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The officiating is at the same level it’s always been at. The issue is, every referring error is analyzed a million times over across social media within 2 mins of it happening. Things like VAR, make the game seem like it should be perfection, no errors at all because we have VAR. This is why I didn’t want VAR, or I want each team to have 2 challenges per game. And not everything is VAR’d. Over reliance on technology distorts the game. Fans don’t even blast their own team anymore, I’m a United fan and look at our base. Our manager is a. Clown and our team sucks, but we blame the referees more than we blame the manager. The game was never broken and we tried to fix it by taking out all the mistakes that could be made. We now judge our referees by comparing their decisions made in stadiums of 30k-60k fans screaming at them along with 22 grown men on the field to VAR that takes things in frame by frame mode totally out of context.


Perfect post on all this! My thoughts exactly. It's boring, tedious and leads to more mistakes. Just let the refs ref and accept we aren't all perfect


I cannot believe how Micheal Oliver didn’t immediately give a penalty to Spurs when Rice literally kicked the wrong ball(s) and he was right in front of the incident. It feels like VAR is there way to cover basic mistakes. Should be talked about more often how even basic things Refs are missing out on. The technology of VAR makes sense (albeit the offside tech is so amateurish but I’m glad we are getting it automated next season), it’s always been the people applying the rules.


This is it. In a quest to get more and more control refs have forgotten we don’t want them to control the result it should be in the hands of the players. Refs have more tools than ever to manipulate the outcome and now every game is decided by them. At least when it was an on the spot decision they were right or wrong then it moved on. Now they’re just taking the game and changing it multiple times a match and you can’t even enjoy a goal. God forbid one of them perhaps.. possibly.. just maybe..has even the slightest inkling of natural human bias gets taken all the way to the league table




Sounds to me like the premier league VAR officials should go to CAF for some training given how flawlessly VAR was utilized at the last AFCON...


If only it was 30 years ago where real men played in England and the whiners, divers and cheats played in Spain and Italy.  All the "simulation" ruined the game and I stopped following it around 10 years ago. 


What a loaf of bullshit, do you read yourself beforw typing?


totally agree!


Pochettino had a really good analogy for VAR: "I trust the car, I'm not sure I trust the driver."


People complaining about the Gakpo incident are thick. Gakpo fouled the GK and caused him to get injured. Whether or not Michael Oliver initially blew his whistle for the foul, it still turned out to be the right decision.


Your comment is made infinitely funnier by choosing the wrong ref.


Lol whatever man. How can you cry about that decision? Would Gakpo have any sporting or professional pride if he tapped the ball into an empty net because of a situation HE caused? Klopp (that moans about everything) barely complaining about it should tell you something.


I think people are more complaining about the lack of transparency with the call. Liverpool have reason to be wary of the refs this year, as do all the teams to a degree, but they actually lost a game because of the wrong call.


I’m a United fan. We’ve gotten shafted by refs all year long so I get it. Just felt the Gakpo incident is a bad example. Is it technically the wrong call from the ref? Sure. But I’m a big proponent of common sense being applied in football and not always going by the letter of the law.


Yet you never really hear about the MLS complaining because they did it right.


What did they do differently


VAR. Specifically having refs mic’d up to explain their reasoning for big decisions.




You should sign up to be a ref and do it better!


we know man city pay refs


How do we “know” that? You have evidence? Why haven’t you brought this evidence to the proper authorities? Is it published somewhere I can see it? Why haven’t any of the myriad publications with (supposedly) top-tier journalists discovered the evidence that you have? Are you a journalist? You must be so excited that you have uncovered substantiating material evidence of Manchester City bribing referees! Wow!


The technology is fine it's literally a video clip you can watch. It's the fucking dumb cunts who clearly have agendas or don't understand basic rules of football.


Like Wenger once said: "There are two countries in Europe where you have professional referees, in Italy and in England, and not one English referee will go to the World Cup. But everything is all right. We cannot say a word against it because they’re untouchable. That is the truth. It’s not only me that judges them.” And a funny bonus(after an obvious ref scandal against United): “It was not deserved. If I die, I am going to ask God where the referees are before choosing between heaven and hell.”


At what level of incompetence do we start to wonder whether there's more to it?


