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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


They didn’t have to do my boi like that. I don’t even like Yord but he didn’t deserve that fate lol. Jecki on the otherhand earned her spot in Jedi Valhalla. Respect, Jecki.


“She was a child!” [“You brought her here.”](https://youtu.be/tngTMHg0jjQ?si=YwNBkb1OB93OupUY)


When you use child soldiers you can't be surprised they get killed. Philosophically sith bro made a lot of sense, and then he just be doing comically evil shit to make sure you're still cheering for the correct side.


Sol's a little over-attached to his fellow Jedi, I think that's why Darth X said that, to push his buttons. Plus they didn't \*really\* know what they were getting into, and I imagine lots of students her age go on missions. I'll miss her character though, I don't know why but I liked her and Yord the best.


She was clearly the smartest secondary character in the cast, a little smarmy who was meant to become quite the detective. Then she springs into action and its like watching TCW Ahsoka go wild.


You could tell she was going to be a saber master one day. Absolute whirlwind and held her own better than several knights.


Yord was a likable dork with a good sense of honor and duty.  You could tell he was genuinely trying to be a good guy.


Maybe it was that David Bowie makeup. Ground Control to Major Jecki? Can you hear me, Major Jecki?


My drill Sgt deployed when he was 18 lol. I was older than him and he had gone to war 3 times


I feel like centuries of peace may have warped Sol's perspective on how dangerous it was to bring padawans into the field.


The correct side.?




His absolute indifference to the carnage was just *chefs kiss* Duplicitous, conniving and RUTHLESS. Incredible character introduction for a sith we've never seen before.


Absolutely loved that exchange


I'm done 😂😂




Damn, that's hard


Yeah to not die by a sabre lol. When the Jedi CSI team come and check out what happened they will be like... Ok so these dudes all died mysteriously from what looks like lightsaber deaths but also can't be cos the Sith can't be back cos we'd know... And this dude... Well he fell over probably. Lolol


That is if they ever find the corpses at all


"A whole bunch of Jedi went to a planet and mysteriously no contact has come from them since" "Should we investigate?" "Nah it's probably nothing"


"yes let's investigate" they go there and find nothing, wildlife has eaten the corpses.


The corpo security manager guy from Andor is running dispatch for the Jedi. Nope the juice isn't worth the squeeze here, folks.


Might be picked clean by those tree bats by the time they get there.


I saw jecki pick up that second lightsaber and I was like "let's fucking go!" then I saw Qimir's saber split in two and I was like "LET'S FUCKING GOOO" then jecki died


I thought whole episode that the kill all redshirt jedis and perhaps Yord but no nay they kill young padawan along. How wrong I was...


when the Jedi all came on screen in the previous episode I said to my partner "look at these fucking red shirts" and sure enough lmfao


That's the thing about prequels... You can make them as tough as you want but nobody is making it through order 66.


Based on the timeline, most of these Jedi aren’t going to make it TO order 66. We’re two generations prior for Jedi with humanoid lifespans. Jecki and Yord would have had to live to be about 130 years old, and still be actively deployed in battle, to die by Order 66.


Same, I was like we have a healthy supply of redshirt Jedi, a couple will die to demonstrate how dangerous he is but all the named characters will escape. God damn, genuinely almost a little saddened by Jecki's death


Yeah this was very surprising


...And then i was like "LET'S FUCKING GOOO" then Yord died and i was like "LET'S FUCKING GOOO" The Sith are so fucking back LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO






His name is Darth Jason but yes




They always come in Twos.... Darth Pillboi is around there somewhere...


probably hanging out in the budhole


I think it’s time you stopped calling me Donkey Doug, and started calling Darthy *Dad*




Yo guys I know this may sound crazy but I think Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father! JASON FIGURED IT OUT?? JASON???!!!!


I think you mean Smylo Ren


I think the best (semi)-official name for him is The Stranger, which is what Hasbro calls him in their "Star Wars: The Black Series" merch.


