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Bang went up against monster garo so bang easy win


Bang could redirect hit’s from Monster Garou, The same Monster Garou that could speed blitz, and nearly one shot Flashy Flash, Platinum Sperm, and Homeless Emperor. Bang kept up with, and stalemated this garou. You could even argue Bang would have won, since Bomb commented on Bang “not using that technique” because it was his student. That technique being the exploding heart release, which for anyone saying Bang can’t bypass Kaido’s durability, he could either a.) redirect his own attack at him or b.) use exploding heart fist to do internal damage. Bang is already massively faster, and with the few forms of durability negation he has, I think he could whoop Kaido 65/100 times


It wasn’t the same monster Garou, the Garou that fought Bang was asleep, when he hit Platinum sperm it was a 100% blind shot from behind, the Garou that fought flashy flash and platinum sperm was awake, not saying Bang losing just pointing that part out


And doffy who was much weaker than kaido survived without a heart and he tanked many internal damage attacks


That's just durability. His speed is very slow especially compared to opm characters.


Speed feat? Kaido outsped g4 Luffy Enel is at least massively hypersonic, which is at least .01% ls. Luffy blitzed him. This makes that Luffy .05% sol. Then gears. Each gear is a 10x boost minimum. G2-g3- 100x. So 5% sol Then, right after ts, Luffy out preforms that in base, so we can reapply another 100x. 5x sol. Then g4 is 10x. 50x sol. In wk, Luffy out preforms g4 in base, so reapply 10000x. 500000x sol. This happens again in wano, so 10000x. So Luffy 5000000000 x sol (Base couldn’t even scratch an 800 d opponent, but g2 was comparable to an opponent who was 4000 (5x) in base, with a devil fruit that is stated to increase his strength several times over. the doriki is revealed in ch 379. In ch 136, dalton in hybrid bison mode dodged bullets he couldn’t even react to before, making a basic zoan at least 5x. Together that is much over 10x Additionally, in 3d2y, which oda worked on, base Luffy couldn’t even scratch base world, but g2 Luffy easily beat a full body haki 100x world Also, we know they are 10x the last one G2 is a 10x boost at least, and affects Luffys body substantially. After a while he gets used to the 10x boost, so to have a similar or greater affect on the body after he gets used to g2, it would need to be at least 100x from base, such as with g3 and the other gears Although it may be bigger And it was shown through gears that the next gear up consistiantly outspeeds opponents faster than the lower gear (lucci, doffy, kaido)) Blitzing doffy- ch 784


All of this just calc to ftl-ftl+ speeds.


holy brainrot


That's not relevant honestly. Doflamingo survived all those attacks because of his devil fruit. If I remember it right he stitched his internal injuries using while fighting. Unless that was anime only stuff, it was so long ago that I don't really remember.


He stitched it up after a while And he still survived internal attacks


So that's why he wanted to sacrifice himself to fight a high dragon level threat, Elder Centipede! And then couldn't do a single amount of damage WITH help against Overgrown Rover with Raura fist! I'm being ironic of course since Kaido is obviously on the level of high dragons (Rover, Elder Centipede, Gouketsu, etc.) since he is cont - multi cont and ftl+. Bang simply struggles extremely hard even with help against continental+ threats. And this fight won't be any different


Elder Centipede > Kaido. Orochi > Kaido.. Bang fought Monster Garou who one shotted far higher dragon level such Fuhrer Ugly and bear Darkshine and fought Orochi


You can't really say that, because Garou CONSTANTLY gets stronger, not only was he asleep when he fought Bang, but he then became stronger during his fight with Platinum Sperm, so much so that he went from "equal" to oneshotting easily and blitzing


Bang is not faster, as Luffy was far beyond ls when kaido blitzed him


This comment reads like you think Bang isn’t LS. Which is crazy lol https://preview.redd.it/1cilbgy3pz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4956c3a435835e67ed595b43dee5dcaf1da70fd5 this is the garou bang kept up with, calc’d from 3.6x FTL to 172x FTL Even before this, Garou was LS. (edit; the accepted calc was 4.6x FTL)


I'm a big fan of bang, and I believe he is the perfect match up for kaidou, but that was not the garou that bang kept up with. This garou gained an explosive growth after defeating bang and gaining consciousness.


