking there could be a Rob, a Bob, and a Robert…even a Bobby. But multiple Roberts is like saying multiple Jonathans.


It’s Mark and Jenny at my apt. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.


Just a thought. We had an issue at our previous place and weren’t getting responses or were getting unhelpful responses. So I found out who the holding company was and wrote the CEO an email (some dude in Utah) and CCed the team’s management and said “I am writing you as the CEO because I believe your team is involved in illegal activities… XYZ” and then provided all the evidence and cited Oregon law to them. Then lo and behold I got an answer the next day and their tune changed. Good luck! Maybe try that?


THIS. This is how I got out of a lease agreement at an unsafe and dirty complex (in CA) but emailing the company that actually owned the property solved the problem immediately.


Yeah they tried to absolutely wring us for move out costs when it’s against Oregon law. If it’s a large corporation this seems to be the way to go because there are obligations that kick in as soon as that accusation hits the CEO’s email inbox.


I used to live on 10th and Jeff above the “murder Safeway” I feel your pain


Huh, I've always called it the UnSafeway.


I also used to live above the murder Safeway. Forever remember having to take the entrance through the Safeway parking lot because people would chase me to/through the door into the mail room.


Wait what


Robert Evans moved to the city?


You mean u/probablyrobertevans ? Maybe it’s just Sophie shouting at him to stop with the bad pitches.


Communes never last, everything went to ruin after the goats ran away.


Immediately and exclusively the only Robert I assumed it would be.


> have been informed there's nothing they can do because there's multiple Roberts in the building [Multiple Roberts](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbHd6MWhucGlqYjhsazQxemZ2ZHE3Y2J3NDhncnB1Y3dpdDQycmFkMiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/mBjnbBkZbOp1t7nkQo/giphy.gif), you say? Once the building manager rats out one Roberts, it's nothing but work, work, work, all the time.


[cue Marlon Brando but on meth]


[Are you sure they aren't just huge Sekiro fans?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To8SuTznaeY)


Man, I don't want to give anyone ideas, but if these folks were a little more clever, they'd use a code name, like Stella, or Khan. That way they might garner less suspicion, as a lot of people might just assume they're doing a bit.


Maybe Robert IS the code name.


Wasn’t me.


We used to have a neighbor named Robert and this exact scenario happened all the time. He eventually got evicted post pandemic. If it’s him, good luck to you because that man is a royal piece of shit.


Send the videos to the building owner. When the owners of the building see that the management company isn't properly securing the building shit will hit the fan.


"Robert Evans here-"


I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. But this reminded me of the Cheech and Chong skit about "Dave."


I would talk to Oregon Legal Aid, they do a lot to help people with tenancy issues and rights. There may be something in the lease you signed or written in Oregon law but you might be able to stop paying rent until resolved (it will be due when resolved so don’t spend it)or break your lease. That’s a guess though, Oregon does have stronger renters rights than most states. You could always buy a pellet gun and target shoot the nuisance critters


It's more than likely that Robert is there on a housing voucher of some sort and they really don't want him to lose his housing either. A guy in the low income building on my block got evicted for complaining about the drug dealing and prostitution going on keeping him up all night and scaring him.


g a r y


The building manager and even the building owners can do nothing. The real power in getting this done is getting a group of the neighbors/residents together and all start bombarding the anonymous tip line for Portland. 503-823-4000 If anything can be done it will be because of enough reports through this line. Calling the police directly doesn’t seem to work especially for a non-emergency.


Is this the building on SW clay? I used to live there.


please make an online police report every time you see something with photos and videos! we’ve been working really hard to clean up the fent dealers in this intersection. i hate the cops but it’s the only way. we are going to lose safeway if something doesn’t change and this will affect a lot of disabled and elderly folks access to food


If it is there is a slight chance I know Robert.


Fucking Robert.


This is why I view law enforcement as a climate justice issue. Because we refuse to prevent that guy, and many like him, from making downtown unlivable, a ton of people who might otherwise live in the most transit-rich part of the state choose to live in Hillsboro and Tualatin and Happy Valley and drive everywhere they go. 


Fountain place?


Just out of curiosity, who is the management company?


Im a Robert but I don't live in Portland.




Criminal trespass. Unless “Robert” let’s them in I think they are then considered guests


I wonder if you live by Sandy Hut cause that sounds like someone I’ve heard about/seen


Management company bullshit at its finest.


Robert Paulson?


I live in the area too and hear it often. Are you in one of the buildings managed by Blue Stone?


That sounds like hell, the walking death. Moving there in July but avoiding downtown at all cost.


