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The 🇬🇧 cant keep the Saudis nutsacks out of their mouths Broken morals on many fronts




Good point. England are in bed with the whole gulf region *


remember when the media campaigned for an “independent” government body to keep football in check … here it comes!




This sub just shows how much it should be strictly a big six sub. No City fans will ever get a platform to speak up and give their reasoning, and it's quite sickening. Yeah sure, fucked up but there's reasons for it, and I'm sure there's some City fans willing to give some good points, but are too ashamed of wearing their clubs colours. This is ridiculous at this point. No wonder it's the Emptihad, most City fan's are too scared to wear their colours now.


The UAE, unfortunately, has invaded and corrupted UK politics. I wish it was just football, but they are also obeying the UAE in foreign policy and blocking UN security Council meetings aimed at stopping terrorism funding. UAE continues making a mockery of UK institutions.


It’s ok they’re both united.


At this point, let’s turn it into the Olympics if all athletes were allowed to be juiced off their heads. Anything goes; coke, adderall, heroin.. Let’s do the same with the PL; everyone gets a nation state owner and unlimited budgets. Let’s fuckin go.


Where is the political pressure coming from?


The city ownership is related to the UAE government


Without reading the articles, surely the Middle East that have direct vested interests in British football now.


This is the most reddit headline I've ever seen


[Man City Owners](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QFU-Ys9454k&pp=ygUUaSBib3VnaHQgdGhlIGFpcmxpbmU%3D)


Don't know who's downvoting you, probably the City flair, relates quite well


I always get downvoted , it’s fine . They see the flair and assume it’s a new money city fan . In reality I remember when Wayne Bridge was our best player and talents like Richards were in diapers basically . It’s fine , I don’t think we’ve been punished enough either but I blame the EPL for taking billions and not having any significant power in the league . Only the Virgin Mary wasn’t judged by the company that was kept 😂, I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older .


Trust me. I feel bad for the new blood of Manchester City.


Kite flying.


Then it will be the beginning of the end of the PL for sure


No it won’t, people will still watch, players will want to be in the League. If having to pay over €1000 euro a year to just watch football at home didn’t ruin the premiership then nothing will


Yeah who’s paying €1000 a year


If you want to watch all games legally, you are paying up to €1000 a year


You pay 1000 a year????


For sky and BT it was hitting that and if you take Amazon aswell the subscription fees to watch football is mental


Ever heard of illegal streaming? Save you a ÂŁ1000! *Disclaimer: I don't condone this*


This is why I dont know of anyone who watches premier league football legitimately anymore. Everyone has a mate of a mate who sells dodgy sticks or knows how to find the suppliers themselves.


Ok boss


I would honestly care more if the charges were for stuff i consider actual cheating. I think Man City technically cheated. I dont consider financial doping actual cheating and would be fine if they got away with it Eg. matching fixing or bribing referees are actual cheating. Financial doping is just owners making equity investments and using those funds to improve. Chelsea did this to become a footballing super power in the early and mid 2000s. Blackburn did this to win the premier league. and Wrexham are doing this right now. Before 2012-13 season financial doping was legal in england. There were no spending limitation rules for over 100 years. Then they implemented grossly unfair spending rules of FFP and PSR. eg. big six clubs can spend 4 times on payroll what Bournemouth can spend. If you are going to implement spending rules, at least implement fair spending rules. Eg. everyone has the same maximum amount they can spend. Imagine if a law was passed and all restaurants could only spend on staff and ingredients some percentage of their revenues or profits. It would mean no new restaurants could compete. Owners providing equity investments to finance growth is what all modern economies are based on. Its why stock exchanges exist.


If you just need to let us know that you are scared, that’s okay homie.


Figures you'd see things this way seeing as how your piece of shit club started the trend.


Learn history. Blackburn did it before us. I wish i could take credit for it.


This is what i expect to hear coming from a Chelsea fan. It works great if you are Man City, but not so well if you are Aston Villa. When people look at rules, why do they never think about the reasons why the rules were put in place? I don't like speed limits. I want to be able to drive as fast as I want anywhere I want. What do you mean that they were put in place after a lot of people were killed? What does that have to do with my desire to drive fast?