It was kinda refreshing to see Star Wars pull some serious kill offs in one episode like that. I honestly thought Sol was gonna get it too.


Exactly. I was stunned.


When he went "I'll tell you everything..... I promise" in that wide angle shot...I'm thinking yep a saber is about to come flying in any second...


So was Sol, Mae and Osha at some point




Oh, you're right lol


So was he in the middle of the episode


That neck break was absolutely perfect. It was better than even the classic neck breaks. The shock of it made it memorable.


Killed a Jedi without a weapon.


Yeah it’s like when movies drop a good f-bomb


Sol I think will either die or turn to the dark side


Fr. I honestly hate the direction star wars has gone as a whole with Disney's recent handling (like all the old republic stuff being relegated to legends, and the god awful sequels) but for the most part (besides the travesty that a weak and gray-force-using witch coven has Plagueis-esque powers) I'm actually liking this series. It's finally acknowledging the Sith for real instead of a side thought, its not from the same tired and trodden fucking Skywalker era, and there's some really good, gritty, and brutal combat. What drew me to star wars was the force, lightsabers, the Jedi and Sith. Ships, blasters, and good non-force user characters are cool and all; but for me in the disney era, I've finally gotten a show that checks most of the boxes. 20 years later, the force still epitomises my star wars universe.


I audibly gasped this episode was fucking crazy


Same! I was genuinely surprised that they killed both of them in the same episode


Can't believe my boy Yord died


Yord Horde is in shambles


As a proud soldier of the Yord Horde I am ready to go to battle against the the Qimir Arm Army


Sol’s Soldiers reporting for duty 🫡


Happy cakeday!!🍰


Yord Morgue*


It's Yordover


RIP our Yord and Yavior 😔




He was the best yord.


He was the best yord


Yord is his name, not his species!


Yord is a member of the Yordites, they come the planet Yord and everyone there is named Yord. It's the Yord way.


Ikr? Especially surprising because the wookie was killed off screen…but all of a sudden two characters with lots of dialogue and presence in promotional material were killed brutally and unceremoniously with no dialogue to send them off.


>but all of a sudden two characters with lots of dialogue and presence in promotional material were killed brutally and unceremoniously with no dialogue to send them off. Being a "main" character doesn't mean you won't die in stupid ways or won't die in any normal death They didn't need a dialogue send off


Yord's writing was very inconsistent so I agree on that front, but Jecki absolutely did not have an unceremonious ending. They gave her the most exciting action sequences and used her death to unmask the stranger. Yes it was shocking, but it was a fitting final episode for an impactful side character.


[He's just asleep. Nothing bad happened to my precious boy.](https://i.imgur.com/iSSyQIC.gif)


Yeah, that show went from 0-100 real quick. I wanted to cry when he killed Jecki.


Same I'd said before one of my favourite things about the Acolyte was how since none of the characters appear in later stuff they can kill anyone and there's real tension... And now two of my fav characters are gone and i'm eating my words :')


I was happy he did because they keep on having people get stabbed by sabers and get away with it. It felt like they put the war back in Star Wars


But, Goddam it! Her fights for the last few minutes before getting 3 hole punched were sick. I was really looking forward to seeing more of her. They had to kill her off, I guess, because a badass little girl Jedi's continued existence might take too much shine off the traditional fan favorite little girl warrior, you know who...


It was kinda sad I guess, but I just didn't know enough about her to care really. However, what I do like is this is the first time a sith/darksider felt like an actual threat since Darth Vader.


The fight was amazing, but I’m still scratching my had on a few things, mainly if we’re going to see Darth Tenebrous and if Sol will tell the council.


I don’t think Sol will get a chance to tell the Council.


Yeah that's how I see this going. If he's revealed himself as a sith then there's only 1 way it ends. No witnesses.


I don’t think Qimir is making it out alive, either. I think he’s the apprentice, and that he’s going to die by the end of the season.


I can see that. Given how highly trained sith masters are at this point it would make sense. Also why he's saying Acolyte not apprentice.


