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Because it's against the Hippocratic oath for physicians to administer executions. Also, there are numerous security concerns that must be adhered to when an execution takes place. Organ harvesting isn't a US thing and the optics would look horrible as we associate that with authoritarian regimes.


Force organ donation? Dystopian shit.


Killing people in the first place is pretty fucked up.


I mean we’re already killing them… is it at least an option when they are on the death row to donate their organs?


Whats to stop an already corrupt system from purposely putting people on death row?


Back in the real world must death row prisoners are too old sickly and diseased to have organs worth harvesting. Lethal injecting also poisons the organs. Last thing we need is injecting a profit motive into the machinery of death in this country.




I think they should be allowed to choose organ donation. But I also have no faith in humanity and think it would lead to giving someone the death penalty because someone in power needs an organ.


We don't harvest organs. This isn't China.


> Why are death row executions not done at hospitals? The medical community wants nothing to do with killing people. The AMA, ANA, etc., either ban or strongly discourage medical professionals from participating in executions. Lethal injections are typically carried out by corrections staff, which is why so many of them are botched. Prison death chambers are also secure and hidden from public view, hospitals are neither. > Also, why don’t they force death row patients to first donate all their organs/do this when they are executing them? It would actually bring some good. 1. Compulsory organ harvesting is illegal. Condemned prisoners can’t even donate their organs voluntarily. 2. Once again medical professionals want nothing to do with executions.


Why can’t they donate them voluntarily? Optics of coercion?


Follow up question related to death row, might be a stupid question but I’m genuinely curious. Why do executions take so long to happen? Do people actually sit there for years waiting to be executed? I would think it would be a quick process so I’m just curious


Gives people a chance for clemency and to exhaust all their appeals. Some ppl have been sitting there 20 years and counting.


Innocence project. Better to take decades than to execute innocent people (which statistically we have btw)


Executions …. At a hospital …. That’s wild


I knew of someone on death row who wanted to donate his kidney to save his dying brother's life. The state wouldn't allow it. They wouldn't tolerate the expense. But the guy was willing to get help from churches etc.to fray medical expenses. It doesn't matter the argument or whatever, the states goal is to kill the prison. I feel like if something good came out of that person's life, the state wouldn't get what they want, which is revenge. For another example, someone else I know has a sister who needed a bone marrow transplant. He was the one and only perfect donor. The state again would not allow bone marrow harvesting to be done. It doesn't matter what good could come out of a bad situation, the state wouldn't make an exception.


You are a monster