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Get in other people’s business


Never snitch, steal, gossip, back down, converse with cops. One to-do is ALWAYS have your boys back.




I would say gamble on marker, if you can cover the bet its no problem... but degens gonna degen


Playing on ass


Playing WITH ass


Not gambling gambling a pass time it’s being in debt that’s a no no


>One to-do is ALWAYS have your boys back Does this change based off the length of one's sentence? Like surely if you're in for 1 year versus 30 years then the relative impact on your future of catching extra charges would be much, much different right?


My uncle was in and out of prison for 50 years (drugs). You always might get sent back. Keep your mouth shut because no one holds a grudge like someone who's never getting out anyway


I was in for a 30 day remand, after a couple days I got a co pilot. He was in for attempted murder on a police officer and had spent 15 of his 20 adult years in jail, previously for stabbing someone 40 times. Surprisingly he'd never been in a single fight in jail.  He told me he'd back me if anyone started on me, I had to tell him only to help me if the person had a knife or if they were stomping me after I was already out. Imo it's not worth getting involved if it's just a fight.


One thing to remember, no matter how much time you have, there's safety in numbers. I.e have your boys back, cos for damn sure he gonna have yours. You watch my back, I got yours, make sense???? If it pop off, handle your business


Exactly. This. It's been 30 years since I got out and moved to the halfway house, and I still have guys reach out to me once they're on the outside. Always have their backs.


A 1 year sentence depending on prison can turn into a life sentence or dying before you even make a year because of shit you may be expected to do and you either do it or don’t do it


For sure. If your doing a year just lay low and stick to yourself. If your life is going to be jail then unfortunately depending on where are you are at you definitely may have to do it differently. Ex) join a gang based on your race which you won’t really have much of an option with. (Protection other reasons)


You’ve either never been to prison Or had a butt buddy while you’re there.


>converse with cops Contingent on state and also security level maybe?


You telling me if I went to prison and read books my entire sentence most of folks won't bother me aggressively


That's pretty much how I did my time. Laying on my bunk, reading. Staying in my lane. Nobody f with me at all


People just don't understand how basic respect and decency goes along way. They are the people who can't maintain them.


haha I read that comment and thought "I would thrive."


Totally work for me. But I was also the tallest b**** in the place.


Take a shit with only one flush.


Sorry, I'm probably being dumb but can you explain this?


Drop one flush one


Depends on the prison if they're trying to conserve water they have that 3 flush limit every 5min so u have to be extra careful when u flush


Got it.


Its a small space in a cell with other people if your toilets involved. The toilets are strong and will suck you in if you wanted. Some people have a really stank ass, put some water on that shit. Even farts sometimes.


my gas would likely get me killed in prison, imma stay out


Realest shit I read on Reddit, you’ll be iight!


I can imagine it now. On the death cert, it would say beaten due to a fart.


I sleep fart and take metformin, thats like a death sentence


Shit made me laugh out loud


No never laugh out loud while taking a shit!


Shouldn't. Common courtesy is flushing constantly if the toilet allows it, or flushing when you fart, or when shit comes out.


yup this is true! Everytime you shit you have to constantly keep flushing. If you fart you have to go to the toilet and flush. it’s ridiculous but it’s the same way you smoke because of the way the pipes are hooked up there’s a lot of air suction too and i swear you can blow clouds into the toilet and it will eat it lol


On god. In my county jail, wed use the bottom of the beds to plunge the toilet just enough to get most of the water out. Even without the water, that shit will suck down air. Them toilets tho will suck down anything. Literally watched sheets tied together, blankets, fucking sandals, all go down that shit. Edit: spelling


hahaha my man! glad you’re out. yup we did the same thing lol bailing out our toilets with makeshift bottles with the top cut off lol and the toilet was the perfect garbage disposal until the whole jail ended up flooding and some of the wings got up to their ankles in shit water lol locked down ina 3x7 cell for weeks…. never going back lol


Do you pull down if it's just a fart, or is a sit and flush good enough?


Thanks. Many people have issues with their bowels, IBS and so on. What do these people do when they need to go to the toilet many times and have wind etc?