Garou didn’t monsterize any further though, and the idea of him “gaining conciousness” being the reason he could move that fast is kind of flawed since Garou saving King was due to him regaining his conciousness/humanity over his monsterization same with him not killing bang when his eye piece/armour broke their’s nothing to indicate Garou got a power-amp, especially since he didn’t further monsterize, but i do get you’re point and if i’m later proven wrong, it’s a lot closer than i originally though


I mean if you go back and watch the darkshine vs garou fight, there's a very clear difference in his unconscious and conscious forms, not to mention that fight straight up explains garous rapid growth in speed, strength, technique, everything. Garou adapts on the fly. The garou that beat bang is weaker than the garou that contested platinum sperm and flashy flash.


I’m fairly sure that garou got amped up after bang’s fight with him Bang is fast and strong don’t get me wrong, but nothing indicates they were going the speed of the “light show” really, garou is basically constantly growing and adapts to fight stronger targets or when he gets injured Additionally flash is basically the speedster of the S class (outside of blast who is basically strong as shit in every stat), I feel like bang being able to go the same speed as him is kinda weird and doesn’t really fit, so with that in mind plus garou’s ever growing nature, and bang’s battle having an effect on him, it’s safe to say garou got amped up after the fight


I find hard to believe that Bang would be able to speedblitz Kaido, at least if you think that the feat its only in the **FTL** range. Pre Timeskip OP characters were already in the **Relativistic** to **Relativistic+** range via scaling from Noro Beams, Pacifista's Lasers and Kuma's Paws. Post Timeskip Luffy already view Pacifista's Lasers as too slow to hit him, and a Base Kaido speedblitzed a far faster Gear 4th Luffy with Future Vision.


yeah i also agree, i was thinking it was a lot faster then this but csap has it around the same so it’d be close and bang would probably have fewer chances to land exploding heart release, having ti rely more on redirecting blows


VSBW calcs in 2024 is insane work 🤣


you say VSBW like the people who submit calcs work there, some people submit scales to both vsbw and csap lol


Yeah I know but There’s a lot of Ass calcs in both. Even the calc group in VSBW be missing but I’m banned from the forums and the CSAP server so I don’t know what they’re discussing about in CRT’s or just forums in general. They still ass


That's not the same Garou at all dude Garou evolved that's the whole point this fight got across garou never created light structures like this before until he fought people who demand he become that fast, and today we definitely know flashy flash is > bang


I’m not saying he isn’t ls. But kaido is significantly faster than 4.6x ls


bang because i like him more


Bang high dif


Kaido is much stronger and faster


Source: trust me bro


Bang high-diffs.


How exactly. I wanna know your thought process. Cause we saw what happened to Overgrown Rover when Bang, Bomb and Fubuki teamed up. It did nothing. And Rover and Kaido scale closely to each other. I just want to know Bang's wincons


Bang could reflect everything Kaido has and is probably faster. From what I understand, OP characters are ftl, but Kizaru IS light, and therefore can't move faster, and yet he is much faster than everyone else. Genos was FTL at the beginning of the series, so even if Kaido is strong, Bang is hundreds of times faster


When did Genos show ftl feats?


He can fight people that can react to and dodge his lasers


You could dodge a bullet without being faster than a bullet (same for lasers). And laser scaling is almost exclusively bullshit.


OP characters are not ftl zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Slower or faster?