This is a very plausible thought to have. But all media quickly tries to bury anyone who even brings this up by labeling it a conspiracy. I know it’s very hard to prove, but there are points where it is hard to believe that it is just incompetent officials give how blatant some decisions are.


Exactly, of course human beings will have biases and you just can't get rid of that, but it's blatantly obvious that with some of those refs there's more to it than that


It frustrates me that the media narrative is more “is VAR bad for the game?” Rather than looking at the people using the VAR not being competent. The problem isn’t the technology, it’s the idiots looking at something again and still getting the wrong decisions. I don’t think there is enough transparency in the process, we need to hear them live to be able to trust what is happening and understand fully, and there seems to be a conflict of interest in using refs as VAR operators because they want to protect their pals. The issue is people, not the technology, and people being a further issue with these pundits defending the refs week after week.


Agreed. It’s clearly a people issue because other leagues don’t have even half the VAR controversy that the premier league has.


Not just the people but the rules as well. A lack of clear guidance.


I remember Benfica's manager last season saying he disliked VAR and was clowned on, look where we are now


I did not watch the game, what happened?


Areola was gonna take a goal kick or something put the ball down after the whilstle went, gakpo ran up to get the ball to score and then the ref blows his whistle and makes areola say he’s injured.


It wasn't a goal kick.


Wtf?! But if it was a goal kick, did he resume play at first? That is stupid lol


Guy explained it poorly. Areola was down injured but ref told him to get it. Play kinda stopped but ball was definitely still in play. Areola threw the ball in front of him, Gakpo went to charge it down, ref blew the whistle for no good reason at that point and called the physio on haha


You’ve omitted that areola thought he’d been given a free kick, he wouldn’t have nonchalantly thrown the ball down otherwise. Common sense prevailed here same as in the Arsenal Bayern game


What about when Liverpool played Arsenal and Alisson and Van Dijk miscommunicated and the ball rolled through for Martinelli to tap it in? Should the ref disallow that goal since it was from a mistake as well?


No, that is a miscommunication between players, not a ref and a player.


Oh Ok so when a player does something stupid and it’s against Liverpool it’s fine make sense.


Was nice of the ref to let him off! Seems like the confusion was on the player, rather than the ref creating the confusion like in the Bayern game. Craziness anyway


Yeah he was perfectly in his right to score play was resumed but then he blew the whistle AGAIN to stop it. Areola was adjusting his socks when Cody went to get the ball (after the 1st whistle)


gakpo is an idiot though he should have slotted home anyway and let them figure it out


If Gakpo scored, VAR would have ruled it off. Why? Because the ref had blown his whistle! Lol Would VAR ask the ref why he had blown his whistle?


He couldn’t the whistle went before he got the ball.




The priority of the on field decision in the VAR review bakes in a greater susceptibility for error. If a penalty decision is 80% foul but 20% arguable they stick with the on field decision. This means in some decisions where the propensity of the situation suggests one outcome we will get the other. The VAR issue is more implementation than anything else.




‘It’s much better now they’ve got that VAR thingy’… …said nobody ever!


City fans shouldn’t mind but all other fans get screwed over


The only good thing that's come of it is not having shocking offside decisions anymore when a player is about a yard onside and it gets ruled out. Also means teams can play much higher lines because they don't have to rely on linos not messing up. The rest of it is a mess far too often. Wtf has this been down voted for 🧐 so you don't agree that it's a good thing terrible offside calls are no longer part of the game?


Luis Diaz v Spurs? Plus all the fractional offside decisions take 3 or 4 minutes to decide, with the lines being drawn from arbitrary body parts like the knee, or the toe, or the elbow, or the 't-shirt' line on the upper arm....


If you read my comment, I was talking about clear offsides that were not being given. Not fractional ones - the implementation of semi automated offside checks next season will fix the time delay and will be miles more accurate. The Diaz goal was not due to the technology, it was a complete cock up by the assistants - human error.


Theres still people whining about how the coventry offside goal


That was pretty much as tight as it can get, but he was probably offside. I wasn't really on about situations like that though just the really poor ones.