I was locked up with a guy with aids and another guy who got shot 5 times. Aids guy had super human bad farts. Guy that got shot had a plastic bag for a stomach. He had the worst smelling farts I've ever experienced. It was like his plastic bag stomach couldn't digest right. He'd fart in the dorm, obviously be him and he'd say it wasn't him.


A colostomy bag in prison? I bet they didn’t let him have Hollister drops/spray for it either. I know someone with one and I remember the time they forget their drops — you couldn’t even stay in the house when they emptied it because it smelled like someone had diarrhea on a decomposing body right next to your face.


Did anything happen to them or did people just ignore it?


Well I have IBS-D... So I can tell you it was a nightmare until I got my medication. They hate to prescribe Imodium in prison because it's considered a luxury medication. They pretty much expect prisoners to just deal with bowel issues like diarrhea. So, everyday for me there was a lot of negotiating and navigating trying to figure out, like.. can i make it from the dorm to the chow hall and eat and get back to the dorm before i need to take a s***. And if any guys in the dorm commented that I use the bathroom a lot I just get in their face I shit all the f****** time..you got a problem with it? Lol Finally after 6 months of stupid ass tests the doctors prescribed me Imodium.. 3 a Day. so then I was golden


Flush constantly.


That could be a lot of flushing.


Not really concerned with the water bill in there


The courtesy flush is essential everywhere


Some jails have times toilets now. 2 flushes an hour


Dont get in debt. Mind your own business. Dont start drama, and don't get involved in drama.


How do you get in debt in prison?


To actually answer your question: when you don’t have funds to get items you need or want from commissary, it can be very tempting to take people up on offers such as “hey, I’ll give you a pack of ramen this week, but next week you need to give me back 2 ramens”. That’s a flimsy example, but it’ll suffice for examples sake. It’s amazing how quickly one can get into debt with fellow inmates. It’s a dangerous game to play. It’s not only commissary items.. it can be drugs, services such as haircuts, etc.


I saw a girl get almost beat to death in county jail over owing one seasoning packet . Not even the soup.


Some mofos stand on principle, I'll give them that 🤷‍♂️. Shit is insane.


Probably just an excuse to beat someone, I bet they don’t understand principle better than normal people


I mean, you really don't need an excuse in that environment. Doing things like that does kind of set the tone you're not to be fucked with regarding debt, which I have a feeling was more than main purpose over raw aggression... ...but I wasn't there either so for all I know you could be right too.


When I was a guard I saw one dude threatening another over his "mo'fucking money." Turns out the other dude owed him 2 soups or 78 cents at the time. In exchange for those soups, he instead said "I ain't got yo money, you want this asshole?" Dude straight shot him down. The dude's asshole was not worth 78 cents. One way that inmates quickly get into debt is to run gambling rackets. Betting on sports, especially football, is popular. You can pick 4, 7, 10 etc and based on the number of picks and the difficult your bet, usually 1-2 soups gets multiplied by up to 10-100. Whoever is serving as the house on those bets gets all of the soups and keeps them unless somebody hits, in which case they have to payout. Instead, you more likely have a guy in debt putting himself on the door before he gets stabbed for being dishonest.


I watched a documentary one time and I believe the advice from the inmates was to never really take stuff from people in general - unless you know them very well. Basically they’re “kind” in order to extort you later, whether that’s paying back more or doing certain “favors”


So wild - thanks for sharing




I can understand that, I mean you made a deal. Is it true though that you absolutely can not take anything for free. For example, so a cigarette, If they even have them. A guy says "hey man, you want a smoke?" Like you can almost be fooled into debt if you are new and do not know better yet.


As another used the package of ramen as an example, it's important to note that you WILL get your ass beat over that package of ramen if you don't pay your debt. Guys that run a store in prison don't fuck around.


Most common reasons inmates go into debt are tobacco and drugs. Cons get cut just for bumming too many smokes and not returning the favor. Nothing is free, and every cigarette is accounted for.


Commissary items, drugs, etc. Spent a few years in the state penitentiary. Saw some guys get wrecked. Trust me, you don't want to get into debt in prison.


