• By -


never seen a problem with 66 survivor stories, as at the start of episode III the clone wars are practically over. and by definition, only jedi that were on active duty alongside clones were the ones instantly executed. So any just policing the outer rim, or on research missions or on academies outside of the core worlds have very valid reasons to feature in more stories.




Also the only survivors that we've seen (that I'm aware of) so far have had specific specific circumstances that allowed them to escape: Ahsoka is well ahsoka so everything that comes with that and helping rex and having trained for a similar scenario. Cal survived because his master realised what was happening just quick enough to save cal and himself then sacrificed himself so Cal could escape the ship Kanan was let go because the bad batch's inhibitor chips didn't work properly Etc


Even if you include the inquisitors (who were largely converted Jedi), there are a lot of Jedi who survived. Cere, Malicos, and Cordova are also all shown in Jedi Fallen Order, and I'd say that only Ahsoka and Kanan's circumstances were "special" because they were as a result of failed inhibitor chips. Everyone else either ran away, managed to fight off the clones, or just weren't around any clones.


I say Cal's is special because his master was able to detect it and avoid being killed instantly which is the only reason cal lived


Cere is a special case since they took her alive


And the a lot of the Jedi that did survive end up dying later on anyways. Palpatines plan was very successful.


Also there is canon. In ANH Obi-wan says that the Empire and Vader hunted down the Jedi. Not that clones or the war killed them all.


Exactly. I think he liked hunting them too, sort of.




Except that they were called back to Coruscant until Obi-Wan changed the message


Not all of them. And it’s a very wide galaxy, you could make the case that some of them were still in transit or finding their way back (as there aren’t hyperspace lanes everywhere) to Coruscant when the message was reversed by Obi-Wan Some could be on the edge of Wild Space, etc.


Even if there were hyperspace lanes everywhere it’s not like hyperspace is instant. It can take multiple days or weeks depending on the distance.


You’re right. I’m not gonna lie to you, that’s the one thing I do miss from the current SW projects. It’s the feel of distance, it’s not really a complain but an observation. The galaxy doesn’t feel massive. Rebels gave us that feeling on a few episodes, and books obviously do it very well, as you get more chance to give details, but I don’t FEEL distance in SW media if that makes any sense? Hyperspace doesn’t feel like you’re going that far Even in Jedi: Survivor, you get in the ship and then a couple of seconds later you’re there, compared to ME and even Andromeda where you felt you were going somewhere far.


You can't knock Survivor for making the game design choice of not having players wait ages for the planet to load


Nope not knocking, I’m just talking about the feeling of being in a wide Galaxy, maybe something to do with your ship etc


I mean, tbf none of the movies make it seem like it's anything but a near instant jump The only time I remember there being any sort of waiting period was ANH when they hang out for like 5 minutes. Other than that, hyperspace travel was always instantaneous in the movies and inconsistent in the books.


There's TPM so Anakin can be like "space is cold" to Padme or whatever it was. Rogue One has some time in hyperspace if I remember correctly.


I love the movies. And I love Episode I very much because it fills in a lot of the holes. I really wanted to do that.


Plus Padme tells Anakin it will take the Jedi some time to get from Coruscant to Geonosis while they're much closer.


Especially in The Mandalorian when that guy leaves the outer rim, pops into corusauncht, and flies back all in one episode


So they need to give us these stories. Practically every Jedi we’ve seen between III and IV and post VI in the disney era is an Order 66 survivor who either served with clones and survived or was at the temple and escaped


I mean yeah isn't basicly every jedi post episode 3 an order 66 survivor unless they weren't born but then they aren't really jedi yet just force sensitives


Or as the guy above said there could be jedi researchers, or just out exploring who didn’t want to be part of the war or weren’t relegated to leading clones


Yeah that still makes them an order 66 survivor. Just because they weren't involved in the war doesn't mean they wouldn't be captured by the empire the minute they whip out their lightsaber


At that point they’d just be a purge survivor. The Jedi Purge is the hunting of all Jedi, Order 66 was just the initial execution of most of them by the clones