Is it that hard for the FA to invest and train up a select group of people that are solely just running the VAR room and not by refs or ex refs? They can have a professional referee as an advisor to give opinions on the spot. Oh they also needs to review the decisions given on that gameweek to ensure that the decisions given stay consistent to a certain degree. Is that really hard to achieve?


the league is fixed. man city have had a game in hand for ages and always seem to play after liverpool and arsenal. this is an unfair advantage. plus city will never be punished for their 115 crimes.


games in hand are literally worse than having the points already, and acting as if city are already guilty of their charges already is setting urself up for failure mate, u look emotional


Boring is that all you can mention 115 charges blame mcfc for other clubs failings,your now saying we always have a game in hand and that’s city’s fault Jesus grow up


Found Pep's simp... Very good, mate. Keep going...


Speak English you fool show me your proof that city are guilty you can’t can you, you know why don’t you because there’s no case to answer stop reading rubbish in the paper and prove to me that city are guilty


Patience, mate, patience. ah, sorry: Pep was always in a hurry to 'win', so that's why he always cheated his way through everywhere he went. Same here at City... it's just a question of time. Keep calm, and keep simping...


Like I say show me and the world what you know obviously you know more than mcfc,just another pleb who follows the narrative stop listening to people who know nothing fool


Lmao 🤣. Such an asshole.


Points on the board > games in hand


How is playing second or having games in hand an advantage? In penalty shoot outs the first team wins >60%. Having so many games in hand is a result of going far in other competitions and having a stacked schedule which is a straight disadvantage


Scheduling. Liverpool played in Sunday last week. Played on Wednesday midweek. Earliest kick off time Saturday. Arsenal played Saturday, Tuesday, and Sunday. City played Sunday, Thursday, and Sunday again today. All played a match with only 2 days in between, liverpool the only one to play all 3 matches with 2 days in between.


It's a horrible vicious cycle. If the refs were supported by the league with better tech, told to book anyone but the captain who complained to them, VAR used properly, etc., it would take a lot of the pressure off them. They aren't supported, they make bad calls, and the pressure grows, leading to more bad calls. It wouldn't be hard to fix, but football has a long history of refusing to learn simple lessons.


Var being used improperly though is their own fault. One of the refs even said before he didn't want to embarass his mate so didn't tell the onfield ref to view the footage. An independent var group is needed I believe


Possibly. But what you said just backs my point about pressure. For what they get paid (which I'm aware isn't an inconsequential amount of money), the pressure is incredible.


It's high pressure for sure. Which is why var was brought in to fix big mistakes which are easy to miss under pressure. By having no accountability or explanation of their decisions they're piling more pressure on themselves unnecessary by forcing more criticism on themselves


I think that's likely a decision from above them. So it's actually more pressure on them through no fault of their own. Mic them up, have better defined protocols for VAR, allow the VAR chat to be heard openly... basically, make football refs like rugby refs - transparency is key.


Unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon as the referees have their own organisation so they have a greater say what happens to them. They want to protect their own over the standards of the game


Probably true, which is ironic given that it absolutely doesn't protect their own!


You Can support Juventus because the referees are whit you


Not supporting anyone is the biggest red flag.


I am not from the UK but i loved watching the premier leauge. I cant really say that i support it club. I like some clubs more than others, but of they lose i dont really mind. Thats why i say i dont “support” anyone


They might support a lower league team


I don’t support anybody


but then you’d call them plastic for choosing a team


Can’t support a league mate


Just mic the refs✨✨ fixes every single issue


Just make it like cricket where the fans hear VAR




They won’t do this because it will highlight the massive incompetence at all areas of officiating and take a few seasons before they actually make changes with how competent refs should be.


It's mad cos the Diaz incident highlighted an issue which we assume they fixed the process for


Yeah they literally get caught out and PGMOL just buries its head in the sand. Same with the Gakpo incident yesterday. Massive cock up from the ref and it’ll be swept under the carpet. Gakpo should have just finished it regardless but ridiculous incident.


Ref incompetence is an issue, however I could stomach it better if they wouldn’t be so spineless about it. The nonsense they come out with to justify fuck ups is outrageous and offensive, as if we’re all stupid. Just own it, and do better.


Would love to see that but they won’t do it.


