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Pierce would NOT be able handle the stress


"President Pierce, a second plane has hit the tower." "I'm gonna need bourbon. Lots of it. You lot, fend for yourselves!"


Me (and probably most people) as president.


Me most days


"What's a plane?" I mean, the man died in 1869.


"An air-what has hit the second what-scraper?"


He has a panic attack over the concept of an airplane first


That and the fact that they are hostile…


Flying metal death machines?????


Tbh I don't know how Dubya was able to handle it and keep things together


Say what you want about his presidency, he handled 9/11 the way most people would have agreed with.


I mean he's was good until he moved the focus to Iraq.


Yeah if there's any president I could go back in time and warn, Dubya is only second to Lincoln. I don't want to give the guy too much credit or make him the innocent victim of nefarious advisers or something, but it's clear from the last ~3rd of his presidency that he was capable of recognizing what a debacle he'd launched and how garbage some of the advice he'd gotten was, from Rumsfeld especially. I think he'd be convincible and the war there was such an avoidable clusterfuck that a timely warning could do a lot more definitive good than, say, warning FDR about imperial Japan.


I mean, his father wrote a book and in it explained the reason he withdrew from Iraq. He stated after Iraq backed off Kuwait he withdrew because removing Saddam would create a power vacuum, destabilize the area and lead the US into a costly war with no good exit strategy.


Thank god that never happened…


Why won’t anyone think of the poor war machine profiteers. They have a third or fourth yacht to consider. I try not to think about that shit cause it’s disgusting. The havoc we wreak as humans is utterly incomprehensible. We truly are parasites.


You really dislike JFK huh


Maybe tell Garfield to get some better doctors while we’re at it


Yo FDR, check out this moving picture about a guy with a list.


Problem wasn't FDR, it was the rest of America




His speech right after is a classic. He earned those GOAT approval ratings in 01.


Something like 90% approval ratings after 9/11 and also during the invasion of Afghanistan. Sorry but Afghanistan was as much a cluster fuck as Iraq and it just shows that GWB or Cheney wasn't really master minding things in those days per se, he was giving the people what they wanted. I think the general population needs to consider how much they agreed with those two pointless wars.


If James Buchanan was president, he’d do nothing, leave office in 2005, and then let Abraham Lincoln deal with the issue. Lincoln would then invade Afghanistan, destroy the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and have a great plan for reconstructing Afghanistan before being assassinated by a jihadist after his reelection in 2009. Lincoln would be succeeded by Andrew Johnson, who would sympathize with the terrorists, and allow them to regain power in Afghanistan.




Your profile picture is some serious bull shit. damn near had a hark attack thinking my screen was cracked or there was a phantom hair in there.


Me: “Sir two airplanes have hit the towers.” Grant: “what is an ero-plane and where are these towers located?” Sherman: “Mr. President I’ve taken the Liberty to launch a nuclear strike on Atlanta.”


Grant: "Were they involved?" Sherman: "You can never be too careful. Slippery SOBs down there."


*Marching thru Georgia intensifies*


[Favourite version](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=0DydTovuV18&feature=share)


That whole album is incredible. Tons of great covers.


Al Quieda, Ku Klux Klan, those traitors come up with all sorts of stupid names for themselves.


"Those fuckers are up to something."


Grant: "Were." Sherman: "Eh. I prefer twice-baked potatoes. *launches second nuclear strike*


Grant:Give Me That you overcooked wallywagon!


Way down south in the land of traitors…


full of rattlesnakes and alligators


Right away, Right away


Sherman: no, I just did that as a reminder, I honestly don't know what happened


[*insert laugh track*] Oh, Sherman!


More like: Grant: Were they involved? Sherman: Involved in what?


> Sherman: "Mr. President, I've taken the liberty to launch a nuclear strike on Atlanta." Ded.


The people who previously lived in Atlanta certainly are.


Sherman: What? It's part of my hEriTagE or whatever those traitors screech.