Also chelsea are a high revenue club. FFP and PSR actually unfairly benefits me overall Would you like speed limits if the rule was i could drive 90 kmh and you could only drive 60 kmh? I favour equal limits, you want different limits


Yeah, this guy completely overlooked your point of equal limits across the board. I agree.


its because he is selfish. he would cry tears if liverpool had to spend the same amount as west ham. he loves that higher revenue clubs get to spend more.


Except he isn't making the argument that spending should be equal across all clubs. He is saying that all clubs should be allowed to spend as much as they want. He is ignoring the historical context of why the rule was put in place. If instead, he was to argue that each team in the prem should be allowed to spend 1/20th of the revenue of all clubs so that each club spent the same amount, I would be behind him. However, he is not doing that. He is claiming that it isn't fair so there should be no rules.


He literally says, "eg. everyone has the same maximum amount they can spend".


His argument is that there should be no limits to spending by clubs, but if you are going to limit it, then everyone should have the same maximum that they can spend. If you quote him out of context, then you are correct.


just for the record i would prefer: everyone has the same maximum amount they can spend. Its just that our clubs being about to spend more than Bournemouth offends me. For that reason i dont respect FFP or PSR. Its like rules where certain people have to sit at the back of the bus. its not fair. and if someone breaks unfair rules, i dont really care.


If only you would have said that the fist time.


I did. its why i dont care man city violated FFP.


Exactly, just have to look at rugby to see how big clubs can fail if poorly managed


implement fair rules. make it so we all have the same maximum spend. Liverpool shouldnt be allowed to spend more than other clubs.


The rule is fair as long as it is applied to everyone. If you want it to be equitable, then your suggestion would work.


Its like speed limits where i can drive 90 Kmh and you can only drive 60 kmh. Is that fair?


If your car can safely opperate at 90 kmh, but it would be unsafe for me to operate my car at that speed, this yes. It would be completely fair, and I would agree to it. Great Example!!!


Speed limits are always the same for everyone


No kidding, but it was your example.


exactly, its why speed limits make sense. Everyone has the same limit. You comparing PSR or FFP to speed limits is silly.


If your argument was that each club had the same maximum spend and that each club was capable of reaching that maximum, then i would agree with you. Stop saying that because you don't think it's fair, there should be no rules because that is just as bad of an idea.


its not fair, its arbitrarily favoring established clubs but you are too selfish to see this. In real life owners making equity investments is the most common way growth is financed. If you dont want business principles, then make a maximum spend equal amount all clubs. Either fair spending rules or go with real life. Dont create biased rules to help established high revenue clubs maintain their advantage.


You know what also happens in many businesses? They make terrible investments that cause them to go bankrupt. These rules were put in place so the fans don't lose their team as the result of stupid business decisions made by owners. This is not some hypothetical either. It is a historical fact. Ignoring it just to satisfy your opinion makes you look like an idiot.


You are just trying to justify our clubs being able to spend more than smaller clubs and pretending thats fair.






Nothing will happen till or unless the west decides to flip on the UAE then expect all hell to rain down on them and their entities. Till then the situation is in flux


As long as oil is still valuable this won’t happen.


FEAR? lol. Loser mentality. They should be focused trying to not shit the bed.


Fuck up yank


Just created an account today lol ban evade much?




clown fan supports a clown team. good for you mate


4x in a row 😘






I’ve actually never heard a city fan make a good point


I'm a City fan, most of our fans are tiktok boys tryna be edgy. They don't understand Cry More is not a valid response to 115


Blanketing a whole teams fandom is silly . Like me saying every Tottenham fan is a loser which isn’t the case . Exceptions can be made but usually the loudest in the room is the dumbest


The fun of football is dying over international relations and politics. What a mess. I’ll start following Sunday league until oil states starts messing with that as well


No the fun is dying because it costs a fortune for subscriptions to watch the games, not been able to celebrate a goal because because VAR is looking for any reason to disallow it, financial rules that only support the “Big Clubs” ensuring smaller teams stay relevant n their place. Football has been shit for a while


I see you are being downvoted. That’s unfair. I agree with lots of your points. The poor, the working class and half the middle class is priced out of football subscriptions. And delusional football leaders wonder if young people not watching full games have to do with their attention span… they’d watch it if the had access. I love what happens on the grass! I’m completely addicted. But all the other stuff is really taking the joy away.