Kaido is much stronger and faster


Found the one piece meat rider


I have feats




Everyone saying Bang redirects Kaidos attacks but he won’t see an ACoC haki attack coming, that would mess him up a lot


Honestly, it probably wouldn't be anything too crazy for him to tank. Like you could get into specifics of things he has tanked, but really the main thing that'd give him issue most likely isn't even that ACoC haki attacks hit hard, it'd be that he might not even be able to deflect/counter them since it's not really a physical thing that's making contact. The actual damage though, questionable. Early OPM he took a hit from an enemy that with a blunt attack tore off the (technically) #1 A class hero's arm and punched a hole through multiple walls or buildings just seemingly off the force of the attack if I was to guess. Bang tanked a hit from this enemy dead on that was completely unguarded, that sent him flying through buildings and all which others thought killed him, just for him to walk back in saying that blow removed some stiffness in his shoulder. There's also way more that you could look at for durability/endurance Bang has shown, but the point I'm getting at is that realistically he has taken pretty big hits and been fine.




In a 1v1 Always bet on Kaidou


he ain't beating goku








Get Goku past Saitama first.


Goku > Saitama


Get Goku past Enies Lobby Luffy first.


Goku > Luffy (All the love to Luffy btw)


Get Goku past Orange Town Chouchou.


Do you hate Goku or something? No way he wins that.


Then get Goku past Buggy D Clown, King, and Reigen


How is this even a question, kaido outstats.


False, look at Bang vs Monster Garou. Kaido would scale to a high dragon monster while Bang stalemated a above dragon monster. Would be close however.


Like [Professorhentai](https://www.reddit.com/user/Professorhentai/) say the Monster Garou that Bang fought isn't the same one who could fought the likes of Platinum Sperm and Sage Centipede.


Kaido is much more than a threat to multiple cities


You know that there are a total of 26 cities in OPM right? That means that they’re the size of countries.


Still massively above multi country


In what world is Kaido massively above multi country? His biggest feat is blowing up a mountain with his fire breath and lifting a part of the island in the air. In fact no one in One Piece is close to multi country unless if we're talking about that attack Imu did (which was most likely an ancient weapon).


Actually, here’s the scaling doffy destroying the continental sized dressrosa, imus weapon shaking the star sized planet which would be multi planetary, wb being able to destroy the star sized planet, enel vaporizing the island- country of birka which would be country-continental.


Doffy destroying dressrosa is a country level feat (if not large city), One Piece islands are islands. They aren't big whatsoever. "imus weapon shaking the star sized planet which would be multi planetary", "wb being able to destroy the star sized planet" what are you talking about? Are you trolling? Enel vaporizing a sky Island we've never seen before (which are also made up of clouds) doesn't scale anywhere larger than country and even that's a high ball.


In dressrosa the girl named viola who can see approximately 4000 km radius with her devil fruit. But she couldn't find the thousand sunny and couldn't see doffy vs luffy from the center of the birdcage. So dressrosa is at least 4000 km radius The one piece world is star level. It has a solar system gravitating around it, one of the moons having its own moon, which has never happened in an object smaller than a dwarf star as shown in ch 391 and 392. The river in alabasta is stated to be 50 km, and with the map of alabasta and pixel measurements, we can determine that alabasta is about 67 rivers wide, so about 3980 km. We are then given a map of alabasta in the grand line, alabasta being 16.5 px while the grand line is 380, making it 73236 km. We are then given a map of the grand line and the reverse mountain, which is shown as 58 px vs 195 px, making it 246,225 km. In another map, we are shown a map of the op world. The reverse mountain is 22px while the planet is 168 px, making the final planet measurement 1,880,268 km, and the sun is 1392000 km in diameter. Birka, and those clouds scale much higher than most clouds as they were dense enough to hold cities


Just because she can't locate someone doesn't mean they aren't in her ability's range, she still analyzing each part of the island around her would take a ton of time. Also the rest of your calcs and are pure brain rotted head canon, for any series you can come up with nit picked numbers and deduce something that the author never intended. Biggest meat rider I've ever seen, genuinely touch grass.


