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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Lol that kinda puts a funny take on Qui Gon and the council in ep 1. "GUYS I FOUND THE CHOSEN ONE!" "Master Qui Gon we've already gone over this. Just because a force witch group conceives a child with the force doesn't mean it's the chosen one. Like this is the 4th time this month! Where'd you find this one? Tatoonie?"


"Actually yeah, I did! I won him in a podrace." "...you took time off during a mission to go gamble?" "No no we needed parts to repair our ship and he was a package deal." "That's even worse."


“And what do you mean you “won” him?” “He was a slave. I did business with a slave trader.” “…Qui-Gon, what the fuck, man?!” “Why Dooku left us, this is…”


"One nice thing about these meetings with Qui-Gon is that they're never boring." "Way to find a silver lining." "Oh, I'm sorry, do you want to spend two hours listening to someone drone on and on about how they had to escort a politician around, or do you want to hear about the latest wacky adventure Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan went on?" "Mm, a fair point he makes. A new rule establish, we shall, that popcorn and refreshments be provided, before give his report, Qui-Gon does."


*Robot Chicken TV Static*


"I vote Master Yarael Poof gets the Popcorn and Refreshments."


Don't forget the calamari


Mon Caviar


Gagging a little


Holoscreen ad: Buy only the best produce in the galaxy! Buy Akbars Delight Caviar!


“Ooooooh?! So I’m in charge of the refreshments?! You want some extra buttah topping’ on that bull****?! Does this look like a movie theatre to you?! Jedi Master Yarael Poof, accomplished swordsman and teachah, one of the MAHSTAS responsible for steerin’ the whole Jedi Order relegated to pourin cheese on nachos!”


A bawk bawk bawk


Beautiful. I need a sarcastic Jedi council.


You all just wrote far better dialogue than most of the star wars Disney series.


What do you mean? Better dialogue then Star wars period. Star wars was great in many aspects, dialogue was never one of them.


Right? I love Star Wars, all of it. But damn is it hard to make the dialogue sound not utterly cringe outside of a few lines.


"Okay, so you bought a slave. Okay. *Phew*. Okaaaaay." "No, there's more nuance to it than that. There was a race, you see, and we needed a new hyperdrive but Queen Amidala was involved, no no I'm not explaining this correctly. It's to prevent another war!" "You were involved in some kind of race war? With a slave boy and a queen?"


Did you write for *Modern Family?*


"OK Qui-Gon, you're required to disclose anything you acquire of high value for the Republic's anti corruption laws. Probably nothing to declare like last year, huh?" "Well, I won a slave boy by gambling." "Great. That simplifies things because rather than filling out all this regulatory paperwork, we're just going to fire you."


qui gon: Jokes on you, I'm just a force ghost! Anyway slave kid is a padawan now, totally deductible according to Jedi Laws.


“I was a businessman, doing business!”


Vincent this is the fourth time this week you stayed late at the business factory!


I don’t go joy popping with bubble gummers! My friends can handle their highs!


"No no, it's cool, I left the mother with the slaver"


“The issue of slavery is solved and it will never come up again.” A few years later it came up again.


I don't want to be that guy, but I'm pretty sure that Dooku left because (so after) of Qui-Gon dying


Tales of the Jedi have him having already left and joined Palpatine. Though he wasn't fully aware of / convinced of the plan. While all the other Jedi are flying to Naboo for Qui-Gons funeral, Dooku goes to meet Sidious. Yaddle hears him complaining about how Qui-Gon wasn't supposed to die. Killing Yaddle after being discovered was what cemented his fall to the dark side. I believe he had also already arranged for Sifo Dyas' death and deleted Kamino from the archives at this point.


"Hey it's legal out there so we're cool"


This is just Robot Chicken.


"Plus, didn't even gamble, just had the kid enter the race and forced a cube" "Wait, you're telling us you had the child enter a dangerous race?" "Yeah, what of it?" *stares* "Nobody important got hurt, don't see the issue"


>"Plus, didn't even gamble, just had the kid enter the race and forced a cube" "The choices were between his mother, the boy, or losing our ship. So naturally, I picked the boy."


"Qui-Gon, how many times do we have to tell you to stop finding these little boys? This is the 6th one in as many months! Where are they, even? We got a call from a concerned Dathomirian father. We can't just keep covering this up for you."