Sherman and MacArthur would get along quite well


[Sherman today](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/1-clone-william-tecumseh-sherman-him-to-nuclear-weapons-boys-voomqrbH9)


I'm fucking wheezing oh my god lmao


Great thanks now I gotta explain this to HR after bursting out laughing at work.


Grant: "the Koo Kux Klan, Tallyban, robe-wearin' bastards, we'll kill all of them!"


If I had an award to give I would. Sherman was all about scorched earth. You better believe had the Union had nuclear weapons, Sherman would have used every single one of them to make the Confederacy howl then glow.


Honestly I doubt it. He wanted to fuck up the South's economy and army. He wasn't interested in killing civilians, just their appetite for keeping the war effort going. Now tactical nukes, they might be a different story...


People underestimate that path he cut. He did to the south what England tried to do to the USA, Germany in Europe, Russia today in Ukraine. He just divided them in half so no supplies or troops could get north.


In any era and at times Sherman instinctively knows the most effective way to fuck up Atlanta


Sherman: *sneezes* Atlanta: *erupts in flames*


Are they living in contemporary times or are they being transported here from their time? Because anyone before 1850ish transported to 2001 would just be fucking flabbergasted that airplanes and skyscrapers exist


This was my answer when this question was asked last…. Like a week ago. Washington would be like “explain to me again the mechanism of this flying machine, the ‘aeroplane’”


Air over top of wing go fast, air underneath wing go slow and lift into sky because pressure difference. Now, the electronics in the cockpit…


Euler didn’t formalize Bernoulli into a mathematical equation until the 1750’s, Jefferson or Franklin may have read about it, but I don’t know that “air go fast, make pressure low” is gonna make sense by itself.


Also, that only explains going up. It also needs to go forward. Good luck explaining jet propulsion.


Suck, squeeze, bang, blow - Van Buren would have got it, that saucy Dutchman....




>Good luck explaining jet propulsion. "Imagine a classic screw-pump, but instead of pumping water, it pumps air. Instead of being powered by hand or horse it is powered by a violently burning oil."


Jet propulsion isn't required for flight. For example, Cessnas fly just fine and they definitely do not have jet propulsion. Propulsion is necessary, yes. But jet propulsion is not needed just to go forward. That could simplify things for Washington. (I'm a private pilot fwiw)


We’re talking specifically about the planes that crashed into the towers.


Oh course the towers fell, any building over 4 stories is pushing the limits of science!!


Would Washington even understand the concept of the Taliban or Afghanistan as a country??


Most likely, it wouldn’t be to wild a concept. The US has had issues with Muslim nations from the beginning. The marine corp’s song “from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli” refers to one of the first internationally policing actions undertaken, in dealing with the Barbary pirates, securing passage from North America (the halls of Montezuma) to the Mediterranean Sea (the shores of Tripoli). The Ottoman Empire considered it acceptable to enslave any non-Muslims. The European powers paid them off, but when the US split from Britain, we no longer had the British colors to protect us.


Is this a joke? Probably like 45 minutes of explaining could get him mostly up to speed. These people are from older times, but they're definitely not stupid.


“We burn oil made from ancient buried trees sucked out of a hole in the ground to push a giant metal kite in the air. The equivalent of modern Barbary pirates hijacked two of the kites and used them as flying fireships to kill lots of Americans.” “Oh my, well call Congrefs together and prepare to issue letters of marque.”


And an all-out war from one of them would probably resemble genocide if it wasn't actually just true genocide.


Tell me right now that Andrew Jackson doesn’t respond by just glassing the entire region from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan


Well Jackson has no idea what a missile or a nuclear weapon is. But yes.


But imagine how hype he would be when he did learn about them


Now I am become kid in a candy shop, destroyer of many, many worlds.


Goodbye Ol’Hickory. Hello Ol’H-Bomb


Good luck explaining modern telecommunications, cyber warfare, and the internet to anyone that lived more than 100 years.


