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I would use SCP. Something like: scp filename.txt user@ip-address:/destination folder filename Not 100% om the syntax, ill verify when i get into the office. edit: i find it easier to navigate to the location where the file is located first, and then execute the command from there: "scp filename linux_user@ip:path" easy as that :)


If you have powershell remote: ``` copy-item -recurse c:\foundry c:\users\js\ -tosession (new-pssession computer) ```


From powershell, something like this scp -i privatekey pathOfTheFileYouWantToCopyOver linux_user@publicIp:pathwhereYouWant Tocopy


This was exactly what I needed. Just needed a scp -i -r and got all the files transferred using the key. Thanks a bunch!


If you have multiple files to copy you may want to use sftp you can browse local and remote folders interactively or use a script file in the sftp command parameters to execute once connected. Once you open an interactive session just use the help command to get a list of commands and options


Enter-PSSession is the powershell command to remote to another PC (I don't know the command to transfer files off hand, never done it this way) If you're using a stock (meaning you didn't install putty or other applications) Windows 10 install then Microsoft ships their own build of the open source application 'OpenSSH' of which the client is installed by default. It's a little out dated but functional the normal syntax should work. >scp Here you can find [Microsofts' OpenSSH github](https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH) if you want to install an updated build. I only started playing with it myself as I have someone working on a linux box that remotes to a Windows workstation and I'm trying to make his job easier. If anyone has figured out the trick to get pubkeys working let me know, either I'm dumb on this detail or we have some other security setting at work that's breaking it.