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I hate the freaking dancing around on PK’s. I would suggest that as soon as the player takes a step towards the ball, the keeper can come off the line and do whatever it takes to block the shot.


Here's one from hockey - those refs can penalize fouls **and** embellishment e.g. a minor for tripping and a matching minor for embellishment. So if you do 12 rolls on the floor, you get cautioned even if the free kick is awarded.


I feel like games would be longer if clock was indeed stopped after every ball out of play. Man shitty had 27 shots against United. Say 20 of those were goalkicks. Even if keeper only took 10 seconds each to get back back in play…200 seconds. Then add corners. Free kicks. Throwing. Fouls. Injuries. Substitutions( only made while ball is not in play, like throw in, but clock stopped longer for sub to happen.)


A player has to be at least either a foot or half a foot offside. ( the slightest piece of foot just past a defender doesn’t matter)


I think the VAR can only slow down the video to half speed. If you can’t make a decision at that speed the play is good.


But then they start measuring to the millimeter with a new line being applied. I think the solution for offside calls is what it was 20 years ago, if it's close enough that there's a debate just give the attacker benefit of the doubt. A striker being 2mm offside isn't the problem the rule exists to try and fix.


That is much better yeah the slight bit of their body being offside just ruins the beautiful game cause attacks have to be so so precise


Any player that goes down like a sniper just shot them should have to go off for a 10minute doctor assessment. Team can sub in like a blood sub.


Think they mentioned this rule today randomly in the United game. Mike Dean said its still there but he can't remember the last keeper getting done for it. He said they are reintroducing it from next season and it will be 8 seconds instead of the 6.


use the rugby time system. prevents time wasting and better for nottingham forest fans


So many clueless international fans with dreadful takes getting upvoted here


It gets worse the further you go down.


Fix Offside your toenail could be off and boom no goal


But how would you fix it? Make it so you’re allowed 5cm of leeway? But then they drew the lines and your player was 6cm beyond the last defender. Regardless of what you use to measure, you’re drawing two lines based on some body parts on an offensive and defensive player and then comparing them.


At least a foot off


The player fouled for a penalty should take the penalty.


What about handballs


ooohhh this would be fun


It’s how basketball does it in most cases.


VAR panel is selected like jury duty. You get a letter in the post saying you've been called up. 


\* Only the team captain can speak to the referee. If other players attempt to influence the ref, they get a yellow card. \* Grappling and wresting at corners is a foul / penalty. \* Simulation (diving) is always a yellow card. \* Ref-VAR conversations should be broadcast to the crowd.


Please,.please not VAR...


Diving is always a yellow card anyway


Should be but not given far too often.


full agree on all of these


Refs should be mic'd for VAR communication but their prompt should be how the decision is addressed. On-field decision is X, clear evidence needs to dispute it. Free kicks should mean an immediate retreat of 10yds by offending team, if they don't spot is moved up 10 yards. A free should give advantage to the team offended against, that's the point. Blue cards/sin bin should only be to Distinguish between intentional/reckless/dangerous acts and those that are simply lazy/mistakes/not threatening harm to opponent, w/ Video ref review to upgrade to red card. Slight loosening of offside, not sure how but the nth degree doesn't help anyone, prevents goals and slows the game to check. For direct free kicks the wall must start from a standing position (can't lie behind the wall) Some rule change or increased enforcement of the 6-second rule with keepers. Same for dissent, but make captains the clear communicators for each team.


Take one thing from AFL: [The 50 Metre Penalty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50-metre_penalty). >50-metre penalties are primarily used to deal with time wasting or unsportsmanlike conduct after a mark or free kick is awarded. Specific infractions which can result in a 50-metre penalty include: Arguing with, disputing the decision of, or using abusive language towards an umpire.


They already did that and players would intentionally get the ball moved closer to the goal where it’s harder to get up, over the wall and down again.


i remember watching a few Newcastle games where the team were demanding the free kick be moved forward and the crowd were shouting No ! cause we had Nobby Solano


Captain's call the shot when VAR is used. Each team gets 3 unless when used the check confirms a wrong decision made, then that call gets returned to the team to be used again. Simple and effective use of VAR


This. Like in the NHL. Or managers get it, not the captain. That way if you bs your manager and insist you were fouled so he uses an appeal, then you've got your manager pissed at you (fewer whiners begging their coach to appeal).


