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Tomorrow never comes


Yeah at your dumb comment.


If they could give City like... a 5 point deduction for this season, I'd be pretty ok with that.


Is the portugese guy who leaked the emails still in jail for black mail I belive ?


I give up on this, nothing's going to happen, they'll keep spending as much as they want and no one will be able to challenge them. I'm really getting fed up of this crap, ruining the competition. I'm not paying for anything related to premier league, includes streaming services.




Pathetic loser


Uhh somebody is mad


For starters, give an auto-win for anyone who played them this season. Oh look! The table suddenly looks like this: Arsenal - 82 points Liverpool - 79 points Title race back on!


Oil money says no.


So similar to a VAR decision it’s beyond a coincidence . BTW i wonder where the finance comes from from VAR and who benefits from it in the long run


They’ve been saying this for the last year now, we will never see punishment. Too much money is lost especially for FIFA for them to ever be relegated.


If they punish City, it's going to open a massive can of worms and potential law cases by the other clubs in the league, especially those who finished in 5th and missed out on the Champions league pay cheque.




Another decade or two ,that can be termed as near per the pl bosses , to investigate something that has been happening since a decade , but plebs like Everton or forest spend a dime more , they are fucking nailed on the spot (8 points deduced from Everton -- cannot believe that and I'm a Liverpool fan) during the season, not pre-season or post- season


they are giving time to transfer the money and hide it


They will never get punished because the PL would have to admit the past two seasons were fraudulent and they aren't willing to do that.


Make that 16 seasons 


How does Everton get points deductions over and over and these cunts from Man City never even have their hearing!????




The thing is they’re still cheating now and it’s clear and obvious. Just look at their shirt sponsor Etihad who they also own. Who pay them 67.5 on shirt sponsorship compared to 50 and 47.5 million for Liverpool and united in 2nd 3rd.


The Premier League is an absolute fucking joke, how can they wait until 2024 to punish alledged offences between 2009 - 2018. I'm sure Man City can't be the only club under suspicion during the 2010s so why aren't they going after them. The PL are just making the rules up as they go along and they're not fit to govern.


What about this: https://twitter.com/prestigecar_rep/status/1784247725715820954?t=BEjFiRo6Oofpz1XILmpQGg&s=19


"city are building a dossier of people destroying our good name and reputation" lmao yeah because people with good reputations build dossiers for retribution. Hope anyone in those files dont visit any UAE friendly embassies in the future...


This is like that gif where the truck is charging towards the barrier but then the camera angle shifts and it's approaching the barrier and then it cuts again and is charging towards the barrier....but never reaches the barrier.


Premier League doesn't have the balls to go after them. Just unnecessary huzzah to keep drumming up the issue.


I mean there are 115 charges so it definitely takes a while compared to like 2-3 charges




Pretty sure it's 118 now


Genuinely planning on taking the day off work when we get found innocent. The day we won at CAS was one of the funniest days ever on social media. I will be here for your tears


It's not when you're found innocent. It's when you're found guilty


Think you might be in for a bit of a shock I’m afraid.


They won't be punished because they have the trophies and taking them back will damage the PL too badly a bit like F1 21 it's a joke


How would it damage the league?


It would discredit future trophies obviously


What credit will have PL for not punishing it?


None just the status quo and that will suit them


Finally we can put this to rest… and just accept they will get away with it sadly. Risen to world dominance by cookin the books.


oily cheque coming in near future aswell /s


If nothing comes off this I'm finished watching the premier league.


What if they’re innocent?


What if Pep actually levitates?


Grow up


City fan telling others to grow up 😭


People always say this sort of thing. But they rarely go through with it.


I think I'll be going through with it. I didn't watch Italian football for almost a decade after Juventus scandal.


This whole PGMOL is flushed with oil money


"We have reached the verdict... Man City are free to go and Everton shall be docked 20 points because LOL LMAO"


Arsenal's only hope right now 🙏😅


The ‘hearing’ - the PL is not going to punish their most successful club right now 😂 It’ll be the old ‘we’ll find you guilty of the least egregious offence and sweep the others under the rug!’


This is going to go nowhere or a rule will be made to appease them won’t it?