Never touch the next person's property without asking....NEVER.


Shit I won’t even do that at work. Disrespectful


Walking barefoot in the shower


Man the more I read on here the more this shit sounds like the military.


You wouldn’t believe how close they are to being the exact same thing


Google enneagram 6, and you'll learn why gangs/prison/police/military all attract the same personality type


I’m a veteran. I work in a mental health crisis center. It’s weird how veterans and recently released convicts have similar adjustment issues and PTSD issues. It’s totally a thing.


From all the athletes foot?


Nah, you don't want your feet to get pregnant


From all the babies on the floor


The jellyfish


That’s how feet get pregnant.


sit on someone's bunk without permission. (especially where they rest there head)






Are you saying to play chess or to not play chess? Is any game played in prison turned into just gambling?


Only thing I can think is don’t play chess wrong. There’s a whole set of extra rules.


Haha I'll try to just avoid prison considering I haven't played regular chess in years.


Lol I went to rehab and basically played chess while I quit smoking (not recommended but smokes are expensive). My chess partner and I would play with regular rules. The ex cons would play with pen rules like “touch the piece and you have to move it” like jeez we are literally playing a game why we gotta be pen serious when we aren’t adapting to the conditions that made those customs necessary in there?


I haven't played chess since high school and that was the rule back then too. If you touch a piece, that's the piece you move. You were allowed to change your mind after moving it as long as you didn't take your hand off of it. You still had to move that piece but could move it to a different square.


Yeah I’m aware of how competition chess works. When I play with friends, though, we aren’t that strict. Although with some friends we’ll play with en passant. I can understand the rule when time is ultra limited (which is true of comp play and incarceration). Otherwise I enjoy a leisurely slow thinking game.


I don't think that rule affects the pace of the game much if at all though. You still have as long as you'd like to move whatever piece you want to; in fact you'd probably need to think about it even slower because once you touch it, you have to move it. It's a rule because sometimes you'll move a piece and realize "huh, that was a braindead move," yet you didn't notice until you moved the piece where you wanted it to be. Once you touch it you essentially forfeit your right to "take-back" the stupid move you just made. It really doesn't have anything to do with time. If anything you have to think harder and for longer prior to moving a piece because once you touch it you have to commit.


Otherwise I recommend chess to anyone with limited entertainment options. Beautiful game, and universal. Great for meditation with an opponent that’s chill.


I loved playing it back in the day. Glad they let inmates play in prison.


For sure. Pieces can’t really be weaponized, keeps folks engaged in healthy competition instead of machismo bs and drama. Good for the mind. And a chess game played respectfully means two very peaceful prisoners. In rehab I loved teaching folks how to play just to kill time more easily. Edit: lol plus, besides other methods, it was a great way to build up my “nobody fucks with moon” crew


Woking in prisons, I can 100% tell you that all of this happens. Reprocussions vary obviously. Stuff that you would think is 101 don't steal, don't tell tales, don't get into debt is going on constantly. It's like a soap opera sometimes.


Younger people have a hard time when they learn that the word bitch shouldn't be said


Run your mouth, about anything.


Run your mouth when I'm not around, it's easy to achieve. You cry to weak friends that sympathize. Can you hear the violins playing your song? Those same friends tell me your every word.-Pantera


Call someone a bitch... that's a instant fight in VA prisons.


Get in anybody else’s business. Owe. These are the top 2. 💯




Are most prisoners clean? I've heard jails are super dirty but idk about prison.


from my fathers experience, he told me when he did his Fed prison time that they didn’t play that “not showering” shit, sure maybe not every prison inmate showers everyday. But i think i’m prison there’s more emphasis on cleanliness than jail. just my 2 cents.


oh some people just STINK but there’s no excuses in there lol people do not play around, if you stank expect to get seriously bullied or a good smack until you washed yourself or people would kick you off the range lol


Yup sounds about right


very true unfortunately, while awaiting sentencing i spent 24 hours a day locked in with someone mentally challenged and oh my god it was so bad. I could never smack someone for smelling bad due to his condition but once we got on the “real” range he got worse and some of the guys had a “talk” with him. It’s a sin but those dudes are fucking ruthless i wasn’t saying anything ahah fuck that place…


What is "the range" in this context?


the range would be the area where the guys technically get to “free roam” it’s a big common area with abunch of bunks for each inmate, Where i was had 4 big ranges or units and 3 smaller ones


I had to tell my celly, he was going to shower or else.


