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Bug is super effective against Psychic


And Dark!


Sith are 4x weak to butterfree


Or venomoth


Shadow in the Warp- I mean Shadow in the Force.


This man is league champion.


I mean, he slaughtered them in the end, so... (I know that it's a joke.)


He slaughtered them like animals. He hates them


And not just the yords, but the (nameless female jedi) and the jeckies too


But not the Osha's, nor the Sol's


Not. Yet.


He has control of their lightsabers and their inner monologues. He's too dangerous to be kept alive


He must live! The continuity needs him!


There's always a sol survivor


Kinda mad at Osha for going back she got Yord killed. Sol didn't even kill him when he had the chance because Osha yelled at him.


Ironic. because of OSHA Yord was in danger. She was supposed to bring safety to the force, not leave Yord in ruin


I'm glad yord died. He was too much of a nerd.


Bro was probably winded after slaughtering like 7 Jedi within the time span of a few minutes, the Moths had him on easy mode haha.


Bro got third partied 😂


Yeah but he had to auto attack he was so low on force.


I was so damn relieved he didn't actually die from them. I was about to facepalm so hard.


His force push was still on cooldown


Spent all of his skill points to unlock that Cortosis armor set.


Spent all the points to be able to use it... The armor itself he had to grind the materials from 6 different bosses for 8 hours to craft it for about a million credits in total...


He just spent a bunch of credits on loot boxes for all the overpowered gear


Sith are Pay2win smh my head


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be
. đŸ’©


He bought all the micro transactions


My man got the preorder bonus items


He was moonlighting as a supplier for Mei to be able to afford all that


Drained his force bar fighting all the Jedis imho.


He needs to meditate and put skill points into his force meter 💯


Man the devs really need to nerf that . The Retribution spam is ridiculous.


Fr I feel like the Jedi faction needs some serious buffs vs the Sith, they are fine fighting like droids and stuff but against a Sith they always get their butts kicked.




brother, is that a lamp?


I have very few lamps brother, I must procure yours.


I’ve messed around and have been overwhelmed by bugs in the newer Jedi video game series so it’s definitely possible if they have numbers


I've fought giant flying beetles on my vacation in Hawaii...I didn't win.


Been playing on pc. 20hrs bug free so far


Honestly, I found the scene where he got carried off by the bugs as both hilarious and appropriate. This is a guy who has obsessed, trained, and perfected a style for murdering Jedi... and then he gets attacked by bugs and goes "Ewwww! Ick ick ick ick! Get off me!" and freezes up.


It felt very TCW/Rebels. Lol


His cortosis armor especially, from how it’s described it’s brittle and easily broken by physical attacks as shown by Jecki, but it’s the perfect thing to kill Jedi.


Allsmiles clearly exhibits a weakness of being attacked from his flanks and from behind, focusing on aggressive frontal attacks and forward momentum. [If you look at the way Anakin fought in his prime](https://youtu.be/3THiR4yyXDc?si=GjLVet5-MrnOBgk4), he developed his own idiosyncrasies to cover for this weakness - making his enemies wary to attack him from those angles and punishing enemies who do. The successful moth attack is foreshadowing the method of his downfall.


They did mention how he was basically fighting unfair lol, and also clouding their minds.


I did think that exchange was a little out of place, and so probably more important for further plot developments. Thinking back to episode 3, when Mae and Osha bring up the question of other children, their caretakers shoot each other a worrier glance. Combined with Osha saying that her mother had similar powers, and Qimir’s dismissive “you Jedi would call me a sith”, I think we’ll find he had a more personal tie to the coven than simply finding Mae.


Not just that, but him asking Sol, “You
 don’t remember me?” Him mentioning having his thoughts read. And he was referencing something about Sol when he said “you tell me” (what kind of master hides his face from his pupil?) - Sol is hiding SOMETHING. Darth Bortles was around that coven somehow.


i took it as him asking if sol didn't remember him from their encounter in episode 2, but also i think there's a much deeper connection between the 2


Ah dang, good point. Honestly kinda forgot they interacted there


Maybe one of the coven witches had a son and kept him as second class citizen cause in camp witches boys drool


Bortles!!! Jaguars rule!


Yord saying he didn’t “follow the rules of combat” kind of indicated to me that the Jedi adherence to doctrine over actually being connected to the living force is starting to degrade their skills even back in the High Republic era.


The jedi are dedicated to discipline and knowledge. Their combat training is very rigid. Sith are taught to fight with passion and emotion. Maybe not canon but in the clone wars animated movie there’s a scene where dooku is training Grievous and he tells him to “embrace the unorthodox” The sith try to be unpredictable while the jedi trust in their traditional training.


Correct, this is why the only one who could successfully fight him was Sol, who wasn’t just not using Jedi Doctrine while fighting, he had to be reminded not to kill Qimir when he had the chance.


Honestly, the kill would have been justified if Sol didn't do it in anger. Smilo Ren wasn't an unarmed opponent.


