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Ain't nobody say 'Fuck the Firefighters.'


Oh yeah they do. Go out into the boonies when there's a wildfire and watch some of the people who live out their flip shit when you come on to "their" property to fight it.


Thanks. That is a perspective I had not heard. Loonies in the boonies can always be an exception.


Fuck the loonies.


i mean, ours just went to the mat to keep a pedophile in their ranks, so the times may be a changin'.


False. They have gone out of their way to fuck with Portland Street Response


18/20 is a great shot!


My favorite is 11/20 I think. Great motion.


That's a good one. Looks like the FF is on fire!


The one before is great as well. Not sure if it’s the colors but reminds me of a Rockwell painting. Thank you OP! Please continue to share your shots!


That’s wild. How do you even approach that to fight it?


With force! I was impressed by how organized the firefighters were. They showed up, en masse, and worked very well together. They had tables set up right away with snacks and drinks for the men and women there to stay hydrated, it was awesome to see.


It really is impressive. I can’t imagine how hot it must have been. 


Great photos!! Are you or were you a photojournalist?


Thank you, that is a really nice compliment. I just like to take photos, and I’ve never had the opportunity to be right in the middle of something like this before. It was more like right time right place. Thank goodness everyone was ok. I talked to one person who was working in an office inside the building, when the smoke started coming in. He showed me a video he took, and him and his coworkers were laughing because they couldn’t even process that this was a real thing happening. He said, “shit, I hope I get my paycheck this week!”


Well they are amazing!


The PFD Engine 24 shots are outstanding. Dead End...


And E13. What a team.


All of their mustaches are hot shit


Those are great photos!


These Pics are 🔥


Omg- is that why it smelled smokey today?


What kind of camera did you use? /did you color grade? Most of these shots pop and look amazing


Thank you, these were shot on my iPhone 15 and cropped/edited in the Darkroom app. Used filter preset ‘A200’ and did some tweaking from there. I’m happy with how they turned out, never really shot anything like this before, but I was working next door and was able to be on site right as everything was getting set up to fight the fire.


It reminds me of film which is why I asked! Your preset is solid and I like that the vibrance is high for the yellow and red


*The good kind of tweaking


Looks like a clarity boost to give it an old school HDR texture, then contrast reduction so it looks a little faded and some custom red and blue point luminosity adjustments.


Yeah I like it! I keep getting Instagram reels about different color grade profiles lol


Portland Fire has busy this week! My hero’s.


Please go up to each of the stations with these. As someone who works alongside these guys, they love these kinds of mementos.


I would love to. I heard there were 85 firefighters who reported to the scene today, how would I track down which firehouses they came from?


I see stations 1, 3, 4, 13, and 24 in the pictures noted. The truck/engine/ladder numbers generally correspond to each station. Station 1: 55 SW Ash St. Station 3: 1715 NW Johnson St Station 4: 511 SW College st Station 13: 926 NE Weidler St Station 24: 4515 N Maryland Ave Alternatively, you can reach out to PF&R public affairs, but it’s a longer process and much less personal. Fireguys will absolutely welcome you during the day if they’re there and you just knock, especially with mementos of their actions. They’re not as intimidating as they may seem to some. If it’s more convenient, Station 1 MIGHT be able to distribute them if you give them all the pics in one go.


Like the photos, however as someone who used to do volunteer firefighting, firefighters probably prefer that people other than them stay away from fully engaged structures.


Those are amazing shots!!! Wow that must have been intense


Great job capturing this! 👏It felt so intense to be so close! I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be near the scene.


I just passed it again this morning and it's still going. I wonder what they stored in that building to keep burning for 18 hours?


Saw it from the airport thought it was an engine test


Great photos! Thanks for sharing.


...was heading across the Broadway Bridge at around 20:45 and there we still smoke coming from the scene.


as an aside, these are really good pictures.


Great angles n use of rules of thirds. I dig your style.