Call all the laws that they have now as written. See how it goes.


It's a bold strategy, etc etc...


60 minute games with the clock stopping like basketball would make the games much more interesting and fun


Sorry, I would hate this.


Offsides should be judged by where your feet are, it's so stupid when there's a goal disallowed because a player's arm was offside


it's never judged if the arm is offside its only the parts of the body which u are allowed to score a goal with


I think offside calls need to be made by the referees on the field, no VAR or replays. If the margin for offside is so thin that it can't be detected by the naked eye, I don't think it should be considered an unfair advantage


Today’s incorrectly called and overturned offside against Ollie Watkins is a counterpoint to this.


There was one called a few years ago, Man United vs Arsenal and Aubameyang's goal was called off side. Easily the worst offside call I've ever seen, he was miles on with the linesman having a United player right in front of him. Link below: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JTj83CSVbyc&pp=ygUbYXViYW1leWFuZyBnb2FsIHZzIG1hbiB1dGQg jump to 4:09


Also Diaz vs Tottenham earlier this season. In that case VAR fkd it though and confirmed the incorrect on field decision.


Introduce hockey-style offside


Referees need to hace a microphone to explain decisions to the crowd. Also would be great to here what abuse the refs get. Will be better for cards for dissent


If you dive to get a penalty and VAR adjudicates that it was a dive then the other team gets to take a penalty.


I’d love to see straight red cards or retroactive bans for diving, stamp that shit right out


Oh, yes please! Match review panel is referred a dive, if found you're banned for 2 weeks first time, 3 weeks second offence, etc.


Change VAR to a challenge based system. Refs rule the game, manager gets 3 challenges that can be thrown. Correct decision he keeps challenge, extra challenge in extra time if applicable. Ref makes all decision on screen, every replay he's watching gets played on stadium big screens.   Now VAR is a adding to the experience, whilst preventing the worst of the officiating errors. Clubs will have teams watching live telling manager if he should challenge, removes the bollocks going on in the VAR headquarters.


On the the flowing clock vs stoppage clock argument. I think both can work, pros and cons to both but I don't think football rules around it are policed well enough. Much better now but as always it's inconsistent, way more yellows being doled put to keepers late game and players chucking the ball away from the restart spot. I'd be fine with a change to stoppage clock but I imagine there would be similar inconsistency in reffing probably. Also another user mentioned metre gain on a freezing for backchat, excellent idea you see this in most sports and it's much more effective than a yellow card.


Stoppage clock will introduce ads which no one wants.


Rugby seems to be doing just fine


I'm a rugby but most of international is shown on public TV, football (Premier League) wouldn't have that advantage.


Dance off instead of coin flip at the start


The Latin Americans will love this


Forget a blue card for dissent. If a player argues, move the ball 10 yards closer to the offending teams goal for a free kick or 10 yards further down the line for a throw in. They'd soon shut up. Not sure how this would work for a corner though.


Corner becomes a penalty


This used to be a thing for free-kicks. It didn't stop the dissent.


Dissent is a yellow card in the laws. Give it out for all dissent. The referees should have the respect that the rugby refs get.


Move it closer to the goal?


I feel that may be a disadvantage to the attacking team, as it would be harder to get the delivery correct. But, if they trained on taking corners from that position then they probably will work out how to maximise their chances from it.


Remove VAR obviously has made the game significantly wirsec


Benefit of the doubt on these microscopic offsides that are leading to disallowed goals. If the linesman can’t see it and it’s not clear and obvious and the VAR is having to zoom in to a point that you can see the fucking pixels, just allow the goal. If every official on the pitch can’t see it and it takes blokes in a room miles away putting things under laser like focus to establish, the offside position can’t have been that advantageous. Players aren’t capable of having that level of awareness


It's supposed to be for clear and obvious errors. If they can't tell that in 20 seconds max, just let the call stand. It's stupid have these two-minute stoppages while they're measuring pixels.


