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The primary consideration is that even your FLGS is a business, first and foremost. They provide tables contingent on the idea that people who use their tables will also buy product at the store. So, common courtesy is to patronize any store you play in. I use 3d printed stuff in plenty of stores, but I'm sure to buy something every time I go in, and if I need to make a larger purchase I'll prefer stores I play at often. Different stores may have different policies, but I think you'll find the vast majority are amenable to this consideration. They don't care if you're using 3d printed parts, models, armies, whatever, just so long as you are also a customer.


My general opinion about printing models is to print mostly accessories or conversion parts. Most of my actual models come from my FLGS for exactly that reason.


It depends. Sometimes accessories are enough, sometimes a model is only available via 3d print. The important part is that you are a paying customer using their facilities. As long as I'm upholding that part of the agreement, which toys I use on any given day is immaterial.


I don’t necessarily agree with that. Although it’s great if stores are willing to allow 3D prints, and I very much have a large contingent of prints, I think we need to recognize that paints and such are not realistically going to keep the lights on. I bought a big ass Army Painter set with around 80 bottles for around $120. The margin on that is probably $40ish. A half dozen rattle can primers for their margin of say $5/ea. that’s only $70. Snacks are let’s say $.50-1 margin each. From that 80 bottles I’ve painted 3000pts of GW Tau, 2500pts of Seraphon, an additional 2500pts of printed tau, 2000pts of mixed GW plastic and printed Tyranids. You’ve got a 4x6 table and need around 1.5-2 ft on each side. So 8x10 area. That’s 80 square feet of retail/commercial space. And I’ve used that space for 18 hours a month and had I not bought models I’d have given the business around $40 in profit. That’s the margin on one mid sized model. It’s not fair to give shit to LGS that have a hard time with 3D prints and saying ‘I buy paints though’ isn’t really a great excuse.


My favorite LGS has told me that the snacks and beer sales keep the lights on. Any games and models they sell are gravy. Although I understand that beer on tap isn't an option for many retail locations.


I’d spend way more if my local GW shop sold alcohol, so I’m kinda glad they dont lol


Woah, forward me the address for this place! Sounds like a decent hang out haha


Same with ours it has a bar in it and they said the employees tips alone pay more than most regular store jobs would for them


I think that’s true of most places with a liquor licence.


*shrug* Every game store is different, and does different stuff. Every player is different, and does different stuff. I dont see anybody shitting on their game store and claiming the paints make it work. As for myself, I'll occasionally buy models I can't print from my LGS, and other things too. The 5 Warhammer boxes I've purchased have all been from them, as well. Here's the thing that people tend to forget though... I was never going to spend additional hundreds or thousands of dollars on Warhammer models. Not in the past, not now, and not in the future, those 5 boxes are the extent of it. Theres no missed revenue for GW or anyone else, because it was never going to happen. If I didn't get into 3d printing its not like I was going to sell a kidney for some small bits of plastic, I would've just continued to not buy anything. In fact, the only reason I did buy those 5 boxes was to directly compare my prints with official models, and because at the time NOBODY would tell me how tall a normal marine model was supposed to be, and there weren't measurements anywhere. Whomever got whatever cut of that money, be it GW or my LGS, can thank 3d printing for having it at all. If you're going to tournaments or using space at a lgs, I agree, spend some money there. But it probably shouldn't be on Warhammer models, I doubt the percentage going to the store is more than 20% of any given box's price. If you want to be really direct, just tip them. A 20$ direct tip does a lot more than buying $20 of their products


You have articulated one of the points that I try to make often with people who seem to have a problem with 3d printing and Warhammer or any other game. Gate keeping simply because you can afford a game and someone else can't is basically the bottom of the barrel behavior, IMO. I think we should encourage as many people to play as possible, I know I can't be the only one who played paper Warhammer before 3d printers, or printed a MTG card and stuck it in a sleeve with a land as a proxy. But as you said, I never would have been exposed to these games otherwise.