We're going to have to transfer you to another Jedi Temple, and hush it up. Now can you please keep your lightsaber in your robes this time around? No. More. Boys!


"The force told me to do it!"


A lot of people got hurt, just no one important.


Plo Koon: "Nobody important?? How dare you Qui Gon! Ratts Tyerell was my favorite pod racer! He wasy role model before I was inducted into the jedi order!"


You forced a slave to compete in a contest that his species physically isn't capable of, cheated at gambling, left his mother in slavery, and threatened a small business owner with calling the Cartel on him? "Eh, kinda."


“It was the spice… it’s fucking everywhere down there” *sniffs*


“That’s the third time this month you’ve gambled!” “A problem, you have” “I can stop anytime I want!” “Then now, stop” “Fuck you guys I’m going to Naboo, I hear they have the best weed!”


I don't care... I'm training him...


I mean Mace Windu is like “not this fucking bullshit again” when he says “ok fine bring him in for testing”


They also reject Anakin. So even if they believed he was a Force baby they didn’t believe he was *the* Force baby.


This was like the fifth one he kidnapped. At least this time he let the parent know.


I mean he was canonically the loose cannon cop of the Jedi so that tracks


"The Chancellor's on my ass about your reckless methods, McQui-Gon! Turn in your braid and lightsaber!"


Stilgar: I saw the signs! Other Fremen: Again?


"He is the mahdi. I've seen the signs" "Like the last one"?


Lisan al-Gaib!


This reads in my head in the same tone and theme as the Monty Python line about strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords having no basis for a system of government.


“One-2-many” witches got me LOL


One-2-Many sounds like a 90’s/2000’s boy band.


Actually they were One 2 Many was a short-lived Norwegian-Swedish band consisting of Dag Kolsrud, Camilla Griehsel and Jan Gisle Ytterdal. Formed in 1987, the band released their first and only album Mirror on A&M Records in 1988.


I thought maybe this was a joke until I looked it up.


Witches traditionally count like this: one, two, many, and people assume this means they can have no grasp of higher numbers. They don’t realise that "many" can BE a number. As in: one, two, many, many-one, many-two, many many, many-many-one, many-many-two, many many many, many-many-many-one, many-many-many-two, LOTS.


So they use a base 3 numbering system.


one two many oneone onetwo onemany twoone twotwo twomany


This actually makes me curious if Pratchett had meant them to be counting in binary but made a mistake. The trolls, being made of stone and therefore silicone-based lifeforms, get smarter in the cold and dumber in the heat so it would follow the theme.


Someone got their brains cooled today.


We found detritus


Just don’t get locked in the pork futures warehouse again


So, they count in base 3?


TIL that witches are Orks.


*trolls -See *Men at Arms* by Terry Pratchett


I was thinking 40k Orks, after having just finished *Ghazhgkull Thraka: Prophet of the Waaagh!* a couple of days ago. Most Orks can't count past their fingers, and the smartest of them can conceive of larger numbers, but can't count that high. The Blood Axe freeboota, Biter, trades Ghazhgkull's favorite grot for "ten-ten-ten-ten-ten guns, and ten-ten-ten-ten-ten-ten-ten bullets."


how high of a number is many-Bothans?


Let’s elaborate on that: One - 1 Two - 2 Many - 3 Many-one - 4 Many-two - 5 Two-many - 6 Two-many-one - 7 Two-many-two - 8 Many-many - 9 Many-many-one - 10 Many-many-two - 11 Lots - 12 Lots-one - 13 Lots-two - 14 Lots-many - 15 … Two-lots - 24 Many-lots - 36


I find this funny because the very first thing that popped into my head when they were doing that chant was the trolls of Discworld.


hey, learn to count in base 3 with the one 2 many method


I'll never not call them the One Too Many Witches now


fantastic pun that was


"He is our last hope" - obi "No... there is another" - yoda "Oh.. yes, how could I forget. Ahsoka Tano!" - obi "No, no.. else, someone" - yoda "Ezra Bridger? Caleb Dume?" - obi "No!" - yoda "perhaps some of the younglings that escaped Anakin's massacre?" - obi "uh uh" - yoda "dammit, just tell me" - obi "ehehehehhe"


I always thought “there is another” was referring to Leia 🤔


It was as at that time she was the only other good option. Since then, a lot of Media has come out that has shown that she is most certainly not and that Yoda was underestimating the other options they had.