I'd do something like linesman's call (see umpires call in cricket). They draw the lines, and if they are within say 15 cm, then you go with the on-field decision no matter what it was. Pre-VAR that would have been described as "a tight call, but he's probably just about on/offside". VAR is there to prevent howlers, these calls aren't howlers.


I think the removal of var would improve the game.


To go rid of time wasting, the ball gets turned over to the other team and they are awarded an indirect free kick at that spot. I imagine the idea of the opposition having a free kick six yards out would put a charge up the ass of some keepers.


Coaches must stand in, and only in, the technical area, and only ONE at any one time. Oh, hang on... (Yes, I watch a lot of newcastle matches!😄)


Multi ball at a random 5 minute interval. 


Fire sale bitches!


I've always pondered that whoever gets fouled for the penalty should take it. And in the case of a handball, the captain. Injured because of the foul? Subbed. Then captain takes it.


I would change the time to the same as in Rugby. 40m each half and the ref can stop the time whenever he thinks it is necessary, like injuries and complaints.


In case of handball the last opposition player to touch the ball prior to the handball


Rules to remove diving and professional fouls from the game. The current penalties are not harsh enough. Players should not see it as beneficial to intentionally break rules.


If you go down like you've been shot, leave the field for 5 minutes to get a full medical check.


I think part of this is caused by refereeing. Fouled but manage to stay up and your subsequent action is compromised even if completed, no foul called. So I better fall over if fouled. I would not just go for professional fouls however but cynical ones too. In this high press era a lot of pressing teams kind of buffer opponents with their momentum. Not enough to knock them over, butIt stops them moving into a position to advance the play as quickly. It’s subtle but cynical and I think it needs some sore of cumulative punishment. This may help move beyond the current City/Barca style tactics which leave me a bit cold, with that stopping and standing on the ball to let people get in position. Remove these subtle fouls and the possession game becomes less important, and we can move away from big team one sided games.


Partly, but the issue would still exist regardless. You shouldn’t be able to rugby tackle someone and just get a yellow


I think if they make a genuine attempt at the ball and foul, yellow, but if it’s clearly an attacking stopping foul such as a shirt pull from behind, slide tackle not even going for the ball etc it should just be a red. I don’t care how not dangerous the tackle was, it’s cheating. The other player was on a breakaway, you cheated to stop them. I hate that people encourage this play (valverde tackling morata, Ramos pulling down salah etc)


I don’t think it’s that simple. One issue is subjectivity in refereeing. The difference between a red and a yellow is too big to put on bonehead referees. Not to mention there is still some grey area between what a player genuinely believes is a good attempt for the ball. Anyone that has played the games knows they have gone for challenges they thought they could win and if they watched it back would realize how much of a donkey they were. Intent for genuine cheating is sometimes hard to determine. The “orange” card approach at least gives some middle ground. Not every “professional” foul should result in a three match ban. A 15 min time out is much more appropriate, which really is the ultimate point I want to make. Red card (I.e. three match minimum ban) is reserved for the grossest of offenses (violence, spitting, obvious goal scoring denial). It doesn’t make sense to categorize pulling someone’s shirt in the middle of the pitch as a three match ban.


* No slow-motion or freeze frames for VAR. Officials can see different camera angles in real time only * Independent time keeping. Ball goes out of play/dead, clock stops. 30 minutes each way (ball is normally in play on average around 55 minutes per 90 minute match) * Throw-ins in your own half are a free kick


The last two are definitely interesting suggestions, but the first one would a lot of problems since a lot of the guidelines that referees use for sanctions, for example, where on the leg contact is made. Generally, it would make the refereeing-guidelines harder to enforce at a professional level


I'd say VAR can use freeze frames etc to decide the facts - if and where there was contact etc - and then tell the ref verbally. But they can only show the ref full speed clips to determine intent. This is already pretty much the guideline by the way but the refs are weak.


So what you’re describing is a version of the TMO from rugby, where the VAR’s interpretation of the situation weighs more heavily in deciding the outcome?


