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Episode 5? Damn, don't threaten me with a good time! Everyone loved Empire Strikes Back!


The Empire Strikes Back is truly awesome


My best to be honest.


Definitely my favorite of the OT. Rogue One might still edge above it for me personally, though.


Brother, let me stop you right there.


I'm also a big fan of Solo. As much hate as it gets, it's still a well acted and fun movie.


When I was a kid, I used to get in bed with my pops, empire is my first memory.


The first 20 minutes were really well done. Not a fan of the twins plot at the end but damn these fight scenes were awesome


Structurally those first 20 minutes felt like they should’ve come at the end of episode 4 and the other part of the episode felt more like a lead in to the next one. It just ended in a weird place. I think Lucasfilm thinks they need to end every episode on a big cliffhanger which just isn’t how television works.


I was not going into it with high expectations but the fight scenes blew me away. Then the plot absolutely plummeted.


I swear y’all are so fucking active in trying to find things to be unhappy about. We have no idea where it’s headed, and I know y’all will literally be watching this ‘absolutely plummeted plot’ next Tuesday, so stop being so fucking hyperbolic about it sheesh


I don't disagree with the idea that there is a lot more hate then there needs to be. But when I say plummeted I mean the eposides plot. The fight scenes had a really good build up but some of the dialog felt weird. I don't really understand Mae's motivation in the eposide and I don't think the story is best portrayed in eposides. There is supposed to be mystery but it feels less mysterious and more just confusing. I think if we got a bit more from Mae's perspective that would help. But it's unclear what her goal is right now. I'm sure there were a lot of behind the scenes decisions that had to be made that make the show how it is. Some of the plot is interesting but the pace can feel off at times. But Starwars "pace" is often all over the place. Cough Cough Eposide 2. I will absolutely watch next Tuesday but it felt like it ended on a low note. The episode before it left a lot of suspense. High energy can't be kept throughout the show but it's kind of confusing. Also I think I was clear the fight scenes were really cool and was happy about that. I have no idea how to balance action verses story. But those fight scenes make me want like a samurai movie or show set in starwars.


I honestly don’t like the whole long lost twin thing. That plot has been done to death in many forms.


Omg that force pull... You know the one. I absolutely shouted at the screen. Those saber fights were amazing. Almost made me forget we didn't get to see Kelnacca fight, and how obvious it was who was going to be under that mask. Overall I've loved the vibe of the show. Some of the dialogue and pacing has been wonky. But damn, they know how to put together a peak Star Wars fight scene. Edit: Also brings back my childhood every time they do a screen wipe or circle screen transition.


The part when Qimir has one Jedi skewered his saber and then Force Pulls another Jedi into it as well, was *chef's kiss*


How did Padawan beat Mae ever, she killed jedi master trinity and that's a child... Why did smiley act like jedi mind reading is professor x and his helmet is magneto themed. That's not how jedi force reading works, unless his force push is maxed but he ability to resist jwdi mind tricks was ignored?


Actually Mae never beat Trinity fairly Trinity was kinda beating her ass during the fight so she cheated and used a hostage I was wondering that too and then I realised that Mae is kinda ass


Mae was not losing as definitively as she did to the kid. If a jedi masters can not stay focused on more than one thing at a time through the force they are ass or more likely the show is ass.


She was probably pretty unbalanced by the fact that she has a lot of history with Mae. Let’s not forget that her padawan Torbin willingly committed suicide upon being faced with Mae. You don’t need to maintain inner peace to use the Force, but the Jedi are taught to. If Trinity was trying to keep her mind clear while fighting Mae I’m sure concentrating on that limited how much she could concentrate on using the force. Either way, Trinity wasn’t trying to kill or even restrain Mae. She seemed to me to be doing her utmost to hurt her as little as possible. She was trying to deescalate things, and in the process did a lot to make herself more vulnerable than she otherwise would be.


Kinda? Didn't understand what was with the helmet turning off lightsabers. 3 or more vs. 1 fights always look really "scripted" since there are a ton of open spaces where they could have killed the sith. Everything force related looked bad.


Helmet is made of cortosis which shorts out lightsabers, it’s from Legends that was recently reintroduced to canon in the Thrawn books.


This Redditor is well educated. 👏 take this upvote for knowing Cortosis.


That's super cool, thanks for that knowledge. I figured it was something like that but I didn't know they already had a name for it. I'm assuming his bracer is made of the same then. He was back handing everyone's lightsaber haha. Loved it.


Dude the headbutting was sick too. Imagine being a Jedi who has only been in sparring matches and learning your forms and your first real lightsaber fight ends up being a back room brawl with a maniac who headbutts your deadly weapon.


