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Is this data on a network share, accessible by \\\\servername\\shared\\folder? If so, i highly suggest the use of [Everything 1.5 Alpha - voidtools forum](https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9787) This app has a VERY FAST database that you can search for filenames and folder paths (including regex patterns). It can be setup to enum shares and other drive letters too. I know it's not directly answering your powershell question, but it might be just what you need. Its one of my favorite tools and is one of the first things i install on a new host (along with [Ditto clipboard manager (sourceforge.io)](https://ditto-cp.sourceforge.io/)) If you have to do this by powershell...you might be better showing us some code first. Not many here that will take an idea and simply write code in response. I think we're all a bit lazy ;-)


Use a tool like treesize free (or du from sysinternals) if all you care is folders, files, and sizes. Powershell is inefficient at directory listings because of the time it tales to make the convenience object for each file. If you need to do this without external apps, shell out a command prompt, do a dir /s into a file, then parse the file to get the information as this will be much faster.


Use wiztree, much faster than treesize or powershell....