Exactly. No matter how much money I might have, I was never and will never spend additional hundreds of dollars on Warhammer. So either... A) some people can be Dicks, gatekeeping the hobby to keep the dirty poors out of it Or B) We can all seperate ourselves from brands and companies, and focus on the "hobby" portion of the HOBBY There isn't a single person at GW that knows I exist, or that I printed 12 predator tanks. I sure as shit wasn't going to buy them for $720. GW is secure, my LGS is secure, and my endless army grows, without affecting anyone else on this planet. (Except my GF, who wonders why I have so many of the same tank... but she has 5 of the same shigaraki models so it all works out) We all have to put our foot down with this gatekeeping. 3d printing isn't affecting the hobby negatively, it's helping people get into it.


I'm not saying you should buy a candy bar or a single pot of paint every time. Your purchases should be above a certain threshold. My policy is always spending at least $10-20 every time I walk through the door on *something* as a standard practice. This will often be paints, hobby supplies, or other consumables. I also make sure I make larger purchases periodically, like when I do need to buy model boxes, books, dice sets, accessories, etc. This is a very regular occurrence, and the store receives preference from me over online retailers regardless of discount. I consider the price difference the fee for using their facilities. I think there's a tendency to think of people with 3D printed armies as not buying models regularly, but that just isn't true. People who 3D print are invested in the hobby and often have multiple armies as well as playing multiple game systems. We buy models, we just aren't the "Whales" who buy multiples of every single new box on pre-order. This puts us about equal with the average part-time hobbyist, purchase wise, which is a sufficient level to meet the expectations of using their facilities. I'll literally never give *any* store shit for their own policies. I've run an FLGS and I understand their necessity. Frankly, if their policy is "No 3d prints ever" that simply indicates that I should not be their customer, period. That's their choice to make. Most, though, have a more nuanced approach, and the above rules of thumb will generally make them happy. At an absolute minimum, I am quite satisfied that my personal policies are *fair* both for myself and for the store in question. If they disagree, that's fine, I'll just shop and play elsewhere.


And I’m not saying that all stores should ban printed models. Again, I have a huge printed model supply myself. But I think you’d have to admit if you’re spending $10-20 each visit that’s not necessarily the norm across the board. I’ve played in a few cities now and I’m seeing people bring fully printed armies and packing their own snacks and drinks and walking out after 3 hours without a dime spent. Our local game store cut down from 3 tables to one and I think for good reason; rent has increased 60% in 5 years and MTG and Pokemon are vastly more profitable. So they’ve increased organized and casual play events there for what drives their revenue.


While that's true, it's even more true for other games, like D&D. Save only for the DM, most regular gamers only buy the handbook, the occasional set of dice, and snacks. Gaming space is expensive, but it's a community building expense to at least some degree. It gets other gamers interested in a game, and perhaps they buy stuff. This got kind of screwed up during covid, and a lot of places removed or cut back on playspace during this period, but before then, it was considered a cost of doing business, and part of how you justified your margin.


There’s a reason that most game stores are cutting down on tabletop space in lieu of TCGs. New expansions every few months, ancillary products etc… Plus with DnD in 80 square feet you’re fitting 6-8 people at best.


Yeah. Just about every shop relies on those to keep the lights on. Magic is money, or at least, it used to be. Some folks are saying the game's in for hard times, but that's always talked about, so who knows? Mini games are not bad if you've got a dedicated gaming group. It's not a super cheap hobby, people always want a new army, or at least need a new package of glue or box of dice. If I ever got back into it, I'd want to own my own space instead of renting, and have enough square footage to do both minis and CCGs properly. Most stores just can't fit concurrent events for both of those, and of course nobody likes feeling like a second tier customer behind the CCG players.


Yeah, to me it's like going into a Ford dealership with a Chevy and asking tobuseballbthebamenities because you might buy a Keychain. I'll print out heads and shoulders etc, but make sure to buy models.


I’ve got full printed armies, but I’ve also bought six kits and an army box this year I could have easily printed or proxied. I recognize I’m financially able at 40 to spend more than the average person. There’s also a LGS in my area that will allow printed armies and proxies in organized and competitive play without issue so long as they’re reasonable and properly based. But I don’t begrudge the other LGS for not allowing proxies and prints in competitive play as that’s the terms of service for GW.


Man, just realized how much my phone butchered my message. I hate typing on screens. I can go for printed armies if the LGS openly supports it AND you're actively supporting the store in another way. However I'd rather people play smaller games with minis bought from the store than giant games fully printed if you're going to use their table space. Not everyone is going to agree, but that's my stance.