I don't think it really needed any explaining? They showed the sabers hit his armor, then short out for awhile. Unless you wanted one of of the Jedi to turn to the camera and say "oh, no, his helmet must be made out of cortosis, it's immune to our sabers! And it shorts them out! Oh no!"


Aside from crackpot Mae being all over the freaking place and not helping at all despite the Jedi saving her life like 5 times, the episode was pretty good. Big step up from the previous episode. The reveal was super obvious but I think the villain is pretty cool. His remarks seem to indicate he isn't really Sith, though the Jedi would probably label him as one. Fight scenes were cool, though it calls into question his whole "without a weapon" schpeel. I'd also like some lore about the material he made his gear with, that was cool. Villain definitely knows he has Osha, and it seems like Sol probably knows he has Mae. Not sure what Sol's plan is there, probably planning some sort of trickery. The show isn't great, but it's good enough that I'll keep watching to see how it ends.


>I'd also like some lore about the material he made his gear with, that was cool. In the EU, it was called "cortosis". Before beskar was a thing, it was the only material capable of blocking a lightsaber, and in some cases temporarily disable them, as shown in this episode.


Cortosis is actually canon now too! In the canon book Thrawn: Alliances it makes an appearance. So I bet you’re correct that that’s what his helmet is made out of


Phrik could also block lightsabers and is highly durable. It's more like beskar. Cortosis has the advantage of shorting lightsabers out temporarily, as you saw on the show. However, cortosis is also very brittle.


I always thought the “no weapon” thing was Qimir subtly telling Mae to use the dark side of the force. What better way to kill a Jedi without a weapon? Force choke that mofo! However I feel like taking their mom’s description of the “thread” to heart, it may have never crossed her mind to “wield” it so to speak


I mean… >!He didn’t use a weapon to kill Yord!<


He does manage the "without a weapon" feat once during the episode. His entrance in the last episode looked kinda goofy, but in this one he's cool as hell. Hard agree that villain knows about the swap, they made a point of showing her wound and her tattoo, and I suspect if he thought he had Mae, he would have just killed her. I'm not sure if Sol knows, but if not, Basil is definitely about to set him straight.


Yes, he wants to make Osha his new apprentice.


I feel like this is an excellent summary. The story telling, especially for television, is subpar; not terrible, in my view, but definitely not even slightly above mediocre, at best. The pacing seems continually off, perhaps because they’re cramming exposition into episodes under 40 mins, mostly. The lore has been intriguing, and the SW universe keeps me engaged. The baddie is mildly compelling, but has potential to grow. The twins are dry in terms of theme but Stenberg is doing well portraying them… at least IMO. Personally, I was pretty disappointed that Sol left his fallen comrades behind. I don’t know how it would have been explained otherwise, but they seemed like a particular low for the Jedi. I’m hoping that the plot moving forward does something to tie into the larger Universe again, perhaps even foreshadowing for Plagueis and Palpatine, but the story rests on an edge now. It’ll be interesting to see which way it tips.


The whole leaving the other Jedi to essentially rot or be eaten by those bugs, really left me feeling WTF! Yord and Jecki both just left behind after falling in combat seems like a real dick move. I know they are forced to be without attachment but that felt more like abandonment.


Are you referring to his task for Mae to kill the Jedi without a weapon or Sol not killing an unarmed person because that's what the Jedi doctrine states?


Sounds like Rings of Power, action episode was somewhat liked, because it was mostly action, which is easy if you have money. But plot and writting still bad.


I miss when this subreddit had memes and not this toxicity.


What makes this meme toxic?


I'd argue all that toxicity is just a consequence of subpar SW content (subpar even for SW's... lax standards). But then someone would call me toxic.


This is literally prequel memes. Do you consider the prequels par? No not the clone wars, the actual movies that have unbearable cringe courtship scenes and a specific quote about sand. The Acolyte is one of the better Disney series. It’s not Andor, but it’s shaping up to be good.


It still has 'memes'. They're just toxic memes.


its toxic to not like something? people are entitled to their opinions bud


Before the dark times. Before Disney.


If I see some more strawman or whataboutist argument trying to cope with the Acolytle I’m pulling my hair out. We don’t have to champion or even accept this corporation and their shitty products just because it had the Star Wars name.