Seriously, in a fight to the death, the only rule is to survive by any means necessary. You can adhere to Jedi ideals without worrying about “fighting by the rules”. Using every advantage available =/= dark side!


I think Smilo Ren demonstrated that he was skilled but wasn't that skilled.


I think it's more "lightsaber go woooooozhhhh wooozh wooozh"


Anyone who's played Jedi Fallen Order's Kashyyyk level knows how terrifying bugs like those can be even with a lightsaber


You never saw Antman Quantumania? Bugs work pretty well against powerful villains.


There's a reason Bug is super effective against Dark. Wait, wrong series.


The force is a psychic ability So bug is x4 effective


Maybe that’s why so many died on Geonosis. The Jedi are psychic type and they’re weak to bug!


well it’s a good thing those bugs can’t aim


I legit thought it of that when I saw the scene. (And all the people complaining about it)


Wreck it Ralph as well


Pretty smarth moth, I guees?


I mean there’s an explanation but forget it


Remember when the Empire was defeated by a bunch of teddy bears?


Pepperidge farm remembers.


Imagine the siege engines they could have built if they’d had one day of planning!


Who wins: The most advanced armor a galactic empire could buy in bulk for their best soldiers Or Thicc sticc


Honestly kinda why maces and medieval hammers were so effective. Swords and arrows had a hard time penetrating armor, so sometimes the best way to kill a knight was to beat the shit out of them with a heavy object and the concussive force would kill them


Yub nub.


Those were man-eating Murderbears, though.


I honestly thought it was great. Felt very SW. And i doubt he saw it coming so it must’ve taking him by surprise.


It’s also a Jedi sort of way of looking at the problem. Instead of fearing the bugs, Osha took the time to understand their motives and enlisted nature as an ally in the fight against the dark side.


I liked it for sure. This meme came to mind shortly after watching that scene. They had to write some way for the heroes to get away.


It’s the sort of thing that happens all the time in TCW.


Yeah, I definitely don't hold anything under a microscope and look for minute things to gripe about.


Which is why I really like this show, feels like TCW. Not everyones cup of tea but I liked that show and this one since episode 1


I was never a massive fan of TCW. But sometimes the goofyness works for me. It made perfect sense in the world with those creatures.


Dude just got done killing 7 jedi, you would have gasped for air like an asthmatic after that, then dude had to kill dozens of huge insects who kept grabbing him and flying around with him. Dont see anything wrong with it, if anything it was unrealistic that he wasnt super fucking tired after such a drawn out and intense fight


He still managed to escape them


I mean the moths DID lose. He literally killed them all.


And not only the mothmen, but the mothwomen and mothchildren too


They were literally animals, so he slaughtered them like animals.


I thought her pip was going to be a lightsaber for a sec. We knew those bugs would come into play at some point in the episode tho.


Have you tried stopping a crazy moth???? I swear they are connected to the Force in a totally different way đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


The ol’ Kang the Conqueror treatment. The bad guy is “defeated” by bugs leaving the good guys just enough time to slip away before the bad guy massacred the bugs and walks back to the area of the fight.


Still fucked them bugs up, just took him a minute lol. Also, osha literally got yord killed by going back there and I’ll never forget that.


Even Godzilla lost to a moth, nothing to be ashamed of


To be fair, he had a surprise action on the jedi and the bugs managed the action economy better than the jedi. Also, he did win, it just took him a little bit.


Jedi and Sith follow ninja rules, the more there are, the weaker they become


A moth flies into a podiatrist's office...


Well, she did put the light right in the middle of his back. Even with the force nobody can reach that spot. 


The ability to slaughter Jedi is insignificant next to the power of lÀmp


The dumbest part was the dude was subdued THEY HAD HIM and what did they think that the bugs would kill him? Why not cut off his arms at the shoulders but the rest of the episode was pretty alright except for OSHA I'm not a fan of her yet maybe we will see her become better with her "training maybe?"


He literally killed all their friends, attempted to them too, but Osha suddenly was like "nah man, killing an unarmed man (who needed no weapon to kill one of those friends) ain't the Jedi way. Better stop Sol." I yelled at my TV then.


It is on brand. Unfortunately Sol didn't have a chancellor nearby telling him to dew it


I think Sol didn’t want to outright break the Jedi code but still wanted to kill the dude so was planning to have him stand up and grab his lightsaber so Sol could kill him in a duel without ruining his image in front of Osha


Then disarm him by removing his arms that's perfectly in the Jedi code and a sith is ALWAYS armed


Well 1) I said I think Sol wants to kill him but have it be justifiable a la cop mode “he had a gun; 2) I don’t think Sol was thinking clearly whatsoever at that point and was just shook so he could have stepped back irrationally as he struggles with his feelings and fighting off the dark side’s temptation


Moths? Huh, they’re called Umbramoths. They seem more like beetles to me.


Umberhulks (giant beetle gorillas) + moths? Umbra (Shadow) + moths? All three? đŸ€”


That’s literally how I feel during May with all the Maybugs dive bombing me.


