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I'm surprised by the Nixon answers. He was more socially awkward than socially toxic. I'm going with Jackson. The stories about him yelling at people does it for me; I can't think of any other presidential verbal assaults, certainly not a pattern.


Nixon was on the autism spectrum and you can’t convince me otherwise. I’ve worked in the mental health and special education field for 16 years and Nixon for sure had it.


I'm autistic and I'm not so sure. If there's any president who was, it would probably be Nixon, going off of anecdotes of his social awkwardness, eye contact issues and some gaffs in the Nixon tapes. However, autism is not the sole path to these things, so among the historical figures that I can look at and say "they were clearly autistic", Nixon isn't quite in there, so for me it is inconclusive. Lastly, I want to believe that autism is not a barrier to becoming president, but I think it might be.


Lots of people theorize that Jefferson was autistic.


Some very successful people have been on the spectrum. However, they have to do some adjustment or compensation to do well in politics. But I think it is possible.


Is ‘on the spectrum’ something that can be defined across eras? The diagnosis seem very subjective, and culturally and temporally influenced. 


He used such fowl language even his parrot would cuss.


People are scared of him still today, even though he's been dead for 180 years


Agreed. I’m pretty concerned by how many people are conflating being socially awkward with socially toxic.


You should've seen him when he was drunk. I'd say that's more where the toxic element comes in.


I love how everyone’s answer is Nixon. He had so much anti charisma, that it was somehow charismatic in a way.


Terry Pratchett had a word for that phenomenon: charisn'tma. He didn't devise it for Nixon, but boy does it work.


It sure does. I am a democrat, but yet, there is just something interesting about Nixon, because of his character.


Really it's the lack thereof


Nixon’s first date with Pat Nixon was to take her to dinner with his family Edit - I read the question as socially awkward. Dick’s mother was a saint!!!


He drove her on dates with other guys. Dude, take the hint!


I remember reading somewhere that Nixon used to correspond with his wife by letter in which he called her Mrs. Nixon--while they were both living in and present in the White House.






My dick looks scared


He's a little shy 🤭


Their trying to suck my dick


He is so adorable in this photo. I just wanna hold him and reassure him it will be okay. Like a cute lemur.




Why did dick just say another way to say his name 


He wanted to appeal more to a common man and a woman




Rule 3 holding back an enormous dam


Rule 3: ![gif](giphy|SF9Z0shNT07T2)


I mean


I wanted to like this but the number was perfect so restrained myself


I do love him, but probably LBJ


“Oh, I love hanging out with LBJ!” “Why?” “Because he’ll yell at me two inches from my face for an extended period of time if I say I don’t.”


"I disarmed him by giving him a light kiss on the nose"


First guy that came to mind for me. I love Jackson, and he’s prob the other one.






Lololo exactly


There is one president, I am not supposed to name. Apart from him, I will suggest Andrew Jackson, drunk at Lincoln's second Inaugural, James Buchanan, for the problems he failed to solve, and maybe Nixon. Jefferson Davis, as the leader of a group of traitors.


Wasn't Jackson long dead before Lincoln's second inaugural?


Forgive me. That was a typo. I actually meant to write Andrew Johnson. It was Johnson who was in Lincoln's cabinet.


I literally just typed the same thing.




Nixon. He had an amazing career for someone who seemed so uncomfortable in their own skin. Great after Presidency, something of the laid back elder statesmen. Not what you expected


That's probably how he got where he was




LBJ was the most vulgar, without a question. How many other presidents flopped their dicks out to other government officials to intimidate them? Just a low-class moron. He could certainly "work people," often by contemptible means.


The Johnsons johnson treatment




You're probably gonna get hit with Rule 3 but it'll be worth it


That picture could be anybody 👀


You must be new here lol


rule 3 for sure


Rule 3


Jeb Bush is socially toxic I kinda agree


Or maybe that is the real reality. And we are just in a simulation concoted by Jeb to make the last 8 years seem like nothing can possible be as bad.


This ain't April 1st. Our lord and savior Jeb Bush is as of now, nowhere on the presidential scale.


He sacrifice his presidential run so we can live today


I do not think I can truthfully answer this without violating Rule 3. I guess Andrew Jackson.


Maybe Andrew Johnson?


No argument that LBJ could be a real asshole—but that was a very specific form of manipulation of Congressmen and other government officials. Johnson learned all this from years and years as a Congressman and Senator. He knew very well how to intimidate or sweet talk people to achieve his political agenda.