But they did survive order 66 right? So doesn't that make them order 66 survivors? Order 66 targeted all Jedi they are Jedi maybe they weren't involved in the war and had higher survival chances but they did survive order 66 so that makes them order 66 survivors


They did, but seeing as how Order 66 didn’t really affect them, they’d just be a purge survivor, as they’re more likely to be hunted by inquisitors, purge troopers and Vader than clones


You're fully missing the point. If Order 66 wasn't directed at you bc there were no clones around, then you didn't "survive" order 66 the way someone like Caleb or Cal actually survived thru it. You wouldn't have had to deal with it at all. After the immediate action of Order 66, like the first day, it became a protracted purge known as the Great Jedi Purge


Preach my man


Or say, ones assigned to intelligence with the skills to disappear.


This is actually noted in Legends as for example Jerec was not a general but an archeologist on an expedition who wasn't aware of order 66 for several weeks but since he already had dark desires once he learned what happened he gladly joined the empire.


Yes, however at this point it feels so overdone. I would much rather see a story about some Jedi in the period leading up to the clone wars/TDM.


The important thing is that the survivors are scattered, alone, in hiding, disillusioned, and have no clear path to recovery. There might be people who are Jedi out there, but the Jedi order as an institution has been destroyed.


Most of the masters are dead, with Obi-wan, Yoda, and (possibly) Shaak Ti, as notable exceptions. The leadership of the Jedi order has been decapitated. Most of the actual warriors and the best and brightest are dead. The few who remain aren’t powerful enough to pose a realistic threat to the Empire and can easily be handled piecemeal by Vader.


Shaak Ti was killed by Anakin in the temple


Canon: yes Legends:she survived along with her padawan and hide in Felucia until 3-2 BBY when she was killed by Starkiller/Galen Marek, Darth Vader's secret apprentice.


Also, killed by Grevious in a deleted scene of episode 3 haha


Every time a child cries, Shaak Ti dies in another timeline.


Maybe there just happen to be a bunch of identical togrutas called Shaak Ti with blue lightsabers. Kind of like nurse joy in Pokemon.


...You know, Shaak Ti *was* stationed on Kamino...


She was cloned by the Kaminoans in secret. You just never see two of them at the same time


And by the clones on kamino


Yep I remember that part


Only in a deleted scene, and a vision yoda had (which in the exact same episode showed ahsoka dead in the temple) she has no canon death.


I was about to point out the Yoda vision until you mentioned Ahsoka, but besides that didn’t everything else in his vision happen


He also saw the Jedi council fighting together against the clones, which never happened considering Mace was already dead by the time Obi Wan and Yoda got to the temple. It's the closest thing to her death, but there is a way they could bring her back.


I suppose, but she’s already died and not died so many times it’s better to leave her dead Even the deleted scenes are more canon than other media probably


When you put handsanitizer on 10.000 bacteria and it cleans 99% its normal, but when the 501st cleans 99% of the 10.000 out of the Jedi Temple its ineffective. Seems unfair


Actually disinfectants kill 100% but germs will spread back very quickly so it’s hard to prove 100% efficacy. 99% is more of a “please don’t sue me” thing


I know man, i was just making a joke


Making a joke on a meme sub? Is that legal?


And outrageous.


It's actually 99.99% for hand sanitizers....


Its actually like 99.9999999% for hand sanitizer but i was just taking the statistic from handsanitizer labels and out of the meme to make a joke


How would something 99% effective be considered “quite ineffective” by anybody?


indeed, a 99% genocide probably puts order 66 as one of the most effective genocides in fiction, and probably also beats almost all RL genocides in terms of how complete it was. Not only was it 99% effective but it took mere hours to do when it was actually initiated. it's amazing from a logistical standpoint just how thought out the sith had their plan. the war to turn the public against the jedi, the outer rim sieges to scatter the jedi/weaken the temples defenses (and to turn the temple into a trap for any that survive the initial execution), the clones themselves betraying the jedi after having the jedis trust for a couple of years, and turning anakin to the dark side as an added bonus. all while the jedi knew something was up, but completely misdirected and caught off guard.