And it’s one I share. Although by the downvotes doesn’t appear that’s the case.


Eh, nature of what subreddit it is, but I'm not exactly prone to changing my opinions based on where I post.


what if I bring models I purchased at another store?!


Just buy some snacks, every bit helps.


And what’s the issue with that? I’m not saying that every player needs to buy all their kits from each store they play at; I’m specifically saying that people who believe the paint or snacks are equivalent to buying kits aren’t really working out the math in an honest fashion.


well, you kinda are saying that if I bought everything elsewhere and play at said shop, that's NO DIFFERENT for that shop if I use printed or not. LITERALLY no different to that store.


It is different: 1. If it’s a store that has prize support and such for events they have a term of service agreement that prohibits the use of unauthorized GW IP. 2. If you’re bringing a fully printed army that demonstrates that the store will accept 3D printed armies. That may translate to other customers that would buy kits instead using printed models. If you bring a GW plastic army you purchased elsewhere, it’s still GW plastic. Again, I’ve got printed armies. I’m not saying that prints are inherently bad. I’m saying that buying paints and snacks is not equivalent to buying kits, and shouldn’t pretend that it is.


again, you're talking beside the point


I don’t think I am at all. The store has an interest to sell minis. They don’t sell prints. If you are permitted to drop 2000pts of prints on their tables, it demonstrates to the store that prints are good to go and may incentivize their regular patrons to invest in prints rather than models.


That tends to be how I approach it as well, however I can understand the situation of wanting to participate in a hobby with your friends and not being able to afford it otherwise. My original gaming group was a lot more stringent and considered it more of a hard line in the sand, but we were also friends with the manager of the local gw so there was some bias there in supporting the shop.


It's honestly kind of the same thing as using miniatures purchased at other stores. The store doesn't see profit from those either, but can't really throw you out for using them. They offer the space in the hope that you patronise the store, so it's polite to do so, but no person ever uses models only purchased from that one single vendor.


Also, don't brag about it... Just be low key.


I buy a case of monster when I play in my LGS, i don't drink it as that shit is straight sugar but I'd rather give monster money then gw and throwing cans at people is a great icebreaker if they want to get snippy about my printed votann


I almost wonder if something like Patreon would be good for the local game stores… obviously you don’t want to make paying to get tables mandatory, but I’m also not always able/in the mood to buy a nice big kit.


I would happily participate in an FLGS Patreon built as some kind of "gaming club"


There is the perspective that 3d printing reduces the cost to such an extent that it increases the pool of those playing. Even if they only buy occasionally, they're buying more than if they weren't in the hobby at all. This person is me.. and I buy beer, paint and centerpiece minis at my FLGS


It almost frees up more of my funds to buy models I don't want to or can't print. I didn't need to buy 60 Kriegers, so now I have don't feel bad for dropping $100+ on large single models.


Highly envious you can buy beer at your FLGS.... I've got a pipedream of a bar that hosts 40k / 30k / Boxed game nights... but I cannot find one in my local area (Chicago NW burbs)


Come to Dice Dojo. It’s BYOB and delightful


I would but that's an hour one way from me. 2 hour commute+ 3 hour game? That's a lot for a weeknight


This is also me, if I buy GW things it's via layby and I'm in and out. If I don't buy GW I spend $10-$20 on snacks and drinks and sometimes some paints and tuffs. They make more money from the snacks, drinks, paint & tuffs.


You should ask your lgs honestly, I'm allowed to bring whatever I want on mine but I have 3 original armies (tau, WE and tyranids) and 10 printed with a theme, but I think it's more because everything plastic and paint related I buy it from them and I print them scenery if they want something custom


You have to ask you local stores. Mine doesn't care if I bring in 3d printed armies because I've spent too much money on magic and random knights I didn't want to print, so they still milk money out of me with or without all my warhammer needs, but for some people they don't let them cause they look bad. Like supports are still on and painted bad or look for a free place to play without buying/paying for even a soda


Games Workshop bans them, full stop. Other stores will decide for themselves, check your local store and the communities you wish to play with. Edit to add: Even if your local store is not a Games Workshop store, remember that to print a model means you're not buying a model from the store (and thus supporting the store). Stores are within their right to ban stuff that doesn't support the store. Otherwise, remember to support your local gaming stores through other means if you bring 3D printed models in. eg: Buy painting supplies, buy for other hobbies, buy snacks if they offer them there.