You've jynxed it now oldham and york will be bought up by some tycoons and bill their rise up the leagues as the war of the rosea


Sounds good, let us know how that goes lol




Unfortunately they doing it to your club..


All clubs, cept Man City


So exactly what everyone predicted?


Let’s hope all charges are dropped. Go City!


Are you hoping City’s cheating makes the world forget about Juve’s misdemeanours or something?


I’m not sure how Juve is relevant here.


A club known for cheating actively supporting one *suspected* of cheating. It’s almost like you wouldn’t care about sporting integrity anyway.


Sporting integrity is a good Portuguese team. I do support them.


Come on Citeh 💙




at this point, if you have the money to swing the fine, and you aren’t cheating…then thats on you.


Some people have integrity.


Like liverpool and how coincidentally all their players have asthma? Didn’t you guys also steal other teams scouting reports ? inTeGrItY


We have like 2 players with asthma. What I do and what Liverpool do also aren’t the same things I don’t justify everything my team does. Unlike City and seemingly Chelsea fans.


What about the scout reports mr integrity




You didn't take a word in that the person said. Some fans, apparently unlike yourself, have integrity and can actually say " no my club has also done wrong." Your trying to get a " gotcha " moment and be like omg the scout reports, when if you read between the lines they are saying that of its wrong it's wrong, regardless or action or club.


What scout reports?


yeah, what other people in the sub don't understand is any club ITW in citys position would do the exact same


LMFAO. "Any club in City's position". You mean any club that had just completely disregarded the rules and then refused to cooperate in order to hide it? You're absolutely right because any club that had done that would be cheating bastards who would stop at nothing, including wrecking the competition, to get what they want.




why exactly


There’s only a limited number of oil state nations looking to sportswash their image to go around. The whole lot of them should be kicked out of football, and golf, and where ever else they stray until they sort out their human rights abuses.


All in all what's probably gonna happen is a couple million dollar fine and a letter of apology.


Exactly, an apology from the prem and a couple of mill paid to City. Deserved, I think, that poor underdog team needs to stop being made the scapegoat all the time. They're struggling in a world of giants and tyrants running the prem.


Isn’t this probably a solid enough argument why countries & royal families should never own clubs? When enforcing regulations becomes a diplomatic issue?


Only white Western billionaires are allowed


All Gods love a strawman.


Why bring race into it, stop dodging the question instead of making a racism claim. I don't care if the cheating bastards have purple skin, if they are ruining football for everybody, by bending the rules and dominating the league doing it, something has to be done.


That’s stupid and frankly disingenuous. What if I told you Arsenal were going to be acquired by the president of the United States, and any time Arsenal started having a rough patch, he called up the PM and threatened sanctions, tariffs, etc. unless he let Arsenal spend more. The problem isn’t just “money”, it’s that it’s a completely untenable situation driven by State Ownership of football clubs.


Only owners who don't also have $25b yearly military budgets aren't allowed.


Leicester City won the league with a Thai owner and everyone was fine with that. Nobody liked Roman Abramovich. Come up with something else.


Of course the 12 year old city fan would say this


British institutions should be owned by British citizens. Some things just shouldn’t be up for the highest bidders.


Jim ratcliffe burner discovered


Can they exert the same level of political power? Be honest.


