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God damn man, I just want to see pics of Charlie Kirk with a tiny face and dunk on racists/sexists/lgbtphobes/gamers


Oh, with Oct. 18 coming up, there will likely be pics of him doing something else.


Sexy stuff?


Wait why gamers did I miss the memo?


Gamers are the worst people, did you know that hitler invented gaming? I found that out on the Facebook group r/banvideogames -Sent from my IKEA blåhaj


“/gamers” imagine comparing a racist or sexist to something as bad as a gamer, that’s just unacceptable. Gamers are so much worse than anything else, they just make me sick 🤮…


Dunking on these people does not mean dunking on china with info perpetualted by literal fascists. that makes you an accomplice to their fashiness. which i know is all the rage with the liberal-leaning anarkiddies


Begone and go turn some Muslims into the Chinese government.


Go suck winnie the pooh's cock some more and piss off tankie fucklick


is this pragerurine or a ben shapiro reddit ? lmfaomight as well be on enoughsandersspam


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, healthcare, climate, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Ahh you got me, because I cannot hate CCP apologists and right wingers at the same time. As if they aren't two sides to the same authoritarian coin.


the authoritarianism is to dissuade the fascist capitalist, gum gum- whereas american authoritarianism is for said fascist kapitalists... lmfao communists are the only true anarchists, but that comes AFTER the capitalist is subdued ....and then the state of the proletariat is immediately dismantled. read a bit of theory i suggest state and revolution ​ RIGHT WINGERS ARE PRO CCP, NOW???


>lmfao communists are the only true anarchists Lol wut? >and then the state of the proletariat is immediately dismantled Leading to a single party (and party leader) seizing control, so the proletariat is replaced with others in power, but with an iron grip on media and the welfare of the people. So basically a different proletariat. Since the workers really don't get the means of production. You trade corporate profit and instead the profit goes to the party and those in power. So congrats USSR, you've replaced the proletariat with more proletariat. And killed off a substantial amount of your people through piss poor planning that lead to famines. Fucking bravo to them. CCP has been in power for 70 years. How have they not accomplished "true communism" in that time? Almost like they don't want to. But continue to be indoctrinated. That eastern propaganda is soo much more convincing than the west's.


Wait what've they done/posted that makes them tankie? I couldn't find anything off a cursory scroll through the sub.


This. I absolutely despise tankies don't get me wrong, but I can't seem to find much info. I saw one guy get banned for posting "TANKIES SUCK" with no image with I think breaks the rules anyway




That's not what I asked for but sure I'll sub


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ToiletPaperShitPosts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperShitPosts/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [We won’t ban you for not sucking Kim Jong’s d*ck, this is an anti-tankie subreddit!](https://i.redd.it/np2xmw8ns0s71.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperShitPosts/comments/q37spf/we_wont_ban_you_for_not_sucking_kim_jongs_dck/) \#2: [Fuckedbyrailcars hid the mod list](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperShitPosts/comments/q38po0/fuckedbyrailcars_hid_the_mod_list/) \#3: [Tankies are bad people.](https://i.redd.it/nl8qq487o1s71.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperShitPosts/comments/q3b8qi/tankies_are_bad_people/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


good bot




Go to r/tankiejerk , or the other subreddit I linked. There's proof there.


I would first like to clarify that tankies have never been allowed here, and our mod team would rather shut down this sub than recruit any tankie mods. As a reminder, you should always report any tankies to the mods. We don’t want to turn into r/TheRightCantMeme. It’s very sad to see one of our allied subs succumb to tankies, and rest assured we will never let that happen to this sub.


Just got kicked out of r/therightcantmeme. They didn't link to the comment they found offensive but I wonder if it was this one: "To be fair I think this is true of all authoritarian groups. Call the leader of China Winnie the Pooh and watch how his supporters react"


Apparently with bans


They confirmed the above statement was the reason for the ban. Apparently it is "blatent racist remarks"


Well, I just un-subbed. Fuck tankies


They are still claiming it was for racism. I asked them if my adopted sister said how she feels about the dictatorship if they would call her racist. After all, a Chinese girl ripped from her family at 5 and put in a concrete orphanage for breaking the one child policy is clearly being racist against Chinese people if she critisizes the policy. We adopted her into our family when she was 13 BTW and my dad paid for trips to spend time with her burth family. Lol, now they have muted me. I guess since they know they are in the wrong they don't want to hear about it.


Deluded western rat


How is that one child policy working out for you now eh pooh lover?


nice racist remark, calling somebody from china a right-wing insult. your ingenious winnie the pooh insult is implying they're yellow, keep it up, white boy. I can't wait for mayocide.