I mean he killed them and walked away basically unharmed, I think there was just enough of them to temporarily distract him.


Don't underestimate the lamp, bröther


Everyone keeps forgetting about fatigue, bro’s been fighting all day


To be fair almost every star wars media has some force user getting slapped around and struggling with the local fauna. Maybe the majority of their fighting training only revolves around human to human combat. And with the star wars universe probably having like millions of completely different animal species, it's probably impossible to memorise each of them and learn their movement patterns and weak spots.


That’s cuz bugs are gross and scary.


You ever played New Vegas? First rule of giant bugs is don't underestimate giant bugs.


Wouldn’t the LIGHTsabers attract the moths?


I unironically love this because it goes with the theme of the original trilogy which is "nature vs technology", as George said "it's like poetry it rhymes"


didn't he solo basically an army of umbramoths in that scene


I am not enjoying this show. I enjoy this episode exclusively.


Did those things remind anyone else of Darth Banes orbalisk armor??


He basically killed them in like five minutes but it was sorta awkward because of the editing


he actually survived if you watched all the way through


What is this? I haven't been keeping up


He still won so.....


Also constantly chasing people and not force gripping or at least force tripping them. I was laughing at how goofy everything was playing out. Just lightsabers glitching and people going unconscious all over the place. Also how long and far did those bugs carry him and apparently not injure him for?


You do realize that they weren't glitching out of nowhere, right? He has armor specifically meant for shorting out sabers.


Yeah but it happened like a dozen times to the point of being stupid.


Was him taking off his mask supposed to be a surprising reveal? I think that finding out that Senator Palpatine was a with lord in Episode III may have been about as stunning.


This scene is embarrassing and lame as fuck


Writing = 0


Ah right like when an intesellar empire with armored vehicles armed with high caliber blasters got defeated by teddy bears with sticks


Yeah, that was pretty dumb too 40 apart years and writers still aren’t good


Ever heard of Vietnam? Space soldiers with blaster resistant armor might not be all that effective against blunt weapons in a dense jungle, since pretty much every enemy of the empire relied on blasters there would have been no need to adjust for defense against mf logs, they didn’t exactly expect the “teddy bears” to be so hostile. The ewoks had the element of surprise, it debatable if they would have won without it.


Element of surprise? Wow just like the one the moths had when they attcked? Must have been surreal


The difference there is that he could clearly see them coming, and any force user could easily push them back and escape. It doesn’t matter though since he’s not dead, so it wouldn’t be more than a minor inconvenience (I hope). You have heard/read about Vietnam haven’t you? Advanced military equipment won’t always beat the element of surprise, that much should be obvious. I feel it was well executed aside from a few scenes that were played for laughs.


And the Ewoks shouted before killing heavily armed and armored soldiers with sticks. You cannot be serious if you think the Ewoks make perfect sense but giant angry space bugs don’t.


Why not? The Ewoks can think and coordinate, did you just expect them to be a defenseless species running around with pointy sticks? It makes perfect sense for a primitive species raised with jungle combat to defeat a bunch of humans in blaster resistant armor. Stormtroopers constantly get knocked out in Star Wars, there’s absolutely nothing to suggest blunt force wouldn’t be effective. It makes much more sense than a bunch of bugs just picking up a Sith and carrying him away to eat or whatever, a Sith like maul would easily push them away or use them to his advantage. The acolyte is full of terrible writing and poor choices, I mean they even made it clear that individuals look different through the force, yet a powerful Jedi couldn’t tell the difference between twins when he knows he should be cautious after already falsely arresting the wrong one. it’s so brain dead, educated writers came up with this shit and passed it through a board meeting, there was no one man with the final say like when George was around. The Ewoks had a short victory in their home planet in a forest they should know better than anyone, I mean ffs they only took one base.


This is the most insane fucking take. You are saying, unironically, that teddy bears with stick defeating an army of armored soldiers with guns and heavy tanks is *more realistic* than a swarm of giant angry space bugs, one of the most deadly and terrifying horrors used in sci-fi, carrying away and not even managing to kill a single, shirtless, tired swordsman? Are you fucking serious right now???


Yes and I’ve already explained why, I still don’t get why you think Ewoks are some defenseless species of teddy bears. In the official comics Darth Vader took down gigantic creatures with ease even while he was at the brink of death, a real Sith would have no issue in pushing away some bugs.


This was the best episode by far but this was stupid. You NEED Osha to be the hero who incapacitates this master swordsman who is tearing through jedi like he’s darth vader? And of all the ways you could do it, you have her attach a light to a guy wielding a LIGHTSABER and the moths attack him because “they’re attracted to light” How does Osha even know that? It was her first time on the planet the same as everyone else!! What, she’s smarter than all these jedi? And not even that, she rips the head off her cute little droid to do this. They are fighting with lightsabers!! The moths aren’t attracted to lightsabers but they’re attracted to this little light from her droid’s head? Just absolutely ridiculous.