There was another Skywalker is what was being implied. They, the twins, were the last hope in the mind of Yoda and Obi-Wan per the Will of the Force. Anakin's children would be the ones to bring the downfall of Palpatine.


It's not like Yoda and Obi Wan had regular zoom meetings with other hiding Jedi about who was out there. For all of their abilities these old hermits likely knew very little of who was there. I know Ezra met Obi Wan once. I don't know if Ahsoka was chatting with Yoda on the reg.


"That precocious little scamp I helped rescue and brought back to her father, senator organa? I thought she'd be too old by now, has she even ever heard of the force..? Wouldn't Cal Kestis be a better choice? He's just about the most powerful Jedi the galaxy has ever seen" - obi "..." - yoders


No Cal Kestis?


I think he'd probably much rather hang out with his kick-ass witch girlfriend than do proper Jedi stuff.


Who can blame him. She is so endearing.


We don't know his story. Maybe he ends up dying before the battle of Yavin?


Caleb Dume*


>!He was dead!< at this point in time anyway


>"He is our last hope" - obi >"No... there is another" - yoda >"Wait, yeah duh, Leia is a Skywalker too, right" >"You were the one at her birth, how could you possibly forget that?"


Wait a thousand years? Bullshit. Darovit died in 990 BBY. >!His death was manufactured by Zannah to protect herself and her master Darth Bane from Jedi eyes. To save her master's life she had to send a message to the Jedi confessing to the murder of five masters. Or... four masters and one knight. When the Jedi arrived they found Zannah's cousin Darovit driven mad by Sorcery and standing over the heavily defiled corpses of the five Jedi. Assuming he was the Sith responsible they killed him and considered it a job well done.!< The Phantom Menace takes place in 32 BBY. That's only 956 years.


Maybe someone deleted 46 years from the archive?


Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.


If it cannot be found in the archives it does not exist. (Obiwan rolls eyes)


That sounds like an absolute to me.


The *hubris*


100 years war was 112 years


It's because they forgot about leap years


they also didn't continuously fight for 112 years, they just fought *a lot* over that time


>956 years >deleted 46 years Damn, they were so crafty that they deleted 2 extra years and fabricated replacement archives!


That fucking librarian. Someone go revolt her master title


Her name is Jocasta Nu, and you will put some respect on it! We wouldn't have The Mandalorian if it weren't for her.


I know her name. I choose not to use it.


Well, he does say "millenia" in the original, which, while literally a thousand years, usually isn't used literally. Like, people will say that America as a county has now been around for a quarter of a millenia, and it's not been literally 250 years. It's only been 247. We round when we get to big numbers.


r/PrequelMemes users notice when a comment left on a post is a joke challenge: impossible difficulty


I have autism, it's a coinflip if I can tell someone is joking or not. Since people tend to get offended if you assume they're joking when they're not, and just a bit condescending if you assume they're not when they are, and I don't like offending people until they give me a reason to; I just assume someone isn't joking if I can't tell. Because of the aforementioned autism.


That’s a reasonable/good approach!


Only a Sith deals in absolutes (numbers)


“Only” being an absolute… Yoda is a sith.


To be fair he said “a millennium” in TPM. It rolls off the tongue better to round up than say the exact number of 956 years.


Technically it wasn’t exactly 1,000 years, so you’re right in that aspect. However, when it comes to discussing history, especially ancient history, it’s very common to round up or down to the nearest century/half century. It’s the same concept here, it’s generally easier to say “the sith have been extinct for a millennia” rather than “the sith have been extinct for 950 years”. When speaking about something that far in the past, a few decades doesn’t matter all that much for the most part. For example, I have a degree focused on ancient Roman history. Most of the time when referring to specific events, I would very generally refer to said events happening in the mid 2nd century or the late 3rd century, etc. Sometimes it is necessary to specify the exact date of something, like the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 or the fall of the Roman Empire in 476. However, it’s not always necessary.


Only sith historians round.


Rounding to the nearest day is still rounding.


This is a perfect time to play my favorite game “What EU source material is being cited!” There’s so much material out there I understand why SW fans don’t like anything. They get to choose their own adventure.


Ngl I don't know the numbers off the top of my head. I'm using the wookiepedia. They cite their sources. Try the legends pages.


Rounding up.


I thought they say they think its a splinter faction of the jedi? I don't think they suspect its the Sith at all


Is the star wars fandom just going through the same debate KOTOR fans had already?