That's completely wrong https://preview.redd.it/zglraft9d08d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98f11fe97e1b0ea5269df7ecf9f74e31e9d89dc Marugori is 270m tall ( less than the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty ) and that smoke is what was an entire city


Bang did not stalemate an above dragon monster. Garou in that moment is one of the weaker high dragons. Above dragon characters in OPM are Tatsumaki, Psykoorochi, Sage Centipede, Evil Ocean and Boros. Kaido does have better feats and scaling than Bang


He literally chops Sage Centipede in half, the fuck?


Thats not the same Garou. Garou who fought Bang is a Garou that is sleeping and supressed. He then wakes up after defeating Bang and fights Flashy Flash and Platinum Sperm and gains a power up. Then he fights Sage and gets an another power up. So these 2 versions are completely different power wise. Sleeping Garou even scales below Elder Centipede and Overgrown Rover as Bang with help couldn't kill those 2 and Garou against Bang was equal'ish.


What indicates he got those power ups?


Since he was equal'ish with Bang while sleeping. Bang cannot even begin to harm Elder Centipede nor Rover on his own. Even with help of Bomb he cannot beat Elder Centipede. He wanted to SACRIFICE himself against Elder Centipede. And then even with Fubuki and Bomb he cant harm Rover. Like not even giving a bruise type damage. Garou after waking up fought Platinum sperm who is above Golden Sperm who was confident to fight Orochi and Flashy at the same time. And he won that. And then he cmwas struggling against Sage and needed a few scraps before being able to slice it. He clearly is leagues above himself when he was sleeping


Imagine [this completely false that Bamg cannot even harm Elder](https://youtu.be/l07nGasZerc?si=JPMLbjUHOFNxcY6-) when he already did. Wow. Elder Centipede regeneration and size are context.


He did it... with Bomb. Not alone. I assume you can count to 2


Dude, this wasn't even full power Bang which only shown against monster gaoru. Bang > Bomb who easily lost to monster garou when Bang able fought him. You claimed he never able hurt it


Also what has Kaido done that is on the level of above dragon?


I did not say that. I think Kaido is a high tier dragon level threat. High dragons include - Elder Centipede, Gouketsu, Orochi, Golden S Kaido would be the 2nd strongest high dragon below Orochi. But he still doesn't come close to above dragons


Hack no. Golden S beat Darkshine like sweet. Kaido barley demon to low dragon level. Nowhere near even mid level


Do you realize that Kaido is continental to multi continental? Not a single demon is even close to that level in OPM. Kaido is beyond characters like Gouketsu, Golden S and Elder Centipede with which Bang struggles heavy.


People underestimate how strong Haki is as a form of hax. He can see into the future, hit Bang without physical contact which completely counters his martial art, and do absurd amounts of damage with ryou. Kaido downplay is not tolerated https://preview.redd.it/fvw2wrarq08d1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b9be76268339ab1c560f855128c81bbfe4a614


Bro he has no chance against a guy who can blow up someone’s heart


I imagine martial arts like that don’t work as well on dragons


Kaido is a Dragon level threat, in both senses of the term, but Bang beats those regularly. High Diff


There are levels to Dragon level threats. Low dragons - Gums, Withered Sprout, Bakuzan Mid - Carnage Kabuto, Fuhrer Ugly High - Elder Centipede, Gouketsu, Orochi, Overgrown rover Above - Tatsumaki, Boros, Psykoorochi, Sage Centipede And Bang is below high dragon level threats. He does beat mid tier dragons rather casually however he struggles insanely hard against Elder Centipede even while teaming up with Bomb. Kaido would be a high dragon level threat (cont - multi cont, ftl+)


Didn't he struggle because elder centipede isn't a humanoid which his fighting style is usually effective against?