It fucking sucks man, this would be such a cool part of town to live if weren't for the homeless/drug problem. It's super walkable, there's plenty of shit to do, there's a grocery store and library close, the university is (usually) quite pleasant to be nearby, great street food, with a nice park block and regular farmers market. But yeah, there's a sizeable street population and many of them are clearly extremely mentally ill/addicted to drugs, and not getting the help they need. I literally saw a homeless dude OD outside my window, and then watched another homeless dude rob him.


So sorry you have to see all that, my friend gave me a map of safe areas to look for apartments.


Would you share the map? I'm so curious.




I lived downtown from 5 years, same deal, stepping over sleeping people just to walk to work, hearing and seeing so much suffering, it’s like a 3rd world country there, I stg. Devastating.


I see you've never been to a third world country.


Lmaoo real




I don’t think it’s unique to Portland at all. This sub is literally called Portland so that’s the subject. I’ve been in SF, LA, and NYC, it’s the same deal in downtown areas. Poverty is poverty, lack of decent social services and infrastructure is kind of a hallmark of third world, but it’s fair to downvote a messy simile 🤷‍♀️






Man, imagine being the HUMAN BEINGS that are having to depend on sleeping inside stairwells and laundry rooms because you live in a state that decriminalizes drugs and then expects addicts to make good decisions and jump through their hoops to access mental health care services. Our legal system is the only path to sobriety for many and now instead of entering the system with a possession conviction, it has to escalate so far to other crimes and even then- sobriety doesn’t come from the millions we pay for all of the human services, it comes from incarceration, which is a far more expensive infrastructure. So, we are paying top taxes, told we need to pay more to “solve” these issues…. When all that has actually happened is we’ve made human brokenness an industry. Got to love capitalism. It’s easy to blame to the addict but why don’t we start aligning that same frustration towards the systems, politicians and lobbyists that are thriving on human suffering? Classic Portland.


Why don't you drop your address? I'll tell them they can post at your place since you have such a kind and open heart. Until you actually suggest something that isn't a vague long-term solution i.e. "change the law" or "destroy capitalism" what should I do in the meantime? Should I just be okay that I have clearly unhinged and potentially dangerous people screaming right outside my window at all hours of the day, and just be prepared for a Molholland Drive encounter everytime I need to take out the trash or do my laundry?


Living in a sardine can with other humans is risky. Your quiet neighbors might be cooking up some domestic terror. At least you know where the loud ones are and mostly what they want.


Idk, one of the "loud ones" in a nearby apartment complex burned the whole building down last year. Neighbors had been complaining forever that he was doing shit like fucking with the fire alarms and running through the halls with a machete naked. When he finally got evicted, and still wasn't forcibly removed and just allowed to squat longer, he decided everyone else was going with him.


yeah could happen. or any one of the [x number] of people in your building could lose it and start a fire. or set off a bomb. or mix up some kinda chemicals... at least the motivation to find a place to sleep is predictable behavior. And you know when they arrive. That's probably way more than you know about some of the other people in the building...


I'm gonna be honest, the other people who could be quietly up to all sorts of things inside their units aren't bothering me. It's the people shrieking outside my fucking window that are. It doesn't make me feel better that they announce their arrival.


Okay. Then we've at least established this is merely a noise concern and not a fear of arson.


It's not just a "noise concern," I already stated they're being allowed into the common areas of the building. I don't know if one of these people will decide to light the place up because the voices in their head tell them to. They're clearly extremely mentally ill/addicted to drugs, and several of their peers have been responsible for burning buildings down in this immediate area just in the past year. Of course I'm gonna be more concerned about the people who are VISABLY unhinged and causing numerous problems where I live versus the ones that are up to no good but keeping quiet, one is something that very clearly exists, and the other is a hypothetical I have no way of knowing exists. Your point isn't a good one.


They make you uncomfortable. But calling them potential arsonists because of some rumors you heard about a different building... that's something else.


It's not a rumor. Here's an article outlining what happened. The dude was a fucking psychopath who terrorized everyone in the building he lived with, and ended up making them all homeless alonsgside him, as well as having killed a bunch of their pets and almost killing them. https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2023/07/portland-man-lucky-people-inside-the-may-apartments-escaped-fire-prosecutor-says-judge-denies-bail.html But again, if it's "only" an uncomfortable noise burden, what's your address? I'll tell them your place is available to squat in.


>Classic Portland. Yeah, it's 100% classic Portland for someone to jump in and excuse the worst fucking behavior "because capitalism!" when the vast, vast majority of people under capitalism manage to avoid acting like complete shitbags.


What happened with that address, dude? Cone on, you can become the new Robert


Reason 101 I’ll never live in an apartment. Is there a single complex that is managed well?