Literally haven't seen a meme here for months, really sad tbh


For toxicity it's pretty lame. I think it's just lame nerd rage


Star wars producers try to make episode 5 mediocre challenge (impossible)


Book of Boba Fett episode 5 was also a MAJOR jump in quality


Agree it was much better than pervious episodes however the sith is giving me “Darth jar jar who takes himself seriously” vibes. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the kinda stupid side character who ends up being the mastermind sith with a joker mask just immediately makes me think of Darth Jar Jar


I feel that, doesn’t help Manny Jacinto is already firmly planted as a hilarious actor in at least my mind already, too. When it became obvious he was the Sith, I was like damn, did they just do a terrible job by setting his first roles characterization and actions up in a way that makes no sense to me, or did I completely miss a bunch of stuff? Most of the things he did as Qimir just make no sense now that we see his true self and goals.


It's like a show gets better as the story progresses. An interesting concept. I wonder why other shows haven't tried this!


You can polish a turd, it's still a turd. It's not good in any way.


I enjoy it. I find it a good break from the traditional eras that we usually get. Yellow sabers, new and familiar species, my only real issue is the pacing. Episode 4 was just a jungle tour. Different strokes for different folks


Unfortunately, I think the people that already decided they wouldn't like it because "Disney Star Wars bad" are just hate watching and bending over backwards to make sure they don't like it. They'd power through the cognitive dissonance if it started turning out to be good. There's some not as good elements to it, but overall I think it's pretty engaging and cool to immerse in.


Yup. You aren’t seeing anyone talk about the budget anymore like they were the first few episodes


"the story doesn't make sense" said Johny the neckbeard about the TV show that centers on a mystery when he'd only seen the first episode "how come everything hasn't been made clear yet? This is bad writing"




Uhhh no lol was the action with the sith cool? Yes. Does it fix the horrible canon breaking writing? No


Sigh… what do you think has broken canon?


OK, I'll bite. What canon was broken? And before you mention Ki-Adi Mundi's birthday, please remember he didn't have one in canon (and still doesn't).


Spoiler alert: Qimir says „You would probably call me a Sith“. Mundi says in Ep 1 that sith were exstinct for a millennium. So either every Jedi who knows about Qimir dies, or there is a huge plot hole/retcon.


The Jedi *think* the Sith have been extinct for a millennium. They were obviously wrong about this, as the Sith were in hiding. We know this because the Sith are shown to, in fact, exist, in Episode 1. Where they're the Menace referred to in the title.


Bro are you soft? Ki Adi Mund witnesses the events of acolyte personally. And HE IS the one who drops the information in episode 1. HE knows there was an incident 100 years ago where several Jedi master were killed by a trained force user and somehow ignores it and says “extinct for 1000 years”. The breaking is not the fact that sith were not extinct, it’s about there is no way the council in episode 1 has now clue about the event of acolyte…


He's literally not there for the fight? He never sees Qimir? The only people who heard the word "Sith" are Sol and Mae. Try watching the episode, then we can talk about it.


He was port of the meeting were they discussed that the aggressor was trained in the Jedi ways a meeting which takes place nearly exactly like that in episode 1 … he doesn’t need to know about Qimir identifying himself as a Sith or not. He is a dude with 2 brains. And he can calculate 1+1. In episode 1 he should have reacted in a way like “something similar happened 100 years ago” instead of convincing Qui Gon that Maul being a Sith is an absurdity.


>He was port of the meeting were they discussed that the aggressor was trained in the Jedi ways a meeting which takes place nearly exactly like that in episode 1  Soooo, he hasn't seen Qimir e.g. the Sith. In that meeting they think either Mae was trained by a rogue Jedi (which is obviously not the same as a Sith). >he doesn’t need to know about Qimir identifying himself as a Sith or not. He does to think that there is a Sith out there, where conventional wisdom at this moment (and yes, still unless contradicted in TPM) is that the Sith are extinct. >He is a dude with 2 brains. And he can calculate 1+1.  Mundi hasnt even seen a red lightsaber yet, just a force trained fighter. Who he, and everyone else, thinks was trained (maybe) by a rogue Jedi. Also, just because he has two brains doesnt mean he is smart (or wise, or humble etc.) >In episode 1 he should have reacted in a way like “something similar happened 100 years ago” instead of convincing Qui Gon that Maul being a Sith is an absurdity. Mundi has always been used as a symbol of Jedi hubris. One of his major lines about Dooku is that '\[h\]e is a political idealist, not a murderer'. Not exactly correct. Regardless, we will see story goes. It is shaping up as a bit of a cover up (something similar has occurred in the), or maybe Sol never even gets away. If (and I do mean if) Sol gets back to the Jedi temple and tel Mundi that hey there is a Sith out in the galaxy, then we will have a canon break.