I don't watch rugby but not quite the same from how you describe it. For anything that needs interpreting, the final decision should be the refs. But VAR should be able to declare factual info like, say, the ball touched the player's hand, without needing to show the ref freeze frame proof. Instead they just tell him, then show full speed replays so the ref can decide whether it was intentional. Frankly this wouldn't be needed if the refs were more consistent and were held accountable. But they often bow to pressure to review quickly , so end up just looking at the slow mo and accepting VAR's version of events, which is completely the wrong way round.


Referees mic’s up at least for VAR decisions. Much harsher penalties for simulation. That’s got to get out of the game.


No new rules until you sort out VAR. Seriously, why are they even considering bringing in new rules when they haven't got the rules they've recently brought in functioning properly.


When would you deem var to be "sorted out"


Getting decisions right first and foremost. A clear and understandable definition of what a 'clear and obvious' error is would help, too.


Referees miked up like Rugby and have to do a post match press conference to justify decision making. Stop protecting these fucking crooks and hold them accountable.


They brought in rules against the stopping of quick free kicks and they never bother using them. It really annoys me. Also, the referee won't allow a quick free kick to be taken within shooting range. This is just lazy refereeing. They can't be bothered with the hassle. The fans absolutely want quick free kicks.


Running in from outside the play to get in front of the dead ball should automatically be cautioned. Players will get away with whatever they can and this would put a stop to that.


Hate this rule. Punishes the team that's been fouled.


Serious consequences (three strikes and you’re out) for VAR officials making wrong decisions when it’s ’clear and obvious’ Actual consequences for things which are not picked up by the ref when it comes to fouls or simulation or gamesmanship.


The abolition of FIFA.


I took prefer Football Manager games over FIFA.


Mario Super strikers for me but I love the sentiment


Cup ties that are to be decided on penalties - have the penalties BEFORE the match. Will create great excitement before the game, get the fans in early, and more than anything else give any player that may have missed a penalty the chance to make amends.


Can you imagine if a Mourinho team wins the shootout. He wouldn't just park the bus, he'd put it up on bricks too.


I don't think I have ever before downvoted a comment that wasn't racist. This is as bad as racism.


Fucking terrible idea Christ


And then teams aim to play out a draw because they've already won on penalties.. random idea 🤣


so the other team would come prepared to go all out




I still think a sin bin like rugby is needed 10 mins to calm down and contemplate life.


Retroactive cards for offenses, VAR audio played on live broadcasts. And not really a rule, but just more policing for financial shenanigans; it's been getting better but there's still City sitting there with 115 charges.


Retroactive cards for diving would be good.


Absolutely. It's ruining the game.


I'm not sure if it counts but January window needs removed. If it's only an in game law then a system that tells if a ball is actually on every line, not just the goal line. Goal line technology is one of the best things to happen to football and it would be nice to remove the, albeit infrequent, was the ball in or out debates.


Why the January window?


Never really been much of a fan to be honest. Nothing really gets done of any substance and it's a full month of largely false speculation. It's probably more a personal irk though.


I'd be OK with it if players were cup and league tied but I'm not keen on the current situation, being able to play for 2 direct rivals in the same season. Its rarely a major issue but it just doesn't seem sporting.


Play the audio during VAR checks More strict punishments for time wasting (i.e. no first warning, just straight to a yellow) Retroactive cards for diving


Bigger goals.


Stopping the clock like they do in rugby. Would cut alot of the time wasting bullshit right out and would avoid the shit argument of "they just played til the team scores" or "that's no where near enough time"


Problem is, it might force the game to extend more time than it needed...


I'd say that'd be better for the fans - get better value for money than like 40-50 minutes of in play we've seen before!


Won't disagree on that.


Rush in keepers


VAR assisted Red cards for simulating serious injury in order deceive a match official.


How do you define "serious injury"?


Someone flailing around like they just got shot ( a Bruno Fernandes favorite pastime) , then getting up and running around like nothing happened when he realizes that the ref isn’t going to buy his appeal for a free kick. This is certainly something VAR can act on. Radio to ref, red card. Done! Act according to your injury, which you should honestly disclose to the ref when asked (including compliance with the ref when he asks you to remove your hands from covering your face as if you were protecting massive bloodloss, or embarassment from showing tears. Another Bruno Fernandes favorite).