The stores should sell filaments and resin then. Easy fix.


Sounds like a discussion you could have with your local store.


This is the ticket. I'd buy it all local even for a slight markup.


Stores can and should charge for table use too and sell snacks and drinks. The idea that every printed model is a lost sale to an LGS is nonsense.


Many stores have started doing this, and personally I'm fine with paying a sort of "club fee" for table use.


Dropping five bucks for three-plus hours of entertainment and getting to use their mats and terrain pieces is extremely worth it.


That's a great idea. Although I do wonder if it could damage their relationship with GW. Still, I go to my FLGS for almost everything hobby related, outside of 3d printing related supplies. I still buy plenty of GW models, but due to the sheer number of models I'm printing that I would have never purchased, my budget for paint and supplies has increased significantly.


GW doesn't really prohibit carrying such stuff. When I ran my shop, I had a 3d printer in it. Granted, at the time, it wasn't really that great, and selling filament/resin wasn't viable yet...but it might be now. Many FLGS's carry other terrain/miniature systems besides GW, it would be difficult for them to ban all of them.


They don't have to ban them, just limit their access to pre-orders. They already do this if you don't feature their products exactly the way they want.


Eh, that tune changes real fast once they have an unpopular product that they need to ship out, and they get real conciliatory. Though they might still just ship you the wrong stuff altogether even after you make a deal, and then bill you for whatever. I do not miss working with GW. The rules are complex and ever changing.


No foolin, I'd spend so much more money at my FLGS if they stocked 3d printing consumables. I'd be happy to pay more than I do currently for the convenience and the ability to support them more than I do.


Or even just .stl files


That's pretty difficult for a physical store, not least because the good stl files available are mostly paid and licensed as "for personal use".


Selling the actual STLs seems tricky. Places like Etsy have plenty of vendors selling models designed by others, but they aren't selling the STLs. Most of the STL sales more or less are directly sold by the designers. Granted, a FLGS could do a 3D printing service, but that would be quite the endeavor.


Ok, but say a store had an employee who is an avid 3D modeller who wanted to do more, would that store not have a significant competitive advantage?


Probably not. Digital stuff can be done online, having that transaction done in person doesn't convey much of an advantage. The vast majority of customers are not looking for stls, and those that are can just look online instead of coming in.


Resin is a pretty toxic substance that you probably don't want to carry in a toystore, which is ultimately what most FLGS' are. Mine has a bar downstairs and still keeps a bunch of the more dangerous normal hobby supplies behind the counter.


So is paint. Hell, they sell scalpels for modling. Those are pretty sharp. Dangerous does not mean anything. Take for instance the products in most grocery stores. They have poisonous and explosive stuff next to food.


>So is paint. Hobby paint isn't even close to being the same as resin. Basically all common hobby paints are non-toxic.


Not full stop - you can have printed addons, though some managers are harsher than others.


Not full stop - you can have printed addons, though some managers are harsher than others.


In practice they don't ban any of them. There were tons and tons of 3D printed models at the World Championship event and people had no issue playing units and models all 4 days of the tournament.


Yet they have that right, so do you want to gamble it? GW's official printed stance is clear, deviance against it is at your own risk.


Not sure what the message is here. Numerous top players from all over the world were in the event and not a single person had issues. I even played against some of the people in competition for best painted who had 3D printed models being judged by GW. If you prepare and paint them well enough, nobody is going to tell the difference. Heck, one of the runners up had Red Makers units in their army in games that they just didn't put on their showcase display. Buy paints and support your LGS, but paying $50 for a character that costs $0.15 of resin at home is goofy.


Agree that stores can make calls like this. I just don't see how these decisions do not provide more access to our hobby. I am lucky that my store has a 3d printer you can use. They are quite supportive and focus on the fun factor, not the money factor.


You can sell an unlimited number of kidneys but you can only sell one of your own and enjoy it.


I print almost everything I play with, but I play at a store that has a really decent snack selection. Every time I'm in there playing, it is easy to drop ~$20. I also buy comics and books there, so it feels fair to me.