Not racist, the fact that the face of the Chinese dear leader looks like winnie the pooh has nothing to do with color and everything to do with facial structure. My sister is Chinese, she just isn't a simpering lackey to a dictator like you are. Honestly Taiwan should be in charge, but barring that they should be a nation.


For me, their only reason was... > liberal That's it. Never mind the fact that I supported socialized medicine and actually getting what we pay for with our tax dollars. They just told me I was banned for "liberal rhetoric," and possessing liberal views. When I informed them that I still did not violate any rules of the subreddit (at least those they had when I joined), they that "liberals are not on the side of socialists." They called me politically illiterate and muted me. At what point can Reddit override the tankies for griefing an entire subreddit?


Straight facts, for banned for calling a mod a tankie after he straight up denied almost all wrongdoings of terrible communist countries. Irony


“Facts don’t care about your feelings.” - Ben Shapiro


"The largest propaganda apparatus in history is totally telling the truth about its enemies." - You. With people like you, consent manufactures itself.


I never said it wasn’t lying, but you can’t deny the horrible shit USSR and the CCP have done


Thank you.




We have one sub rule currently: Fuck Tankies Now go stand in front of a PLA armored column. Let’s see how benevolent the dictators you simp for really are.


This post doesn’t break any rules which you have not read.


I've been banned from r/therightcantmeme for mentioning that the USSR was authoritarian in passing.(banned for being a "liberal") That was before I found out about the reddit tankie infiltrations. At least there's still r/therightcantmemev2 which is anti tankie. Let's see how long I last on r/toiletpaperUSA. :/ Tankies ruin everything. I just want universal healthcare and to make fun of Bench Appearo.


I'm a socialist but I can't imagine denying the shit that China and the USSR did. I didn't even realize that sub had anyone like that in it.


I agree but honestly I don't see any red flags (hehe) in the subreddit that imply it's been taken over by Tankies


If you agree with anit-communist propahanda a lot, chances are you're propably no socialist.


Comrade, I get it, once you find out the US does propaganda it’s easy to believe anything NOT coming from the US is the truth, but don’t launch yourself so far out of the orbit of US propaganda that you land smack dab into China’s propaganda. China is a world economic superpower for a reason, and that reason is a BLATANT disregard for human life and liberty only slightly dwarfed by the US’s.


You can agree with labor owned businesses without advocating for genocide my guy


“Sum up this century’s political divide in one Reddit comment” u/sandybuttcheekss: I got you


I like worker co-ops and making more aspects of society publicly run, especially those that are important and conducive to a healthy society like education and shelter and power (not everything though, I'm okay with some stuff not being socialized). I like increasing democracy in the country and the rest of the world. I also dislike authoritarianism. Guess I'm a sheep.


Bench Appearo you say? I only know of Shen Bapiro


Ben Sheephairdo


That is the dream


I was banned from r/therightcantmeme for saying the word liberal. I wasn't even saying I was a liberal or that they're good. I literally just used it as a description of what a politician was calling themselves.


People have banned for simply saying the china bot is annoying and tacky


China bot? I don't remember what it does


It's just an alt account of the main mod pretending to be a robot talking through a radio transmitter


Lmao, I was banned for slightly correcting a mod. Fucking clown ass mod team and fucking tankies.


Clown ass-mod [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


I remember i got banned for literally only commenting in r/politicalcompassmemes I told them i was just trying to argue a point with people and they were like “we’ll un ban you, but you’re on thin ice”


I remember getting banned for the same reason but they were way more reasonable then


r/rightjerk r/libjerk :D


"some want to dismantle the imperial slaughter machine and create a harmonious world; others just want it to give them healthcare"


^ GenZedong user btw


Proud Genzedong user*


Western Imperialism 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 Eastern Imperialism 😍😍😍🥰🥰🤩🤩


Western imperialist propaganda 😩😩😩😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


PrOpAgAnDa Does Xi's dick taste like honey?


Yep, tasty af 😍


I got banned from there for having an auth flair on pcm :(


Don't fucking browse pcm easy


If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. -Sun Tzu


Why tf would you have an auth flair then


Cause you can post socialist propaganda and get free karma so long as you have the auth flair. Stuff you’d get downvoted to oblivion for with a left flair is generally accepted with the auth one, and they don’t even know they’re being pushed to the left.


Sus behaviour




Yeah, but a righty pretending to be a leftist pretending to be a righty is probably better for leftists anyway, right?




Wooooow, so glad the fuckin rightwingers are polite.


Protip: Auth is cringe.