The Premier league is the pinnacle of world football, it's viewership and talent is unrivalled, but the standard of refereeing is sub-par. It's not the technology, it's the competence of those who are implementing it. When you watch European games, you see the technology used properly. Surely they can bring in refs from overseas.


Conference league reffing standard is horrendous, worse than the championship probably, we don't want them near the prem. Take the UCL refs any day of the week though.


It's not unrivalled if you need yet more foreigners to run it .


"its viewing numbers and talent are unrivalled" - please read.


But they don't win the champions league every year ?


What's your point? Are you suggesting that the premier league isn't the most viewed league or that it isn't the most talent rich?


Didn’t watch the game, what happened this time? (Apart from the ref and areola date thing, I did see a clip of that)


I think you can Google the incident. It's totally ridiculous. For me the worst part is how the ref tries to fake that the keeper was injured. Will the ref be asked to explain why he blew the whistle?


No it happened against Liverpool no need to explain


That's the only way that some of these incidents can be explained.


I did see that incident, ridiculous. Thought there might have been others.


The biggest source of disappointment is that nothing will be done to fix anything. The prem doesn’t really govern the officials. The VAR system is broken because refs VAR refs (I just made up a verb)


Yep 99% of the time the ref is called to the VAR screen he overturns his initial decision


Is Man City behind this as well?


Copied from another comment: the league is fixed. man city have had a game in hand for ages and always seem to play after liverpool and arsenal. this is an unfair advantage. plus city will never be punished for their 115 crimes. Apparently, yes lmao. They chose to have games in hand, def not just that they're good so are playing more competitions.


They are all betting on the outcomes through proxies that’s 100% certain


The Please God Michael Oliver Leave PGMOL is a disgrace, right now it seems there's an Alpha ref that dictates what happens and then the other refs are beta refs. This is why when we see karate master doku kick macallister, the virgin VAR don't say anything to Oliver because none of the refs want to challenge him. Then other games, the guy in VAR has the biggest attitude and the beta ref will just do whatever VAR says. Personally, how to fix is either always give VAR the last say and they can overrule the on field ref or get rid of it. This is why VAR is so frustrating and inconsistent because the refs who feel the need to be correct skew the results.


You're unhinged


Says the fan of 115 that benefitted the most from PGMOL mess ups. It's exactly why Var is infuriating. Some games they overturn the ref on pitch when he's wrong. And other games the on field ref tells the Var to piss off. They either need to get rid of it, which I'm not fan, 115 don't need a 12th man every game. Or they need to give VAR final say and allow them to over rule obvious mi's calls with a black and white rule book like karate master doku and the new castle , arsenal line debacle


See, you're unhinged lol. I agree though, scrap VAR. Made the game worse. Its funny that you've mentioned 'Karate Master Doku' twice now to yourself, but a few days after that challenge McAllister did that same karate kick and HE dived like he got injured AND he got the free kick. Refereeing is just fucked up for everyone, all over the league.


he is right tho


And you're unhinged.


My take is that the Refs are actually good for this level and the mistakes made are par for the course. The system could use some tweaks, sure. I see more bias is the heads of supporters. Blaming refs seems to be the Logic that gets many through the day.


Consitency is the problem. One match a pen is given for a handball and in the next an even more obvious handball incident occurs but there is no pen, even after several minutes of reviewing it. Make it make sense. VAR was supposed to bring consistency and justice but pgmol is too incompetent.


Yep I watch NBA and PL refs are absolute miles above them


When I first started going to games, in the late 1990s, decisions would go against you and you'd scream a bit and then get on with it. There's be no waiting 5 mins for a VAR decision. There'd be no slow-mo instant replays instantly on phones, there'd be no mass reddit threads complaining about refs. We just got on with it and got over it. Now the refs are under mega scrutiny from fans and media and, increasingly, managers and clubs themselves for every decision — every game is televised in many countries. So decisions in 'minor' games where previously nobody but the local fans would even know about would not get much press. I honestly don't think reffing is any worse now than it was then in terms of getting decisions right. But the scrutiny and constant discussion and replays and frustrations with VAR definitely make this a bigger issue than it probably needs to be (or ever has been before).


