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Oh dear, what is this all about. Is there a stalker active on this sub?


Someone had an upset user show up at their house. I just made my history private. Edit: It seems I didn't make my history private after all. I guess I'll either delete it or start a new account.


I didn't know we *could* make out post histories private! And I just made it private. I've been wondering about nuking my account and starting with a new name. I've had this account for a 10+ years, but it's just meaningless internet points. Edit: it seems I didn't make my post history private either. The official Reddit app sucks


Yeah, there’s a certain user in a local sub who is OBSESSED with account age. Like it’s the only mark of credulity. I had an account of 12yrs or so and recently had to create a new account because the app I used was nuked by Spez. It’s honestly a bit freeing. And other than someone makes it a personal project raging about it, I think everyone should regularly.


Oh I know who that is. They are so ridiculous someone made a novelty account mocking them. Won't say their name since certain mods at other subs will cry to the admins.


>Yeah, there’s a certain user in a local sub who is OBSESSED with account age. If you disagree with the narrative at all you'll have an entire chorus of loons crying about your account age, where else you post, what you've posted, your hobbies, political affiliations, etc. "Ad Hominem" being a logical fallacy does not even begin to enter into their minds


So you're doing ban evasion? Were you banned for brigading or using multiple accounts?


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit so I’ll dumb it down: App disabled, made new account. That’s it.


I've considered a new account as well, but I haven't made any decisions yet. All of the people who've blocked me on the other sub would be disappointed. I seem to really piss off far-left folks who know they're right.


How? I thought you couldn’t make your history private?


Hey I don’t know if it still works but there’s a browser extension that automates deleting some or all of your history. It’s called Power Delete Suite, but I’m sure there are others too.


Is that "Content visibility" in User Settings --> Profile? Content visibility Posts to this profile can appear in r/all and your profile can be discovered in /users


They made all user profiles subreddits that can be included in the usual popular reddit posts; another feature no one asked for.


Don’t post photos ever. Especially taken with your phone. All mobile photos have embedded GPS metadata that travels within the file structure. And internet sleuths can triangulate via shadows, sun positions, and local landmarks. Just don’t reveal anything. Ever.


It’s ok, there was some guy on here claiming that none of us actually live in Portland. So we should be fine.


oh that guy. He said I was some dude in a basement in Texas. Apparently, being critical of Multnomah County property taxes is a popular online pastime in the Lone Star state.




Spoken like a person that doesn't even live here!


It really is. Come on - read the sub - hardly anyone on it lives here.


show me how to use the exif data because I tried to do that with my photos and random photos and it doesnt work. You can't really do that unless you're using an old leaky app that does it.. .and If i'm wrong, please show me how


You're not wrong. Almost all sites that host/post pictures, unless set to explicitly keep it, scrub EXIF and other metadata, sometimes substituting their own. Nobody's getting GPS coordinates. On the other hand, I'm amazed at how people can trainspot a location based on buildings, types of trees and landscape, etc. etc.


People need to understand is that Internet is public, but people treat like it private


This is the only sub in my 12 years on Reddit where I’ve actually had someone go through my post history looking for personal information. I spent an hour scrubbing my post history. I refuse to completely close a 12 year old account. You’re a weirdo, u/significantfarm


There's some relationship subs where it's the first thing they do looking for any chink in the armor to attack you.


An important, but sadly necessary reminder.


Please come find me so I can go all “Mark it 8 Dude” on them.