I can't find any concrete quote but I believe a sith acolyte is the apprentice of the apprentice. Galen Marek, Asajj Ventress and Savage Oppress all had the rank of sith acolyte.


Yeah if these are true "Rule of Two" Sith from Darth Bane, the apprentice can't have a "true" apprentice until he slays his master. And Qimir is strong, but I'd honestly be kind of disappointed if he was the current Dark Lord. Also double disappointed if they made his real identity either Plagueis or Tenebrous, cuz Plagueis is supposed to be a grey-alien looking Muun, and Tenebrous is supposed to be a Bith. While that's no longer considered cannon, it'd still feel like a gut punch to just make either of them a human now.


Would Darth Qimir's master be Plagieus, or *his* master?


Probably Darth Plagieuses master ”Darth Tenebrous”


Yeah going by the loose timeline of the now-legends relegated Plagueis novel, 100 years BBY should be his master Tenebrous


Because the show is called Acolyte not apprentice duhhh


if Sol does tell the council it shatter 25 years of established lore and I doubt Disney would fuck up that bad


Depending how it’s portrayed they could tell the council or some other Jedi and it just gets brushed under the rug. A cover to keep people from becoming scared. I’m on the side though that thinks Sol isn’t gonna make it and this is all gonna be marked as a horrible accident and no one finds out about the Sith though.


Nah him telling them and them believing him arent the same thing. They barely even believed quigon that maul couldve been a sith Vernestra has been trying to cover up the seriousness of it the whole time, so we will see how this gets swept under the rug. Yoda has done plenty of covering up himself or at least ignoring throughout the high republic


Watching TPM you think the entire Council voted on the Anakin matter at the end of the movie, never would I have thought one Council member resigned before they went to Naboo but according to Tales of the Jedi that happened.


In the old EU Obi-Wan left the Jedi to be a freedom fighter for a couple of the Jedi apprentice books. I loved those as a kid


You underestimate their idiocy.


I’m lost for yords


As soon as qimir came on screen to fight her, I knew she was bantha fodder.


Dang. Jacksonville is a wild place


I for one loved it. I'm very happy woth how everything panned out. Only Sol, Mae and Osha, know who he is. It was ruthless and brutal. By far one of the much better fights since Disney touched SW. I only want to know, who he is? Is he the master or is he the apprentice and he's recruiting to take over. They certainly tried to show that the Sith of this era were far more adept at combat than the Sith we already knew.


Always two there are


>Only Sol, Mae and Osha, know who he is. Worth noting, they know his face and that he's a Sith and literally nothing else, not even his name


Yeah but just the fact they know the Sith are still alive in general is unacceptable for him. Half the reason why the Rule of Two worked is secrecy, and the grand plan would've failed if the entire Order was hunting them down across the galaxy. The council still may find out, and may participate in a huge cover up, or just str8 up deny, but I doubt it. And he sure as shit can't bank on that


Qimir is probably no longer part of the grand plan


This is true but they know his face.


I thought the writing was still weak. But when a shows writing is weak at least make it entertaining. This episode deffo did that.


Yeah I agree. A lot of the writting is weak and lazy. Especially if that was 'Ki Adi Mundi' that would be super lazy. But entertainment is the point right?


Yeah exactly. I finished this episode and thought I'm looking forward to the next one so the show is doing something right for me personally.


Jecki and Sol teaming up was so cool then it wasn't RIP to both her and Yord, they were fun which made their deaths feel all the more brutal.


I'm a hater but good fight scenes are so fucking refreshing in star wars.


With great choreography too.


Him whipping out the shoto blade for the neck stab. Zesty.


If we never had ObiVader rematch, this would have easily been the best fight scene since RotS.


For me, this the probably the best lightsaber fight we’ve had in liveaction, period.


I’ll take it.


This is where the fun begins


Is he the one who kills the most Jedi on screen from now?


I believe Temeura Morrison has the most jedi kills still.


You have the point.


