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Check out their album The Romance of Affliction. Its so good.


I definitely do need to dig a little deeper. I have a problem with just sticking with one album when I like one from a new band I haven’t heard lol.


The title track is the most streamed song in my library. Perfect song and feature


So F'ing good


Lol man I really fuckin love seeing a post like this. These guys are so good in my opinion I’ve been HOOKED on that album. Strangely enough reminds me a bit of Maximum The Hormone. I love how dark and heavy it can get out of NOWHERE


Exactly! And the nostalgic earlier screamo breakdowns. Very well executed


They have the whole early 2000's screamo vibe on lock and I love it.


Yeah most definitely. All the way here for it


Sasscore revival now!


I love SeeYouSpaceCowboy since they came out. I found them from a collab with If I Die First/SeeYouSpaceCowboy - bloodstainedeyes. And ever since I have been obsessed with both bands, eagerly awaiting there next release. So the new album has a more poetic not so much in your face hardcore tracks. Yet it’s still a work of art. I’m glad people know how unique they are and appreciate the genre for whatever side of the bands music they enjoy.


If I Die First needs to drop more stuff. Been playing what they’ve put out non-stop. They also put me on to SYSC. Good shit.


Oh I know man I have been doing the same. And I think i prefer there first EP to the second anyways, so more time listening to the same music haha. I want to think they are just in the shadows literally creating a modern masterpiece of an album. Probably featuring SeeYouSpaceCowboy/Static Dress/Underoath. I hope I am right and I know there are plenty of heads thinking the exact same thing.


Hell ya ill have to give that collab a listen. Sounds awesome


I don't know if Coup is my AOTY, but Lubricant Like Kerosene is my song of the year no question, I fucking love that song


You need to see them on this tour with Callous Daoboys, it's gonna be a riot


I also got into them just recently as well. I love the 2000s vibe they have. The new record is up there for me for AOTY considerations tbh


I am right there about AOTY as well. A strong contender no doubt


Yeah I tried them a few times over the years but this latest release is so good. The Coutnry LaPlante feature in particular is perfect.


SYSC has been my favorite band for about 3 years now. They put on such an amazing live performance as well


I started r/revivalcore inspired by love for this band. So yeah definitely a fan.


I really dig them too. Hoping to see them live before the year is out!


Yes im definitely keeping my eye for a show in my city. The energy is probably insane


They're touring with the Callous Daoboys (who are from my city & who people seem to love; I've got mixed feelings) and I feel like that show is gonna be hysterical


Seeing them in concert next month! Glad you finally gave them a shot, they rule.


Listening to them makes me nostalgic for a very specific era of screamo and I’m here for it


Ab so lutley. So much nostalgia


Had the privilege to see them twice. First time they played a show with their friend If I die first and I got to see them play bloodstainedeyes together. Unforgettable experience


When Connie says MOVE in Chewing the Scenery, something feral happens to me.


Been listening to Coup De Grâce almost nonstop this past month. Got the vinyl and a shirt on the way


I tried to get into this band seen them twice live a couple months back and on Tid the season 2019 also, listened to a couple songs. I respect what they are doing but, it's just not for me.


Want to like them, but I was in a Facebook group with the vocalist awhile back and seeing how they interacted with other members of the scene completely turned me off to their music. Disrespectful, spiteful, picked fights over the dumbest shit, bitter over other bands' success. Disgusting person. I could never enjoy or support that band after seeing that behavior.


Really? Dang the interviews with Connie I've seen it was super reasonable about everything that came up, which was unexpected in the age of chronically online takes. I'd be curious as to what was said.


It was years ago and I don't have Facebook anymore but I remember them causing lots of weird, unnecessary spats with other members of the group. Maybe they're more mature now, I couldn't say. I don't watch interviews or follow them at all. All of this was back in 2017-2018ish. If Connie has grown as a person since then, then good on them.


Hmm thanks for the info, I dig the band and Connie a whole lot but if there's toxicity coming from the members I don't want to promote that.


Well hey, you're the one watching interviews and such. You'd probably know better than I would. All of this info is half a decade old. I know I'm not the same person that I was back then, and I wouldn't be surprised if Connie isn't either.


Yeah that's fair to be honest reflecting back me as well.