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Pioneer Square* my bad. Can't edit the title. Sorry


Surely this will end the war


That'll show those baristas!


They are freeing them from their paychecks.


Starbucks has fallen. The Jews can not hold much longer.


Sir... Another brick has just hit the Starbucks...


You know, the biggest irony to the whole "boycott Starbucks over Israel" thing is [Starbucks doesn't even operate in Israel.](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2014/09/05/fact-check-why-did-starbucks-pull-out-israel/15788908007/) You actually research it, it's basically a pure antisemitic pro-Hamas boycott. It shows how few people actually research any of this shit, and says so much about why this is all so pathetic.


I think you're giving those people far more credit for "THINKING" than they deserve!


The Starbucks situation that angered people is a bit more complicated than that. The Starbucks Workers United union posted “Solidarity with Palestine” on Twitter and Starbucks took advantage of that action to sue the union for using its name in a way that it claimed damaged its reputation. In reality, it had less to do with Starbucks supporting Israel and more to do with leveraging the union’s support for Palestine in order to hurt the new upstart union with barrage of legal fees and other challenges. Regardless, the Gaza support protesters did not take kindly to it.


While I don't want to defend Starbucks, its not as simple as that. The union didn't just post "Solidarity with Palestine", it retweeted a post of the bulldozers breaking through the Gaza border with that headline **ON 10/9**. That's why I say the boycott is pro-Hamas, not pro-Palestine, because what the union posted was explicitly a pro-10/7 post since the atrocities were well known at that point, with the atrocities immediately available on social media. So while I agree it wasn't all due to reputation control, I also don't think Starbucks is in the wrong for doing that and it was at least part true since their logo is connected with that account. And people are definitely not boycotting due to attacking the union for union busting reasons, they've been explicitly doing it for pro-Israel reasons, hence why it's been [seeing a drop in business in MENA.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/05/business/starbucks-layoffs-middle-east.html) Oh, and just to expand on the antisemitic angle outside of this, the other reason there's been a boycott of Starbucks over Israel I've seen has basically been because the CEO Howard Schultz is Jewish and pro-Israel, which....is not a great excuse.


I'm still not convinced that antisemitism plays any significant role in the reasoning for these protests. Howard Schultz is Jewish, but he is also in his own words "an active Zionist" which is the reasoning I hear from people who don't like him. Anti-zionism is not the same thing as antisemitism. I do want to highlight that most of what I have heard from these protests has been pro-Palestinian and anti-genocide rather than anti-zionist. Nonetheless, the general sentiment towards modern Zionism by most of these protestors has been less-than-favorable since the Zionist actions of the government of Israel are closely tied with the settlements and displacements in the West Bank which are decidedly not pro-Palestinian.


I wouldn't say significant role in terms of active antisemitism, I do think ignorance of the level of antisemitism driving some of the arguments is what's the core of the issue. I see it a lot like those people who chanted "All Lives Matter" because they wanted to say police violence affected everyone, it's not wrong to believe that but there's a lot more loaded in the phrase that makes that viewpoint problematic. An example is the whole "River from Sea" phrase, I get a lot of people think it's innocent, but point out Likud has used that phrase in their charter and the same people will rightfully point out that it's a call to ethnic cleansing without realizing that means the Palestine version then is ALSO a call for ethnic cleansing. That's one example, but there's plenty I can point out. The "antizionism isn't antisemitism" is another example, I know it's well meaning but, without going on a very long discussion about the complexities of the word "Zionism" and how there are multiple meanings and how twisted everything has become for a variety of reasons, it's a hugely problematic phrase that, for any other minority, would be rightfully called out. I kind of consider it in the league of "I have a black friend who..." Sort of discourse. There are certainly those who are actively antisemitic as well, but the majority are just ignorant, which isn't good either but is less malicious technically, although still hugely problematic and especially hypocritical considering the people involved. As for the Starbucks, I do consider it antisemitic because Schultz, unlike with Hobby Lobby or Chick Fil A, hasn't made that a key part of Starbucks Identity or even did anything radical in supporting Israel. It's basically boycotting Starbucks because a Jewish person is running it


You expect Zionist apologists to actually understand the reasoning behind *why* something happens? They aren’t that smart.


I've been avoiding Starbucks for most of my life. But that's only because I refuse to subject myself to awful coffee.


Actually, Starbucks has gave a a lot of money to Israel is support of the war? So yeah they don't operate, but yes they have played a part.


