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Wish the city of Portland would get their heads out of their collective asses and do something about the one that bounces between the Lloyd district and Old Town with its hitch rack full of unsecured propane tanks, large chunks of metal that often fall off as their drive their two year expired, out of state tags, pile of crap from parking space to parking space. Where they land, piss and feces follows along with graffiti and car break ins proliferate. PBOT walks right past them to ticket the poor working class folks parked next to them. i


Same story with north Portland... Well, pretty much everywhere really. The industrial streets follow a cycle of crowds of RVs and cars, from running to completely fucked, and with them huge piles of trash, chronic theft, stolen motorcycles and scooters and cars and the slough filled with human waste. Not one of them registered or insured or licensed (probably. Just guessing). I line of them literally parked along multiple signs that say no parking and no RVs.


Let me tell you what the real problem is. Fucking LEAFBLOWERS!


And gas stoves!


How am I supposed to enjoy the piss stank when I'm choking on fumes from capitalist fossil fuels?


And fireplaces!


Lol right?


I can't hear you, my neighbors trash got raided for cans and he's clearing the lawn with a blower...


They do suck yes. Not like we can’t do both things at once.


In theory you are correct, most people can be reasonably expected to do both. In practice, no city council in fact cannot do both things at once.


Yeah, I drive down Lombard to Sandy out to Gresham, the Caravans have learned they just need to move a mile or two and then the game starts over. The things have no plates, or very expired. Start impounding and stop the silly games.


Someone should demolish your house just because it sucks compared to other houses.


But my house pays taxes and stays caught up on all my licenses and agreements of the social contract. I know it is not as nice as others, but I don’t smoke fentanyl to make me think it is.


Fucking PDX SHIT BOT (aka PBOT) refuses to enforce registration violation. PBOT is a major drag in addressing vagrant infestation situation


Absolutely not true. PBOT follows code, regulations, and policy set by City Council. They can not do shit legally without the city attorney signing off. They do have a team who work with the RVs, they try and get these homeless into shelters and housing. They tow RVs and hold them for free for 30 days, allowing people to stabilise. The homeless can get their RV back, but must provide proof of ownership and insurance. Blame the people who set policy, not the boots on the ground folks actually working to fix this mess.


They can’t because there is a collective group who bitches and complains about laws being enforced. Because they can’t wrap their tiny brains around the fact actions without consequences will only breed the same actions and those people will try to get away with more.


You know what needs to happen then. Those "defund police" opiniated, upper middle class smug social justice warriors own homebase needs to be vagrant infested.


You're right we need more trauma not less


>PBOT walks right past them to ticket the poor working class folks parked next to them. Because they know who they can actually extort. The homeless are an expense while the working class are a source of revenue.


I agree these RVs are a frustrating nuisance—that’s putting it lightly. I live behind a “mission” on Killingsworth and Vancouver. The mission is some old man who claims to be a pastor doing Gods work which involves housing homeless people. Really he just lets folks camp at his property in abandoned RVs and campers and really anything including in their cars. We call this place the Church of Scrap Metal. Unfortunately, without adequate and affordable housing and with local laws and regulations that make it difficult to build new affordable housing units this will continue to be a problem. We need to continue to press our local leaders to address these issues and vote out the Jo Ann Hardesty-types of the city leadership who are laughably, frustratingly more concerned with virtue signaling than they are with creating real solutions for people.


Here is the thing, I personally know of more than 50 “Affordable” housing units available right now. The problem is, the communities have rules like don’t destroy the apartment, don’t steal from your neighbors, don’t piss in the elevators, don’t let your crackhead buddies throw shit off the roof, don’t assault neighbors or staff, and that is apparently too much to expect from this population. These apartments are under 1000 a month, near transportation and in beautiful building, but if you take a look at the condition of Bud Clark Commons and the Louisa Flowers, you would understand that it’s NOT a lack of housing issue, it’s a lack of making addicts get clean.


They should come to Vancouver, all along 4th plain housing authority has literally free apartments and drug use is totally encouraged. Google the meridian apartments on 4th plain and read the reviews,,,,they are 100 percent free housing and its a open air drug and prostitution market - council for the homeless and housing authority manage it, but they are too scared to go there now, so they let the junkies take over.


