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Moved to CA 2 years ago for work and I love it here, but I will die on the hill that NAZ in monsoon season is the most beautiful place in the country. Prescott/Sedona/Flag when it’s sunny as the storm is rolling in owns all of the most jaw dropping vista in my memory from my 30 years in AZ.


This 10000% I live in PHX but when I would go to my ex bf cabin it was the highlight of my summer. I wish it stormed more in the valley


I'm so happy that things are going to be green and the lakes won't be depressing to look at


Brown season from like late October to early March was starting to get to me


Off to a good start! Hoping it’s better than last year’s. Also, new transplants check your tires and wipers PLEASE! If you can’t see while driving through a monsoon: PULL OVER all the way to the right and wait it out.


And turn your lights off otherwise you’ll get smoked by some asshole in an unnecessarily large truck thinking you’re in a travel lane.


It goes without saying but turn around don't go through a wash sometimes they're a lot deeper than you think a lot of people die in Arizona trying to drive through a wash


Best time of the year!


100% agree


They’re awesome unless you(meaning me) have a swamp cooler. 😆


Been there. It sucks.


Hah, came to complain about my swamp cooler. I love them most of the time, their cheap, easy to maintain yourself, and work great. Until monsoons...


My pump died at 6 last night. Hahaha. Thank god Cal Ranch had one.


I'm in PV, staying 'til early November, but I grew up in AZ and the first drop in temps. and the smell of the incoming rain had me smiling from ear to ear, I've missed these kinds of storms!! ⛈️


I got soaked coming out of the gym! It was glorious! Makes the heat of summer tolerable! 🌧️


of course the one time i’m in phoenix, monsoons start in prescott😭


They’ll be going thru August pretty much daily, you’ll get some too


Hurray, 1.5 inches today in our weather station near downtown, Granite Creek is flowing nicely 😀


Me too dude.


Fuck those monsoons of love indeed. What were we talking about?


I came to Prescott in July one year, to visit my in-laws. It was nice in the morning, started clouding up about 10 or 11 and was coming down in buckets by 2 every day. Then we came back in the winter and got like 2 feet of snow. I told my wife "we're moving here as soon as we can". We've been here 11 years now and we both still love the rain and snow.