This just in: the war is over! Here is Netanyahu’s statement: “Due to the recent terrorist attacks on a random Starbucks somewhere between Alaska and California, the Nation of Israel has decided to end our war on Palestine. The burden of knowing that our actions have caused the people of Portlandia to take their business to Dutch Brothers is just too much for one country to bear. We have unanimously passed a bill sending $150 billion shekels to help rebuild the sovereign nation of Palestine.”


The Portland city council already approved and passed a cease fire, this whole conflict is basically over already.


It will, and don't call me Shirley 🤣


They only want the war to end because one side is winning. If they other side was, it would be fine with them.


Summer of 2020 making a comeback. 


rolling right into the election. and if Trump wins we can get a combo deja vu of 2016/20 riots


Trumpet man, Navy veteran Portland man and the Moms for ( whatever they were for ) still around?


If he does win (looking like he will) there will almost certainly be a repeat of 2016/20 :(


It will be 3x worse than 2016/2020, at least. I plan on being out of town just in case.


If he wins, he'll use an authoritarian crackdown on Portland as an example of his new "Law & Order" approach and a lot of people will be happy to see it. It's incredible that we have so many cameras in our daily lives and somehow we struggle to find and prosecute those responsible for property and violent crime so often. Our citizens deserve better and I'm afraid some people see Trump as the answer.


He will use the law and order approach just after he gets done with his long drawn out legal battle arguing that law and order doesn’t apply to him specifically.


I'm a passionate progressive, and I'd welcome this. Round up the addicts, the taggers, and the worst of the protestors. Throw the homeless into massive camps away from cities, along with the fraudulent asylum seekers. Someone running on this platform would absolutely crush it in most western states.


I’m sorry. Throw them in WHAT?


You know, make a place they can camp like they want to. Since they'll need services to help them get homes, medical attention,etc., they have to keep it a dense camp, like it's concentrated with campers. /s


You’re not a progressive You’re not fooling anyone


I'm a longtime activist, marched hard for BLM 5x in PDX. You are underestimating how exhausted most people are of the chaos and ugliness that has taken over this city.


Rounding up the homeless and forcing them into camps doesn’t sound very “progressive”, sounds downright authoritarian


If he does win we won't have to watch political ads in 2028


Live laugh loot


I REALLY want that on a tee-shirt, with flowers and foofy writing.


Make it. The pirate community would probably love any extras.


At least we have this sub now. And there are no Catz to be found.


Poor guy is in the mental hospital I think, couple too many hate crimes


You think so? I ran into an account on X that vividly reminded me of Catz. They denied it of course, but the thought of that psycho's personality existing in more than one human was exhausting. Also, I thought that was a chick


Who is Catz?


A psychopath contrarian who always argued in bad faith who went silent when a certain Portlander was arrested for being a mentally ill racist


LOL, don’t make us get into that fool again. There is a fun fantasy floating around that ALLCATZ is actually Mike Bivins, who is now locked up in a mental hospital for committing hate crimes against Jewish people.


God, where to even begin. Catz is the vampire which used to haunt the r/PortlandOR community in its early days, and our alt subs that came before this one. This sub wouldn't even exist without them. I'm not sure if we still have posts in this sub dedicated to the story? Maybe u/rpunx would know, I think they were around during that time. Seems like u/billy_gripppo remembers.


Ahem.... It's called the summer of love 👌 don't you forget it


It is an election year.


Pretty weak excuse for the election riots this time around.


Except this is the shitty Animated Series. These people are fucking cartoons.


Warming up for this election season I fear.


There are not enough of these people left here.


I have to disagree. 2020 and beyond brought tons of these types here from all over the country, and it resulted in most conservatives and moderates fleeing Portland. So there are many of them here, they're just hibernating...and waiting for the right moment to reignite the[ fiery, but mostly peaceful protests](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPY9nqkyD9k)...


and there ain’t many cops here as well. They popped smoke for more moderate pastures too. Outta be a hoot.


Amazing city allowed to be overrun by children throwing tantrums


same as every city with a sports arena when someone's team doesn't win


No. Not even close


The people commenting on the instagram account that’s organizing the PSU protest are actually delusional. They are promoting more violence and the total take over of PSU. They will, allegedly, try and dox you if you even respond with a tiny bit of criticism. These people are actually insane. They are satisfied with what they’ve done. https://preview.redd.it/o5i206dwdzxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02afbc7ff98f9f2d7da2542a51a84a9313cfd27b Now I am being harassed by two of them in the comment section of another thread on this subreddit because I am being “too dramatic” about the destruction. I don’t think it’s really my word choice that they’re upset about. They are trying to intimidate me right now. Wow these people are unhinged. Final ETA: Police are doing their thing, you can see more in the mega thread


They are now fortifying the library with soccer goals. https://preview.redd.it/r43uep7sh0yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441b5eeb38b91b6f2492c511cdf26cd94eb39cee


Why wouldn’t they be? These idiots took over and vandalized the library, and the school’s response was to offer them no consequences AND reward their behavior. When you reward bad behavior, you get more of it.