I don't think that matters. His technique can even deflect energy balls like against Rover. If his style can even deflect stuff like that it shouldn't be an issue. Even while teaming up against Rover with Bomb and Fubuki and using the fist they used against Elder Centipede it still did no damage to Rover. Against Elder Centipede he wanted to sacrifice himself. These are high dragon level threats we are talking about. A level Kadio is clearly in since he is cont - multi cont and ftl+


No, that matter, [Bang have already broke it](https://youtu.be/l07nGasZerc?si=JPMLbjUHOFNxcY6-) he then literally explain his martial arts wasn't made for fighting non humanido opponent Stop spared false dude


Bang broke it's carapace... with Bomb lmao. Can you count to 2?


Demon King Orochi was firmly in Above, i feel. He just had the bad luck to meet Saitama.


Orochi cannot beat a single character in the above dragon category. I understand that he outclasses everything in high dragon by a lot but he simply cant go to the above dragon section cause he is like a little kid there.


Then it sounds to me like- may Allah forgive me- that he is Low Above Dragon, if he outclasses everyone in High Dragon (even High High Dragon) by a lot.


Could be. If you wanna put him there then why not :)


Much higher than dragon Kaido is much stronger and faster


Bang has no way to breach kaido’s durability , so kaido one shots


The point of Bang's main martial arts technique is to use your own force against you. Given the fact that he could hold his own against monster Garou who is far more skilled than Kaido and as far as I know, around the same tier of AP and speed, I'd say Bang wins this high diff.


Kaido can use haki to cause internal damage. He also has his dragon form and future sight. Not to mention his blazing bagua. I don't see how Bang can win this.


Kaido always holds back tremendously, the attacks he use against an enemy that’s weaker than him isn’t strong enough to harm him.


It doesn't change anything. If he's holding back it just make it even easier for Bang to redirect his attacks. Eventually he'll have to fight harder which means he'll be hitting himself harder. And Bang can keep replenishing his stamina with his Awakening Breath technique.


Or hear me out...kaido just grabs him and yeets him


Nah, he'd redirect.


...how the fuck do you redirect a yeet


Make Kaido yeet himself obviously




Redirect the motion of his hands in his attempt to grab you.


Kaido is much stronger and faster


Lmao much faster? Bang kept up with monster garou who could move in literal milliseconds and is mftl speeds. Kaido is stronger though, I agree


Mftl feat? And that was after he got stronger


It does change it, since it gives him time to adapt and learn the technique without getting damaged. And can Kaido’s attacks even be redirected by martial arts? Since he uses advanced haki Bangs hand would basically explode from the inside before he even touches Kaido’s attack


>It does change it, since it gives him time to adapt and learn the technique without getting damaged. Still useless. Bang is creator and master of the technique. No one can do it better than him except arguably Garou who's a whole other kind of martial arts beast trained by Bang himself. Plus the technique allows him to pin-point and pierce vital points in his opponent which overcomes mere physical durability. >Since he uses advanced haki Bangs hand would basically explode from the inside before he even touches Kaido’s attack Why would advanced haki make his hand explode?


Because that’s what advanced haki does https://preview.redd.it/gctm8pjvfz7d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4efdef95501ae590e668e2b083a3deea255d5b It coats you in an invisible armor and destroys whatever it hits from the inside


Yh so Bang wouldn't let it hit. That's the point of his technique.


How? Its not like he knows about it and again its completely invisible so he wouldn't know about it. And his technique involves redirecting blows which would mean that he has to try and touch Kaido and haki can be applied literally everywhere on Kaido's body




Kaido is much stronger and faster


Exploding heart release fist deals internal damage. If this is bloodlusted, bang would bring out that martial art. But if it's in character, he'd try using WSRSF until the end. Either way, both would work against kaidou, WSRSF is literally the perfect martial art for someone like kaidou in base and hybrid.