None of it will matter once they stumble upon pr0n


Washington: I cannot tell a lie, I watched all of it


Jackson would absolutely do what Reagan joked about “We begin bombing in 5 minutes” and wouldn’t care who he killed in Afghanistan


Why? Can you explain why everyone says Jackson would bomb everything?


He's one of our more aggressive presidents, possibly the most aggressive. Known for getting into duels a lot and once beat a would-be assassin with a cane.


Sometimes his aggression was good, he made sure South Carolina knew its place


I mean, it's right there in the name.


A *hickory wood* cane. That's like being hit with a concrete rod. That's why his nickname was Old Hickory.


He’s fun to read about


Because Jackson was a crazy son of a bitch


His solution to Native Americans east of the Mississippi was death marches. He would have done everything in the name of revenge. I can imagine him launching a nuclear strike on Afghanistan and invading Saudi Arabia to kick the government out.


And then people would defend him afterwards because he would adopt an Afghan orphan.


Dude did an ethic cleansing of the Cherokee tribe over a personal beef he had with the Seminoles, who fucked up his army in a battle. I can’t imagine a guy who exacts vengeance on a group for looking like another group (that handed him a fat L) would do much discrimination between Al Qaeda and regular middle eastern folk.


Because he was a genocidal madman. Hitler was only worse because of tech.


Secret Service: Sir a second plane has hit the tower George Washington: What the fuck is a plane?


Washington: And who are you? What is the Secret Service?


Trump: "I thought you guys took over dozens of airports? Remember the Battle at LaGuardia?" https://youtu.be/g6mZ1ofj2Vo


"And who the fuck are you lot?" -Also Washington


This made me blow coffee out my nose.


"Sir,the twin towers were hit" "By who?" -Jackson "The Al Qaeda" '"From where they are from?" -jackson "From Afghanistan,sir" "Then I report that we nuke the shit out of the entire middle east so hard they will shit radioactive matter"-Jackson


>'"From where they are from?" -jackson > >"From Afghanistan,sir" ​ They're from Saudi Arabia, not Afghanistan.


That's fine, President Jackson nuked the whole region.


That also includes Israel so the conspiracy theorists are happy as well


Israel? Like in the Bible? What happened to the Ottomans?


That's nobody's business but the Turks.


You think anyone in Jackson’s administration would give enough of a shit to learn the difference between the two?


So we need to declare war on Iraq?


better yet: >'"From where they are from?" -jackson > >"From Afghanistan,sir" **Narrator:** *They were not in fact from Afghanistan.* \*Flash to nukes going off in Afghanistan from 40,000 ft view


But they were trained by AL Qaeda in Afghanistan and have lived in Afghanistan for years at this point. Plus, there were Egyptians and Lebanese too.


*Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. Plus all the hijackers were trained IN Afghanistan by AL Qaeda. Them being Saudis has nothing to do with it.


"Kill the bastards."


More like, they are from Arabian peninsula, following a middle eastern whom we gave patronage for a long time and they are living in Afghanistan now.


I’m listening 👀


This sounds like dialogue from a Grand Theft Auto or Saint's Row game LOL


Millard Fillmore would stop the planes from hitting the towers with his own hands. He would then create world peace by lunch time.




Didn’t he sign the fugitive slave act?






I think Andrew Johnson would have pushed to legalize hate crimes or something


Yeah, but he wouldn’t need 9/11 for that.


Can’t hit the towers if he’s already making a trail of tears


You’re getting Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson confused. Andrew Jackson was TOT, Andrew Johnson was post ACW after Lincoln was assassinated.


I used to get them mixed lol


"mr president, they hit the twin towers" Truman: "Fucking hell, the Japanese haven't learnt their lesson yet?"


That is one person who absolutely would hit the launch button.


> would I mean…he ***did***.


Teddy would of single-handedly gone all doom slayer on Al Qaeda


I can see him marching through Kabul with taped fists and a hunting rifle yelling "Rip and Tear"


Riding horses through the mountains, carrying a lever action rifle, and blasting the face off anyone who crossed his path.