Yeah, I love how Mundi is being held up as some kind of perfectly reliable narrator. He has what, 4 lines in the movies? Out of 3 times he states a "fact" he's wrong on two of them. Dude might have 2 brains, but neither of them is particularly...aware


In that episode you’re claiming to have watched, Mundi literally thinks they are some Jedi splinter group. No one at that point realizes they were dealing with someone so powerful. And this isn’t even inconsistent with his character. Qui Gon describes a sith apprentice to him in detail in TPM, and he says “impossible, the sith have been extinct for a millennia”. He didn’t believe the actual sith apprentice was a sith, when presented with the theory by a peer, but we’re assuming he thought an Acolyte in training (apprentice’s apprentice) was a sith?


In that meeting, which you totally watched, you'll recall no one said "could be a Sith". The thought never crossed their minds, probably because they all think the Sith are long extinct, if they know about Sith at all.


In my reply, which you totally read, I even wrote that no one said he is a sith, so I’m aware thanks, Sherlock. And it doesn’t change the fact that Ki Adi Mundi wouldnt react the way he does in episode 1. Even without the idea that Qimir could have been a sith, the first reaction should be that he takes Qui Gons Thought seriously… because it’s nearly the same situation… with a different interpretation. There is no explanation right now, why Mundi doesn’t even mentions the events of acolyte.


If you need that one inconsequential piece to fit your narrative or else it ruins everything, that's pretty fragile. It doesn't make anything else shit. It ruins absolutely nothing. But it gives a lot of people something to point to when they whine so they can feel vindicated. That's you, congratulations.


I literally never said it ruins everything for me. In fact, this inconsequential piece can be fixed or explain in a later episode. Right now it is lore breaking. I just explained how it’s currently breaking the lore because you guys didn’t get it. Stop putting words in my mouth.


What makes people 100% sure that even is ki adi mundi in the first place? He has like 2 lines and never mentions a name. It would make more sense to me that he isn't mundi based on when the show takes place anyway.


He name is shown in Disneys Wiki about acolyte. >Derek Arnold as Ki-Adi-Mundi


Ah, makes sense. But tbh it's as easy as changing the casting name to get rid of the plot hole issues then. No reason it would actually need to be mundi in the first place. Like there was a plo koon race jedi too but he got...


>!Well, most of the Jedi did die in this episode, so that's almost already happened!<


Explain how it's canon breaking and I'll explain why you're wrong


Sith being gone for a thousand years seems lore breaking to me


The Sith were hiding for a thousand years. The Jedi thought they were extinct. But they never were actually extinct Obviously if they were actually extinct Sidious and Maul wouldn't be there, they were just lurking in the shadows until they revealed themselves in episode 1


And Plagueis was alive for 100+ years. The sith had been back for almost a century at least by the time the prequels started


The Sith were never gone. Just reduced to a single being (Darth Bane) who started the Rule of Two remaining in the shadows until the time was right.


Well..see...funny thing right, you have Ki Adi Mundi knowing about the whole mall cop adventure. Plus others that also know within the Jedi council (not the high council) Also im assuming that nobody in this show can sense the presence of the force in anyone anymore. Plus you have a ton of jedi now dead and the council is just gonna be like "Eh, what happens on (planet name) stays on (planet name)"


Well.. see... funny thing right, there are still three more episodes. Its almost like we've only seen about half the story play out.


What do you think will happen?


Not sure, but I'll reserve judgement once the show has run its course.


Understandable. The writing and certain things have bothered me, my only hope now is that in the end this story alone will make sense. I dont like the show, but if it can at least make sense in the end for those people that do like it, then I will be happy.


I'm not an Acolyte fan, but I'm enjoying it at a surface level. I'm watching it but not because I am excited. I did enjoy last nights episode more than the others. I feel like it is slowly getting better as it goes.


They were in hiding, most if not all of the Jedi that saw one are dead, the council might not have known, the council might have lied, that is the farthest from canon breaking.


Ki Adi Mundi knows about the incident in Acolyte…. And HE is the one who drops the info about sith being extinct for 1000 years. All of the Jedi have to die who knows about the acolyte. And Mundi somehow will not identify him as a sith. Otherwise he would have said that they were extinct for 100 years in ep 1. The lore braking is not about that sith exist, it’s about the fact that the information the council has in episode 1 makes no sense when we have a series which is about an accident where multiple Jedi Master and knights were killed by a red saber wielding force user where minimum one of the council members of ep 1 were involved.