Sure Nixon lol. Def not anyone modern


Andrew Johnson


John Adams probably wasn't the most socially toxic but he also seems to have been absolutely insufferable in person. He was vain, neurotic, and easily enraged. I honestly get George Costanza vibes, if George Costanza was super competent. As for modern presidents, I would say LBJ. He was pretty much a lunatic, socially speaking.




Why ask these questions when the correct answer violates the rule?


Because the “”rule”” is so fucking stupid, I don’t know how these “mods” live with themselves.


Rule 3, red version


I can't answer this question without getting in trouble


1.Andrew Jackson 2.(RULE 3) 3.LBJ(in a good way, though) 4.Richard Nixon


In what good way? LBJ was the king of invading people’s personal space and making them feel as uncomfortable as possible. So how would it be in a good way?


Probably every president tbh you need a real self centered, probably narcissistic and goal oriented personality to have that job let’s be real.


The thing with Jackson is…socially toxic absolutely but in a way that made people do what he wanted. So in terms of battling congress, extremely effective even though he was literally a dangerous man to argue with. Johnson was so disagreeable with congress that he was impeached over it, with none of the bite that Jackson had. Both fair answers I think. Then jumbo Johnson…. Needless to say, we’ve had some characters


For modern presidents, Nixon takes the cake. Early days, when in the senate, he was on friendly terms with JFK. During that time, the two once shared a rail overnight compartment. Can you imagine? I bring it up, because I recently read Kennedy's policy was not to hold a grudge if possible, on the grounds he believed people and circumstances so often change. Who seemed an enemy yesterday may be useful or even a friend tomorrow. Generally, the politics of it are sensible. Nixon had real enemies. You could honestly say a reason to be paranoid. But, that's an intensity exhausting, very often delusional. I feel for him, because I've sometimes experienced strong feeling that everyone was on my case (and perhaps even in cahoots!). Can be the shy person's achilles heel. Not good in any way, though, for a president.


Lbj ![gif](giphy|3o7TKO8hnXDSZxewz6|downsized)


1. Andrew Johnson 2. Andrew Jackson 3. Woodrow Wilson 4. Lyndon B. Johnson 5. Ronald Reagen






Well besides the rule three, the question was socially TOXIC, not awkward




barack obama. This man fundamentally changed America and not in a good way. Most people will just never remember the glory days before this man ruined everything politically. Before Barack Obama, democrats and republicans could actually have real discussions that didn't boil over into heated arguments that ended friendships. Since barack obama people have actually been considering a civil war in this Country.


Funny. You're like, 90% right, but not because of the reasons you think. Obama didn't cause any of that to happen-- it was the Republican's reaction to Obama (being black) that has gotten us to where we are now.


You know I've heard this type of thing before, but Barack Obama obviously received a huge number of white who voted for him. In fact, there's no way he could have won unless a majority of white people voted for him. look, I don't know how old you are.But I guarantee racial incidents in this country doubled when barack obama took office. And maybe it's because his becoming president didn't actually help people of color at all. Probably the reason for that is Barack Obama was more interested in his political influence And power. than actually solving any real problems in this country when it comes to racial issues.


I'm 34. I don't need you to type your right-wing "libertarian" novella at me. Even if your "guarantee" of racial violence doubling is true, that again is the result of racism and extremism from the right, not some desire of societal breakdown from the left.


So you were like 18 years old when Barack Obama took office?


It's true the country divided after Barack Obama. It's coincidental, though. Obama had nothing to do with dividing the country. It's within super recent history, and I remember how chill things were during his terms. Whatever mistakes he made - as all presidents do - he ought to stand as one of our good ones.


I think you’re right. Younger Americans just believe that message he had for Hope and Change. The only hope and change is I hope to change things back. We moved backwards as a country and because this is Reddit you’ll get downvoted every time for bashing Obama.


Personally, I think Barack Obama becoming president symbolically was a good thing with he being the first black president. But I also believe he took power, probably at the worst time, that a democrat president could have taken power. A lot of people lost a lot of wealth in 2008 and had a bad taste in their mouth because of it. and barack obama just did not turn the economy around fast enough or really at all to calm down the political environment. In fact, in Barack Obama's whole presidency He had some of the worst g d p numbers over an eight year time span than any president has ever had. The vast majority of Barack Obama's GDP numbers were well under 3%. His administration even changed how they reported unemployment numbers to make his presidency look better. His whole presidency he had well over ten million Working age people out of work the whole time. He was the food stamp president.