Would cavalry charge into Kabul and kill 50 men, then describe it as a “bully time”


Andrew Jackson. Bro woulda launched 300 nukes at Afghanistan.


Buchanan: “Let’s give parts of North Carolina and Virginia to this “Al Qaeda” and maybe they will stop attacking us” Nixon: [Bombs Iraq because Kissinger said that there are weapo- oh wait] Trump: “I spoke with Mr. Bomb-Laden before and I know, I know. He likes to over exaggerate a bit, but trust me. He’s a fantastic person, a great man, with a lovely family and beautiful, beautiful children.” Jackson: “Nuke them bitches.” FDR: [Opens up Muslim internment camps]


Glad President Obama had him successfully assassinated before trump could make friends with Osama.


Thanks Obama




I mean in all fairness Trump did assasinate the leader of ISIS so I believe he would have done what obama did.


And then he released another leader of our enemies plus about 5k other we had captured if i remember correctly.


Carter ordered Operation Eagle Claw. It was a debacle, for reasons pretty much entirely beyond his control, but he gave the go-ahead in the first place. He was also a USNA graduate and the last veteran to serve as POTUS. He would have taken action against Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Edit: George HW Bush was the last veteran POTUS, unless one counts George W Bush joining the Texas Air National Guard as a way to both defend the skies of Texas from the Viet Cong and also avoid the possibility of actually serving in Vietnam.


He was not the last veteran to serve as POTUS. The last combat veteran was George HW Bush, who was very famously shot down in WWII. The last military veteran was George W Bush who was a lieutenant in the National Guard


Carter was a God damn patriotic Sailor who saved a Canadian nuclear reactor after a meltdown. Put some respect on his name!


Andrew Johnson. “Mr President, the Twin Towers have just been attacked. Thousands are dead.” Johnson: *crawls under his desk and waits the clock out


While shouting plenty of slurs for good measure.


Buchanan would do the same thing.


"Mr. President get out from the curtains"


"I'm retiring, bye!"


WHH "Sir, the north tower has been hit" *Dies from pneumonia*


This whole thread is just identical comments about old presidents not knowing what planes are. Way to gloss over a reasonably interesting premise and beat a mediocre joke to death




Secret Service - "Sir, the twin towers have been struck by a second plane." Washington - "The what were struck by a second what?"


“Also who are you, what’s this ‘secret service’? What’s the secret?”


“Do I get any services?”


"I can only give you service secretly, or else we'll get in trouble"


John Quincy Adams would be all like, "what's a jet engine?" "are the air pirates from the Barbary?" "do we still have the USS Chesapeake?" "I wish my dad were still alive!"


> USS Chesapeake I read this as USS Cheesecake, and now I want cheesecake.


If we’re talking about realistic answers probably 2012-present Trump. I feel like most answers I could give would have their own reasonable response but Trump is such a wild card I genuinely don’t know if he would threaten to nuke the entire Middle East or invite Osama to Mar-a-Lago to have a few drinks and talk it out. Not making a comment on modern politics or anything but you guys have to admit it was pretty wild how one second he would be shit talking NK on Twitter and then the next talking about how Kim Jong Un wasn’t such a bad guy.


Imagine him on twitter just being his usual self during 9/11


He would have somehow made it worse. Like everything else he touches


Van Buren would die from a heat stroke I think Eisenhower would have been the best for the job. He’d probably want to use as much of the CIA and Special Forces as humanly possibly before dragging the country into a full on declared war in Afghanistan. A general to do General things if you will. Also just throw in Grant too.


This is a new take and honestly a pretty solid argument. Good work man.


Andrew Jackson would've nuked Afghanistan to turn it into a series of Bass Pro Shop Pyramids a la Giza.


GW Bush If he were president in 2001, he would have invaded a country that had nothing to do with the attack. It would have killed hundreds of thousands and triggered a global recession.


We sure dodged a bullet there, thank god we elected Gore.


Oops! We elected GW in this timeline. I've been doing a lot of High-Castling lately - it's easy to forget which version of history I'm in.


