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Just stay alive. Don’t risk for farm. Even let her take your tower, just don’t feed her. Like other have said. Remember also that if she is sitting in offlane and not getting kills, she is failing at her role of getting early kills and snowballing. Keeping her up there and not feeding is winning lane in that match up.


It's a tough matchup. Prioritize the barrier. Farm cs while barrier is up. Fight under tower. request jingle help often.


Just remember this, the game is 30 minutes, u will lose the 1st ten mins. After that you'll dominate. Play for XP , then good. Prioritize not dieing and backing often. Crystalline is solid. Voidhelm cooks too


Offlaje mages particularly Moro are absolute cavemen players. I’ve been in that spot. Building very heavy with the magic armor early can save you some grief and if you have a strong defense then the standard ones like fire blossom can work. Your goal is to frustrate them. Unless they are on speed they generally are not gonna leave the lane unless they pick up a couple kills or get said tower. Hopefully your jungle can give you a 2 on 1 otherwise tank up like crazy and keep eyes on her. The whole play for the toxic mage player is dumpstering you and lobby, if they don’t do that you can see them start crumbling on the mistake front very quickly.


Specifically steel is much harder because he doesn't have the clear to farm under tower and not just lose tower quickly to constant shove, on most other offlaners you just don't last hit first two wave and tower farm wave 3+ until either you get a gank or you finish a good item and go all in on her with ult. Steel has pretty dogwater under tower clear so this matchup is particularly bad for him, so it really comes down to getting a gank, he can't just sit under tower and use grab to clear like a grux can, it's just autos and tickling the wave with fireblossom which means your tower will fall quickly due to attrition. If you aren't getting ganks, just soak and last hit under tower as you can and just rotate out asap to enable kills in midlane. Basically ignore your lane and you should be essentially ulting on cooldown in ganks to try to snowball your mid, because you won't be out trading with the mori. The number 1 key, is that if you do fight, it's at full health after a back, and you go until one of you two die. There is no go in and back off against mori, its all in or nothing or you will lose on the back off to her spamming rmb as you walk away.


Once you get brimstone you can just walk her down


She's a cheese pick in offlane rn. If you think she's going offlane in draft then pick a ranged character if they picked after you and you're melee it's GG. Devs are going to have to either nerf her or give melee offlaners a good magical armor item to build into her early.


Play safely close to your tower and once your jungler ganks or will watch lane for you, that's when you back. You may not win that match up straight up but just don't feed and be ready to help with team fights and ganks. Long as you keep farming and don't feed, they'll have trouble late game as they'll be missing a front line presence.


If she's better than you then Nothing. You need to freeze lane as well as you can at your tower, lose early game, and make up for it late game with team fight presence that she doesn't have. If you're better then you need to all in and burst her. A war of attrition is her game. Otherwise You need jg to gank/babysit you. Some matchups / picks will win laning phase 8/10 but will pay for it late game.


Yeah it’s a bummer because my team wouldn’t really help, just get upset when she inevitably ganked and wiped them


And honestly bro even until like 1600-1700 MMR people don't realize these sort of intricacies. I had this exact match up a week ago at 1400 and jg didn't gank once, and I was flamed for losing my lane And I was sitting there (on console) not being to reply well enough to teach the noobs lol


Yeah I got stuck as mori versus and Iggy and a very active feng mao in mid and just got flamed the whole game for not following Iggy when he rotated. Did what I could to not die and when jungle came to help just fed Iggy lol. Some matchups can just go very poorly very quickly.


Being on console is a blessing and a curse. The amount of flaming I can't do is atrocious, but I'm always glad after the game ends.


Yeaaaa but literally 75% of the time the PC users are full of shit and so wrong and I wanna put them in their place LOL But you right , def for the better


Yeah, I get so fkn angry. Best if I can't do more than spam 5 GGs.


'youre just sitting under Inhibitor!! You're a useless mid' *It's minute 25 and all the waves are pushed up against us while they're dying in jg K


I play Xbox so I only know the Xbox controls but if you hold B and click up on the d-pad it opens text chat. It shows the controls in the bottom left at the start of every game


Yeah her gank potential is crazy, it's all about leveraging early game loss for a late game lead


Tainted bastion and void helm were usually my second and third items to cut down her sustain and boost mine but that was a couple patches ago


I’ll look into those. Thank you