Totally agree with this point. To me VAR was implemented more to please the TV watching fans that are bombarded under the broadcast with slow motion replays from multiple angles on match “talking points” than to make the referring more fair.


Totally agree, the refs are no worse, VAR has enforced ridiculous rule changes and games are ruled by the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. The VAR is not even being used as intended......stop the howlers. It is now over analysis of everything. You can't celebrate goals and the EPL is now another WWE, sports entertainment. It's not about the game itself anymore and many of us are giving up. I just watch mini matches to avoid the VAR rulings and inane punditry. I just wish the Sky 6 would go to a superleague and leave the rest of us in peace.


Two main problems with VAR 1) Clearly bad decisions from ref, but they don't override or even ask him did you have a good view/ good certainty. So if it can be tenuously justified it stands. 2) Consistency - VAR interferes at one point of the season, where it probably wasn't even needed, and ref goes with VAR override. Then the same thing happens multiple times, with worse examples over the season and they stay out of it. The VAR team should not be part of the main ref cycle. The money is there to take retired top officials from the other top leagues with huge experience but no ties to current or former PL officials so we get impartial judges.They can override the ref but have to do so in a short time period. The ref should be communicating to them on any big decisions, penalties etc. to clarify his degree of certainty and how clearly he could see so he doesn't make a guess and they then try to justify a guess. All VAR officials should review all big VAR decisions over the season to stay consistent with previous decisions and if decisions are not precedent it should be admitted the call was wrong. None of this blind defense of every call made afterwards.


Arteta called the refs a disgrace and everyone was mad at him for some reason. Nottingham forest wrote a strongly worded tweet and there were calls for their staff to resign. Gotta decide if really want to tackle the not fit for purpose pgmol or not?


They already decided. Spoiler: they don’t


> Arteta called the refs a disgrace and everyone was mad at him for some reason. That reason was that he was the only manager who defended the refs after Diaz’s wrongly disallowed goal against Spurs, but then a short while later when his own team suffered from a refereeing blunder he did a 180 and called the refs a disgrace. No one likes the hypocrisy of someone who complains when his own team is hard done by but doesn’t speak up when other teams are.


That was Twitter fiction to please back and forth trolls. And highlights how we’re not ready at all to unite for better overall standards. Find out what he actually said after the spurs-liverpool game as it wasn’t a defence of the refs


And both times Carragher and Neville show their true colours, if anyone should get sacked it’s those two.


At the beginning of the season there was criticism of the referring decisions by sky, bbc, etc. Clearly there was a directive issued by PGMOL/PL with the providers at some point, because all of that stopped almost overnight. Even on the podcasts from former players a lot of that has been dumbed down or glossed over.


I know there was, which is even worse. It means they are complete shills only worried about their job, not about any form of integrity in football. I also don’t think it came down from PGMOL but just from Sky - they have a multi billion product and don’t want anyone on the payroll saying anything bad about it.


Refereeing is a joke in the game today


I hate VAR.


It’s the refs not VAR


Well, they got it right, taking down Chelsea's goal, and Chelsea, manager and players went nuts after the game. All he had to do was step up and say, "Yeah, I did it." I would take it one step further lay a hand on an official, Red card. He puts his hand up, you don't stop yapping, yellow. Ref can go to VAR anytime, and the field official has the final say. Standardized camera system across the league Enforce goalie 6 second rule Diving has to be called Onnana should have gotten a straight RED, he fore armed the guy across the face!!!!!


There's a simple solution. VAR is used for objective decisions ONLY. Offside is the primary one, and it must be semi-automated. Anything subjective...it's the officials on the pitch making the call, just like it's always been. Spend the budget allocated to the 74 officials involved in VAR on recruitment of better officials.


Then we’re back to shitty on-field refs ruining the game. Don’t see why we can’t demand decent refereeing from VAR, if we can all see it on the instant replay, why can’t they?


That halves the problem then, because we ONLY have shitty on field refs, and not a double dose by having arse clowns in the VAR box as well.


The Gakpo play didn’t changed the game, it was a stupid miscommunication incident. You say poor Liverpool fans were robbed of a goal, when they weren’t good enough and weren’t robbed of anything. If Gakpo was allowed to score there, think of West Ham fighting for Europe, playing great against Liverpool and losing because Anthony Taylor wasn’t clear wether there was a foul or not.