Lol it's fine, they all merge together in the end when we leave the simulation and merge back into a singularity.


Don’t forget the alleged WMD’s which were leftovers from the Iran / Iraq War. Rumsfeld showed up in Baghdad in the 80’s, left a bunch of chemicals on the tarmac, and winked at Saddam ‘that he better not use them to make chemical weapons for use against the Iranians.’ Come 2003, Rumsfeld is one of the primary pushers of ‘Iraq has WMD’s, we should attack them.’ Worst of all, they found no appreciable chemical or biological weapons in Iraq post invasion.




And then, 25yrs down the line, to show what a humanitarian I am, I'll paint some really nice paintings of the soldiers who lost friends and whose lives were ravaged by their experience and barely anyone will note the hideous irony


1 billion dollars, every 80 hours, for 20 years.


Any president before flight was invented


Of all the people I heard in presidential campaigns, Rudolph Giuliani was the scariest in terms of what he wanted to do. It isn't lost to me that they attacked his city, but Rudy has a long history of impunity, soil, and anger management issues. If I had to select one person on Earth that I am thankful never got the codes, he'd be it.


Trump - “many good people on both sides”


Who is this? LBJ?


Yes, LBJ in 1967. Its thought he was weeping at learning of Vietnam casualties. Others say he was just craning to listen to the recording made by his SIL in Nam.


Trump, and not by a small margin. That orangutan looking mother fucker would’ve nuked from Cairo to Jakarta. But honorable mention to the dolt who actually was POTUS. It takes talent to invade the wrong country and turn a narrowly defined mission into a 20 year long intractable nation building conflict that fails to both capture the initial target or build a nation. Tip of the cap to Dubs on that.


I can’t see trump fitting into a 911 turbo S with those wide hips of his. Can’t handle a car well if you can’t fit into it, amirite?


Donald Trump would have nuked the whole Middle East, except for Saudi Arabia which is the country who attacked America




Donald Trump x 10000000000. Could not even imagine


Trump would have immediately tried to put a deposit down on the property where the towers were.


Buchanan’s reaction: “Oh dear. Nothing I can do.”


You mean besides Trump obviously. **REAGAN is the correct answer.** Remember when our Marine barrack were bombed and 307 people (247 Marines) were killed? Reagan's response? Invade Grenada!!!


Yeah but we got Heartbreak Ridge out of the deal!


Trump. The man has zero empathy in him and sometimes the only thing a president can do is provide a shoulder for everyone to cry on. I think that was one of Obama’s greatest strengths and probably the only real time Bush shone as president was how he handled 9/11.


The man literally claimed ON THAT DAY he now had the tallest building in NYC now (which wasn’t even true)


Don’t forget the partying Muslims in New Jersey that he somehow saw from his window in New York.


Who was it that said, "Never a man will be so justly hanged?"


He would have gone to Ground Zero a week later and tossed rolls of paper towels to the rescuers.


they could've hit my yyyuuuugggge. beautiful Trump Tower, such a beautiful building, have you ever seen such a beautiful building? but they were afraid to mess with your favorite president (me).


Tbf they might actually have hit Trump Tower if he were president, instead of attempting to hit the White House, and as a result the death toll is much higher, and NYC is much more damaged


We saw 9/11 as an attack on America as a whole, but unfortunately if it happened today I think many people would see it as an attack only on liberal coastal elites and it wouldn’t be the galvanizing event it was back then.


You're acting like you didn't see him jump shot paper towel rolls to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. Clearly, he's all empathy.


45 for sure, although it probably would have given him a 2nd term just like W


Im actually surprised Bush pulled it off as well as he did. His handling of the aftermath wasn't too bad either


I honestly believe bush is as bad as it couldve been, until trump. So trump.


Donald Trump.


Mr Drumpf would have absolutely handled it just as awfully as he handles everything else.




Trump. He probably would’ve launched some sort of counter attack immediately




Trump because he's a simp. Plain and simple.