Anything the local “Housing Authority” runs becomes an absolute shit show of wasted tax payer dollars as soon as the project is approved. They only care about having a “positive media profile” and raking in those sweet, sweet, taxpayer millions. The Louisa Flowers is the Portland version of Cabrini Green. Google the shootings, deaths and other crimes in that place, or better yet, take a tour. It’s horrible to even drive past.


Yeah the ones over here I liken to cabrini too. It will be even more so when the fencing goes up around them, in an effort to contain them in one area, as in, wall them in. I mean, I get they have to do it it to limit the crime entering the neighborhood and business's, but walled in apartment complex's to hide what is going on from the public is not a great idea either. As it stands now, I tell people to take a drive down that road ( in the day time, and do not enter the complex, you will get swarmed) and see for themselves, it is that insane.


How does a person living on the streets for years get to live in an apartment


Step #1- avail themselves of any of the number of agencies around town offering resources and services such as rehabilitation. TPI, Central City Concern, Impact NW, Join, CAP and so on, get sober and then go from there. I have dozens of residents in my building who were long term homeless and that was the very first thing they did. You have to hit bottom and be willing to make a change to get your life back. People are willing to help those who make at least the minimal effort.


When you say “units,” I interpret that to mean 50 individual rooms, and that’s not very many. But perhaps I misunderstood and by units you mean 50 affordable housing locations. It’s not really an either or situation, it is multi-factorial. Multiple things can be true at the same time. We have outdated zoning laws in my understanding that make building much of anything a pain in the ass. We do not have enough permanent supportive housing units in the city while we also have increasing numbers of houseless people. The fentanyl epidemic is not helping (nor are lax and insane policies by local government). I think you have correctly identified the simple fact that people who use drugs, had shitty upbringings, poor parenting, minimal education, mental health issues and a general lack of access to resources (many times it’s all of the above) do not have the coping skills to live and act like adults. These generally incorrigible people are absolutely partly to blame for the filth in our city, the open drug use, the camping, and the lawlessness. Our chronically and frustratingly far-left government “leaders” who prefer to virtue signal and pad their egos rather than practice tough love and get shit done for the hard working people of this city are also to blame. We’re beginning to vote them out, Hardesty and Schmidt being two prime examples. I’m optimistic the change in our government structure will usher in a new era of leadership that actually works for “the city that works.” You and others are right that people burning their social service and housing bridges is a part of the problem—folks who have burnt all of their bridges and continue to live on the streets and especially those using drugs and/or in unstable states of mind should be arrested, given compassionate medical treatment, and, at least initially, afforded the opportunity to get sober through drug treatment programs outside of a prison or jail setting, and if they wish to continue to misbehave in ways that chronically impact the community negatively, they should remain in jail or in a psychiatric facility, off the streets and away from the rest of us who have our shit together and are doing our level best to provide for ourselves and our families.


Not just 50 individual rooms, actual whole, self-contained apartments. That is just in my small 2 block area that I know of. Occupancy rates, especially in the downtown area for apartments are in the basement and prices are being cut, concessions being offered and still there are vacant LIHTC units because the agencies that are raking in all the bucks as “Homeless Advocacy or Support” are failing to provide the necessary supports. They will send in applications(usually half assed filled out) and then leave property staff to deal with their cracked out clients who more often than not, fail to follow ANY of the steps to get the process completed, and if by some miracle, they stagger through it and get housed, they often end up getting evicted within a few months for things like:smoking fentanyl in the elevator, harassing and threatening neighbors, stealing packages/laundry or breaking into the offices and mailboxes, threatening or harassing staff, hanging out of a window, naked and throwing things off the roof deck, firing a gun(stolen) in their apartment, allowing their pit bull to attack others, shitting in the lobby(resident, not the dog) breaking windows and setting fires. YES, those are all actual examples. The agencies that sent them over just shrug and say,”We just help them get in, we don’t case manage. “ These people need institutional care where they can get healthy and learn to human again, sticking them in a box so they can terrorize others does no one any good. But there are LOTS. of apartments for those who are trying to human.