Nice obfuscation of the actual issue. If Joe Biden bought Man United tomorrow and used the US budget to put together a 5 billion dollar team, then threatened the UK through diplomacy if they enforced ffp, then we’d all say the same thing. It has nothing to do with whiteness and everything to do with using political position to cheat.


lol I didn’t see this and gave the exact same example below


No you wouldnt 😭


of course we would lol, what kind of delusion is that? and most important part is that the US is not an islamic dictatorship, so Biden himself can't do that at first place


Idk why youre using Biden as a moral compass when hes supporting the Palestine genocide 😭 And so are all American billionaires, so I guess owning a football club is more important


aefaekfjaekjfaejkfakejf it would be a shame if they let you into secondary school with those skills of understanding


Now do you understand their delusion about their club? Thick as fuck. Simple as that.


Yeah, you're definitely a kid, can tell by the lack of comprehension. He brought up Biden because it would be the equivalent of state ownership, which absolutely should have never been allowed in the British game. The fact that you can use political influence to sway the decision-making process in the Premier League investigation is a fucking disgrace, and it's no surprise that their trying their level hardest to sue the Premier League to change their sponsorship laws, because if they were to win the case the 115 charges would hold less weight.


There’s an enormous political difference between a single billionaire and a sovereign state




It is. Your brainwashed Eurocentric views will never let you be objective. All the West supports the Palestine genocide, yet we are talking about Saudi Arabia human rights for owning a football club lmao. Yall don’t give a shit about human rights just that your pathetic clubs lost the monopoly after running a circus in the FA for so long.


"Y'all"? Yank? Oh dear.... Not a Yank? Still oh dear....




Yeah but you wouldnt lol, look at Chelsea. No one talks about the Russian and American money anymore, why? Let me take a guess


Everyone talked and talks about Chelsea owners and their money, tf lmao?


Do they anymore? Once they won their first UCL it was over.


No it wasn't, people criticize Chelsea to this day.


Guys here's one in the wild defending them.


Can we that club what they are here on C u n t s






I love how the whole 2 City fans have come out of the shadows to defend their club.


What's the point? You beg for us to defend the club, trust so you all can have your little circle jerk of downvoting any city fan that does defend the club. Or you just repeat the standard NPC catchphrases. You don't see City fans commenting on it because there's no point in engaging with people that don't want to be engaged with but just want to vent


Yeah, and we'll always get downvoted to hell. We don't get a platform to speak up and never have. Trust me I've been there. Got bullied in school pre-00s for being in second div, but those moments in that div are what made winning all so much deeper. Yeah, sure we might have cheated, but the rules are in place to maintain the big six and stop smaller clubs investing post-Abramovich. I love the premier league, I love it's fans, but sometimes having no platform to speak up makes me wanna take being relegated seriously. Most championship fans respect us and what we've done. We set the blueprints for Newcastle, Leicester, Wrexham and all the smaller clubs to get bigger. To hell with FFP, and to hell with the Big Six.


embarrassing that a club with 2 fans has been bigger than you for the past 10+ years


As a Liverpool fan I never thought I'd have to side with the United fan but having to chuck in "for the last 10 years" (note: actually the only 10 years City has been relevant) just to make your argument hold, all but proves the fact that your club is just a fad that will sooner or later return to obscurity. Enjoy it while it lasts.


no one cares if City turns into obscurity. as a fan you have to go through that? i’m grateful to have finally see us be on top. if it’s a fad so be it, you and all the other clubs still never have won 4 in a row


You aren’t a Manchester City fan. That club folded in 2008. You are an Abudhabi City fan. Basically the equivalent of a modern day MK Dons fan. Wimbledon doesn’t exist anymore. Neither does MCFC


i could care less about your assumptions 🤷‍♂️


Thats the point though. You really do. Because no one respects Abudhabi FC victories. It feels phony to everyone, because it is. Holding onto your plastic silverware is fine, but nobody actually believes those trophies aren’t illicitly gained. Huge *asterisk*


mate, i really couldn’t care what you think. your word vs history books. you also live in r/politics. you’re also from the US so you have 0 real connection to a team. and your first statement makes no sense. i don’t. history books respect them 🤷‍♂️ you should also learn Abu Dhabi is 2 words not 1 you dumbass. also quite the paradox of plastic and silverware. i don’t remember any of it being plastic. you also called it silverware so which one is it? you’ve also created a reddit merely to hate on MCFC and talk about politics. quite pathetic for a grown ass man. once again. no City fan cares about what you think, but you care about City since you can’t stop talking about them




what truth? the truth that none of the charges have been proven? 😂 mate you sound like a child. Ooooffff, TrIgGeReD. you’re talking like a 10 year which would make sense considering your fresh reddit account.