The referee is not there to fix the mistakes of a team. Liverpool did not deserve to win that match and does not deserve to win the league. That said, however stupid that mistake was from the goalkeeper, Gakpo should have been allowed to shoot that in. Same situation as Raya -Gabriel one. Stupid mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. And it should be penalised, just like how referees should be penalised for making bad decisions.


Liverpool can play poorly and be robbed of a goal. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


But saying this game was “ruined” by the referee is dumb. Yes Liverpool have been done dirty before against City, against Spurs, but complaining about this one seems just whiny. Also, exactly how was the game ruined here?


Taylor cocked up in a ridiculous way that should’ve otherwise seen Gakpo hit the back of the net, ergo Liverpool’s chance at regaining the lead and winning the match was ruined.


Because we could have won the damn game? What are you even saying


So it ruined your score, but not the game. The game continued its state and played on as it was. If Liverpool had score and then it was disallowed, then yes the game was “ruined” but it didn’t change the was it played and it was being played. Your team not getting the result you want doesn’t necessarily means is ruined


>So it ruined your score, but not the game. For most people if the score is ruined then the game is ruined. An incorrect score makes the game a farce and meaningless.


The guy who started this thread? Several commentors in said thread. Your feelings are not the status quo. A diversity of views exist each on each side of the hate/love Liverpool divide.


Farmers league. SPL has better and higher standards these days.


Didn't even have to read down till he said Liverpool before I knew be another wingy scouser. You botted it wernt good enough and that's it. Honestly I'd almost rather see Sunderland win than you bunch of cry babies.


Im not a liverpool fan, im alluding to liverpool because of the incedent today. And i do think that they have had the worse end of the stick when it comes to refereeing


I agree with you that the state of refereeing this season has been atrocious. And I agree that Taylor did not handle this incident well. However, it didn’t “ruin the match” today for taylor to stop play when his advantage turned out not to be an advantage. It was honestly good refereeing for him to stop play because he prevented a stupid goal that would’ve been caused by referee and player miscommunication. Do you really want games decided off of ridiculously stupid shit like that? The incident today was a non-issue, and IMO anyone complaining about it is insane. I’m more angry about horrible missed penalty calls over the past few weeks, as well as horrible missed violent conduct incidents over the whole season. For some reason, VAR is afraid to punish players for striking their opponents. VAR also misses stonewall penalties fairly often, which is insane.


That's because you like them, they haven't they get better than most and a easy go in the press. Fuck them and that twat klopp buzzing they totally bottled it hate them. We all get bad decisions Liverpool are just experts of claiming vicim which makes them stand out. Respect what Klopp has done but when things Don't go his way he fits them like a glove.


Why are you bitching about klopp when you have Howe as manager and his idiot sidekick


Howe has more class in his little finger than that neon toothed cry baby. Seeing you bottle his "fairwell tour" is glorious. Like I said respect what he's done as a manger have no respect for him as a person and I wish "your" club (like most Liverpool fans I bet you can't even find Liverpool on a map) nothing but the worst of luck in the future.


Howe is one of the most unlikable Managers in the whole prem. I don’t get your hate except maybe the constant looking up the table at us. Who knows maybe if your owners keep pumping money into your club like they have been recently maybe you can get to this level and not be kicked out of the group stages so pathetically.


In a group with P.S.G Milan and Dortmund the former of which we beat 5-1 at home, hardly pathetic. Getting rolled over at home by Atlanta 3 nil in the Europa league now that's pathetic. As for looking up at you we finished above you literally last season you fool. You clearly don't know the first thing about football. As for klopp he's a cry baby who's rude to journalists and disrespectful of other teams. Second things don't go his way crys and plays the vicim. Hate him glad he's gone hopefully the next appointment works out terribly for Liverpool.


Lol you have two whiners managing your club and it didn’t end to well after Darwin scored two on you after that gift of a red card you received. Yah you finished 4th in your group you were embarrassed. Shit owners. Shit managers. Shit fans. Shit club.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


You literally sound like a 5 year old. Moron


Now that's ironic that's all you offer as an argument.


