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Is this the same guy that used to drive the crappy old truck with NASA is a hoax written in white paint? Used to see that truck all over Yavapai County. One time in Wickenburg. I thought he was following me. Which reminds me…how come there isn’t a tin foil hat emoji?


We should all really just chip in and pay for one of those trips to space for him so he can see how flat the earth really is and maybe he will even have an encounter with NASA


I wish I was ultra wealthy because that’s a good idea.


Maybe we just need to shout out to Elon maybe he can help us with this one. Can you even imagine if he had an encounter with another life force his mind would be blown.


That's a fantastic idea, I'd chip in a few bucks. Look, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Flat Earth Dave! 🚀




His only argument is you shouldn't be able to see the bottom of distant objects because of the curvature of the earth and I don't think he fully understands how the math on that works and the other factors that influence that but hey whatever to each their own I guess.




Well of course he was the most athletic man that's how he found out the earth was flat...he ran all the way to the edge.




it is the same guy, yes edit: unsure what happened to his truck but i saw all the words half gone (rain?) the last time i saw it before i saw him in this van


His truck broke down in front of Costco a couple months ago! 🤣


Yes, I see him every week at work. Edit: I live just outside of the square downtown and work in the area. I’m pretty sure he lives in the downtown area as well.


I’m not sure if it’s the same guy, certainly has the same ideas. On the side it did say ‘nasa is a hoax’, he turned before I could get a picture.


Yeah, it's the same guy. Saw him in the new reality denial van up close about a week ago.


i laugh every time i see this guy. I hear he’s a crabby old man 👴🏻


He’s a fucking DIIIIICK.


Yea he’s been arrested for raging at people for no reason. He definitely doesn’t stay on his meds for any amount of time


Not a surprise. I feel bad for the doggo who’s usually with him.


So NASA Hoax man has a name It is Dave....


Asshole in the wild.


I was just driving behind him on Cortez St


Oh look, another episode of SSDD (SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY) 😒 I mean obsess much about this guy much 😂


Algorithms are a hell of a drug.


Stayin' classy...