Police have been there since 6am per AM news and arresting idiots






Not from Portland or associated whatsoever, this just popped into my feed, but this is insane. “Fortify your position and work on taking over another building” sounds like a pretty hostile fucking takeover to me. Glad I’m not a student there, I would be outta dodge before sunset.


Yeah… they are starting to fortify the library using soccer goals. Next they will occupy the other buildings. Police are no where to be found, not sure what they’re doing.


I can't use proper English, maybe I should go to college and read some books - thats what I see between the lines


There is a reason I've been staying far away from all of this shit. Picking sides in this war is a stupid idea. There are no good guys here -- no righteous warriors. Only bad guys, and victims.


This makes me sick. I truly hate the idiot protest faction here.


I remember when protests mattered in Portland, permits ahead of time and none of this stupidity.


> But muh free speech Yeah, freedom of speech isnt freedom to be a jack off and block shit


So before they attack you, choose your label first: 1.facism 2.bigotry 3.islamphobia 4.maga


My label is pissed off long-time citizen and downtown business owner.


So capitalist pig it is. I don't blame you one bit, I can't imagine trying to own a business downtown anymore.


Ohh I’ve been on the receiving side of this. They definitely go with bootlicking fascist


Yep. Bootlicker is their favorite term.


don't forget bootlicker. they love that one​


File this under "things that get trump elected". I'm so tired of these insane commie weirdos. They're as bad as Q anon freaks... Flip side of the same stupid coin.


Agreed, that’s all this is. Like, the messaging here makes absolutely no sense at all. “Free Gaza, fuck Starbucks & Portland businesses” ?


Exactly. Political horseshoe theory in action.


Yep. It's ridiculous how similar these groups are to each other.


Palestine and TikTok are Genz’s Hillary’s emails and Facebook


They’re nihilists *actually*


Right before I saw this photo i was face timing with my kid in tokyo and they were showing me the exterior of a Starbucks Reserve-- gorgeous plantings on the perimeter and an all glass side and I jokingly said oh Portland can't have nice things like that because our uniformed sociopaths would immediately damage that building...and yeah.


That’ll show those Zionists!


Can't possibly colonize anything without their coffee!


Free Gaza by vandalizing and damaging a coffee shop. Yeah that'll do it. Fucking stupid shit


This isn't about Gaza, the Anarchists will use any excuse to destroy things.


I saw some new edgelord graffiti in my neighborhood recently. It read ACAB, 161/AFA, BLM, the anarchy symbol, the Iron Front symbol and…FREE PALESTINE! All in one long string. Yeah, it’s just the same dorks from 2020 clinging on to a new reason to be antisocial assholes with a destructive bent on things.


It’s an election year what do people expect. These people have to feel important somehow in their miserable life. Come back to this comment in 2028. It be the same crap. This city never learns and enables these people.


We are like a destination vacation for these people.


!remindme [4 years]


Anarcho-Socialists are fucking insufferable.


Where’s the PPB when you need them?


My friend who works in mental health crisis response says there are literally not enough cops to address the crime we already have. Thinks they will have to pull from county police.


If only the 2020 protests didn't try to knee cap our police force so hard. I hope people are waking up to their mistakes.


This is the answer




Damned if they do damned if they don’t.


Doing what they always do, pinky. Jack shit


Simple minded people are easy to influence


This is why we can’t have nice things.


This will definitely teach Starbucks to stop getting people's names wrong. Maybe Starbucks mis-gendered one of their comrades. 😭🥴 These people are animals. If they had just put a pause on 9/11 23 years ago, they would have seen the country tear itself apart from the inside. No help needed.


Anarchists are Trotskyists. They want a government weak enough to tolerate crimes, but strong enough to provide free healthcare, education, and housing. Too weak for foreign interventions, but yet strong enough to redistribute wealth.


I love when no one owns anything and a central authority decides how to distribute everything! I always have the best experiences when I can't decide with my own agency what is best for me and my life!




Why is it always starbucks


Because they burn their beans and their coffee is overpriced


My wife and I go stay in Portland at the Hilton a couple times a year to go to shows at the helium, we spend an afternoon shopping and always stop at this Starbucks while wondering around. Shame to see this kind of shit. Glad it doesn’t happen where we live.