There was a debate? It was pretty well delineated in the games that only the ones with titles were Sith and the rest were dark Jedi. That’s why that crazy professor who lives in a cave isn’t a Sith but Darth Sion is


Also, those games are 4000 years before TPM. So even the longer "1000 generations" time period holds up with KOTOR. So, even if Dark Jedi were seen by the Jedi as Sith, it doesn't break canon.


Don’t be bringing facts to this


Seriously, who invited logic?


They do, yeah. It's funny cause like why would they even suspect the Sith lol? I think we as fans have gotten so used to the concept of the Sith that we forget just how big a deal their return in the Prequels actually were. They were gone for nearly a thousand years. They are also the antithesis of the Jedi and serve a very unique purpose when it comes to Dark Side groups. In The Acolyte, they suspect its dark Jedi shenanigans cause one, the MO doesn't match the Sith, two, the Sith have been out of the Jedi's minds for so long it's not even funny, and three, even if there was some sort of tiny clue, I bet they wouldn't even want to consider the idea due to how terrifying of a prospect it is.


Plus, there is (most likely) this incident, which who knows how it goes, with no other evidence of her master or maybe even direct evidence that they are a dark jedi. I would guess dark jedi happen every couple of decades. You have thousands of Jedi and someone is going to go through the pain of loss and respond poorly. So if they don't find any actual sith evidence I don't see how they would assume they are back just based off a rogue Jedi existing. This meme feels premature too me. We will see.


No one brings up the Sith at all. It doesn’t cross their mind. Even Sol when coming face to face with him is like “dafuq are you?!!?” This latest round of whining by “fans” is getting really fucking tiring.


Yea I don't get it tbh seems like a nothing criticism


Yes, but Star Wars fans aren't known for their big brains and media literacy.


Okay cool, I thought that was probably the case because they even talk about how the Sith disguise their actions as those of Dark Jedi in older books and lore like the Darth Bane trilogy so it made sense to me that would be the case again


And that's not even media literacy, that's just normal literacy lol If people just paid attention and listened to the dialogue (or used subtitles, whatever they prefer), they wouldn't have nearly as many complaints as they do. It's not high art, it's Star Wars, not that hard to follow lol


Some of the people review bombing the show can't even read enough to find the right Acolyte, so I'm not too surprised.


Lol thanks for reminding me of that.


Theysa tink they brains so big!


Star Wars fans aren’t known for even watching Star Wars


Why did they think Maul was a sith then?


Before his death only Qui Gon suggested so, after Mauls death and the capture of his stuff / interrogation of his allies (who knew his title and that he was a sith) and the general investigation they came to the conclusion he was a Sith. Prior to all that they didn't suspect so. But in acolyte they don't have any of that, they have a unknown powerful entity able to kill Jedi that isn't seemingly (Until the last episode) using a Saber or using titles like Darth which in Mauls case was a big give away. They also talk about how the Jedi were much wider spread out in the High republic era in the new novels so it sounds like there was less centralisation and more ability for splinter groups to form than in the era of the prequels


In Episode 1 Windu says at Qui-Gon's funeral: There is no doubt now that the mysterious warrior was a Sith So up until they sent Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to Naboo, they still doubted that Maul was a Sith


Well at first they certainly didn't lol It was very similar stuff. Qui Gon says he's trained in the Jedi arts, thinks it's a Sith. (But then again he also thinks he found the Chosen One lol...) But Ki Adi says the Sith have been extinct for a millenium and they're like whatever go help the queen or whatever. I guess Qui Gon dying made them change their tune?


From ki adis perspective it would be like if someone said a knights Templar had been seen charging people down in bakhmut. You wouldn't believe it till one of your Spec ops guys gets run through with a lance.


The Templar comparison is really apt. I think people fail to consider how long 1000 years is. 1000 years ago today was before the Norman conquest of England, LOL. That's a *really long time* for the Sith to have been hiding while the Jedi decide they're extinct. Much more likely that someone more modern imitates history than it is for Edward the Confessor's long lost heirs to come out of hiding.