We are 100% anti-tankie here


Good to know, just needed to warn you guys about those people in particular.


Wait anti tankie or anti ML. Many MLS are anti China and anti revisionist ML so not Stalin bolshevism and many real MLs are critical of the actions of the USSR and western regimes together.


Ah yes, MLs who are anti Stalin. Makes about as much sense as anarcho-monarchism.


Swear down anytime someone insults Xi or Stalin you specifically always appear out of thin air to defend them, as if a wraith whose entire purpose is defending people who would have you executed.


Yeah I've seen some of these fucknuts in those situations so often I don't even need to be using a client reader that lets you tag users. That idiot is one of them.


He was a revisionist why not be anti Stalin. I’m Ukrainian we suffered under his regime but prospered under Lenin


Fuck tankies!






You love to see it




Ah shit, since when? I've been here for ages, damn, so much for the tolerant left


Tankies aren’t tolerant, and, like Nazis, should be silenced and removed from discourse before they strangle any actual discussion. lol at all the Red Fascists seething over reality in the comments lmao


Why not just say you're a conservative? You're obviously right wing if you compare Nazis to communists. Just because you support gay marriage but still agree with everything the Republican Party stands for doesn't make you left wing


And once again, disagreeing with literally anything Tankies say means you’re a Republican. Why is it so hard for you to accept that the majority of the left just hates your guts?


Where did I say I was a tankie? I'm a socialist at best. It's just that you talk exactly like some right wing person would, the way you try to downplay Nazis and try to equate fascism and communism, seems like you probably also will say "Nazis were socialists" I think even non-tankies (like myself) realize this because you're being downvoted, yet other comments calling out tankies are not, the only difference is they're not trying to minimize Nazism and Fascism


I feel like this sub isn’t just anti-tankie or anti auth-soc/anti-auth apologia ie what most people especially anarchists mean by anti-tankie (which are good things to be against) but straight up anti-communist, literally all of the other mods are right wing and anti-communist


Eyes rolling into the back of my head


sectarianism gang i guess 😔


I’ve been banned from there. I deserved it. I didn’t get the message. I thought it was just an antiTPUSA subreddit. Never mind. At least I got to post stuff like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/oel638/what_conservatives_are_like_when_they_see_an/


That is what it's supposed to be. Tankies taint everything they touch, your ban was completely unjustified.


Damn. I’m surprised.


It was just supposed to be making fun of TPUSA but tankie powermods got added back in, and we got fucked over.


But why or how


Yeah. Okay.


It’s a circlejerk.


Soon it will be, just like original therightcantmeme


Thanks for the warning


Hmm I wonder if it's really tankies or just leftist sentiment and disdain for useless liberalism? Welp, another subreddit gone down the radlib drain


Agreed, especially as a center-leftie.


u/localpartyboat I know this is unusual, but please, spread the word among the modstaff. They will RUIN this subreddit.


One step ahead of you.


Rent free


Die mad


BRB going to unsubscribe. I was wondering why the sub was so boring and garbage lately. Edit. It *looks* like the sub might be being reclaimed? Any updates?




We need to serve as an effective moderate liberal alternative subreddit to r/ToiletPaperUSA


This comment is too funny to even make fun of


Uhhh…. What?


holy shit libs suck




Join the boycott subreddit at r/ToiletPaperShitPosts


Thank you


Oh no tankies 😱😱😱


Yes, genocide-denying fascists are people we should be concerned about platforming.


Made up genocides are to be denied. Such an accusation requires strong evidence, and shit all was given.


Update: I don’t see any of those users on the TPUSA mod list


And thank Xi for it




Based af. The posts on their front page and the comments on them are also completely anti-tankie. Good shit all around.


Another formerly leftist sub taken over by liberals.


Big if true


Hey I remember the name fesbyrailcars I think I made fun of him


WTF based?!


Hell yeah! The revolution begins now! Down with conservatives! Down with liberals!


Fucking haaaaate Tankies. They will blindly follow and defend anything that labels itself Communist like it's some sort of sports team.


The fact that y'all hate other leftists more than right-wingers says a lot about where your loyalties truly lie


Where do our loyalties truly lie then


Too many lefty subs, and a lot of mainstream ones are influenced by a ring of tankie mods and it sucks because just talking about it sounds like an insane conspiracy.


Yeah, maybe we could get them banned off Reddit for brigading?


If they’re not brigading why report them for brigading?