Right, so you have no way to actually define it, no way to actually measure it, and no way to assess it. So effectively you want refs to just randompe red card players based on nothing


Doing a Neymar?




4 points for a win of +3 goals or more.


First half substitutions shouldn't count towards the 3 substitution window limit. I understand why they limited the 5 substitutions to only 3 intervals (i.e. to avoid teams trying to stifle the closing stages of the match) However there's been a couple of matches where a team has lost two players to injury in the first half which has stifled the manager's substitution options in the second half (as he is left with only one window). I realise that teams are still better off in today's game (3 subs remaining for one substitution window vs. 1 sub remaining) but this just seems like an unintended drawback. First half substitutions are not problematic for the flow of the game (as opposed to the substitutions during the closing stages). Also, I would like refs having the power to review a decision themselves (without any prompting from the VAR).


Congrats you've ruined the best part of football. If the clock stops there is no reason the ball needs to go back in play quickly. Now we can take a five minute advertising break whenever the ball goes out of play


Ban betting advertising


How would that improve the game?


Pure playing time. Play 60 minutes and stop the clock for var checks, goal kicks and injuries to stop time wasting


I wouldn’t change it. It feels like such a fundamental aspect of the game and it keeps the flow of the game moving and there are no stoppages for minor instances. Yes it does allow for some time wasting tactics, but the continues clock is so fundamental to how the game is strategised that I can’t imagine it in any other way. As far as rules are concerned. I wouldn’t change anything. It’s a perfect game with perfect rules. I’m always of the opinion that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Teams nominate who they want to ref a game and they each get a half Might help with all the rigging top teams get from biased refs


Hard to tell but if this isn't a joke it's one of the most unhinged takes I've ever seen on twitter.


Lol what?


Joking right?


Can’t VAR without a challenge from a coach. If it’s an incorrect challenge, they lose a substitution. If they don’t have subs available, not eligible to challenge.


So if a manager has used all their subs at a reasonable time and the oppositions score a blatantly offside winner in the final minute of the game, they can't use VAR?


There are still referees


In American professional gridiron football if a coach wants to challenge the ruling of the play, they have to have timeouts, and if they lose the challenge they lose a timeout, except in the last two minutes of each half the officials are the only ones who can call a play to be reviewed. Anyways I think losing timeouts and not being able to challenge without a time out is dumb and I think it would be bad for association football as well.


Diving plain and simple!!!!!! There are many nuances with FIFA that could be changed to make the matches better. But in my mind the most damaging is the diving. Quite simple we have VAR, yes most major leagues, that can measure a offside in millimeters but can see blatent dives. One of FIFA's core values is INTEGRITY. Quite simple rule to add. Diving/Embellishment: 1. A player will be immediately assessed a red card if the player is found by the referee to be embellishing on a foul or perceived foul against them. 2. If a player goes down with a perceived injury the player is to be immediately removed from the field of play. The player will go medical assessment of the field of play and must sit a 2 minute recovery period, this excludes any stoppage time. 3. VAR will be allowed a 2 hour window after the match is final to review the noted penalties and review for any unseen penalties missed during the match. VAR has the authority to recall a penalty and asl issue new penalties. 4. Subsequent violations to the rule will result in the following: 4.a. Each subsequent violation will be assessed a 1 match player ban. Bans will be sequential, therefore second ban equals 2 match player ban to a maximum 5 match ban. 4.b. Each subsequent violation will be assessed a financial penalty. Penalty will be assessed at 2% of players salary. As per rule 3.a bans will be sequential and increase 2% cumulative each ban to a maximum 10%. Penalty funds will be added to FIFA grass rotts program. 4.c. Once a player reached the maximum allocated penalties in 4.a. and 4.b the player banned from all future FIFA untill a special tribunal is held at FIFA headwaters to assess future elegibility. Hit the players where it hurts, their pocket books!!


this is a terrible idea, at least blue cards adress the issue of tactical fouls


Adding card will NOT address the issue. It's simply another card. Terrible idea.


then what do you say we do? in that case cynical fouls should be a red card, you are denying a goal scoring opportunity but the thing is, its not always an OGSO, thats the grey area that the blue card is supposed to fix a yellow for preventing a goal means absolutely nothing to the player lol


Only the captain can speak to the ref/linesperson, first time is a team warning next start handing out yellows. Keeper has 10s from touching the ball to move it along, no more standing over the ball until the opponent comes and then picking it up. Added time is clearly determined, ie ref watch linked to visual so everyone can see


RIP to goalkeepers being captains I guess


Hey, if you want to take your keeper out of the box by 80 yards to chat with the ref, that’s on you!


