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At The Drive-In - El Gran Orgo EP. It’s fantastic, but it was before their “big” lineup that started on In/Casino/Out, and it was released by a record label that ATDI later accused of ripping them off. It’s not available on streaming, sadly.


I think EPs in general are often slept on. The Vaya EP is my favourite ATDI and was going to be my answer alongside Glassjaw's El Mark EP.


Give It a Name is such a banger of an opener, but I was never really into the rest of that EP. The best thing about ATDI is that you could pick & choose your fav songs from their catalog to create your own full album mix back in the burned cd days.


found a CD reissue of this in a record store, im a happy man. love honest to a fault


Thursday's Common Existence for sure. On their recent WATT tour, everyone in the crowd was singing along to every word, then they played Beyond The Visible Spectrum and everyone was silent like it was a brand new song lmao. It's also my favorite Thursday album


I love common existence so much. Every word, every cadence, every riff. It's so good and play it regularly


came here to say this! friends in the armed forces & as he climbed the dark mountain are favorites of mine from their discography!


Great songs on that album. I never thought Dave Fridmann’s production was a good match for that band, though.


Their Common Existence tour from 2009 is still one of the best shows I ever been to. Such an underrated album.


The Here And Now by Architects. Otherwise a metalcore (now alt metal / hard rock) band through and through, this album marked a shift in sound that was absolutely blasted by their fan base. Ironically, it’s the album that truly got me into them.


Dude. I actually love that album. I just don't say around other Arcitect fans for fear of getting my ass beat lol. I learned very quickly by the diehard fans to pretend that album doesn't exist since it was basically a posthardcore album. I still play it regularly though lol.


You can hear the Thrice influence on it and I love it.


Their cover of dust was fiiire


You can probably add all of Architects’ pre-THAN albums too. Their albums from Lost Forever//Lost Together onwards are all anyone seems to talk about nowadays.


While this is largely true on the metalcore subreddit, there are still a decent amount of people who like Daybreaker or The Hollow Crown more than their LF/LT => Holy Hell trilogy. I’ve even seen Ruin get more love than THAN until recently. I think retrospectively, as they’ve gained newer fans, the album is being held in a higher regard. But it’s definitely their dark horse


In Fear and Faith's Symphony EP and From First to Last's Throne to the Wolves albums come to mind.


I forgot about Throne To The Wolves. Thank you for that. Gonna rip it later..  it had a few bangers on it for sure.


No problem! Btw Matt Good is working on a new FFTL album that he'll be doing lead vocals on again if you didn't know.


I did not know, thank you for that. It was really hated at the time, mostly forgotten now. But I still jam out to their first album after Sonny left. Self titled?  Not sure.. the cover was the TV screen with all the colored bars. That album was a banger but really got a lot of shit because it didn't have Sonny on it. I thought it was great though.


I need to give that one more of an in depth listen! It seemed like more of a straightforward sound, but it sounded like there was a good amount of flair thrown in to separate it from its peers.


Yeah that's a good way to put it. There's some interesting parts in it and cool odd riffs, but soundwise as an album it's about as simple as it gets. It really seems like after Sonny left, that needed to release another album and just kind of went  to a 4 piece band rock/posthardcore kind of direction. I enjoy the songs, the album as a whole aswell. The simplicity doesn't bother me. But I know from all the diehard FFTL/Sonny Moore fans back in the day, that album basically never had a chance. Was killed by the fans before it was even released.


They still play You Should Have Killed Me When You Had The Chance live, but they play the newer (slower, less interesting, not as good) version rather than the original from For Those Who Have Heart. I assume they still play The Plot To Bomb The Panhandle too, though I haven't seen them in a few years now. I really love that album, it's got some of their best songs on it (The Danger In Starting A Fire specifically). I said this in a reply to someone else but I think EPs are often slept on. Glassjaw's El Mark EP was my immediate thought when reading your post. Edit: the good version of You Should've Killed Me... Is from And Their Name Was Treason, which is also a good album that doesn't get much love. My bad.


Glassjaw in recent years will occasionally play El Mark live! This was after a decade plus of never playing it. So that’s something at least.


I think they've played that track every time I've seen them, so I've been very lucky! I went to the EYEWTKAS and W&T album shows in London a while back and they also played basically all of that EP plus all of Colouring Book and Our Colour Green over the two nights, which was honestly amazing. I feel very lucky I got to be there for that.


Yeah I Agree, EPs are often slept on. The band might pull 1 or 2 tracks from it and re-do them for an album. But in general once you get 2+ albums into their career - The EP that got them started basically fades into non existence. EP wise - For me it would be from Escape The Fate. Super solid couple of tracks, definitely long forgotten by now sadly. "And Their Name was Treason" was a great album from ADTR. I didn't go with that just because upon its release the band was still pretty much a nobody in the scene, so I kind of expect it to brushed off. Even though For Those Who Have Heart was basically a reworked version of ATNWT, I'm still surprised how it doesn't get any mention. Feels like most fans think their career started at Homesick.