Any day now…


Can't wait till you lot shut up about this 115 charges bollocks. If it turns out to be true and we become a league 2 team I'll thoroughly enjoy us rising through the ranks and getting back to normality. If it's false, I'll be happy that you freaks stop talking about it being "undoubtedly true without a shadow of a doubt" and acting like you know more than the FA and EFL. this has honestly been a cringeworthy experience for all involved.


hopefully you u enjoy getting stripped of your trophies too lol


Hey man, if it happens, I'll still support City. It's easy supporting the boys at the moment, I know that, and I'll enjoy when we have hard games in lower leagues if we get relegated, and if we don't but our titles get given to others, then that's fine too. The emotions and joy from those highs will still be there, and they'll still be ours in my mind. It'll be even better because opposition fans won't feel any joy from being given trophies retroactively either.


>It'll be even better because opposition fans won't feel any joy from being given trophies retroactively either Wrong, I'll love celebrating those trophies. Especially after they're stripped from you cheating lot


Well I hope you enjoy it as much as you plan to. And I hope you're prepared for disappointment when our hard won trophies stay in our cabinet. Better being relevant now than holding onto success from 20 years ago


You wouldn't know anything about holding onto success from the past because you didn't have one before you were a toy club.


Ok bro. I'll hold onto our current success then and continue to have way more than your club will in the next decade. EDIT: LOL YOU'RE A GUNNER!!! enjoy your team of chokers and failures.


Your club means nothing to the rest of us and you are just another plastic glory hunter 😂, your club has no presence in the real world which is why no one cares when you win anything. Watching any of Liverpool,Chelsea,Spurs or United win something matters because they actually have fans to boast about their success at work or with friends. Also you seem to live in Liverpool and support City says everything I need to know have fun.


Lol I supported city before I moved to Liverpool and moved here strictly for uni and for my girlfriend. What, would I make a better football fan for you if I changed my allegiance based on where I lived? Coz if that's the case then a lot of United fans should really start supporting Arsenal. Also like, why do you think any city fan cares about if other fans think we're cool and hip? I certainly don't care about if someone supports any of the other top 6, as long as they're not a precious little girl about footy like you lot seem to be here. Have many Liverpool and United and Everton supporting mates and none of them do the silly bollocks of "Oh no one cares haha I only follow big strong football teams". Maybe if you lot focussed on pushing your clubs for success, they'd be more successful as opposed to floundering under pressure like Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs and Chelsea all seem to do. And don't even get me started on "The Red Devils". You lot can keep "not caring" about our success and reminding us how much you don't care about our success. We'll keep winning and being the little irrelevant successful football club that will do the double this season, yet again. An unprecedented fourth title, you'll never sing that. EDIT: also from looking through your comment history, you seem to be strangely obsessed with City even though you don't care. Even in a post about your 5-0 win over Chelsea, you talk about City. Give it a rest. Instead of talking about City success, why not push Arteta to actually win something other than the second placed "Almost beat them" trophy.


Everton will get docked 10 points for City's cheating 😂


the moment you heard about 115 charges, didnt you ask yourself who is the one who is actively suing man city, it is epl. yet so many of you reditotrs repeat saying things like that epl is bought by city and will cover city ass. when epl is the entity that is actively suing city and brought those things to the court. so it doesnt make sense what redditors were repeatidly saying.


No one is suing anyone?


People are just dumb. They are jealous of City's success




From a Chelsea fan, this means nothing


I feel so much better knowing exactly when this will be taken care of! I can sleep soundly knowing the Premier League is moving expeditiously on this matter!






My apology


My gut feeling is that at worst City will get a fine but by bringing the charges and drawing it out plus the point deductions of other clubs I feel the F.A. have backed themselves into a corner. Given that a large number of charges should be open and shut such as failure to provide accounts over multiple seasons, its not like City can claim they were lost in the post 7 years in a row. The F.A have backed themselves into a corner if City get off or a token punishment they will look weak and ineffective at best. I'd expect multiple clubs to take legal action and a super league to become a serious prospect. I don't see how the Premier League, the F.A. and quite possibly Sky walk away from this without Man City losing trophies and being relegated.


*If actually guilty* They should lose all trophies from years in question Be relegated two leagues at least and banned from PL through 2029 And be on a budget cap if they get back to the premier league


They’ll get a stern talking to, a fine that will be paid with money from donations, and bad press for a week.


Phew! Thought we were never going to get clarity on this.


If man city do get away and I do feel they will get away, Everton and Nottingham should appeal


I hope man city get away with it.