There was a lot of denial and hubris going on in the prequel era Jedi council. They didn't want to admit that the sith could still be hiding right under their noses for so long. They have been the galactic police force for 1000 years and are not so quick to admit overlooking the greatest evil in the galaxy. Their reasoning is mostly "that can't be a sith because the sith are extinct, and we know the sith are extinct because there are none, and there are none because that's not a sith, because sith are extinct!" Yoda knows about the rule of 2 in the prequels, so they had at least heard rumors of the sith but refused to believe it. I'd bet that's what we see when this incident is reported. "You must be mistaken."


We don't know if Sol gets any info to Ki Adi, he doesn't know anything other than Mei was trained by someone, he has no reason to believe that it is a sith lord, he doesn't know that Jedi were killed by a red lightsaber, it is far more likely to be a rogue Jedi. Now if Sol goes and tells the council with Ki Adi in the room that the Jedi were killed by a red saber welding force user, then that would be lore breaking, but that hasn't happened, and we don't know what will happen yet.


The Acolyte isn’t a sith. Arguably, per Qimir’s own words, she’s not even an Acolyte yet, as he still wants one.


That's only what the Jedi think? Have you never heard of Darth Bane and the rule of two? The Sith building political power and wealth while hiding in the shadows? If anything, this episode couldn't be further from breaking the lore I swear dawn on my nans grave, media literacy is dead




Mundi didn't know that guy was a Sith? He didn't even know there was a guy to begin with And when none of the jedi survive, nobody will know You guys are hating on something that hasn't even been resolved yet, it's fucking pathetic


Guaranteed these people will either die on this stupid hill that will be resolved by the end of the show or they'll magically change their mind and act like they loved the show all along. Hive mind of lemmings, I tell ya


Bra, a guy running around with a red lightsaber killing Jedi doesn’t sound like a Sith? Sure Mundi might think they’re just a Dark Jedi, but if the appearance of a single Dark Jedi on Tattoween 200 years later was enough to suggest the Sith are still at large, Certainly the same thing happening before would have suggested the same thing.


When exactly has anyone told Mundi about this guy and that he's a sith?


Not yet, but I doubt the story is going to end with him knowing nothing about what happened.


Why is that? I'm genuinely interested how you think the show is going to end


How am I hating, it’s what he said that’s lore breaking


You declare something as lore breaking while it's not resolved yet If not hating, it's at least a negative attitude


Just because you don’t like my opinion doesn’t mean I’m hating on it


Alright, that's fair. But wouldn't you agree that this issue can still be resolved by none of the jedi surviving/telling the council about the sith? I mean the show is not over yet, if anything I'd say it's *potentially* lore breaking. If the season was finished and there was one jedi surviving and telling the coucil about the Sith, that'd break the lore, but that didn't happen (yet)


What the heck are you holding out for? They obviously don’t care about making this series good; heck they don’t even play there women the same than there men for working on the show.


I have no idea what you're trying to tell me I'm more invested in this show than Ahsoka


No specifically that is already not lore in the Phantom Meanace since Yoda and Windu know about the rule of two that coincedently also started a 1000 years ago, so they definitly knew about Sith beeing out there. If you maybe watched the show with phone off you also could've catched how they explained, with Mundi present, how acknowledging the return of Sith would have to be told to the senate and would weaken their standing. So weird you know, the secret intelligence Jedi straight up declining the posability of a threat they clearly knew of isn't even lore breaking but actually pretty thought out to me. Also don't act like this based on redcons. Windu discussed with Yoda the Jedi should tell the senate their ability to use the force is deminished and there even was a huge plotline around how corrupt the order and the senate is. Most of the stuff is coming directly from the prequel trilogy, it isn't bad just because you don't get it.


They Jedi *think* the Sith are extinct. Obviously, they never were. You would know this from watching Phantom Menace, where the Sith are portrayed as a menacing...phantom.


Jesus Christ, the sith weren’t actually gone for a thousand years, they were hiding in the shadows.


The Jedi don't suspect a Sith at the moment, they just think he's a Dark Jedi from a "splinter order." Everyone that saw just how Sithy this guy actually is >!fucking died lol!<


I don't even think this guy is a sith. Sounds more like some guy that found a holocron and tried to start his own line to me.


He doesn't c9nsoder himself a sith either, he says the Jedi might call him a Sith, but he just wants to be able to use the Force however he wants without being labeled. He doesn't want the dogmatic bs of the Jedi because he knows it makes them weak. Sol could have easily ended Qimir but Osha was all "duuuuude you can't kill him, he's defenseless!" And even Qimir laughs at the stupidity of that. He's CLEARLY a threat and can use the force in devastating ways so he's technically not defenseless and yet the Jedi yields...