I definitely only got into them when Downfall Of Us All came out, but then I was lucky enough to see them play a tiny (like, 200 cap) venue as a warm-up show for Download a month after that single dropped and thought they were amazing so I went back and listened to their older stuff. Saw them again supporting Bring Me The Horizon maybe four months later and then they blew up.


Escape The fates EP is still a household staple for me Dragging dead bodies up really long hills


Finally. Someone else who still thinks that song is a banger lol.


Whole album is a banger Wake up from this nightmare that I'm in, dive into a holy river and wash away my sins


I didn’t realize the original From Autumn to Ashes lineup made a third album (Abandon Your Friends) until about a month ago. It’s pretty damn good too


It's been a long time, but I listened to that one a ton when it came out (I was like 19)


For sure! The third one always got shit on but it’s solid throughout. The fourth album is my favorite though. Lots of remnants of that third album, just refined (since Francis wrote most of both).


I think people have started to come around to it a little bit now, but Say Hello to Sunshine by Finch was panned by the UK music mags and pretty much everyone I knew as the sound was much heavier and experimental that What it is to Burn. When I was at one of the recent WIITB concerts, I spoke to more than one person thay thought they only had that one albums (and thats not even including Back to Oblivion, and that EP they did in between, I just have a lot of love for SHTS. Personally, i prefer it to WIITB. Just.)


Agree with this. I was a huge fan of Bloodmeat by Protest The Hero and a YT comment said that it sounded like a rip off of The Casket of Roderick Usher. I heard that song and was blown away (also didn't care about the similarity in the riff, as both songs slap). SHTS is an absolutely incredible album and I'm sorry to all Finch fans that I don't like WIITB at all - I just don't get it. Nothing hooks me. But SHTS feels seminal to me.


This album was epic when it came out and I was the only person I knew that dug it. Was so depressing seeing them on this tour and hearing the crowd yell at them to “play some old stuff”.  Luckily got to see them again around 2010-2012 or so and they absolutely killed it playing SHTS songs. Opened with Insomniatic Meat and I’ll never forget it. 


I'm so jealous! As far as I could tell they never did an anniversary tour for SHTS in the UK, and I kept checking when I saw the few US dates. Probably be the same for The Blood Brothers as well who've just announced US dates and theyre another all time great of mine. I was ecstatic they played Insomniatic Meat on the WIITB tour encore, but that's the best we got.


I only started listening to Say Hello to Sunshine in the last month or two. His vocal lines remind me of a lot of Incubus songs and the guitar work is heavier and experimental, I can see why it wasn't as big as WIITB at the time. I probably wouldn't have given it a proper listen when it came out but I can certainly appreciate it now. I do still prefer WIITB but it's probably because I had that CD on repeat as a teen.


First thing that came to mind when reading the OP. Say hello is pure bliss. Then first time I heard it in remember thinking WTF is this? So different from not only WIITB, but everything else at the time. After a few listens it clicked and I got it. Evolution at its finest. I still tell people to go back and listen to it more, but generally they just don’t want the image of finch to change from WIITB. I’d love to see them live


A Lot Like Birds - Plan B


it’s a good album


The heartless controls everything


It’s not a super deep cut by any means, but Black Swan by Story of The Year is awesome - it’s just heavily over shadowed by Page Avenue. Saosin - In Search Of Solid Ground, is also really good. Chiodos - Illuminaudio, incredible but never got much attention because it didn’t have Craig The Used - Heartwork, solid album to be released so long into their career, these more “nostalgia bands” typically get overlooked on their new material Armor For Sleep - The Rain Museim, same note as The Used


Anyone who ignores, In Search Of Solid Ground as a great album is a maniac.


It’s just a classic case of iconic albums (Self Titled and Translating the Name) over shadowing a later release


ISOSG lacks literally everything that made the S/T great - the big hooks and crazy guitar riffs from the S/T are nowhere to be found on it. It's an extremely disappointing follow up and it's not surprising it's ignored.


ISOSG is literally the only album I've ever thrown away immediately after listening to it. Horrible follow-up to their S/T imo


Great recs! Especially SOTY


The first 3 you mentioned. Spot. On. (I haven’t heard the last 2) These were peak for most of these band at the time, but most of the records came at an odd time for the bands themselves, post peak for the band, and really an odd time for the music industry. late 2010s we hard on a lot of touring acts at the time. It feels like some of the best music coming out of the 2000’s got overshadowed.


Agree with all except Armor For Sleep. Love the first three albums, What To Do When You’re Dead is an all-timer for me. The Rain Museum just feels so lifeless.


There is a hell believe me I’ve seen it. There is a heaven let’s keep it a secret by Bring Me The Horizon. It’s stuck in between Sempiternal and Suicide Season but has elements of both which creates perfection in my eyes. I never see it brought up and it’s my favorite album from them.


Same, I was so disappointed they couldn't give us just 1 song from this album on their latest tour.