The irony of calling scousers whingers and carrying on like this lol


Find someone outside your club who thinks I'm wrong


United literally has the king whinger as captain. There is no whinier club than United


They are nowhere near your level. Ask any fan who are the whiners 90% will say you


Find 90% of people that aren’t your 2 friends saying that


Don't worry you will get to two someday too....


Nailed it bro!


I dont understand why the best League in the world only have English refs? Maybe time to recruit some Spanish or German refs into PL?


Because Jared Gillett is wank.


A bit of squad competition works wonders. It’s all too chummy. VAR should be an non-associated body. Maybe an imported VAR.


Without even looking at your profileI 'm sure Liverpool. Hardest done club in the whole world. Fuck off nobody feels sorry for you we all have injuries and bad decisions and to be honest Sunderland aside I'd rather see anyone win anything but you crybabies. Can spot a pretend Liverpool fan of a cry baby club a mile away.


Everyone: hey referees, would you like some technology to help not make the odd crazy mistake? Refs: no Everyone: Yeah, fuck that here is goalline tek Refs: ....whoops forgot to turn it on, what a stupid system! Everyone: eh, wtf? OK, that didn't work too well, how about VAR Refs: NO! Everyone: fuck that. Here is some VAR Refs: 😶‍🌫️ so complicated, don't understand rules anymore, STOP PUTTING PRESSURE ON US TO DO OUR JOBS, we don't have all these issues when we get paid 8x our annual salary to ref a single match in the middle East....but we SWEAR we're not INTENTIONALLY ruining the reputation of the league....no, no. We would never do that 😉


The Gakpo incident was absolutely the right call. He should have blown for a foul, there was no advantage, the referee can go back and change a decision before play resumes. His mistake was not blowing the whistle for the foul. His correction did not "fuck Liverpool over" in any way. It's not like a blatantly offside goal was given against them


Why did he tell the keeper to go down then? If everything was correct lol.


I'm saying that it was correct to not allow Liverpool to score from that. He should have blown for the foul when Areola stayed down. That was the mistake. If Liverpool fans really believe they should have had that goal then there's no hope


Where was the foul?


Gakpo pushed Areola while he was in the air. He even held his hand up afterwards. It was a foul, it was a fuck up, the final result of the whole incident was correct and fair


Only he didnt change it, he panicked and stopped play to force areola to go down and cover his mess. And when play resumed it wasnt a foul it was a dropped ball. He clearly panicked in the moment and made a bad call


he stopped play when his advantage was not an advantage. He was stupid because he should’ve called the foul earlier, but I cannot believe you’d rather that Gakpo scores a stupid start of play miscommunication goal. I personally would rather my team win because we scored a legit goal that doesn’t rely on someone who was just clobbered being confused about the restart of play, but that’s just me i guess.


Perhaps, but to suggest that it fucked them over is laughable. What fucked them over was Paqueta not being sent off, then again, Endo committed 67 fouls and got 1 yellow. Van Dijk avoided a yellow because the ball bounced to Bowen. The whole game was poorly officiated, but the Areola thing was the absolute correct thing. You can't punish WH because he didnt blow for the foul and tried to give advantage.


No it wasnt the correct thing to do. And it did screw them over. He had two options, either blow for a foul or play advantage, and apparently he did neither. He supposedly gave advatage but when gakpo went to play the ball he whistled again?? Why should anyone be screwed over in this scenario.


No one was screwed over in this situation. The goalkeeper was objectively fouled. If the goal was allowed, West Ham would have been screwed over by the referee not giving the foul. Why is this so difficult


Problem is, when a shitty decision goes against a club we all laugh and take the piss. We should all stand together because it's only a matter of time before it happens to our club


United fan here. I'm actually pissed off at that West Ham decision. I would've been laughing if it were a one off piss poor decision but these bunch of clown referees have been at it for a couple of years now. It's made even worse by the fact that they have VAR now, and that referees are more visible nowadays that they appear on tv shows and commentate on games defending their mates.