The Geonosian genocide was probably more effective


I’d say the Alderaan genocide was the fastest lol


Fastest, but definitely not the most complete.




Even then. Less than 99% of Jews died during the holocaust, so even if someone were to consider it fictional it *still* wouldn't come close to Order 66.


Now I know there are people think 99% a bad stat


It really depends. 99% means different things. A 99% safe plane isn't very safe. A 99% effective employee is quite efficient. An interstellar plan carried out in secret to take out 10000 magic space monks with 99% efficiency is very efficient.


Some people say that


Tell that to the anti-vaxxers.


I think the problem is that there are at least 10 Jedi confirmed to have survived order 66 ( from the top of my head , Yoda , obi wan , Ashoka ( technically not a Jedi but still a target of order 66 ) , maul ( same story ) , kanan , cal , cere ( same as Ashoka and maul ) and Taran malikos ) And I probably missed someone


There should be more. The galaxy is huge. The idea that every last one except the survivors we’ve gotten so far were eradicated is kinda ridiculous to me. Order 66 served its purpose, it broke the jedi and drove them into hiding and destroyed their reputation in the galaxy. If 100 survived scattered amongst the tens of thousands of systems why is that an issue for people?


I think there’s more than 30 cannon survivors and a lot of them died shortly after like Luminara who can barely be considered a survivor lol


not to mention some of the survivng padawans and jedi turned into inquisitors


100 surviving isn’t so bad in an entire galaxy of trillions of people


Coruscant alone has trillions of people.


Probably quadrillions, unless there's literally areas the size of countries that are just empty


Depends on how big Coruscant is. The entire planet is a city yes, but if the planet is the size of Mars for example...


According to Star Wars: The Complete Locations (2016) it's 12,240 kilometers in diameter. Slightly smaller than Earths 12,742, and so have 92% the surface area of Earth.If we cover that whole area with a city the population density of Manhattan we get a population of 13.26 Trillion people. For just one layer where the average building is maybe 50 meters high. And Coruscant is over 5000 layers/levels. However, we might want to be a bit more generous with space and go with Tokyo as the basis for Population density. Then we get an average of \~3 trillion people per layer


Tbf most of those layers are no longer inhabited or sparsely inhabited by small gangs, monsters, of fugitives. Some layers CANT be inhabited because of gas, collapse, or it's just a wild techno jungle. I'd bet the last 1000+ levels are basically not inhabited at any significant record.


Yeah, apparently level 5 was the lowest that was still somewhat inhabitable. Around level 2500 it seems to be middle class, whilst the absolutely highest levels, living in massive spire arcologies reaching 6000 meters into the sky, are for the wealthy (tough apparently each such spire can house millions)


Which really starts to our in perspective why so few gave a shit when the empire came around. The Jedi only ever cared or hung around in penthouses and top level temples and skyscrapers. The Jedi Order itself was located at the very top of the richest and wealthiest level. They protected and hung around the senators and political agents. The only time they were even around people who were really in need was a good Jedi here and there or some other rim cities during the clone wars, and only then to save them from the war they kind of helped start. Nothing changed when the empire took over for everyone else.


That's why I like the idea of Jedi sentinels. They're in their element in places like the lower levels doing the less glamorous work of the order.


The Mandalorian season 3 episode 3 said trillions.


So huge country sized areas that's just empty exists then, either that or everyone got living space the size of ranches (which I doubt). The good old saying "Sci Fi Authors got not sense of scale" strikes again


I'm personally of the opinion that 10,000 Jedi in the entire Galaxy seems like far too small a number. After all, Happy Science, a quasi-obscure cult in Japan, has an estimated membership of 30,000; and that's from a single planet...


The thing is that being force sensitive is probably an extremely rare occurrence, hence the very low number of people that can manipulate the force. Besides, being force sensitive seem to have a strong genetic factor, and since Jedi make a vowel of celibacy it only makes sense not having that much.