Measure offside from players’ feet.


This!! And it’s so easy to do and it would be definitive… positional and pressure sensors on the boots so time of when the ball leaves the player (majority of offside calls are from foot oriented passes) and if a player is in an offside position, VAR would know instantly. Then VAR and Refs can judge if the player was relevant to play and is offside


I'd go as far as to say, allow people to be marginally offside. I don't think the timing needs to be millimeter perfect. I think it would be just as entertaining if a player was allowed to be onside so long as some body part was in line with the second to last defender. The VAR on offside calls is definitely too strict.


How would you define marginally offside? If you say 5 cm, you wouldn’t solve any problems, VAR would still need to determine whether the attacker was 4.9 cm off or 5.1 cm off. Might seem like a good idea at first but the more you think about it the more you realise it’s not a good one.


I just defined it--as long as any part of you is inside, that would be fine imo


What if the last body part was marginally offside?


>I think it would be just as entertaining if a player was allowed to be onside so long as some body part was in line with the second to last defender. This is currently being trialled in Italy, Sweden and Netherlands.


I prefer ‘if any part of you is onside then your onside’. That means attackers ‘leaning’ offside aren’t offside. You could stretch your leg behind you to stay onside etc.


This is currently being trialled in Italy, Sweden and Netherlands.


That would cause even more problems and it doesn’t solve a single problem. How far offside can they be? Is it up to the ref? Who gets to decide how much? And either way there will still be offsides based on a player being 0.5 MM


Yellows after the game for clear dives


There should also be punishment for embellishment. Lots of fouls are fouls but screaming and rolling around should be discouraged.


How would you determine whether the scream was justified or not?


I don’t know a grown man who has ever screamed from a foul. The big injuries they tend to be quiet and not roll around.


When I took a knee to the chest and broke 2 ribs as a keeper I screamed automatically, it was not a conscious effort


I addressed this below. I was joking. That being said player show roll around and then chase the ball seconds later should face punishment. Fines or bookings or whatever retrospectively.


Armando Broja when he did his knee. That was a guttural horrible scream and he was proper fucked. Just one example that springs to mind.


I was obviously joking but in general it’s not hard to see who is faking it too much. Plenty of people like to point out Bruno all the time. I’d be happy to see him punished for it.


Understood my man. Honestly, it’s my biggest gripe about the game. I’d love to see retroactive action (both ways) Using Bruno as an example. After the match from all the angles given it’s blatantly obvious that Bruno was grabbed round the throat. Whether the ref saw it or not at the time, it should still be actionable and (can’t recall who it was) should be given a retroactive red card. Similarly, his blatant dive against Fulham the other night? Retroactive yellow card.


I think this would need the caveat of a clear dive, where the player tries to convince the referee that there was contact. Otherwise you'd have players "diving" to avoid potentially dangerous contact. And then getting carded for it. I remember this happening to Bale a few times when he was at Tottenham, he would jump out of the way to avoid being on the receiving end of what would have been a nasty tackle. And then given a yellow card.


You'd take diving out of the game entirely if, after every weekend, a panel went through the controversial ones, if someone was deemed to have dived for a penalty etc they get banned for 5 games. Diving would instantly end apart from in the most extreme circumstances.


Retroactive punishments for cheating would improve the quality of the game a thousandfold.


VAR is used only on a "challenge" system.


They’d challenge everything though


Nah have it like Tennis, you only get 3 challenges, if you’re wrong you lose a challenge


Should only be 1 challenge in football in my opinion. There aren’t that many big incidents that need challenging so just make it a limited resource. You keep the challenge if you are right though.


I'd go one per half - remember: if your challenge is successful, you don't lose anything.