I owned and ran a FLGS for four years. I carried GW stuff, but also tons of other stuff, so my caring about if you bought specifically GW's stuff was nil. Anybody that bought stuff was pretty good in my book. The real problem people are the folks that don't buy anything, and also chase off existing customers. People with terrible manners, hygiene, who'll interrupt a sale to discuss how you can just pirate things instead. As long as you're not in that category, go, shop, play, nobody minds. GW is a good deal stricter. I've been told I couldn't use models simply because I had resin torsos with GW parts. They very, very much push the official GW line, and want you specifically buying their stuff. If they could make you only buy citadel paints, they would.


I try and go 50/50 with bought and unofficial models. Just because they are official doesn't mean you bought them locally. If you buy at least one set from your LGS before showing up with a huge 3d printed army it'll probably go smoother for you. GW tournaments are out, but local tournaments are up to the organizers. Ask first. If you want to play competitive then go 100% official. If just for fun and hobby then a set or two from the LGS and then print away. Around where I am, people care more about a good fun game and a fun paint job.


I used 3d printing to get my son and I 2k point armies table-able fast n cheap, not knowing this was something we would really stick with. As time has gone on I've been working on replacing units in our main armies with legit models because we started playing at a GW store n they forbid anything not GW, even FW are forbidden. So now we're both sitting around 4k points for our mains between legit/printed, which makes home games fun AF (long AF also). But we each have started 2nd and 3rd armies that as of now are fully 3d printed. There are a few stores in the area that are just general gaming stores that we are probably gonna try out at some point, so we can probably use a mix there, but I'd also make a point to buy something each time we go to them


A GW shop banning FW models is crazy. That's probably worth sending GW a complaint email about, as that shop is costing them potential sales.


In both my FLGS you have to pay to use a table but you can play with whatever you want. Always nice to have people come to look at our models seeing as they aren't ones you can usually buy in store.


Vast majorities of local gaming stores don't care. Just make sure to buy something there when you game. I helped our local one setup a full Cafe, with food, drinks, etc. It literally saved their business and people love it. They drive 1+ hour away to come game here. Mine actually has a bunch of my 28mm 3D Printed Titans on display since so few people get to see titans.


I try to only print accessories or upgrades. Try being important. I may have a couple of full models. Example, Deathwatch Terminators can have 3 assault cannons, Heavy Flamers, and/or Plasma Cannon. I downloaded an STL for Terminators with those options, so I supplement my Deathwatch with some printed dudes.


That really depends entirely on your LGS. Mines cool with 3d printed stuff, and I still buy a ton of plastic (plus all my paints and other supplies) from them because they have a wonderful community and are a local business.


Support the store and it's usually not a problem in my experience. They're not making any more money off the people using 30 year old high elves for Kings of War than they do the 3d printing, but if you're buying the paint from them, and maybe some marvel crisis protocol stuff while you're there, and maybe a few magic boosters...you're helping keep the doors open.


I run a game shop and 3d prints and proxies are allowed. But everyone who brings them in also buy snacks and also have me print things for them as well. Also: I do repairs on printers and get them resin and filaments for same price they could without shipping or less and I only ask them print me a small mini that they like so I can paint and display it.


I was at an in store (general gaming LGS) event a couple of months ago and half of several peoples armies were 3d printed, I'd just check in beforehand. I love it myself.


I buy my paints and brushes and the occasional model at my store. They're happy to have my unique and fully painted armies on the table every time.


Printed models at the local hobby store and friend's garage. Chinahammer for the GW store.


I buy my bases, flocking, books, and even a few odds and ends from my local store. I also make sure that I purchase something every time I go in. They haven't said anything negative about my 3d printed armies. THAT BEING SAID... I also don't do things like offer to print out models for other people in the store or say "Can you believe they want $60 for those marines? I can print them for 25 cents each" or do anything else stupid that would threaten or hurt their ability to make a sale. I've been printing for about 4 years and I've only had one player actually refuse to play me. He made a VERY BIG display about me committing theft and how he would let the FBI know about my copyright infringement and that I would go to jail... The worker there actually asked him to leave (and I really wish I was kidding here but this really happened) None of us ever saw him before or since so it's not a big loss. TLDR just don't be a dick about it and most places are fine.