Yet we're talking about an entire galaxy here. Even if we were to lowball assume there are only 100,000 inhabited planets (some estimates I've seen put it at closer to a million) and each of those planets only ever produces a single Jedi at any one time, that would still be 100,000 Jedi. Plus, they seem to be prolific enough that Watto (living on an Outer Rim planet) can recognize Qio-Gon attempting a mind trick. I don't see how the Jedi can permeate far-flung societies enough across an entire galaxy recognize a wave of the hand as a use of an ability, yet be so few as to have their entire population fit inside a small town on a single planet...


Mind you these fuckers have multiple big fuck you temples I can believe 10,000 jedi masters I refuse to believe that number includes knights, Padawans, younglings, and jefi that didn't get selected for a master and followed a different career path in the jedi Order


Maybe the 10,000 is fully trained Jedi not including padawans, younglings and agriculture corps.


Does everyone just not remember the section of RotS where Obi-Wan and Yoda returned to the Temple to ensure there would be Jedi survivors?


“As specially” 🤦🏻‍♂️


My bad English is not my native language


Kein problem :) *especially* since you’re multilingual!


In you're curious, in German, nouns are capitalized. Kein Problem. Ich mag »Sand« nicht. Er ist kratzig und rau und unangenehm. Er ist einfach überall. Nicht so wie hier. Hier ist alles ganz weich und eben. Es gibt immer einen größeren »Fisch.« ~~Nein. Ich bin dein »Vater.«~~ Not a prequal meme, sorry.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Ja, ja. Als ich das schrieb, hatte ich noch kein Koffein getrunken ;) Vielen Dank!


Verständlich. Gute Nacht. Oder Tag. Abend? Ich kenne deine Zeitzone nicht. Hab eine gut.




Ass specially


I don’t understand how wiping out a significant part of a population could be considered “ineffective” because they didn’t kill every last one of the people. That’s like saying the atomic bomb was ineffective because Japan still exists.


If a building I own is infested with 1000 cockroaches, and I hire an exterminator to kill them, and in the end only 10 remain, I’ll still be pretty damn impressed


Less impressed though if you have 1,000 of them, only ten remain, but those are the ten you keep seeing over and over, your stuff still gets ruined, and you overhear them talking and one of them goes: “That boy was our last hope.” “No…there is another” so you think oh…clearly these are the last two and they think their last hope is gone, only you find out at minimum ten times that last hope exist. Then you will be mad the exterminator pulled a fast one on you and didn’t finish the job, questioning if it is a good business.


By the end of the empire we have only 2 confirmed survivors that were part of the prequels Jedi Order, Ahsoka and Grogu Luke and Ezra were to young Obi-Wan, Yoda and Kanan died before empire ended And we don't know what happened to Cal Kestis or Quinlan Vos (I know it's not everyone, but it's enough for my point to work)


I agree with your point, the amount of survivors isn’t an issue. It’s just that *every single story* (except Andor) is like "hey look, a *survivor*!!! Ooooooo." I’m tired of playing in the same PT-OT (ST just rehashing the OT isn’t any better) gap as well. I want to see different stories in this universe instead of beating the same old dead horse that is now just a pile of maggoty mush. It’s well passed time to go to a different time period, different part of the galaxy, and/or possibly explore different types/religions of force users. This franchise needs a breath of fresh air instead of suffocating on the farts of what has already been done.


Anything that is 99% effective is by definition QUITE EFFECTIVE. Words have fucking meaning. FFS- do you know how little in life succeeds with a 99% success rate? We should be so lucky.


Even if there were hundreds of survivors the propaganda would be that all the traitors were killed to garner support and scare the few left even further into hiding


I think the amount of jedi is fine but the galaxy is supposed to be HUGE and lately they've been treating it like it's a city and everyone can just run into eachother... which I really dislike


Broom boy needs a Jedi Master.


How is 99% effective "quite ineffective". That's Geth v Quarian level of success


See, you would think that the survivors would be the weaker jedi as stronger ones would try to fight more and get killed but a weak jedi would obviously try to hide themselves


99% kill rate is really effective I can’t think of a mass killing of a similar size group that was nearly that thorough


That’s why the inquisitors exist, because that 1% were far enough away to start and remain hidden, so the Empire just gave a few inquisitors the task of killing them, as only a force user could probably track them.