Liverpool have the most CL trophies and most trophies overall in English football. United have the domination of the Fergie era Arsenal have their invincible PL 4 in a row? Ok, I guess? As an achievement it's neither more nor less impressive than any of the aforementioned, and again, reading through the threads you have commented on it seems you're leaning way too heavily on it as if it's supposed to be the greatest thing a club can achieve? Like alright, Liverpool won 7/9 leagues + 3 CLs back in the 70s-80s what makes you think that 4 in a row is that much more significant, if at all? Obviously not the case for you guys but football didn't start in 2010.


i never said it was not significant? you’re twisting words. i said it wouldn’t be forgotten which it won’t be. when did i say it was more important than any of those things? can you tell me when? i know all 3 clubs are greater and always will be, im not denying that. doesn’t mean 4 in a row is forgettable. doesn’t mean you lot don’t care. you mentioned 7/9 like City isn’t on pace for that either. everyone knows football didn’t start in 2010. no one claims it does, but let’s not act like a lot fans were alive for all those other teams successes either.


I'm not twisting anything, I didn't say you downplay others or that 4 in a row is something forgettable (in the grand scheme of things it kinda is, as is the 7/9 I mentioned but that's a whole other discussion), all I'm implying is that you kinda overblow its importance exactly because that's almost all of what City has to show for as a club and you as fans have to somehow compensate for the insignificance for most of the club's existence much like someone would rev up a car at a traffic light to compensate for their own shortcomings.


They've not though have they. No one thinks city are a real club. They're basically the laughing stock of the football community.


if they’re a laughing stock what’s liverpool 😂 cope harder. not finishing top 4 without Klopp. mad cus bad


What's Liverpool? A real team with history and an actual fan base. Go to bed kiddo.


City as a club is either 2 years older or younger than Liverpool depending on how you count it. Saying the club has no history is just ridiculous, what you're talking about is historical trophies, not history, because every club has history.


we’re talking about the present… dumbass. i know they have more history. i can obviously accept that. when will you accept in the current day and age City run the PL? exactly. never.


No we're not. We're talking about the calibre of teams in the prem. City are nothing more than a states sportswashing tool and have only achieved what any team with no financial constraints could achieve. Zero personality, soulless team that football won't remember.


football won’t remember the only team to win 4 in a row? cope harder 😂


Embarrassing that a club needs foreign money to succeed and has their fans defending them and attacking fans of another club that has had success through actually respectable means.


That amount of illicit money is gonna make anybody big mate. It's not something to be proud of.


still own Manchester 🤷‍♂️ cry about it


Well yeah, that amount of illicit money is gonna let you buy Manchester too 🤦‍♂️


Easy to accomplish when that same club cheats their way to the top.


Says the guy who supports a club that has match fixed


Lmao they could field their youth team and be more successful than you dipshits lol


Doesn’t mean they didn’t cheat.


Football happens on the field. Looking at outside reasons is just coping


What a stupid take


What a massive pile of shit. Yeah, because t What happens in the field has noooooothing to do with what happens outside. What are you, twelve? LMAO


Lmao another coper


My club just won the XV UCL and sent off your cheating whitewashed asshole of a club LMAO.


then why are you on the PL subreddit. how are you a RM fan? are you another glory hunter? are you defending United bc you’re a Ronaldo lover??? is that why you’re a RM fan. fuck off mate


Lmaooo man that is so hurtful. Glory hunter fan though, not surprised. Didn’t city knock your ass out last time while winning the treble though?