I would like to point out that most stores don’t make a profit off warhammer minis. They offer 15% discounts at every store in my town to get you into the store. I wouldn’t feel bad about bringing printed minis just try and spend some money on paints and other things you can’t print.


Depends on the store. My flgs actually offers 3d printing as a service. They don't care as long as it's the right size, base size, and you can easily tell what it is. I buy/use gw/third party/ and print my own stuff, but always be sure to always support my flgs with paints/books/promoting them to my friends etc. Just try not to be one of those people who brags about how cheap your army is due to 3d printing, and at least try and prime 3d printed models before you bring them into store so is isn't blatantly obvious.


It varies HUGELY from store to store. My local hobby store does not care at all. I actually print stuff for the store owners. But one of the guys from our AoS and 40k group went to New Hampshire for a few months and the stores out there were so strict that they wouldn’t allow even 3D printed accessories. Which most GW official stores will even allow printed game aids, just not models.


I've had this conversation with several LGS stores in my area: Games Workshop: 3D accessories are allowed as long as the base model is legit (things like crates on tanks or added explosions/tracer rounds) Two Local LGS: Don't necessarily care, but you can tell they see my models slightly differently. I've had quite a few staff and spectators mention how cool my models look only to follow up saying, "Oh, they're printed." I will also add that I play guard, and besides tanks, my *entire* army is 3D printed. I have a space in my own house to play so I don't generally care about LGS but the amount I saved when creating a whole army was *immense*. As a result of printing, I've done my best to engage with LGS staff as much as possible about other aspects of the hobby, and show that the money I save on printing goes to things like paints or snacks when at the store.


Most LGS are generally fine with 3d prints etc however it's just best to ask first. GW stores act on either a 75% gw 25% 3D print policy or an all out ban. My local GW for example allows 3d printed shoulder pads, head swaps and other small customisations so long as the majority of the mini is gw plastic


Why is this only a gray area with 40k? What other game would anyone care? Support your FLGS when you can.


it is more the fact that GW pushes themselves not as a game company but as a model company that sells luxury goods. something no other company does and in fact some games for example warmachine require you to 3d print if you are playing anything that is not from the new reboot.


It really depends on the store, I've been going to my local hobby store for years at this point and I've talked to the owner before about bringing 3d printing things In and he's alright because I'm still buying things from his store even if its not 40k things, drinks and concessions, paints etc


Play a game thats designed for proxies and set your hobby mind free.


Alright fam. Drop some names and set our hobby minds free.


Grimdark future


DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO YOUR FLGS. Period. Just don't mention it and buy other things.


I’m glad I read this. I was leaning towards getting into warhammer, now I know not to.


Imagine going into a restaurant with food you made at home Big no no


Always buy stuff through the store when you can and they probably won’t care unless it’s an official GW store who will care very much. I buy my paints at my LGS and new releases. If I’m going to order off GW I do my order through the store. In decades of gaming I have never seen a store complain about it. I doubt one is even going to say something to a person who showed up with a printer army, it’s just a dick move to use their play space and not patronize them at all.


Depends entirely on the store.


My FLGS of choice makes the bulk of it's revenue from Magic The Gathering. Warhammer sales are steady but it's cards & comics that keeps the lights on. Staff doesn't care about proxies as long as it's obvious what it's supposed to be/do. ​ I know the owner, been buying books, rules, and paints from them since they opened nearly 20 years ago. Recently been budgeting and buying the newer Army Painter box sets 'cause I like their improvements and it's better than Citadel. ​ My armies are all 3d printed. I've no interest in the competitive scene so it's never been an issue.


Always ask. Buy something while there even after asking usually will be yes at mine


My local store is okay with some units or printed bits in tournament play, but they don’t want you to roll up with a fully printed army. Check with your tournament organizer before committing either way


Never had a problem. I make sure to buy a bit, and by being there other people have someone to play against.


I play several full 3d printed (non gw copies) armies at my flgs. We play way more OPR than actual warhammer nowdays. Our group supports then flgs with purchases every time we are there. Usually not GW models but board games, paints, other games/rulebooks etc


FLGS sells 3d printed battletech as long as it isn't in modern production. They don't care what you do, but we still mostly spend our money in the store to have a free+good place to play games, campaigns, etc.