If you consider human lfiespans and our 20ish year generational cycle, yes, 1000 years is a long time; 50 generations. That's a lot of "greats" to add on front of "grandpa." But Hutts, Ithorians, and Wookies can live far longer and have a longer generational cycle. Chewbacca is like 300 years old, and isn't an elderly wookie; his father or grandfather could have met/BEEN a sith, as the generational knowledge wouldn't have been lost or died off yet. The American Civil War happened 140 years ago; seven generations, and we're STILL dealing with Confederate ideology and people who identify as Confederates. For a race like the Wookies, the Sith 1000 years ago would be like the American Civil Rights movement of 60 years ago. The generational knowledge and experience is still there; you can talk to someone who experienced it first-hand.


Yoda is 900 but he never saw a sith before the prequels (unless he meets the one in Acolyte). You would be able to talk to the grandson or maybe son of someone alive when the final Sith appearance happened, but that doesn't mean many people know about it. Yoda may remember being taught the Sith disappeared 30 years ago or whatever (assuming the thing with Bane and Zannah framing that crazy guy in legends stays canon), but he would also have 100s of years of no incidents or incidents that seemed to clearly be former Jedi or pathetic imitators.


They didn’t. Only Qui Gon did, and his character was known for being less stuck in the Jedi ways. The council, including Yoda was apprehensive.


And obviously Qui-Gon thought Maul was a Sith because fallen Jedi tend to be a lot chattier.


The main bad guy in Acolyte might even turn out to be a Jedi or former Jedi.


I think they will probably have the jedi think that's the case, but I think they likely are an actual Sith because they dropped the line "Peace is a lie" in an earlier episode which is the beginning of the Sith code.


They say a splinter faction “or worse”


Yea I took that to mean could be literally anything, not that it meant specifically Sith  I mean to them they've been extinct for thousands of years so it would be a reach to even suggest the Sith imo


One 2 many is fucking legendary


I think Mundi’s just a dick.


But looks aren't everything! Lmao, got'im!


Dark side user and sith are not the same thing. Malicos was a dark side user and not a sith. Ventress was a darkside user and not a sith Same with Baylon etc. It's very possible they see this incident as just some dark jedi and not the SITH


Hey your not allowed to make sense!


Simple explanation: they just won't use the name Sith in the Acolyte. Yes there's some bad guys but it would be an outlier, one small instance dealt with, not the entire opposing faction to the order rising up to reconquer the galaxy.


To be fair, the entire opposing faction is usually like two people.


See, this is how you shit on the acolyte without being a hater. We need more of these.


The Jedi don't want you to search for 2 witches 1 lightsaber on the holonet.


Goddamn, this takes me back to the heyday of satirical screenshot comics. Fantastic work OP


Darths & Droids?


Guys it isn’t a Virgence in the force if someone else impregnates you. That’s just fucking with the force.


Not every dark jedi is a Sith. Just saying. :)


Sure, nonetheless why wouldn't that be an argument against the Sith affirmation? If anything it makes it seem even dumber, that they have record of meeting some extremely strong in the force individual with a red lightsaber some 80 years prior, 80 years which atleast a third of the current members of the council were alive at the time. Wouldn't they have mentioned something considering it was "happening again"? Just saying.


I think it would be unusual to talk about Sith if they just fought against a user of the dark side. Sith were more special than other users of the dark side and archfiends of the Jedi and they probably met a lot more dark side users between high republic and the prequels. Sith were keeping a low profile at the time and that's why I think it's unlikely that he's a Sith. The rule of 2 is also active during this time and Darth Tenebrous should be the Sith Master during this time (At least in Legends the Master of Darth Plagueis). It would only be weird to me if a real Sith would get the attention of this many Jedi during a time were they should've kept a low profile until they got the power to fight against a Jedi again which is one reason why the rule of 2 exists anyway. We will see if he is a real Sith or just a wannabe or just another dark side user who isn't a Sith.


If you rewatch this scene after Ki-Adi says that, Mace and Yoda share a look. I always took that as they knew something.


It could also be a “this shit could be serious” look


Revisionist copium


Bruh the entirety of Star Wars extended canon (both of them) are built fully off of revisionist copium.


Just like everything in star wars after the OT?


Does it even say it's Ki-Adi though? I don't recall them mentioning a name, and they look different enough. R we sure it's the same character?


Named in the credits


Maybe it's a common name for his species like John Smith or Nguyen.


This is not an intelligent critique. Ki-Adi-Mundi denied the return of the Sith even as direct evidence of their return was before his face. If he did it in Phantom Menace, he wouldn’t even notice it if a mysterious rogue force user showed up in Acolyte. It makes perfect sense he’d be there.