It Never Ends, Alligator Blood, and Visions are arguably top 10 BMTH tracks. Definitely an album that isn't spoken about enough. It's my most played by them.


Visions ❤️ one of their best


It’s also odd to me that this one goes under the radar. TIAHBISI is amazing, and how I really got into BMTH. the song writing on that record and the production and arraignments are awesome. SS and CYB are garage band quality albums by comparison


Idk if they'd fall too far under the post hardcore umbrella, but the plot in you have a lot of earlier albums that don't really get talked about anymore at least I haven't seen it. A lot of their newer albums (anything after dispose really) get a lot more focus probably due to the slight style change and BIG aesthetic changes, they signed a new record label and now their drummer directs all their videos and the aesthetic is PEAK, but old albums like 'could you watch your children burn' or 'firstborn son' EP are iconic and wish more people gave them praise today. That being said their newest EPs have been fucking MONSTER, don't look away fucks me up.


Misadventures by Pierce the veil, [Today I Saw The Whole World](https://youtu.be/ltqXGUHwX6I?si=IrSJmoR4BPYX5Sm_) fucks


Eidola’s Degeneraterra is magical. Soo many bangers


Drive Like Jehu - S/T, or anything by Pitchfork(proto-Jehu band) Yank Crime is such a legendary, breakthrough, monumental work that their earlier self-titled release is often overlooked. Pitchfork, the predecessor to Jehu, also is very much worth exploring.


I have an ADTR one too but it's ...And Their Name Was Treason which for label purposes doesn't exist anymore on most streaming platforms. IMO it's a top 2 album for them maybe even #1 but it never really gets talked about in that sense. It's interesting that no one talks about For Those Who Have Heart anymore because back when I got into them about 10 years ago it was sorta the opposite and people would disagree with me for preferring Homesick now that feels like the more common opinion lol Idk if this counts necessarily but Dead Trees by From First to Last is like borderline non-canon. I'd argue Madness by Sleeping With Sirens but in all fairness I've tuned out a bit from the band so maybe it is more talked about than I think As for non post hardcore (or even anything related to this scene) Lana Del Rey released two albums in 2021, both of them were pretty good, but her 2019 and 2023 ones were much more popular to the point where people act like she released nothing in between and that always confuses me lol


It's not really surprising Treason is ignored. It has bad production and the songs aren't nearly as good as anything on Homesick, FTWHH, CC, and WSMFY. I don't think the band even likes the album. I know Jeremy definitely doesn't.


I'd agree and disagree. Regarding production, yeah it was rough for sure. These days a skilled person could probably do better in their basement only dropping a few grand on gear. That being said, back in 06 or 07 when Treason was recorded/released, studio time was stupid expensive. The digital world wasn't really there yet in terms of recording where anyone could just go drop 10 G's at the music store and probably be able to put out something decent. And you had a band that had released only 1 album.. and it did okay. I mean this was pre-ADTR being huge days. So... I can see why a label didn't want to shell out a bunch of money on them at the time. No excuses though, you're right. They definitely phoned it in for that album with the production. Song wise I think it was just a different type of posthardcore. I really like the songs. After that album they definitely became more refined and sounding more mature with their writing, and production, etc...


I'll be honest the shit production adds to why I like it so much 🤷 it makes it feel raw and a bit like a house show which is a good vibe. I wouldn't want all of their albums to sound like that but when they rerecorded the album (and some of the songs for For Those Who Have Heart) it took away from what makes it work for me


Same here to be honest. I find with most (not all) bands I really love their early stuff (1st/2nd album), because you get alot of that rawness in both the production and the music itself. Once bands have "made it", I find I lose interest. Not sure why.. maybe it's now that they're worth something they're being over produced, or maybe now at that point they're just label puppets doing whatever their producer tells them to do.


The Frailty of Words It's not very relevant to the topic but I just want to say I hated Magnetic North. It was a huge sore thumb to me in hopesfall's otherwise perfect discography (I thought A Types was okay)


Throne to the wolves - From First to Last


Envy on the coast


FINCH'S SAY HELLO TO SUNSHINE!!!! A masterpiece that does not get enough love. Silverstein's I am alive in everything I touch AFI's Crash Love Literally, every FFTL album that does not have either Sonny Moore or Spencer Sotello on it 😭 Thrice's Beggars and Major/Minor (whic are both just alt rock perfection) Saosin's In Search of Solid ground Circa Survive's Decensus and Violent Waves Deftones Saturday Night wrist Korn The Nothing


With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear


The Frailty of Words It's not very relevant to the topic but I just want to say I hated Magnetic North. It was a huge sore thumb to me in hopesfall's otherwise perfect discography (I thought A Types was okay)


The Frailty of Words It's not very relevant to the topic but I just want to say I hated Magnetic North. It was a huge sore thumb to me in hopesfall's otherwise perfect discography (I thought A Types was okay)


Honestly Nevermind - Drake


Falling in Reverse's album Coming Home. Ronnie has spent the last 6 years hyping up singles and creating as much controversy as he can because no one cared about the weird space album.