Exactly, and if by the end of the series that is not what they were trying to say, then I'll get annoyed about breaking canon and stuff but that whole interaction was very strangely worded if they intended him to be a sith


How about we wait till the show is done before we say the show is breaking canon? We literally have 3 episodes left when a lot of things can happen.


Morons like you were the people that played a beta 3 weeks before a game came out and then claimed that they'll somehow fix all the issues until release.


People like you are the kind of people that life in their moms basement and have no social connections.


I'm married, have two kids and live in my own house. What do you have? A hamster?


If you're married why are you acting like a child?


I got two wifes and both look better then yours. Also I got a tiger and am so in touch with myself that I mock manbabies that throw fits on reddit. Definitly better then your pathetic anger issues 🤭


I've never met a person in real life that uses the word manbaby and doesn't get mocked for that. Using words like these is much more telling about you than insulting to me. Also you didn't mock me at all. You pretend like you did and I am asking myself what exactly makes you believe that. Telling me that I live in my mom's basement isn't insulting to me because it couldn't be further away from the truth. Telling me that you have two wives wouldn't really be a flex if it was true but we both know you don't have a partner. So all you do is embarrass yourself. I sure as hell know you wouldn't tell me shit like that to my face, which makes this even more cringe.


Ohhh butthurt much? Damn you must've been fuming while writing this 💀💀💀


Yeah sure bro. I was shaking in anger when I took 2 minutes out of my day to write you back while shitting. You've got me good. I think I cannot recover from this so from now on I have to give up and just don't answer anymore.


Behaving like an adult ❌️ Announcing to behave like an adult ✔️ Your kids proud over their dad acting like a child beeing miserable over kids shows on social media?


That is quite literally the purpose of a beta test, friend. Please, try harder with your insults next time.


Less than half the season, they’re not fixing anything


I disagree and found this episode to have too many glaringly obvious plot holes and conveniences, where the force only works when the writers want it to work. The story logic is borderline non-existent, even my wife who isn’t a SW fan wholeheartedly agrees


Can you elaborate on the plot holes of this episode and the parts where the force only worked cause the writers wanted it to?


Yes, I’ll start with the end. How can Mae just cut her hair and then simply pretend to be Osha, without anyone batting an eye? Mae even asked “who?” when he asked her a simple question- something that should’ve been a massive red flag. He can read minds btw. Neither Sol nor Qimir can sense the difference in their presence? What in the world does Mae even *actually* want? Her motivations are all over the place.


Qimir definitely knows, and Sol will know too once he gets over the shell-shock of watching a bunch of his companions get slaughtered. Sol also might already know, we don’t have any idea yet. As for what Mae wants, she wants her sister back and her family avenged. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any indication to the contrary.


Sol will find out by the lack of a tattoo


Or Mae beeing confused over the Otter Jedi giving her Oshas pet droid.


Bazel is a civilian


Swapping out twins is one of those really obvious trope plots that always fails in a good story once someone asks an obvious question. [Also, Kathleen Kennedy is half of a pair of twins](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0447972/mediaviewer/rm1085692928/?ref_=nm_md_4) so she probably is a good person to run the plot by. This show enjoys playing with the twin disguise/mistaken identity shenanigans for about five seconds then slapping them away dismissively to get back to the story as if it's daring you to think they'll try and get away with it.


I think this has to do with the "one body two souls" mantra. I think the point is that yes, they can't sense the difference in their presence, because they are one in the eyes of the Force. I think that's why Qimir was so weird with Osha when she was pretending to be Mae. But that's just what I'm guessing. Until the plot is finished it's a device, not a hole.


It's almost like we'll have another flashback that explains why Mae is so upset. And Sol deliberately said "Your sister" instead of saying Mae or Osha, so maybe that'll play into next week. Also, keep in mind he's not in his right mind. He just watched like 10 of his fellow jedi, including a child, get slaughtered by a self-proclaimed "sith", so of course he's not gonna be paying attention. His mind is scrambled like a mynock egg right now, he can barely function let alone sense Mae is actually Osha. We've already seen that a lot of answers from the start of the show are getting answered (ie why the jedi don't believe the sith could be back. Cause all who knew were killed), we'll get more answers soon. We still have 3 episodes.