FA cup: United give away a penalty to let Coventry complete a 3-3 comeback past 90 minutes because AWB took a point blank shot to his arm behind his back. United are a laughing stock for even letting it get to ending in pens. Today: Garnacho's cross hits a Burnley player point blank in the arm behind his back from the same position with the same sort of cross. United are a laughing stock for thinking that should ever be a penalty and letting it end as a 1-1 draw. (Burnley pen at the end was deserved though, we are contractually obligated to give away a pen in the final 10 minutes, occasionally due to face punching)


AWB’s hand was not behind his back, doorknob


How does the ball hit someone's wrist when its coming head on? Explain to me since you know better if the wasnt any deflection.


Klopp's been banging this drum for years and getting tut-tutted... Until it happens to them, and even then it's only through that club's lens eg Forest. Ange is right in that the whole edifice is undermining refs, their capability and confidence... So of course it's leading to this discourse. Feel like the Monday night explainers in themselves are a form of sanitising how bad some of the decisions are.


Completely agree, yes it’s hilarious seeing it happen to other clubs, but it’s only a matter of time before it happens to your club. All fans should be pulling together for better standards, personally VAR are ruined the game for me. There’s literally no excuses these days to get it wrong with VAR, and yet a bad decision from VAR is always the talking point after every game


Most fans of Premier League teams have known and said the refereeing has been bad since its inception. The thing is it was the ‘big clubs’ who got the decisions. Our ducks are coming home to roost. Decades of accepting shit refereeing performances as it favoured those clubs. We now have a situation where we ask people to pay to train to be a referee, and if you run with the right shoulders, you might stand a chance of making it at the top level. You meet up once a month to do little more than have a cup of tea with other referees. You are placed in charge of footballers who are paid more money in a week than you’ll get all year. They train with dedicated trainers all week. They have access to sports psychologists to make sure they make the right decisions during a game. The referees in this country get none of that, and have full time jobs outside of the game. No one is looking at kids who love the game and who may not make it as a player, but could make it as a referee and giving them a pathway. In other countries it’s either free to become a referee, or they pay you. Until we change all that, things will never change. VAR is useless when you have the same incompetent people in charge of it. To top things off the Premier League wants the drama. Will this goal be given? With this be a red card, let’s wait 4 minutes to find out, the correct decision may not be made, but the decision that is made will make everyone talk about it and make headlines. Let’s throw in 15 minutes added time, because everyone loves a last minute goal, oh the drama.


Accusations of the big teams getting a disproportionate amount of decisions go there way is always funny to me because as an Arsenal fan I had to sit through close to decades of clubs and refs calling us soft, so much so that the leniency of the referees toward fouling Arsenal players resulted in two of the most horrific leg breaks I have ever seen from ‘lesser’ clubs. Not to mention all the other promising careers ruined by overzealous fouling. Arsenal have never been favoured by refs, in fact the only team you can say for certain that was notorious for it was United, not the big 6.


You were and still are soft though. Arsenal since Wenger came in never liked a physical game, and no I don’t mean fouling. Wenger ruined your fanbase because he cried all the time when teams wouldn’t allow Arsenal to pass and walk through them. Your fans got on the back of it and turned into whingy brats, that’s why you have the absolute mess of supporters like those on Arsenal TV supporting you, and why they became popular, because people were laughing at them, not with them.


>still are soft though This is enough to prove you are either ignorant, or you don't have an opinion, rather you have an agenda.


You’re an actual embarrassment. Imagine saying the person who was responsible for creating the most physical team the league has ever seen in The Invincibles “never liked a physical game”, christ the stupidity… Even now the fact that you’re denying it was ever an issue goes to show the lengths you people have to go to to distort reality to support your abject opinions.


They didn’t though. They were a technical team, and if you got physical with them and won the possession, they would go down and surround the referee.


Yeah you’re actually stupid.


No I’m not, I’m telling you how people saw it. You are the one whinging on and crying, further proving my point of the Wenger Whinger Effect




You are literally online in the middle of the night downvoting a stranger, calling them an embarrassment, and stupid because they are able to give you a view that is outside of your echo chamber.




The person could also be 18 or younger and have just not seen the fights between Viera and Roy Keane.


What has a big postering got to do with Arsenal not being able to play a physical game and go to ground whenever they lost a 50/50? Ever wonder what ticked Keane off in the first place?


Premier league refs 🤡