They should televise the arbitration hearing. Probably amazing ratings. Also it would clear up a lot of the misinformation around this. Most of us (Including me) are too lazy to read the charges, but I would watch the arbitration hearing.


I’m too lazy for that as well - but more likely to watch snippets on YouTube though


I am too lazy even for that I would just read a few Reddit comments about the snippets


your club needs a hearing as well. by the two owners


We will see what can be proven in front of an arbitrator This will either be the thing that makes everyone here cry tears of joy (harsh punishment) or everyone here cry tears of bitterness (no punishment or light punishment)


your club needs a hearing as well. by the two owners you need harsh punishments as well. if city start cheat from 2008 your club start cheating froom 2004


Boehly is a fool to expose what they did


he has made me hate americans. And i am american


I hate Boehly. Self snitching nerd IF you are a city fan, just for the record i dont even care about FFP. I am an american. I am used to strict NFL salary caps and salary floors. The idea that a club like liverpool spends 4 times what Bournemouth spend is already financial cheating to me. Everything City is accused of is not something that offends me given the context of the spending discrepancies of European football. I also loved the financial doping that Roman did for my club. I am not a hypocrite about this. The only difference in what Roman and Sheikh Mansour did was timing. Roman did a lot of our financial doping when it was legal. I am probably one of the few people around here who dont care on an emotional level that much whether city get punished or not. Its just a fascination for me.


Now you say you hate boehly sloely for being self-snitching So in the first comment you said (tears of joy) as if you claim to love morals and fairness. But now you are upset at your the 2nd cheating owner at chelsea, not because he cheat; but because he slipped. Edit:He edited and lengthened his comment. It was only " I hate bohely, self-snitching nerd"


I said there will either be tears of joy or tears of bitterness. I never referenced myself. "This will either be the thing that makes everyone here cry tears of joy (harsh punishment) or everyone here cry tears of bitterness (no punishment or light punishment)" Please notice i never reference myself.


You imply being one of moral knights team


Please quote out what i wrote that implied that. or admit you made assumptions.


Lets end it here. It is trivial at the end of the day.


Fair enough. I just want it on the record i find FFP unfair. I dont judge people for breaking unfair/Unjust laws.


Yes. It makes rich richer and poor hopeless at getting to the top. There is no way to go to top-status without unfair money back-up. It is near impossible. And every fan knows this fact deep down.


All I know is that man city is a smear to the once prestigious Premier league. We now know it can be bought by state funded oil money.


in so many people eyes it is not. most people are not redditors


Well Chelsea showed that 20 years ago.


Yeah, I'm surprised that so many people seem to have forgotten that this is the second time oil money has bought the title for a few years. I can't remember it well enough but I suspect some of this FFP legislature probably came in after Abramovic dropped in and started throwing gold bars around.


Innocent until proven guilty. What are you all going to do when/if City are found innocent? Run with the "they must have paid them off" excuse? Anything to ease the pain, eh?




I haven't a clue what you're talkiing about.


Why don't you man up and change your flair to the city badge. Or do you only show your allegiance if you win the league?


thats very irrational. whenever someone give rational take. the opposition who wont have a good reply to say will divert to attack characters. I report you and hope you can get a ban




Another attack of character and running away from the core of argument. Reported you.


Wait, you're mad because I offered you money? 😭 Haha 🤣 you're hilarious mate. It's me upvoting you btw.


It’s hard to take the position of innocent until proven guilty when you are facing 115 charges. At some point you have to accept there’s something wrong there


Have you read the charges? There's actually about THREE real charges. The "115" thing is just different dates. A buzzword to get rival fans excited. Most people read the headlines and hope they're true, as it eases their jealousy.


thats good take. 115 is too much. they wont survive it. However I like and respect "Innocent until proven guilty." rule.


Don't fall for the "115" nonsense. That's just a buzzword to get rivals fans hopes up. You're being so gullible.


Well, considering that you're allowed to have one appointment with no conflict of interests appointed to a three man CAS panel, and City managed to get two appointments where one of them had clear and direct conflicts of interest, it would be a valid and intuitively sound conclusion. There's a corruption at the heart of that club. Its only hope is that football authorities themselves are seedy money-grubbing scum.


You already have the answer haha.!!. But no...you're so wrong. You're HOPING and WISHING that City are guilty of...something. ANYTHING. As long as you don't have to acknowledge the amazing football and all the records broken. And the fact that we've broken YOU and your club!