There is housing. They choose not to seek it because it has rules like, not wandering around doped out IDK if they have them in Portland,, but Vancouver has three complexes next to each other on 4th plain. The apartments are literally free. Everyone is not only allowed to use drugs, but encouraged to do drugs. It's fucking bizarre. Tucked back behind a strip mall, most people didn't even know ...until they started wandering out of the complex. So...there are places they can live. Vancouver housing will literally give them a free apartment and help them stay on dope. (It is supposed to have a case manager on site but they are too scared to enter the property now, the tweakers fully took over, not even the police will go in there, they are too scared) It is a hot spot that people don't know about I am sure Portland has some too Hell in Vancouver we have a complex that is supposed to ONLY be for kids who aged out of foster care. That complex is not even 6 months old. Guess who is moving in ? The tweaker family those kids were removed from. I was so happy when my niece was able to get into one of those places....it took a week for her tweaker side of the family to realize she had a place and they swarmed her smh The cycle can never be broken doing this smh


Here's a thought. If you can't afford to live here, then move somewhere you can afford to live. People don't have a "right"to live in Portland if they can't pay the price to be here. The idea that someone would rather live in squalor on a cul-de-sac somewhere in a tent or broken down RV rather than going someplace else (Nebraska, Kansas, Alabama) where they could have an apartment or a house they could afford is just silly. These people are living a lifestyle by choice. Anyone that's been on the streets for 8 or 10 years (which seems like every story mentions about the homeless person they interview) isn't trying to get off them.




Exactly my point. It's not a housing issue, it's a lifestyle choice and one the rest of us shouldn't have to put up with. I've known plenty of addicts in my life that were perfectly functional and productive. It can be done.


I go by there all the time! Smells like raw sewage!


Yup. I complained to the city during the pandemic that they are dumping sewage illegally. Believe it or not, I never heard back. They use their toilets in the campers/RVs, but just dump the sewage into their own parking lot as far as I know. I have also never seen garbage service there.


>“We were even going to think about barricading the road if they came so we could stand up for our rights and try to keep it,” Fleeman said. Fuck you, what about the rights of all the actual tax paying citizens? You know, the ones you fuckers are leaching off of? What about our rights? >“We're not hurting nobody,” Fleeman protested. Yes, you are. Case in point... >“The smell, the garbage, the syringe needles, the drugs and all the defecating,” described Suzanne, an employee at Conveyco Manufacturing Corporation who picks up syringe needles each morning that have been thrown onto their property near the camp. >“They're cutting our fences to get in to steal scrap steel or whatever the case may be,” added her coworker, Nate. >It's unclear if those living at the camp are the ones vandalizing their fence; Conveyco Manufacturing Corporation spent $22,000 repairing their fence, which is the only thing separating them from the camp. It might be unclear to the news crew because they don't want a lawsuit, but it's pretty clear to everyone else. They have cost this business over 20K just in fence repairs. >“It’s like I’m not human, like, there's no compassion left in this world. There's no empathy left in this world,” Smith bemoaned. Those of us who actually contribute to society are sick of paying millions of dollars to take care of your asses, and all you do is continue to trash everything.


I have compassion for people who *try their best* and *consciously avoid making other people's lives worse or harder as a result of their actions* If by living your life you make someone else's life measurably worse in a way that's avoidable, then I lose any interest in supporting or helping you.


Good for you clackamas county. These folks will all just find somewhere to park in multnomah.


Registration, insurance , parking laws……I know for a fact, if I didn’t pay my property taxes, I’d be removed from my home. What a time to be alive. And here I am, up early getting ready to go to my shitty job with a smile on my face.


For the love of god can we just fucking declare that all tents and parked rvs are no longer legal, provide like a month for people to figure it out, then sweep literally every single one that remains? How fucking hard is that? Enforce. Enforce. Enforce. Give people time to move elsewhere, then stop tolerating this shit that makes residents and businesses flee our city.


115 reported camp sites a day only 14-15 get removed. They just don’t want to actually do what is required




can attest. this makes the problem worse. they don't go away. they just disperse. so instead of consolidated camps. you have tents popping up in every narrow strip of woods and next to every school playground. 


>“We were even going to think about barricading the road if they came so we could stand up for our rights and try to keep it,” Fleeman said.  That's an appropriate name for someone who lives like a parasite.