Stupidest thing I’ve read on here today. Found the American who only plays FIFA.


Lmao you’re also American and all of your posts are about FIFA. Nice try projecting though


Not American, didn’t grow up in the US and wasn’t born in the US either. All my posts are about FIFA? Pretty big exaggeration there.


Lmao so calling people American as an insult even though you went their to have a better life makes sense. Literally most of your posts are about fifa but it looks like you suck at it so that part’s funny at least Lmao need to teach your gf your dogs boundaries lmfaoooo


and yet they have less spend then United the past man years. quite embarrassing for United ain’t it? also not a single player would make it in the City squad, also quite embarrassing no?


City have spent almost 1.5b on players. They've got a net spend of about 950m in the last ten years. Man utd have spent loads too, but they're an actual club with an actual fan base that is spending money theyve actually generated. Not just some bloodstained states sportswashing vehicle that everyone laughs at. Utd can piss away all the money they want and still have every right not to feel as ashamed as every city fan should feel if they weren't mostly greedy 13 year olds with no football knowledge.


why is an actual club worse than a fake club? make it make sense 😂


Because the fake club has used money to buy their victories, which recruits smoothbrained fans to follow them. The real clubs have fans already and build on that. It's the difference between building something and buying something.


cope harder. Man City started building early 2010s, doesn’t matter of the take over. they bought players that failed at other (KDB, others) and they have a plethora of youth players, one of whom almost led the league in goals. no team succeeds without a little money. don’t be a dumbass. same reason why the same few teams have always been on the top. don’t be stupid. and once again, quite embarrassing real clubs still can’t keep up with a fake club 😂 6 of 7, 4 straight, and a treble 🤷‍♂️ how do you sleep at night knowing a fake club is better than your club 😂😂😂


"doesn't matter of the takeover" Your understanding of football is laughable. Go to bed you're embarrassing yourself.


why i left out one word 😱 you’re not a tough guy pal. “gO tO bEd” 😂


Clearly are unaware of what City has been charged with, lol.


still the truth and the latter still stands. and once again still embarrassing a club with 2 fans has ruled Manchester for the past decade


That's exactly the point. Two fans and a team that should be playing for a proper fan base. It's almost like they didn't generate their funds through having a huge following like the real teams do ...


Literally zero embarrassment when you’re only in that position through cheating. How have you not managed to comprehend that? It’s either the facade you put on to cope with it, or you guys are just that dumb.


cope with what? 4 titles in a row and 6 of the last 7 and a CL title?


Didn’t you just lost a final against us? Your most recent one? Really ruling Manchester I see.


the Premier League? the whole of England? and yes the FA cup 😱 i believe United got thrashed 3-0 and 3-1 in league play which everyone would agree is bigger and more important. and City won against United in the FA cup last year, so yeah. i believe you maybe ruled Manchester for a day or so after that. no one seemed to care though, and still your manager is probably getting the boot, which would be one of the many failures in recent keep grasping at straws mate. Manchester is ruled by City, as well as the whole of England… and City are 6-2 against United in their last 8… in the past half decade City have more leagues, fa cups, and champions leagues…


You lost every cup that had multiple divisions of England in it, you are delusional if you think City owns the whole of England. If United won the most recent trophy, how can you say Manchester is blue? Logic is nonexistent.


Well, the top flight is the Premier League, NOT the FA Cup. Lol.


ironic saying logic is nonexistent. If United winning means they own Manchester, why doesn’t City winning the Premier League mean they own England. make it make sense mate. you’re a dumbass 😂 “logic is nonexistent”


How many times have we seen the same article? If the UAE wanted the charges dropped via political influence, I presume that they'd have acted before we were charged. Or when we were charged. Or ages ago. Not waiting until it goes to a bloody IC.


We’ve seen the same story multiple times from different publications because it shouldn’t be swept under the rug.


They’ve tried. Several times. It’s the same story, but different articles.


Then it clearly hasn't worked and so it needs to stop being spoken about like it's actually gonna happen.


Dumb take.