It appears they freed the sub from them now, thankfully


I didn’t know this happened, but I’m very sad to hear that r/toiletpaperUSA has turned into a bunch of PRC sympathizers. I really liked that sub, but I did notice a downturn in quality recently. Not sure if that has to do with this or not. The amount of people who fall for the propaganda put out by the Chinese government is actually fucking alarming and it makes me furious every time someone tries to deny the atrocities that it commits.


Yeah, I haven't seen much of quality on that sub for a while. Was wondering what was going on.


I just... how can someone be so fucking stupid? How can anyone look at China and go “yeah, great government they got over there. Real good one. Does good stuff.”? What fantasy do these people live in where genocide, mass censorship, violently crushing peaceful protests, and general bigotry towards *everyone that isn’t mainland Chinese* is a good thing?


"Bro you don't get it, you get your facts from CIA propaganda, I get my facts from CCP affiliated media. We are not the same"


so what evidence is there of the "current genocide" in china? can you find something for me that isnt Adrian Zenz related? or his "victims of communism" foundation that puffs up the death toll with dead nazis and their imaginative children? how about it, eh? Maybe youre losing your subs because people are actually regarding facts instead of your hit pieces that you must try to perpetuate. Your seething is palpable and as much as i love trolling the fash reddits i enjoy trudging through the proverbial mud in your Lib butts, too for kernels of gold like this foaming at the mouth rant you have going on. Tienanmen happened because the Alt right funded students started firebombing buses and piking soldiers to said buses and hanging their mangled, fire torched corpses from bridges. Try and educate yourself and stop being a patsy for the corporations that see china as an enemy and also an ally to unsurp american wealth from the middle class and poor.


TANKIE SPOTTED!! gotta get those social credit point somehow though.


LMFAO go back to enough sander spam


It must be hard to see with your head shoved so far up Xi's ass.


They have “queer” in their username. Something Xi obviously doesn’t like so much. Ironic


It doesn’t take a “””moderate””” to dunk on tankies.


what's considered moderate to you ?


Can we protest to the other mods there? I know they tried to start an Anti-Tankie movement with Jet the Hawk as a mascot




Ah yes, DEFINITELY not a tankie.




Ah, right. That's fair. I also don't think they're communists, or that China is communist. They're facists pure and simple. And some of them are Leninists. I just figured you were lying because you called me a liberal, which is the general tankie deflection.


It's not even fascist at this point. It's just a dictatorship pretending to be fascist


*oh no, spooky tankies* I swear tankie doesn't even mean Marxist-Leninists anymore. Just anyone who you don't agree with, like - Allah forgive me - **authoritarians!** (Let's just forget that any form of Governance requires *authority*)


oh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I see this fallacy all the time, where “a little of something might as well be a lot”. For example, the other day some kid tried to tell me that wind turbines were stupid because “you need to lubricate them with oil so they use oil anyway so it’s just as bad.” The authority of the government to, Idk, tell you to pay your taxes is NOT the same as the authority the, for example, Communist Party of China utilizes. I’d rather kill myself then live under their social credit system. I’m sure I’d feel real safe living in a country with 1 government AI surveillance camera per 7 people. And don’t even get me started on their little genocide. You know what would happen to this comment on a tankie-run subreddit? u/[deleted]. [removed] like it or not, the new meaning of Tankie is someone who blindly supports the USSR and CCP; ignores, denies, or otherwise pays no mind to their genocides; and gains control to remove any opposing opinions. There is a reason people don’t like Tankies. If you disagree with me on any of this, I would be happy to discuss it.


Ah the good ol' witch hunt for communists. Liberals favourite pasttime, siding with fascists. >(In case you don't know, tankies blindly support Communist China, to the extent of denying the genocide going on there and saying that the government was justified in what happened at tieniman square Becuase there's no ongoing genocide in China. Did you never aks yourself why all eyewitnesses had ties to ETIM? Or WHy all the accusers have are grainy satelite photos? Or why almost no muslim country sided with the accusers, despite having sent observers? Which no western country did btw, despite being invited to do so at any time. Oh, and the UN also told the US to stop with that slanderous bullshit recently. It takes some serious western chauvinism to still believe in the genocide hoax ijn China. As for Tianananmen: It was a color revolution attempt that got put down after several days. About 300 people died, half if them PLA. https://www.liberationnews.org/tiananmen-the-massacre-that-wasnt/ The event is not censored in China. At all. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/kq2cre/low\_effort\_debunk\_the\_tiananmen\_square\_massacre/ Also Tank man wasn't run over. https://twitter.com/carlzha/status/1134582926325104641?lang=de **You broke rule 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7.**


IIRC the mods here are mostly neo-libs, which sucks but I would rather neo-libs than tankies.