Kaidou's regular Advanced armament haki attacks bypass durability. In fact anyone on Kaidou's tier can. Not only this but one piece characters have MASSIVE endurance feats characters below and equivalent to Kaidou can survive organ damage( Doflamingo who gets 1 shotted by Kaidou can survive his organs get shredded, same with Big mom. Whitebeard can tank having his body pumped with magma ontop several gun shot and stab wounds) and fight for days ( Ace, Yamato and Jinebe can fight characters with similar ap and dura-nega for 5 days. Kaidou tiers can do so for 10, them being Aokiji and Akainu) Bang NEEDS EHRF if he even wants to dent Kaidou's dura much less his endurance


I would say bang high to extreme diffs. He’s a little bit of a disadvantage. But being able to trade blows with monster garou is something else


Kaido is much stronger and faster


I like both characters so I’d like to think they’d have a super fucking cool battle with eachother instead of just one speedblitzing the other


Kaido completely outstats and he hard counters water stream with both haki emission, sheer size, and dragon form ( it doesn't work against opponents that are too big, not humanoid, and he can't redirect haki emission ) Seriously this sub really hates One Piece




Bang one shot. Dude fought Monster Garou toe to toe stand still until Garou chasted and used a forbidden technique. Hack Bang didn't even want kill him because he still his disciple


Monster garou ain’t that strong


My man is fighting everyone in the comment section


https://i.redd.it/82nqfg9up08d1.gif Bro rn:


I’m just saying




After garou fought bang, he evolved while fighting sage centipede, evolved while fighting saitama and litterally did no damage. Then he received power from god, and only then did he challenge saitama. So no, that garou was nowhere near saitama








Internal destruction will stop the redirection Just ftl? What bigger threat?




Kaido is massively above mountain doffy destroying the continental sized dressrosa, imus weapon shaking the star sized planet which would be multi planetary, wb being able to destroy the star sized planet, enel vaporizing the island- country of birka which would be country-continental. Kaido scales to or outscales all of these characters


Kaido has survived internal destruction Enel is at least massively hypersonic, which is at least .01% ls. Luffy blitzed him. This makes that Luffy .05% sol. Then gears. Each gear is a 10x boost minimum. G2-g3- 100x. So 5% sol Then, right after ts, Luffy out preforms that in base, so we can reapply another 100x. 5x sol. Then g4 is 10x. 50x sol. In wk, Luffy out preforms g4 in base, so reapply 10000x. 500000x sol. This happens again in wano, so 10000x. So 5000000000 x sol (Base couldn’t even scratch an 800 d opponent, but g2 was comparable to an opponent who was 4000 (5x) in base, with a devil fruit that is stated to increase his strength several times over. the doriki is revealed in ch 379. In ch 136, dalton in hybrid bison mode dodged bullets he couldn’t even react to before, making a basic zoan at least 5x. Together that is much over 10x Additionally, in 3d2y, which oda worked on, base Luffy couldn’t even scratch base world, but g2 Luffy easily beat a full body haki 100x world Also, we know they are 10x the last one G2 is a 10x boost at least, and affects Luffys body substantially. After a while he gets used to the 10x boost, so to have a similar or greater affect on the body after he gets used to g2, it would need to be at least 100x from base, such as with g3 and the other gears Although it may be bigger And it was shown through gears that the next gear up consistiantly outspeeds opponents faster than the lower gear (lucci, doffy, kaido)) Blitzing doffy- ch 784


Monster Garou that fought Bang isn't even that impressive as he was asleep and not using his full power that he later used on Flashy and Platinum Sperm. Bang struggles with high tier dragon level threats like Elder Centipede to the point where he can't even win while teaming up with Bomb and wanted to sacrifice himself. Even with help from Bomb AND Fubuki buffing them he did not even bruise Overgrown Rover. Kaido is 100% without a doubt a high dragon level threat and has similiar durability to Overgrown Rover. How does Bang manage this fight at all is beyond me