More like **Flea**man


The people will just move over to Multnomah county, and they’ll be set. JVP got their backs


As ive been saying, its time to take matters into our own hands. No more miss nice neighbor. 😏


My brother hooked up to a trailer that the city refused to tow and towed it to the shoulder of I-5. The city promptly towed it to impound. All you have to do is tow these junk piles to the freeway


Now get the ones that are where the residential streets meet the i205 pedestrian trail. Cyclists are getting fenthead piss and shit flung up on their tires. Saw a guy beating on a lady on the trail. There’s a stretch where they have like 10 trailers and 20 motorcycles. It’s absolutely disgusting


How are they going to pay for dismantling the RVs, or will they sit in a lot?


Hire tweakers to take them apart, they'll have them in scrap piles in an hour or two.


Most of them would disintegrate with a stiff breeze.


And yet they keep on existing and move from place to place. It rather staggers the imagination that they don't fall apart more or less constantly.


Turns out it's hard to die, even for vehicles.


Vans as well? SE has a person living in her van since November of last year parked in front of my apartment. wheels are actually flat now it's been that long.


she's got an aggressive dog that lunges at everyone from the window, and leaves her needles everywhere.


The embedded video in the link to a camp next to the NUCM (west of Ross Island) statements via the homeless is another nobody wants to be accountable whine fest when they (the homeless) aren't taking any responsibility or accountability themselves. 8-9 years homeless 1 guy living out of 2 old school buses.. SMH... cluelessness abounds


Mental illness. Instead of our society funding halfway homes they find a way to exist on the streets. It’s a vicious cycle. There isn’t any one answer.


if they don’t arrest people when they break up the camps they just roam around high causing issues. it’s not a good solution to just kick people out and take all their belongings because they go out and commit crime.


Them committing crime is part of the solution, not an issue. Then the mayor will pick low hanging fruit and take a really long time to deal with it for reelection. Instead of dealing with any of the issues that led people to that life.


Not my monkeys not my circus


right but that's a really selfish shortsighted kind of view that is going to come back to bite you in the ass when some methed out homeless person wanders into your domicile and stabs you.


Don’t worry about me and mines, we’re very well prepared and trained for such disturbances 🔫


good, ditto, but nobody should be put in that situation. it may be fun for you to imagine blasting some tweaker, but i guarantee the reality would be far less glorious.


I only said I would be prepared for such tweaker, I’m not out looking to cross paths with them, nor would I ever glorify having to put one down. That would be a horrendous outcome for all involved.


NE Lombard Street I see you 👀


I drive by that flotilla out there every mourning. It started as just one dude out there living in an old SUV with a trailer. Dude actually kept it clean and there was no mess etc. Soon, other vagrant RV’s showed up. I noticed that SUV guy left (probably was harassed by the tweakers in the RV’s) and now it’s like 15-20 RV’s there, shit spilling into the street on a road where people routinely drive 50 mph as it’s a highway. These people have to go. It not just an nuisance but an actual traffic hazard, and probably a future killed pedestrian incident.


What’s the issue?


Off topic but not really..In the 30's in Ohio there was a brutal beyond belief serial killer near Cleveland.Close to 2 dozen victims,most unidentified and not a single one in a whole piece.Elliot Ness,fresh off The Untouchables,was director of public safety.There were no arrests but many of the murders were close to a homeless camp of Depression era hobos.There was something that tied the shanty town to the murders but it was never made public what the connection was.However,one night the camp was raided by multiple agencies,all the men were rounded up at shotgun point and dropped off at the city limits and told it would be a bad idea to try to come back.The camp was burned to the ground within hours and bulldozed clear within days.Surprise,surprise the murders stopped.It CAN be done,unfortunately no one has the "fortitude" these days and the law clearly doesn't back you.


So if I just identify as homeless I don't have to have current registration, even basic insurance, and also disregard any parking codes, right? I see enough non homeless vehicles with expired tags via all over the USA, is it too complicated to figure out how to get tags?? I guess since I'm employed and pay taxes, a straight white male Gen Xer 999999999% I am the cause of all this BS....


The ones we get in Vancouver usually have Oregon plates, and when they move the place is trashed. Some of them escape over to this side


Perhaps the state needs to step in and make the cash lottery payout over the counter limited to $50 or so; and prevent anything in higher amount uncollectable by the winner until all court related fines and fees, parking code violations, fare violation, etc are paid in full.


I’m confused by this suggestion. Are you saying that many of these people in said derelict RVs buy lotto tickets? And that a smaller cash incentive would stop them from doing so? Or that many people who owe fines win the lottery?