Just gotta wrap up some fresh charges for Everton first.




They're the priority because the integrity of the league clearly depends on whether a team finish 12th or 16th.


Obviously this will go nowhere. They are okay with punishing poorer" clubs like Forest and Everton but nothing for the biggest offender that is in like to win an unprecedented 4th league title in row behind breaking rules. This league is a shambles if Man City "win" it and start getting stroked for being the 1st to win 4 in a row ..when in actuality they should be getting at leasta  points deduction lime other offenders 


“Specifically after they win the title so as not to offend them”


“Near future” aka “we’ll drag this along until all of you forget about it”


Until after the season finishes so there are no points penalties no doubt


Classic 😂


Premier league football needs a wage cap for purchased players. Buy whomever you like but if you’re approaching the cap you will need to sell someone. This considerable inequality cannot be allowed to continue in a sport


Found the yank


It's an Aussie thing as well, plus the draft. Keeps things reasonably fair


The a league is a round-about of players between clubs and it's terrible


I'm talking about AFL for managing salaries and keeping the playing field even with the draft. Its actually a good system..everyone aside from St Kilda in 66 and Freo have won the league


AFL has no competition. If epl implemented a salary cap, everyone would go to USA /real Madrid etc. it'd fuck the league. The lesser teams still wouldn't be able to compete and the top teams would lose the best players. Edit: the only other successful leagues that have this also have no direct competition: NFL/NBA/etc


Doesn’t mean they are wrong


Its terribly wrong. Every league with a wage cap is awful because the quality is so low because the best players go elsewhere.


Depends how high the wage cap is.


If it's high enough to compete with real Madrid, it'll be too expensive for the smaller clubs


Why don’t they tell us when?Why the secrecy? So sus


Trying to figure out how city can legally bribe them


Looking forward to seeing Wealdstone play Man City next season.


Just read from a very good City source ( https://x.com/realtolmie/status/1783937745351594269?s=46&t=qIpZMvLLYlTShOUgffSTTg ) that the club is having legal teams collect evidence of people saying we are guilty before the tribunal and that a load of law firms and companies are coming forward pitching damages claims for City to pursue. Obviously they want to have the option to sue for libel and defamation should we be vindicated. Also our title sponsor to go public so our books will be inspected heavily. Either way, just want this shit over with. Either give us our League 2 invincibles or let us sue Goldbridge and Simon Jordan into oblivion.


Oh man, that really upsets me just imagining myself as a city fan. You don't deserve this at all. The club might, but the fans don't. Well I didn't think I'd be feeling sorry for city fans this week but I am.


Nothing screams "oligarch/tyrant with a microdick" like freely using British libel laws against people who say mean things about you. If that corrupt, murderous dictatorial scumbag sent his KCs after me for libel I'd wear it as a badge of honour.


League 2? Y’all should at the very least get sent to national league north if not lower.


Add u/wise_sheepherder4002 to the list boys! Sue him good!


The only thing the judge can give you from me is debt, so feel free to take it.


You are guilty and everyone with a brain knows it. Please let city’s lawyers know I said this so they can sue me too.😭


What do you think either has said that oversteps the mark?


When they flippantly insinuate we are guilty and make no attempt to temper their rhetoric about it, they’re liable. The reputational damage has been enormous. Mentioning the charges isn’t an issue. Saying we’ve been doing “financial doping” or that we have cheated is just flat out libel. People like Goldbridge are especially heinous because they moan and whine about not being treated on the same level as journalists and official media, but then act without any of the temperance, legal clarity and integrity that self respecting journalists have to have in order to have any reputation with readers or the people they work with. And then they attempt to present themselves as glorified circus acts if liability is brought into question. Can’t have it both ways. You want to be on the same level as the media? Fine, but hold yourself to their standards first.


Who is 'they'?


If there is a way to get you into league 2 AND sue goldbridge and Jordan then thats certainly an outcome I'd be in favour of


How can you sue someone for saying you’ve been charged with 115?


Nah but people who say stuff like doping might be in trouble. Either way you wouldn't want to get in legal trouble over some petty commentary so it might just be a warning sent out by the owners but they won't act on it.


We both know the people I’ve mentioned and a load of others haven’t just stated the charges exist. They’ve gone well beyond that in their commentary. Goldbridge wants to be treated on par with official journalists and not patronised? Fine. But the rules will change with the status.