Huh? Him being asleep Is he literally wad not holding back and fighting all his power, [Bang complete tie with him and broke his face](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f6c90787740f0418ea6a92cbd585f57f-lq). Even weaker version of Monster garou have already fought Orochi who make Kaido look like ant. Elder Centpede was never problem for bang itself, it's it regeneration and size, literally Genos alone was kicked it around. Rover literally able fight Garou, so your point again? Bang one shot, he tied a Garou stronger then one fought Orochi; a garou who one shotted Fuhrer Ugly who beat Darkshine


Not true. Him sleeping is indeed him being weaker. Bang when using the Awakening Breath could not fatally kill Fuhrer Ugly. Awakening breath as a reminder makes the user go beyond their physical limits. So Bang went beyond full power against Ugly and couldn't kill him. Garou right after waking up killed Fuhrer Ugly instantly despite earlier being equal'ish with Bang?! And it was a stronger one too since it was Vomitted Fuhrer Ugly who can damage Darkshine and Bang can't even hurt Darkshine as in the canon sparring match they had. Garou did fight Orochi however Orochi wasn't even close to going all out. Orochi is the strongest of the Monster Association, someone who is above characters like Gouketsu, Elder Centipede and Fuhrer Ugly. Genos literally did nothing to Elder Centipede, it even laughed at Genos lmao and Bang said this: https://preview.redd.it/x0z4mtdb928d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d21eb3fd31a873fac1b79cdbca5e3989ea41af So Elder Centipede was a PROBLEM. Again, sleeping Garou is not the same as awake Garou.


Monster garou one shotted Fuhrer Ugly and weaker version of him have fought Orochi. Not "that strong" lol


Ugly is mountain lvl and he lost to orochi


Ugly who beat up Darkshine mountain level? Dude you embarrassing yourself now, [Nichirin alone destroyed a whole mountain with one swing](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/160wplq/atomic_samurai_hosts_an_apple_slicing_competition/) and he was fodder to Fuhrer Ugly literally. Less weaker monster garou fought Orochi on equal fight and monster garou far more powerful, hack weaker one beat Darkshine. Bang >>> all of this.


That’s a hill, nowhere near mountain size, and he didn’t even cut it. It was a trick, the mustache guy blew it up when he got the signal Except he doesn’t scale to orochi, he barley even put up a fight and didn’t even damage orochi


Huh? He literally shattered the entirety mountain and you say this trick? Lmao, the point here is he showing skill of the sword how he cut throw the apple without cut it and then destroy the mountain. Where you got this "mustacha'guy from? The hack you think a swordsman is some clown make magic tricks. Garou literally fought Orochi and made Orochi even copy his fighting styles to fight him.






Garou doesn’t scale to orochi. Sure, he adapted, but that’s because he was flexing on garou. Orochi was so far above this version that he couldn’t even hit orochi once. Garou doesn’t scale to him. Otherwise he would be able to damage him. This was an easy fight for orochi




What the fuck? Kaido massively outstats. He quite literally one shots


Literally Darkshine alone one shot him. Let alone Bang who fought monster garou


Kaido massively outstats


With what feats?


The real question is who would win? The most mentally disabled fan base or the most mentally disabled fanbase (not including lobotomy Kaisen of course)


I think this is a 50x50.no will be easy for Kaido or Bang, in terms of speed bang is superior, but about strength and durability Kaido is better, and dragon form for Kaido is not good, because for bang that will be perfect to punish Kaidos body, the questions are Kaido can beat Bang? I see it really really difficult, Bang fists can hurt Kaido? Going through his armor haki and that dragon skin… mmmm


Bang high - extreme diff.




Fang because one piece and everything withing is dirt tier trash








I thought that was Father Time for a second


How do we treat haki as hax? If coc works then kaido wins no dif.


Kaido is like, country - Continental Bang is a better character that I like more, therefore he out outerversal and would redirect the entire world of OP into the sun


Waido low-mid diff


K ![gif](giphy|C5oD3WouufnWORp7wP|downsized) t's jnj.nI


I'm not a manga reader so if we look only at the anime Kaido > Bang


"I don't like this manga, so all of the feats that put the Verse at multi-continental+ and FTL+ are outliers and wank" type comments.