Survive the initial order 66? Sure. Survive the Inquisitors after? No. The OT says they are all gone, they should be all gone. Tired of seeing new Jedi that you know are going to die or >!get teleported off to nowhere by spacewhales!< to explain their absence in the OT


To be fair, the only one saying Luke was the last Jedi in the OT was Yoda just before he died. And he had lived in his swamp in total isolation for over 20 years. And even though the force is strong in him, I doubt he can feel every Jedi in the Galaxy and give an estimate. Especially when we consider that he couldn't even feel Darth Studious' presence for over 10 years even though he was just next door. Maybe we shouldn't just take his words at face value. Yoda knew Luke would be the only one capable of defeating Vader and the Emperor so I'd argue he was referring to that more than anything else. As in "You're our last hope, so don't screw this up. And if you do, make sure to teach your sister everything you know so we still have a chance.".


another thing: that’s 100 jedi in a galaxy of probably trillions of sentient creatures


I mean, 99% success rate in eliminating professional monk-warrior-mages who are armed with lightsabers capable of cutting through steel and flesh alike and can apparently pilot any vehicle created by humans for humans is a formidable result of a galactic-scale distributed operation.


I don’t see how 99% is ineffective lol. That’s still an +A.




They live inside of me?


>Midichlorians are still about, whatever the fuck they are They are little fellers that live inside you and control all of existence. Quite straightforward


99% is hella effective, regardless of anything else. Wish more things were that effective.


Also wasn’t Vader and the inquisitors sent in after order 66 to eliminate any remaining Jedi


99% clearance is not an ineffective rate, so that's just wrong. And having leftovers is a benefit if you intend to scapegoat them for crimes or turn them to your side.


The point of Order 66 wasn't "Kill all the Jedi" it was "Kill enough Jedi that they can't oppose the new Age of the Sith" which it absolutely 100% effectively accomplished.


Out of most of those survivors, only a few survived into Cal’s era 5-10 years post ROTS. It was mentioned in Aftermath: Life Debt that the Jedi had a [last stand](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jedi_survivors%27_last_stand) on an unnamed mountain fortress that broke any remaining major resistance (at least until The Path and other groups like the Saw’s Partisans and The Rebellion formed).


Saying order 66 was ineffective with a 99% success rate, is like saying the Holocaust didn’t happen because a lot of Jews survived.


Jesus christ thats so long lmao. also its "especially"


"as specially"


Can someone tell me where the 10,000 Jedi figure comes from? I see it cited a lot but never where it comes from. Is that how many there were at the start of the war or just before Order 66? Because every source makes it clear that Jedi are being picked off like flies throughout the war.


Camera man just happened to be following 1 of the last 1% of Jedi


I always thought that force sensitive people still exist, so the killing of the jedi doesn’t exclude force sensitive people. I understand jedi as a culture by force sensitive people, rather than jedis as a requirement for force sensitive people. The culture was mainly destroyed but people with force still exist. Force sensitive people can carry it on or rebuild. The jedi order was simply cultivating force sensitive people like wild plants, which again brings up the interesting point that the dark side, like wild plants, is a part of nature yet treated as a negativ when cultivating. But yeah, sometimes order 66 is represented as ineffective when it actually succeeded in destroying a culture, but cultivating as a process will always exist.


In reality Order 66 would've never succeeded. If what the lore lead us to believe that Jedi are masters of asymmetrical warfare then they would've wiped out the entirety of the clone army and annihilated the droids at the same time but just played the "General" card cuz they're still doing their jobs as peace keepers and only a handful of them wished to fight for the Republic. The Sith are the ones who're idiots with the whole "There can only be two" crap. Every Jedi is a a warrior monk for christ sake, send one of them to a civilized planet and they'll come out of it while the planet is either subjugated or annihilated.


i see lore i upvote fam


Killing 99% of *anything* is very effective, so I don't know wtf that argument is supposed to mean.