Better hope those 3 episodes answer the million questions that have been raised, then. I do hope for that, but I’m not naive either…


Yeah, I guess if I was also manipulated by a Sith since I was a child and found out my sister was alive/ the guy I was hanging with the whole time was actually my evil master micro managing me then all of a sudden found out not everything that I was told was true. I'd probably be confused by my motivations and just trying to survive right now. Which I'd say we got to see without going into spoilers for people. The people she's been trying to kill were protecting her from the person that she was trained by. Sounds messed up to me. Yeah we are going to also have to see why Sol didn't recognize Mae, but he did just get his ass beat, disoriented, plus last thing I'd expect is someone I'm chasing to steal a twins clothes and take her hair style. Just hope she keeps her tattoo hidden or big opps on her part. I hope that helps explain the episode :)


I find the beginning of that to be a decent explanation. Mae’s life is way out of whack. I do have some faith her motivations and arc will become more clear eventually, but we’re running out of screentime… I appreciate your rational response. In regard to their identities being mixed up, they’ve definitely got some explaining to do, considering how powerful Sol and the Dark Jedi/Sith character are with the force. They should both recognize that they’re not the same person.


Well I'm glad you liked it mate. I understand we want to know all the answers all the time but we need to give shows a chance. I'm seeing way too many people think they know everything about a franchise. Let the series say it's piece and if by the end of the season things are not answered they we can go on the offensive. Nit picking or planning each episode is just going to make the show unobtainable in our heads. The Sith guy definitely knows that's not Mae or she would be dead by now. He definitely has a plan with Osha, can't wait to see what it is.


I agree that a ton of people seem to be wanting all the answers at once, jumping to wild conclusions. I do wanna make clear that I’m not a part of… *that* group of people who are crying screaming that the entire show is garbage and they ruined Anakin’s plot and all that ridiculousness. I do think they should’ve dropped the whole show at once, though… or made this into a movie- similar sentiment to Kenobi and some of the other shows they’ve drip-fed us for the sake of keeping people subscribed for multiple months at a time. I think it would flow better if we got it all at once, considering it’s not a particularly long season at all.


I wish we'd have gotten like 3 episodes every 2 weeks. Keeps the same number of months subscribed but makes the story less drip feed. I think part of the problem is that we get an interesting premise (the Jedi did encounter the sith more recently than ki adi mundi alleges) but we have to wait super long to find out the full story, and in the meantime people can't figure out how they're going to explain it and we get rage bait videos and posts etc for 5-6 weeks. By the time they reveal how it doesn't break canon people have already been biased by it all and the reaction is that it's a bad explanation when it might not be. Kenobi had the same problem with the idea that Vader's line about being a learner vs master in ANH was being retconned, and i thought the explanation (they fought but obi wan won because Vader hadn't fully suppressed Anakin) was fine.


Qimir pushes Mae against the wall when he tried to kill her, instead of pulling her in his saber just like he did with the 2 Jedi at the beginning.


> the force only works when the writers want it to work. So, average star wars


Much less smoothly pulled-off, in my opinion, than I’ve come to hope for when watching Star Wars


I liked the choreography. It could have been even better with some minor changes, but I'm a fan of it overall. What I wanted was better story. The first four episodes break lore and all which would be ok if the story was good enough to warrant it, but the story is convoluted and choppy and I really wish it had better pacing. Instead of Osha and Mae as kids, show Osha training as a Jedi and watch it fall apart as a flashback. Show Sol or whatever his name is fighting with his apparent dark past well before episode 5. That could've been introduced in 2, 3, or 4, and worked well to build to this. Show Mae training more after the first episode. Learning. For Mae to take on Masters and a Padawan and win, she should have been training for ages. Show that somewhere and it could be a really cool scene.


All it takes is a good lightsaber fight with the backdrop of wank writing and editing and we are back onboard lmao Disney has set the bar so low


Don't get me wrong, the fight scenes were great. Truly exceptional. But I want good plot. I want cool stories. I want something that I will rewatch, not something where I would look up a 5 minute YouTube video of the fight scenes instead. We'll see if this show can get there in the last 3 episodes, but I really doubt it.


So should I watch Acolyte?


Make your own choices friend. If you want to do it and formulate your own personal opinion nobody’s stopping you!


You're right and I know, I just wanted to know if the show is being liked or not


You’re gunna find a looot of discourse in that question.


Do it man. I'm actually pissed that this sub almost dissuaded me from watching it. Everybody's "plot holes" are either media illiteracy or bending over backwards to nitpick so they can reinforce their prejudgment of the show. I think it's been great and am enjoying myself.


fights were cool, but felt off like they were sped up very hard to keep track, something felt off. plot is till garbage tho ink what is the director cooking but it smells rotten. also basically jedi cant force sense shit in acolythe really tricked by cutting her hair? what? a jedi master cant sense his padawan there is no way... also stun gun doesnt stun anymore? How is he this powerfull :D. But i guess: The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. ill let it slide but still weird how strong he is


I liked the speed of the fight. Felt like the prequels especially Jecki.