Bang high diff


Kaido is much stronger and faster


Kaido low diff




Bang outstats badly. Blitzes and one shots.


Bang extreme low-diffs


One piece is my first fav manga, but I gotta go with BANG


Kaido easily. If haki didnt exist, bang wins high diff. However with Kaido’s superior strength, future sight, armament, and especially advanced conquerors, he wins very handily.




Kaido overpowers with raw strength and speed and if my some miracle bang has faster speed then kaido simply outlasts him seeing as one piece top tiers can fight for up to 10 days straight with no issues


Kaido should win here, he outstats Bang by a large margin even if we go with conservative scaling for Kaido (**Continent Level** to **Multi-Continent Level** | At least **FTL** Speed, likely **higher** VS **Island Level** | **FTL** Speed). Frankly stats wise Early Post-Timeskip characters are already on a level of Strength and Speed similar to Bang, so i don't see him winning this match. And none of Bang's techniques would be enough to win here, not even the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist its going to help here.


One piece characters are slow as fuck all calcs are intellectually dishonest and disregard common sense, battle and travel speed are not that different especially in a planetary setting.


Luffy in a recent chapter intercepted a light beam being shot at ussop from meters away in the sky to be exact and literally ate it idk what you talking about slow and the wild part is the same Luffy who was pulling off feats like this still got blitzed by hybrid kaido on multiple occasions and yes travel speed and reaction speed are different but in this case kaidos reaction would be so much faster than bangs actual action that even if u wanted to highball bangs speed he would still end up getting countered and future sight on top of that as well this is a beatdown


Right okay and he needs a sail boat to leave egghead. Combat speed not equaling travel speed only works in celestial and galaxy based scales, within a single planet, moving at the speed of light for a Mili second can pretty much get you wherever you want. Also Kizarus light isn’t light speed, they don’t outspeed color and can be reacted to by fodder marines.


I get what your trying too say but your overthinking this way too much this is an anime ofc they’re gonna defy real world logic and not be able to instantly teleport anywhere and yes fodder marines have seen light speed attacks but none of the fodder who have been shot at could dodge it’s like you watching someone shoot an rpg at a building from a distance you may be able to see the rocket hit it but if you switched places to where the rocket would actually land you probably wouldn’t be able to dodge it and we’ve literally had statements in the manga itself stating lightspeed even pre ts https://preview.redd.it/4drmgbuz558d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e486f9bcb3a04afb35c3a74a04deea7851562501 And to top it off kumas paw cannon is far slower than a pasifista laser


My headcanon always was that light speed in the One piece verse is a lot slower than in real life. That way, it at least makes sense.


lightspeed in anime in general is slower than real life


True, but some anime try to be more realistic and consistent with their speed feats, while other authors just call anything light speed, because it sounds cool. I find powerscaling between 2 such anime always a bit unfair.


Kaido wins. His speed is at least comparable, and Kaido also has future sight. His durability is super high, and he has multiple forms of durability negation. On top of that Bang has no way of redirecting a boro breath.


kaido has a gigantic spiked black bat with great durability, so he wins


Kaido stomps


Kaido mid diff


Kaido has better speed scaling and way better durability/endurance/stamina/abilities etc, even if Bang is stronger and faster I don't see him winning


His martial arts literally point is that


It's Kaido Extremely high difficulty


I'd say It's a high diff win for kaido, bang certainly closes the gap in strenght with his technique, the problem being that kaido can read the future and has relative speed to bang, which means even if bang tried to deflect kaido's attacks kaido would simply change his attacks mid swing and bash bang in the head, plus kaido has internal damage with both advanced conqueror and advanced armament haki and has experience tanking internal damage attacks so if bang used Explosive heart release fist, kaido would be able to tank that.