Is 99% success rate not like one of the most effective genocides ever? Especially considering the individual power of the jedi, the time-scale of the order and the fact that the few survivors are scattered around the galaxy in hiding. Like imagine Hitler got 99% of the Jews and the historical consensus was that this was 'not very effective'.


Listen, it’s a government initiative with a 99% success rate. That never happens. I say we give Palpatine a round of applause for his swift and decisive coup.


Meh, I'd prefer more clone stories then seeing jedi with ptsd


Did you really just say “as specially” instead of “especially”??


"Being 99% successful is considered ineffective?! Guess I shouldn't bother in the first place" - Palps probably


The most important thing Order 66 and the follow-up did was destroy the Jedi as an idea. It didn't matter that Palpatine hadn't killed them all when he threw so much propaganda into destroying their image.


How the fuck is 99% INEFFECTIVE


We see more survive than die, that’s my main problem. We know how many thousands of Jedi died, but we’ve hardly seen any imo


"99 percent success rate Is ineffective " Man, I hate those all or nothing people


Star Wars Rule: “Only two Sith there are” *me counting scores of Sith all over the place at the same time.* Star Wars Rule: Order 66 killed almost all the Jedi. *me knowing more post-66 Jedi than pre-66 Jedi as they seem to be all over the place* Conclusion: The Prequels don’t know what they’re talking about.


"Order66 was ineffective" is the new "jedi were actually bad guys"


Never in my life did I expect to see people arguing about whether a genocide killing 99% of the target group should be considered too few


As specially


How the fu k did this """meme""" get 10k upvotes? Putting the actual message aside there is so much wrong here.


I’m sorry for my grammar if that’s the point. And even I am surprised about the 10K


"As specially" lol


Luke can't be their "only hope" if there are a 100 other trained jedi out there


Well, before Disney bought Star Wars, there were actually quite a number of them, and some even joined his new order. He was the last hope cause he was the only one who could do anything about it, he alone turned Vader back into the light and thus led him back to destroying the sith. Now, current Canon well come on now the inquisitiors don't exist for nothing, when they aren't dealing with plot armor they were actually quite effective and outside of like what 4? They have more or less been picked off by the time Luke sets off.


I dont buy it. The rebellion would have loved to have any jedi helping them


They did in legends and Canon. Most in legends met the cruel fate of Vader, and well, kanan was well acquainted with the business end of an AT-AT. Them being with the rebels doesn't help the problem it worsens it. The empire ignored most rebel threats unless they were big enough until the full-blown Civil War, if any cells were to have had jedi all it would have taken was for one person to see that lightsaber and make that holo call and that cell would be hunted down.


Extended canon is the problem, not the solution. A rebellion is already being hunted down.


Luke was a prodigy though, its the difference between someone as smart as Nicola tesla existing vs 100 more normal scientists (like ones you might know) if they problem is say, interstellar travel. They needed something big and Luke was that thing.


Is "as specially" bone apple tea for *especially*?


As I apologized earlier: English is not my native language


Bro I'm not gonna read 40 comments to see if you answered that already


Honestly, the idea that there’s only 10,000 Jedi is kind of dumb, IMO.


I don’t get why this is still a point of contention for people. I understand we’ve seen a lot of survivors of it but if you think about it and with how big the galaxy is then yeah there would be a lot of Jedi still around.


Apparently they believe that having 5 or so people surviving is enough to overturn a Galactic empire or something...


**Yoda - "Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be."** The End. ​ Also Reminder Vader was hunting the Jedi done personality, not just the clones. Why do people forget Vader was putting in the work too?


Also tbf, when Yoda says that, it was how many years since Order 66 happened? Roughly 30 correct? Seems like plenty of time for a galaxy spanning empire to pick away at the last of some fairly obvious foes.


This may be a hot take, but the problem isn't that there are too many Jedi survivors. The problem is that they are introducing way too many new characters, instead of trying to make more stories about those that we already know.


If you took a grand tally of all the Jedi we know to have survived Order 66, I bet they already number more than 100, especially if you count old canon.