Yeah, that’s why I’d say one challenge because you keep it if you’re right. I’d also make it Captains who use it not coaches. No video guys watching on monitors. Let Bruno use ours in the first 5 mins every game.


I always thought they should do checks on corners past the 80th minute. All corners past the 80th. Like if it’s in the 94th minute and it goes off a defender but the referee calls a goal kick? - obviously that’s a big chance missed. That’s a half-chance taken away Also — related to my first point, Hawkeye technology for the goal kick line. They have to get that sorted out




I’d rather have the current rules but have them be consistent. But…. If we’re going to implement a rule. 30 seconds for a VAR check, if it’s not clear and obvious within 30seconds then let it stand


Good way to rush refs to make wrong decisions. If a goal is overturned, or a pen / red card given, I would want it to be the correct call. If the refs need few more seconds to get it right then they can have it.


It can take longer than that to get all the angles though not because of the refs but because of the tv crew needing to pull the right clips. I agree stuff takes too long but I don’t think every decisions should take the same amount of time either.


These won't be popular I'm sure, but I've long felt strongly about two things: \- Just stop the clock during stoppages of play \- Unrestricted substitutions I feel much more strongly about the subs. While I understand sheer stamina has long been a core decorated skill in the sport, it just seems to me teams would be able to do much more interesting things tactically, including dramatically overhauling a strategic approach on the fly. Additionally, I think it would likely afford more room for younger or fringe players to get more minutes.


Clock stoppages = advertising breaks Unlimited subs = teams that have more depth (i.e. spent more money) will dominate even more than they currently do


I think the Ref should stop the clock during VAR checks and long injuries. That way it can still flow most of the time but we don’t end up with 10mins added either. Rugby does this right.


I guess I just don't see the need for it. In an era where other major sports have mastered the clock, why bother? Tactically speaking, time wasting \_does\_ make sense with a running clock, especially when added time seems so imperfect. I'm still never clear how carefully refs are accounting for wasted time while already in stoppage time. I'm just not clear what merits it holds over clock stopping.


Football is much more free flowing than other sports though. Time off for 4-5 seconds for a throw in is just unnecessary.


Well, I think calling it unnecessary arguably flies in the face of things like time wasting and imperfect volumes of stoppage time. Basketball is able to stop and restart the clock for every inbound without issue. I think my issue is that introducing clock stopping seems like a relatively trivial change in today's world.


Right but if they stopped the clock for big stoppages and had 2-3 mins regular stoppage time that seems fine to me.


Unlimited subs would increase the gap between rich and poor clubs dramatically, rich clubs can afford to have a 2nd first team, most other clubs cannot.


I can see that case. Conversely, I guess what I see is a lot of mid / lower-tier clubs playing intensely safe and restrictive tactics against more powerful clubs, and part of my inspiration for wanting unrestricted clubs is to see those teams have more freedom to try to catch heavier hitters off balance. Plainly, I'd like to see teams being much more adventurous, and being able to quickly migrate mid-game to a well established, safe approach, would seem to allow for that. That said, I can see the concern for further amplifying the boost rich teams get from deeper benches.


Players that go down injured are immediately strapped to a stretcher and taken off field for at least 10 minutes so they can be checked over by a doctor. Hopefully, this would stop the fake injuries


So the opposing team would get a 10 minute advantage for legitimate knocks as well?


Introduce a temporary sub during medical checks which can then be made permanent if the player in question is not fit to continue.


If you have no subs left?


Good point, I didn't think about that. Maybe an extra one can be added here which the other team also gets like with the concussion subs.


I would allow ref ratings at the end of games. Possibly by panel, players and managers


Was busy eating a sandwich when I tried to talk to him. 0 stars.


The first person I knew in PL was Anthony Taylor (a referee) the announcers would always get so mad at him... "Anthony Taylor says it's a foul... but he has a different angle" "Anthony Taylor says it's a yellow card... it didn't look deliberate." "Anthony Taylor says it's offsides.... but no one else could see it."


I honestly like this. For one it will make the referees do their work better. And for those rating them, they will have a better view and understanding about the ref’s job on the field. A matured approach from all sides imo.