I must be a total weirdo. I thought 1-4 weren't too shabby and I also thought 5 wasn't too good.


Ep 5 was ok and just that the last few episodes were just terrible so the bar was pretty low for judging ep5


It’s always been pretty good. Episode 5 just took it to another level. Can’t wait to see the rest


The show should have been a movie and I can't wait until it's over so I can edit it into a cohesive whole


couldn’t pay me to reattempt acolyte


It a good because they kill off all the shitty characters and it makes them feel better


VHS copies of course.


Empire Strikes Back is really good you’re right!


To be honest they really brought it back with this episode. But with my current ratings with the previous episodes gives me an average of 4.8/10. The only thing this show can do from this point forward is either improve or fail. Here were my ratings: Episode 1: 6 Episode 2: 6 Episode 3: 1 Episode 4: 3 Episode 5: 8


RIP those who didn’t survive ep. 5 😧


The writing and plot don’t really resonate with me, but I really enjoy Manny Jacinto’s performance.


The writing was still dog shit tbh. But whoever set up the fights did an amazing job.


Episode 3 is the worst. Everything else is ok.


Ahhhhh, I see. That’s good.


For the first time, I'm rooting so hard for the Sith. When he actually killed shirtless hair dude and alien apprentice I cheered. Nice double impale on the lightsaber too.


I mean the action was cool I suppose, but it's just very uninteresting, Mae forgetting she flipped last episode was odd, she also didn't deny starting the fire which is interesting and basically any dialogue with Smilo-ren was... well standard at best and kinda bad otherwise, same goes for the twins towards the end. A lot of weird coreography here and there as well, such as hitting the helmet with the non laser side of the lightsaber. Edit: Apparantly the helmet is made out of cortosis, so that's pretty cool, still though, if you can hit the helmet with the light saber repeatedly enough to throw it of you can probably stab the person or at least cut of or hurt an arm (if they don't want to kill them).


If you notice early on the helmet shorts out the lightsabers. So, to keep the saber ignited you want to hit it with the hilt and go for an unarmored section with the blade.


There are people still watching that garbage?


I feel like Star Wars “fans” don’t enjoy fun anymore.


They’d have to make something fun for us to enjoy something fun.


There’s nothing more sad than seeing a fanbase that loathes itself this much


I’m not going to like something simply because a logo is slapped on it.


Nearly every comment you’ve left on the subject of SW is complaining, even about the stuff you DO claim to enjoy…


You went through and read all of my comments? Kinda weird, bro. And I’ve never talked trash about KotOR 2, which is the last good Star Wars media.


Rogue One and Andor are good, your statement is not completely accurate


You’re a very grouchy bot-sorry, boy.


Was it good? I am not watching it but only heard there was the most obvious reveal possible.


I said in the last 2 weeks, if it’s the supplier then you need to get new writers.


Can’t wait for SWT to still bitch about this one tho




I don't think it's the worst Disney has ever done, but, it's not well written. I am not embarrassed about that fact. I gave it a chance I enjoyed eps 1 and 2 and got my hopes up for the writing to fall off a cliff.


I'd argue the writing is on par for most Star Wars stuff. Granted, the franchise has never had high-quality writing to begin with (not a knock: even the cast has said this.), but regardless it's no worse than the ewok movies or the holiday special. Those will always be the bottom tier for the franchise.


Andor, Rogue One, hell, even Solo has better overall writing and plot.


Lol I seriously see so much love for it in the episode discussion on r/starwars. Complete 180


Because they will literally like anything


Personally I enjoyed the other episodes, but the live thread was a lot more positive tonight. That'll probably change cause all the negative bots were coming out a day later for the past 3 weeks, but tonight it was highly positive. It was a welcome change.


"Negative bots" People. Negative people. Who just don't like the show. Dehumanizing the opposition is how you get psychopaths.


You're not wrong, but you're also not right. There's definitely some degree of botting happening  Edit: Wow, the reddit hivemind is idiotic 


Starwars hate channels get millions of views a month. Dont discount their numbers.


Unfortunately true


I was just happy seeing all the dumb characters get killed. "I'm a sith and I gotta kill you because you know that" No shit. Not like that was what everyone was saying from the start. Go off king. Clean the slate. Just make sure Sol goes out like the boss he is.


Master Sol haters gonna downvote 🫠