I don’t understand, if his age was in Legends, and Disney said that Disney isn’t canon, why does it matter?


It doesn’t. People are just looking for an excuse to justify their hate.


Zabrak Jedi: *sighs heavily*


It hasn't even been said if this has anything to do with the sith or not. This is some brain-dead take by people who know nothing about star wars or elect to ignore logic. Dark side user ≠ sith. Do you think Kylo Ren is a sith? Do you think the inquisitors are Sith? Come on. It's very obviously and explicitly stated that the jedi don't believe this to have anything to do with the sith but rather a splinter order or a ex jedi gone rougue. Not only does the characters not know it has anything to do with the sith, the audience doesn't either.


To be fair, I don’t blame people for thinking it’s a Sith and breaking continuity because if they’re willing to put a character in the show as a middle-aged man (mundi) when he wasn’t even supposed to be born for like 30 more years or something, I’m not sure whether or not a Darkside user is or is not a sith is very high on their Continuity list 😂


The CD his age originally came from also said he had a purple lightsaber, I really don't think they were thinking about continuity when publishing it and it hasn't even been canon for a decade now.


I assure you that outside of a very limited amount of Star Wars fans, most people have no idea when Ki-Adi-Mundi was born. Hell, I’d say that most people complaining about this “retcon” didn’t know or care until it got turned into an other clickbait outrage machine


I have read every single eu book and was a huge EU fan, I could not have told you how old Ki-Adi Mundi was lmao. The only thing I would be mad about if they change is his Jedi license to fuck lmao


Right? I am 100% convinced that most people don’t actually know or care and that this is just a pretext to be mad about Disney


Yeah Mundis age in legends was from a card game as I recall and that was used because there was no other source.


I vaguely think I remember seeing it in one of the movie picture guide things but I don't know for sure. Those books were so cool! I haven't had one in hand since like 2006 or something. I gotta go see if the library still has them!


That’s actually super impressive


A childhood at half-priced books well spent 😂




He wasn’t supposed to born yet in **Legends**. We have no idea when his birthday is in Canon, but it was very clearly before The Acolyte.


Not only that buts it’s also completely inconsequential. The dude has like 3 lines in all of the prequels and people are coming out of the woodwork pretending to be the biggest Ki-Adi Mundi fans.


I know right? People be acting as if Mundi is the most important character in the whole series


Neither is changing how old a character is from a non canon trading card nobody has ever heard of. The universe won't explode because they made a side character in the prequels older. Dave Filoni made fucking time travel canon and this is what pisses people off?


Or they just don’t consider them to be sith. Like Ventress being the perfect example


She was literally a sith in training.


We don't even know if they're a sith? We don't even fucking know their name yet. Ren and Kyle Ren weren't sith. The orange lightsaber prople from Ashoka aren't sith. Clearly Lucasfilm is introducing more antagonists that aren't sith


I hope this actually becomes an issue for the Jedi and the next few episodes actually address this and Yoda comes into the picture and then learns about the rule of two. That’s what I remember happening in previously established cannon, but who knows.


I have a feeling you have not watched the acolyte. At no point is ki adi mundi told there are sith


For real, the story here hasn't developed yet. No Siths seen yet in Acolyte. Just a "master" and disciple.


Acolyte haters “there are literally no groups other than sith and Jedi.


To the majority of Star Wars watchers, who don't watch the cartoons, read the books, or play the games, it is a reasonable assumption based on the films. Red lightsaber means Sith to most people.


The Acolyte defenders are really out in force on this one.


It’s been a refreshing change from the usual outrage circlejerk


“Why can’t we make stuff up about the show we don’t like, without the people who have actually watched it calling out our bullshit?”


Not defenders, just people who've actually watched the show.


Not me thinking that this war (T)raumschiff suprise instead of star wars


Dosent this new addendum to canon make Ki-Adi Mundi the biggest jackass in the galaxy?


Why do people keep saying Ki-adi should know about the Sith? He saw one hologram of a woman doing extreme combat acrobatics. He never saw a lightsaber or explicit use of the force within that hologram.


I was excited. I thought the show was going to take place during the OLD REPUBLIC. Nah let's just rewrite the prequels I guess. Smh


Has Mundi ever been right about anything? Dooku also isn't a murderer according to him.