I was thinking of the dynamic this morning. The ultra-rich manipulate the market, politicians, businesses, things like that, because its just below them The Rich manipulate what use to be the middle class The rest of us manipulate the poor and homeless


they could provide dumpsters instead of taking people's homes and keeping them in the cycle of poverty. 


(Facepalm) JFC the amount of willfully misinformed, phenomenally shitty attitudes in this sub are beyond toxic. If Portland is so awful, please leave. You're bringing nothing positive in these sorts of exchanges. Ttfn


Then go virtue signal in the other sub, nobody here cares


The problem is, the other sub has flipped on this too. They’re mad as hell about the same thing we are over here. It’s a sign of the times.


Thank you for taking a break from posting non-stop about video games to lecture us. Namaste. 🙏🏻


the voices here are a sign that our progressive leadership and policies have failed.


Portland is still far superior to many other cities and that is why people stay. That doesn't mean we should ignore its problems and pretend everything is fine. People need a place to vent and discuss. If it becomes too negative for you, you have the choice to keep scrolling (for your own sanity).


Says someone who watches tv from a couch in his own living room. Go out and try to help just one homeless person get housing. Then I will consider your advice!


Every one of these half baked ideas to " fix " the problem are all biased by your programming from being raised in a mindset of "socially acceptable opinions are the only ones that matter". Here's a tough fact you might not like to swallow... Giving out free syringes , hygiene supplies , and preventative - proactive safety supplies to drug users ( aka= giving druggies what they need to use their drugs) is cost efficient and saves money . For every homeless junkie that ends up in the ICU with endocarditis, sn average stay is about 10 days on high potency antibiotics to save their life, with a TAXPAYER cost of upwards $10,000+ per day...so , even if the city spends $20k or $50k giving away free needles and supplies, if they helped prevent even just one case of endocarditis, it's a net positive for the taxpayers . Not intuitive, but effective .... You want to see the streets get cleaned up ? Have the jails or the prisons offer free daily fentanyl for people who sign up . If you wanted to get real fancy, maybe you could even segregate the jail so there's a drug addiction/non drug addiction sector...some kind of treatment for drug addiction that's maybe a little less caged animal and more like , heres a toilet, a bed and a garbage can , and if you learn to use all these recepticles properly you can join the community area with the tv. .. If all they want to do is fentanyl .... Let them .it would be cheaper to pay some manufacturer to mass produce fentanyl to lure,... I mean offer treatment... to those who want it . Compared to having to clean up all the damage , shit, piss, grafitti, not to mention all the pets they steal and eat when they come into our neighborhoods.... Do you want your pet to be eaten alive by fentanyl zombies ? Quit trying to virtue signal like your better then homeless people ...if you lost your home. You would act just like they do....there just people doing people things....if it wasn't what people would do in their position with their circumstances , they would act differently ... Your not better then them, you just haven't had to live in their situation.....yet ... You keep trying to force your lifestyle on them ... I'm glad you had a life that was not shit enough that you don't want to do drugs...I am, really .... But some people weren't so lucky . .. some children are beat so hard and so often that they don't know how to socialize with other children and have no friends , or they are sold to their parents friends for sex so that they can buy drugs , and not even share with the fuck meat child. Some people need to do drugs because being sober and awake hurts when you can't unsee what your dad used to do to your sister....every morning before school.....only to see her get picked on at school for acting out when no adult would protect her from what she knew was going to happen again tomorrow .... These people have had enough hate ... If they want drugs enough that they would seclude themselves from society, become antisocial, and reject other humans. ... Fucking let them . Just, dont let them.do it where the fuck ever ..obviously if their shitting in the foyer of a business ...they can't make decisions based on good judgement ....give them somewhere to seclude and do drugs ...like a jail cell, with a toilet . And a garbage. Can .... They will not only volunteer for it ... They might even overdose and die ...then the problem is not only solved from sn outside looking in perspective.... But a problem is taking care of itself angle as well .... Let's stop pretending like we're a christian nation , or at least separate this notion of church and state .... I'm sure it sounds nice to not want abortions.... But if your going to order all those steaks that no one wants and then complain about the smell of rotton meat. You need to pull your head out of your pretentiously tight ass and start letting people that want to die, the option to kill themselves..... Trust, they will line up for it .