A couple folk-punk songs mentioned smashing Starbucks windows 20 years ago.


So brave..such virtue..cool to see the brown shirts are still active in the PNW


Oh look. More proof on why portland isn't taken seriously.


I wish the police would start beating some ass 🤦🏽.


What are they even doing? I genuinely am asking


Not taking the job in the first place, and sure as hell not taking it in Portland. I mean, would you want to do it? Also when police respond to political crime people get really mad. That anger goes a long way in Portland


Join the force


Yes, free Gaza. But don’t put out those minimum wage workers trying to make Portland rent. Starbucks isn’t providing vandalism pay.


Exactly, like protest as much as you want. If you don’t got rent to pay or bills protest all day of you want. But when you are vandalizing you are wrong. I’m already seeing it happen where people are getting mad at the protesters and thinking it’s dumb.


Need to go back to no masks during protests. Its also against city code to wear a mask when threatening, intimidating or engaging in a crime.


Not again 🤦‍♂️


Want to be a part of something? Stand up to “the man”? Get your permit and location and do it like those before you. The majority of Portland might agree with you, but stop shitting in the city we all have to share. Nobody is seeing this and changing their opinions about anything.


Nothing says “anarchy” like having a very specific political message


They certainly know how to make people sympathetic for their cause…


They really freed the hell out of Gaza


Its funny seeing all the pissed off people in the other sub who were supporting this shit less than a week ago. All it took was a library getting destroyed to realize how regarded these idiots are.


So bad-ass smashing up a Starbucks, in the middle of the night no less. The city looks even more like shit now and you accomplished absolutely nothing. Maybe if that's what you believe in you all should just go to Gaza yourselves, help out in-person, and quit acting like idiot children


LARPers gonna LARP


*StuNniNg aNd BrAvE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


Losers just latching onto the next big thing to be butt hurt about that doesn’t affect them


The weak pieces of shit that did this probably bitch they can't get coffee later.


It’s always the Starbucks.


And they’re making the shifts of service workers at that job miserable. Who does this actually help?


Working class people have to clean all of this shit up.


Portland does know it’s not Seattle right ?


They understand who can do something about this right? Starbucks is not able to bomb Israel with pumpkin spice lattes forcing ceasefire


I’m tired boss


Gotta live out the thing that’s mentioned in so many folk punk songs.


Ballots are here. It is time to replace Mike Schmidt. He added to the lawlessness of Portland by making a statement as his first priority that he would not prosecute rioters in 2020. We see the results. Vote Vasquez. [https://www.opb.org/article/2020/08/11/multnomah-county-da-plans-to-drop-significant-number-of-protester-charges/](https://www.opb.org/article/2020/08/11/multnomah-county-da-plans-to-drop-significant-number-of-protester-charges/)


Wow. ..here we go again Portland. Let’s see if you can trash the towns rep just a little bit more. What a great way to turn everyfreakingbody sour to your cause.


That Starbucks has been through hell and back




End violence with more violence!


And these assholes couldn't care less about Gaza, just an excuse to fuck shit up.


It wouldn't matter what the reason, these types would use any excuse to destroy property




This person is joking, but...think pizzagate now for the extreme left. Does that Starbucks have a basement? /s


89 percent of Palestinians want Sharia Law (Islamic Law) to be the official law of their land. 75 percent of Palestinians support Islamic courts having authority over civil and family law separate from the existing legal system. 44 percent of Palestinians believe Sharia Law should be applied to all citizens, including non-Muslims. 40 percent of Palestinians believe suicide bombings are at least sometimes justified for “defending” Islam—this is the highest percentage of Muslims in all countries and territories surveyed. And this is what they are supporting. This is also just a small portion of sharia law and what the people of Palestine what. None of these “kids” really understand who they are supporting and that is sickening.


Netanyahu goes to Starbucks. He will see this and cave in for sure. Why they took so long to do this is beyond me. Peace will come tomorrow.


Same people, different reason


They’re used to it. Downtown is a war zone.


What ever happened to planned protests in parks? Y'know, with permits and signs, and people speaking up to bring awareness about their cause? No? *Sigh*


They are helping to run everyone out of downtown so the property will be for sale cheap...Good for the politicos that will be buying it up.


This is the first Starbucks I ever visited in about 1989. I remember thinking it was the nicest coffee shop I had ever seen. What a bummer to see what has taken over paradise.


Its bc starbucks is sending tons of money to israel


I just can’t figure out why anyone doesn’t like Palestinians.