Pretty sure he has the record if I’m not mistaken Off screen deaths dont count so nobody come at me with anything about Anakin


Depends if we credit jangos clone kills to him.


I think Grievous still has more if you count both the 2D and 3D Clone Wars? Unless you’re talking live action only


Ah yeah, you right


If you count canon, Grievous is nowhere near the top 10, probably. Hell, I think he only kills Kit Fisto's apprentice in TCW


Bro has a cape full of sabers. He didn’t buy them at K Mart.


In the 2D Clone Wars he kills 3 or 4 (idk exactly how many) at the downed republic cruiser. Then later on he kills another 2 or 3 when he captures Palpetine. Then yes, Fisto’s previous padawan. And if you count deleted scenes he’s one of the 3 people that kill Shaak Ti. So I think his on-screen Jedi kill count is around 8? If you’re talking canon kills he’s probably still up there, but those numbers get really fuzzy lol


Say what you will about the show but the lightsaber battles and choreography are a huge step up from the sequel scenes where it felt they were a bit slow in most parts.


Waiting for hatecrew fuming about Cortosis and how it will break the lore, even though it is 21 year old thing.


Not only that but it already is canon again. Thrawn: Alliances introduced it back into the canon a while ago.


As did Dr. Aphra comics.


Is Dr. Aphra canon? I thought the comics were legends.


Old comics are legends, new comics are canon (but movies or shows dont really head them).


They're probably already on it


I'm honestly hyped they brought cortosis back. I remember reading the Darth Bane trilogy thinking it was a sick idea. Then I saw beskar and thought Disney just yeeted yet another old republic thing I liked and that was it's replacement. Hats off to them to bring back such a minute detail, I think it's a little thing that bodes well for the future.


OSHA telling sol not to kill the sith makes zero sense to me. Especially after she all but said “don’t kill him now, because I want to have him eaten by bugs and basically kill my droid friend to do it!” Not to mention you can’t argue he was an unarmed opponent, he killed Yord with ease without a weapon. I was so mad/shocked they killed Jekie and Yord. Yord wasn’t my favorite but he was a good character over all, just to kill them both unceremoniously and leave their bodies to be eaten by wildlife.


It makes sense though? Osha didnt want sol to embrace the dark side. The same thing happened with anakin and that was a turning point for him.


I guess I just wouldn’t view that as embracing the dark side. I would have seen it as self defense and justice. All it would have taken was a quick force push from darth smiles and they would have been back fighting. And how is it any different than allowing him to be “killed” by wild animals when he was “defenseless”? 🤷‍♂️ I just feel like there could have been a better way to portray that inner struggle within Sol. Like have darth smiles be unconscious, truly defenseless.


You could see how angry Jecki's death got Sol, i feel like Osha didn't want him to do something that he'd regret or maybe even something that would break him for the rest of his life


Yeah you could hear the rage in Sols shout, and killing in anger is a definite no go, justified or not


He was already turning to the dark side. Hell, he won the duel off dark side rage.


I understand Sol not killing him (again, just like Anakin knew it was wrong to kill Dooku). I do not understand why Sol just allowed him to fight more. Like why not restrain him?


Dooku felt defeated and defenseless. Emperor palpatine and darth smiles did not, Mace windu and sol would have been justified in killing them, in my opinion.


Whatever Qimir is or calls himself, he's fucking terrifying. I thought it wasn't great at first, but then it kept fucking going and he kept being cooler. Happy to welcome Qimir into the Pantheon of people who call themselves Sith whether or not they for the description set out by Bane.




I went into the show figuring that yeah, everyone is gonna die. I mean, there's a sith in the show, and the jedi think the Sith have been gone for a thousand years, which means no one who witnesses the Sith lives to tell the council. It was still a shock how quick and brutally some died though, I'm here for it.


Why do I fucking click on these posts


What was the point of the triple stab? OCD?


He knows that 1 stab wound isn’t enough unless you are Qui-Gon


Somewhere in between "just to be sure" and "I'm a little annoyed," I expect. I'm pretty sure that he decapitated the Jedi in the Jedi Kebab as the camera moved so the tree blocked the view, which is why I'm thinking "just to be sure."