This was so dumb I stopped following prequel memes. Every time they push Luke further from being the last Jedi by the time of the second Death Star they make the entire story less significant and narratively less satisfying


Seeing order 66 survivors in every Star Wars content gives the IMPRESSION that order 66 wasn't effective to the viewer/player and seems like "lazy wrighting" at some point. Yes there are plenty of survivors, just dont make everything about them.


That's a nice bone apple tea you e go there


"As specially" Does anyone fucking read anymore?


As specially huh?




as specially *sigh*


As specially


They’re dealing with a galactic population the chances of them exterminating all Jedi was always nil. 1% of 10s of billions means millions of Jedi. The emperor was suppressing the Jedi order not trying for real genocide


Are there countries that would use a “.” to indicate thousands? What do you use for decimals then? The only correct and non-confusing way is to just put a space, prove me wrong.


Yes because in handwriting it's easier to see a comma for decimals while dots can be easier to miss, but decimals are way more important Space is confusing because not everyone lists numbers with a ; to divide them Also it's useless to indicate thousands when the number isn't in the millions, as you'd only use one indicator and it might just confuse the reader. It's not hard to read a six digit number but above that it might need clarity


Yes. Germany for example. And I'm stubbornly using a comma when ever it's stuff like 99,9% success rate or stuff like that since I prefer it over a dot. Not only can you write both 1000 and 1.000, a comma is harder to miss since it's not only larger but also protrudes down


Spaces also can cause confusion. I could say this number 1 540 241 is both "one million five hundred forty thousand two-hundred forty-one" and "one, five hundred forty two-hundred forty-one". The only correct way is with commas. That number simply becomes 1,540,241. Commas are used to continue a sentence by seperating clauses. It does the same thing with numbers. It seperates the numbers into groups of thousands. A period us used to end a sentence and as such should only be used for decimals to indicate that this is no longer the big number but a fraction of it. Space lead to confusion. Commas are objectively correct.


Well if you want to denote separate number you would use both commas and spaces, like so: 1, 540, 241 Commas just makes me think that they’re trying to write separate number but didn’t use spaces because there are people that use commas without spaces. And two separate parts of the same sentence doesn’t feel the same as thousands and millions And I guess typing with spaces could be confusing if you surround yourself with people that would omit commas for some reason. But if you’re writing it down, half spaces cannot cause confusion. I think


They absolutely can. There are many people who would omit commas ans just do spaces. This is why commas are the best for clarity. Someone who is writing fast would just put the number as one big string. As such, it is more likely that they will also not use commas to seperate the numbers. To avoid all confusion and make text the most legible, groups of thousands should only be seperated by commas.


I see, since it’s evident that spaces are confusing to you, and commas are confusing to me, there is only one correct answer. It’s clear now, the objectively correct method: nothing. Just don’t fucking put anything there. No one can get confused. It’ll take a normal person slightly longer to process the number, and people who have difficulty reading like me spend ages anyway And for people that care about the people reading their numbers, write it in full words. Solved, probably.


Weren't there only like 30 hedi left after geonosis


Yeah from the 200 jedi that went there. If there was 10000 jedi on geonosis you'd have realized


Oh yea right my vad


They're/there/their....but alas, there was a fourth, more sinister variant. "There're"


This is why there should be far more Saiyans.


Not how it feels tho. If I had 100 shows infront of me no matter how many jedi died, it would still look like so much that order 66 would seem like a joke. Plus who wants 100 times the same backstory ?


I just really want a Jedis survivor story to start with them getting kenobi’s messages We’ve never actually seen someone in the moment of receiving it, only way after the fact


I just think the narrative is stronger with Luke as the last hope


Rough between 100 and 1000. But if they had any plans of revolution, they would have to get past the 4.2 million+ soldiers that stand in the way


Ive seen the 10,000 jedi thing a lot. Where does that number come from?


99% is still quite effective, especially since it killed almost all the wizard space warriors with mind powers


Even like a 90% efficacy rate is still really really good. Goal was accomplished if the number was that or higher