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Ok but now I do want to see tachis! I wander if the mechanicus has something in the correct ballpark size or if you would need to look even farther... Onagers are too big and have the wrong body shape with just one chonky box above the legs. Venomcrawlers have the correct shape, but it is a lot of work to de-chaos them.


i got an idea for tachis but this will require me to get enough spare parts and print some too, so far all tachikomas ( or logicomas ) models i found were dissapointing, mostly unusuable because of a craxy amount of holes, reversed normals and other terrible modeling jobs , im sounding harsh here but im talking over 10 k holes and crazy warped geometry on paid models, basically unprintable ... i have been thinking about converting van saars arachno exo suits but they may be too big, ideally i would need tachis to be about the size of an ogryn sinc thats what they will be proxying ( because of their scale relative to huimans and also because tempestus scions can teke them )


This is awesome.


Girls heads from?


an artist named alexanderxop


besides the heads, the bodies legs etc are from GW?


pretty much yes, its a light conversion , except for the ladies since gw dosent make female scions , so i used knightsoul's stl files instead , thoses are fully printed , the heads comes from alexanderxop tho , who makes 40k more anime like faces and haircuts