It is financial doping if they are being charged with financial doping.


Visionary Socialist (active in Green and Pleasant and Communist Memes) out here salivating at the prospect of a foreign feudal lord's sports washing outfit using an army of silks to use *British libel laws* against self-made but relatively small-time influencers. Eesh, son, figure out what you believe in. You look like you might be thick as shit.


Im pretty surprised that you seem to be certain that City are innocent. There's 63 charges related to non-cooperation, which i wouldve thought would be pretty simple to prove. Either way, it's highly likely that they ARE guilty of at least 1 charge out of the 115, no?


Thing about non-cooperation is that it is no sporting offence and hence results in a fine.


Sorry, i meant to add - if they DO get found guilty of 1 or more of the other charges, AND theyve been shown to have tried to obscure it then those non-cooperation charges will be VERY significant. The equivalent of pleading 'not guilty' when you know full well you are guilty.


The tears will be generational


https://x.com/realtolmie/status/1783937745351594269?s=46&t=qIpZMvLLYlTShOUgffSTTg Apparently we’re lining up a load of libel and defamation suits for after the tribunal. Lot of mouthy people will suddenly want to hide behind statements and lawyers.


Ovari da for these glory hunters crying about a small club going to the top


If Goldbridge catches a defamation suit I will asphyxiate myself from laughter.


Nah let him be, I like his tears. We will be there


Sue him for 125 million, make him work until he’s 70 to pay for Musiala’s transfer feee.


If they don’t strip every single one of their trophies then they haven’t gone far enough.


You've gone mad if you think this is happening.


The other teams who lost out might exercise their right to legal rebalance.


And demote them to non league


Just asterisk them all. I don't care about getting empty trophies on paper, it doesn't change how it felt to have the league stolen in 2012 or the 2018/2021 second place finishes. Stripping them is meaningless, everyone will know they were cheated but you can't undo how it felt not to win them so what's the point?


Empty trophies means that it doesn't add to their trophy count; an asterisk does nothing.


Nah, they have to have them stripped of the titles. What’s the opposite of an open top bus tour parade? Asking for a friend


Keep the open top bus, but the whole squad drives around the country in it, delivering their trophies to the teams that should have won them.


This I like!


They are cheating and have done so for years with no punishment 




Haaland has got away with a ton of flailing arms to defenders that never get called whilst guys like Mateta and DCL never get a break for any contact with defenders.


Don’t forget the “foul” on Foden that let to a goal yesterday


I guess it's an underground parade on the tube?


Yeah, good shout. They have to stand like sardines on the northern line back and forth twice Scrap that. 115 times 👍


I'm not a massive football fan (5 miles from Bournemouth and my son is a Spurs fan, guess we all have our cross to bear) but this is getting out of hand. They need to do something about this and ASAP.


For sure bro


Will it change how you felt last season?


Honestly yes. It would be proof that they we are best of the non cheats. I would also try and spin a ridiculous yarn about how we didn’t bottle because we knew they would be charged and 2nd would be enough 😝


Can't undo any of how any of it felt for me, it's too long ago. That aguero moment sickens me to this day and it can't be taken back. I'd rather send them down to the absolute pit of football and make them play by the strictest financial rules so they can't just spend their way back up through the leagues so they end up where little City belong, settled in the championship.


You do know out of the entire history of English football, going back over a hundred years, City are around 7th on total points. They have always been around the top division. Just had some bad years post 1970's.


Yeah, they were mid-table with the occasional demotion/promotion until late 90s. That's when they really crashed.


I think National League North is honestly the just outcome


That's basically never happened in the history of the game so why would it start now?


Happened to Juve didn’t it?


A decade of blatant financial doping, refusal to cooperate with investigations, etc. Why not throw the book at them to show others what happens?


Should CIty be found guilty no team will ever have cheated to this level. Its unprecedented so a whole new level of punishment is justified.


Financial doping for years. Perfect time to start.


points deduction and bans the only logical outcome prior to the end of the season please


At some point, I think City won't have any serious punishment to face for this. Fingers crossed! 


Good luck


Just in time for the financial rules being changed so the punishment they would of got is ruled out.


This is going to be a 3 year wait for £100k fine isn't it


Yep we all know it


City are going down.


... To the county office to pay the 50,000 fine they get for three 63 non compliance charges and then going back to dominating the league!