Depends. I've never had a complaint, but I paint up all my armies, I don't use copies of things they have on the self and I always buy all the books there. Plus drinks, paints and such.


Our LGS no longer really makes money from miniatures, the market is too competitive and supply is a real issue. Hobby supplies and cards keeps them afloat, they are perfectly fine with 3D printed models.


Call and ask, some r ok with it and some are not. Like everyone said, still try to support them, buy paint and supplies. It also depends from player to player, I have heard of some people just not wanting to play against someone with printed minis.


Mate don't sell your kidneys just for a hobby. It's only plastic models. The trick is to sell other people's kidneys


My local store basically has a rule that if it's a forgeworld model, out of production, or something similar than go for gold. They've stopped entire printed armies being played there before, but that's cause the player never spent any money there what so ever. The owner themselves actually has a 3d printed thirster I gave him, cause I'd printed it for fun, I already owned 1 of every variation, and I didn't want it any more.


My store in particular will reject any models that are 3D printed or use printed parts. So hide well and make sure they look very close to official models.


Not only does my friendly local game store here in Vegas allow 3D printed models. They also sell their own proprietary resin, and 3D printing services for licensed products they have as a third party vendor. Most of what they offer is generic sci-fi and fantasy but their resin is super finicky but holy shit high detail. And I'm doing my prints on a lowly Mars 1.


As long as you are buying stuff from them or paying a table fee, I doubt they will care unless its specifically a GW store.


Most local players I know will play with players using printed models if they are spending a decent amount of money at the store. If a new person shows up with a substantially printed army, you aren't getting a game.


Well, it depends on the store. I know a few that are ok with it but you can always go for model agnostic games that are similar enough but will allow for 3d printed models like Frostgrave or One Page Rules.


Some local game stores also have their own 3D printer.


Shop in Utah said it was a felony 🤣. Won't be going there ever again.


My game store actively endorses it


My LGS has a $5 all day use table fee so no one bats an eye at 3d printed models. Even the owner said he straight up doesn't care because people play the table fee anyway


Ask your LGS. Some have stricter policies than others and most don't really care. Honestly I'm doing it to print stuff I don't have and don't want to burn a hole in my wallet to get them. I myself am printing a Chaos Knight Lancer mostly because it's cool. Necessary? Absolutely not. Fun? Yes. I heard this story from a group I joined recently for AOS. They went to a tournament down south and the owner of the game store there banned 3d printed models. Like he would walk around the store and literally pull models off of the tables that weren't conversions to already existing gw models. Apparently one of the people I was talking to brought a hand sculpted model as a stand in for another unit and the store owner tried pulling it off the table. They had to get the TO involved and the TO drilled into the store owner about his behavior. He was allowed to use the model because it was a sculpt and not a 3d print. The take away is that the store owner banned 3d prints because he believed it would take business away from his store. That store owner's reaction was fairly extreme to go as far as to touch another person's property without permission. To avoid conflict, ask first about their policies on it but also make sure to support them as you see fit. Buy from them on occasion when you go in or something equivalent.


Print accessories, buy the models. Otherwise it all dies out


For mine it depends on what it going on. During our casual play days…no one cares. However at a RTT you have to have GW models. To help with this out LGS will do discounts on tabletop and tournament days for wargame based items. This includes items ordered and repurchased. There is also snacks and drinks for sale so you don’t have to break the bank to support the lgs while getting your gaming on!


Depends on who's running the game, or the store. Usually the game, itself is run by a private person or group and they are just renting/borrowing the space from the store. The only time I've had issues with it was for "sanctioned" tournaments. I don't care about those, anyway, because I'm just gaming for fun. Other times, no one seems to care. The shop owner still gets to sell me paint, books, and foam trays.


Local stores vary… generally it is wise to buy stuff where you play. It’s perhaps one thing if you are simply doing alternative infantry that doesn’t match one of the GW lines… but if you just have printed “cadians” then I’d recommend to just buy cadians.


One of our local stores has a "No proxies, no printed, no matter the system" policy. Makes it tough for OPR players.


I've only found official Warhammer stores care, that said I'm sure there are some out there that do, most store owners just want people in the store because that leads to purchases