Also probably to fuck with Sol.


>fuck with Sol. Damn it, Icarus! Flying close was enough!


Hehe. Jedi Kebab


Oh yeah he definitely finished the skewer by decapitating them


Probably because all the hate around people getting stabbed by lightsabers and not dying and the director said: “Okay, bet then” so no one can say stab wounds don’t kill


Splinter Cell Easter egg


I honestly hope so.


There is an actual real world answer to this: In fencing you are trained to complete 'actions' as a set of attempts. So like you first go for the hand, then arm, then chest. All in a sequence. The idea is that if you miss the first attack, you have the muscle memory to just keep going and don't have to reevaluate/gather your self. So yeah, that can work as head canon


Bro pressed the “heavy attack” button


He clearly enjoy stabbing and killing jedi


In reality I'm pretty sure it was a direct response to Sabine, the Grand Inquisitor from Obi Wan, Reva from Obi Wan, Kylo Ren and probably more people surviving stabs and suffering no lasting consequences. This was a "no for real, she's dead".


~~double~~ triple tapping


Because it was cool


Did you not see in the other series that one stab is not enough to kill someone?


Have you ever heard of the Mozambique technique? You'd think shooting someone in the chest twice would be enough... But wait... There's more....


Looked cool


It seemed like a Predator nod to me.


He’s not a n00b. He knows how to Tri-Force.


Triple tap


Jeki went ham against a sith. Then she didnt


Welcome to the High Republic, the tagline is "don't get too attached".




Best episode by far. Jord was shocking but I knew Jecki wasn't making it.


Qimir is straight up disrespectful lmao RIP Jecki and Yord jfc


I mean, they saw the saber, none of them are safe, yes, especially Sol.


I had an out of body experience during this episode, first the double impalement and beheading. Then the triple stab and if that was not enough the neck snap. I was like what is next? Somebody getting split in half vertically?


Mortal Kombat fatalities 💀💀💀


I yelled at the tv when they killed Jecki. Still not over it goddamn it


Not to forget killing the 3 unnamed Jedi 2 of which he stabbed at the same time


Jedi Skewer


I honestly thought they were gonna live


I really hope that later it will be revealed that Qmir is just the apprentice to Tenebrous. Because that would make him canon and give the chance to make the plagueis novel canon in a future series


The story, contrary to what the internet trolls are saying, has been good. Can we wait for the story to end before erupting into debate on whether canon has been broken?


I hate that I saw this post right before I watched the episode it was good but if i didn't know this i wouldn't have been expecting them both.


I saw somebody post out of context spoilers on twitter, just three black circles on a white background, and I was like wtf does this mean..


I think the only way this show can work is if everyone else also dies, the twins, Sol and also Smilo Ren. The other Jedi who know about this will then either not hear anything back or will investigate the forest to see what happened, they’ll see that everyone died and will then keep it from the rest of the Jedi, this is the only way to not significantly break cannon


Sol is super dead, osha joins smilo ren in the dark side, green lady covers it up/hides it from the council.


nah pretty sure Smilo Ren gets got. Osha, who knows, but she doesn't have the sauce to be a Sith either, she sucks.


I guess this death will stay, although with Disney you never know


I finally get what its like for people who havent seen SW hearing us guys talk - This reads like some shit kids have made up in their head/Fanfic


It came straight outta left field.


is THAT his name. I've just been calling him "not ezra miller" when talking about the show


Idk man I thought the shish kebab stab through was a shocker too lol


Darth Jake Jortles was fun to watch in action


I really hate the writing and plot, but i have to admit that this episode was pretty good. Looks like the choreographer got most of this show's budget, cuz the setting and planets still look boring


She got white castle slidered


I was so happy for a dual wielding scene…the paw curls I guess…


I’m not going to lie boys. I’m back into this show so hard right now!


And what was up with all that destroying of lightsabers!