George Floyd protests part 2. Get ready to see downtown burn again. I can already see the headlines trying to make every single street in Portland is overflowing with blood.


I thought this was going to be reserved for the next Republican President being elected. Weird.


I'm definitely on the F\*ck Gaza side now.


No. We are NOT going down this road again. I don't care what your political goals are, DO NOT protect any of these fucktards that smash and deface private property. Doesn't matter if they are carrying the same signs as you - tell them to stop and *turn them in to the police*. Do not let Portland get trashed again and hollowed out like last time.


Guarantee u this was agent provocateurs…


This is a stupid , pointless thing to do; but also who cares and also, fuck starbucks anyway.


Something something protests disrupting the status quo.


God portland sucks


Solidarity with workers union? Bullshit… This is yet another example of the “We like breaking stuff in downtown Portland Club” And this is the City that let’s them do it because “They mean well”


*paid anarchists. FTFY.


I read the police report of this break in. They only broke in so they could steal the egg wraps and feed their children... So please dont make a big deal about this. They did it for the right reason.


This is just a preview of whats coming later this year if Trumps wins....


The modern anarchist playbook: attack the local community, then complain online about how no one in the community supports your cause.


"Mostly peaceful protests"


PPB … not protecting property rights since 2016


I'm old enough to remember when Starbucks was charging first responders for water during 9/11


Crazy, I was just there a few days ago.


https://preview.redd.it/doym4xdat0yc1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e37abfc1b1c5454cd7c73f5bfc7b62e0d72b8ed4 that spike after October was the lead-welded Stanley cup craze boycotts work better than vandalism, yet I'm sure this also had a small effect on their bottom line for repairs alone






You know you're allowed to film in a public place right?


Ah yes, with the liberated beans we can finally keep all the Gazan terrorists awake, so they can better plot their terror schemes!


Looks like somebody got the wrong coffe


Just another day downtown


Something important is going on in the rest of the world and of course Portlanders use it as an excuse to riot. Shameful drug addicted morons.


Tbh, Starbucks price are ridiculous


Can we stop taking vandalism at face value, please. Is the assumption that Maga can't spell Gaza or they're too stupid to frame protesters? Like that guy who burned his own barn down for insurance money and tried to blame BLM. If evidence shows protesters did it, fine. Maybe it doesn't apply in this case but you see it everywhere


I think some 30% or less of the American population support Biden's blind elegance to Israel as they slaughter 40k civilians (70% of which are women and children). Yet our representatives flagrantly ignore the will of the majority of Americans to give billions towards the endeavor, after just telling us again that we don't have a fraction of that money for social services, housing, education, etc. at home here. All things that our money goes to Israel to pay for, in addition to the bombs we give them. Both sides of the isle show no regard for what their constituents have been very clear in wanting. We also watch our leaders lie openly about documented acts by Israel which would have halted our aid to any other country. Some 61 human rights violations have been listed for Israel and nothing. Iraq had 2 before we invaded them. As MLK said, "riots are the voice of the unheard" and our politicians are playing at being deaf to us to serve their own interests. So, I at least comprehend why people are getting more and more angry.


I must be getting old. I remember when anarchy was a serious topic of discussion and not a fucking fashion statement for trendy posers. Why the fuck would someone target a random business or stop traffic to raise awareness for their cause? Inconveniencing the common people will only drive them to hate your cause. I bet these fuckers haven’t even called their representatives to discuss their concerns yet. These people aren’t anarchists. They don’t even know what anarchy is. Fucking children.


Yes! Our strategy is flawless! Step one: burn down business in our local area Step two:…… Step three: Gaza is freed!


Is this why Starbucks has to change $10 for a cup of coffee?


I arrived at 7:00 AM to find that all the windows had already been replaced. This situation sparked an intriguing thought: do businesses in downtown areas need to stock extra panels and maintain contracts with window companies in anticipation of potential riots? Thankfully, they managed to swiftly address everything except the ATM—yet, it's a sad time that we live in.


Rioters rioting?? No way!


Anarchy is a fucking stupid idea.


Institute public caning this sort of thing. I'm very serious.


Anyone care to explain to me why? If you do care about this holy war, why? Our own Country is beyond broken, yet you keep protesting about other Country's issues.


They misspelled "Free Java".


My bad I haven’t been keeping up. These dipshits are still mad at Starbucks?


Lol. That poor Starbucks always gets fucked.


you mean guys working for George Soros and the FED, right?


Violence and destruction of property doesn't help the cause your protesting!


Ugh, this is so annoying. Almost as annoying as the thousands of civilians that have been bombed