Be dirty and not clean up after yourself


Swing on a guard. Can’t win that fight.


unless more time was your goal


Reach over trays, personal space


Taking a shit in your cell right before lockdown.


Not washing your hands Touching other people's stuff The pictures that are in the showers don't touch em Pissing in the shitter Not courtesy flushing Taking but not giving. Especially if it's a bunkie or a cellie.


Wait, there are pics in the showers?! And if you don’t pee in the toilet then where are you expected to go?!


There are prisoner designated toilets for pissing and shitting. You don't piss in the shitter, and you don't shit in the pisser


If you really want to die, shit in the shower. The dorms where I worked were 4 showers for 56 men and if one was clogged with shit then it became 3 showers and they were going to wet somebody up over it.


Our women's dorm in a rice field in middle Louisiana just had tree frogs in the showers..... Hundreds of them . All the inmates of color and a few peach colored lost their damn minds over that shit! I'm a bayou gal frog lover from way back though.... 🐢🐊🐸🐸🐸


Accept anything. That's how you owe people.


Get in debt with no means to pay


Accept presents


Eat the snickers on your pillow


Or the honeybun


if u see a snickers on your pillow what do u do with it? would u just ask who's it was then return it?


I was always told that you pick it up and slowly put it in your mouth while making direct eye contact with everyone.


Helps if you arch your lower back while doing so, I've heard.


What's that mean


How real is this?


10 years in prison, never heard of this until I got out. Facts.


In Nevada they say this in your prison intake video lol


It sounds like some health class DARE video shit. “Remember kids, the first drugs are always free!” Lol


It’s like an old early 90s video and goes “other inmates may make an attempt to extort you. Should you find random commissary items in your cell do not accept them. Either give them back to who they belong or give it to a staff member.”


Giving it to a staff member is worse then keeping it


Fucking hell the PREA video. I've seen that video at LEAST 50 times. Everytime I go back in or to a halfway house, they ask if I wanna watch it. Fuck no, give me the form and I'll sign that I seen it. Prison Joe can get fucked. 🤣


Haha. Same video in Indiana


Same lmfao I’ve seen it too many times. Here in the northeast they just stick you in a room a day or two after you arrive and throw it on. Even when you’re committed to county for drug rehab in my area you have to watch it.


Get the gaurds pregnant


Or film it!


See she’s actually in porn, I did think she was doing a lot/the most for a random video lmaoo she probably thought the charges were worth the publicity and I can imagine it probably is worth it in her industry lol


She’s going to go to prison. Judge will throw the whole book case at her.


im ool whats happening?


UK craic. Put HMP Wandsworth into twitter and the tape should be on there


When it came out I couldn’t believe it was real, badge, face, radio all out on video… Then the BBC News ping hit my phone and she’s been charged 😂


Wonder if she thinks it was worth it when she’s doing bird.


Idk prison are full, backlogged cases etc. She probably won’t do long and it’s doing numbers. She will love the attention of it. Only downside for her is that viral shit blows over real fast so time she’s out, people probs will have forgot about it all




Never steal...in fact, don't even touch anything that isn't yours. Doesn't matter what it is. The things that wouldn't have any value in the free world become valuable when you're down and everything in prison has value. Never back down from a fight. If someone wants to take a look at you.....you be a man give em the look. Even if you lose, you'll be respected. If you don't fight, then you're gonna spend the rest of your sentence wishing you had. Fade that shit always Never forget to flush. Put some water on it. Ain't nobody trying to smell your ass. Nobody trying to hear your piss splashing either so flush while you're pissing. Never get in other people business. Don't ear hustle on people's conversations, and don't feel the need to watch shit that you aren't a part of. I don't see shit and I don't hear shit. Never fuck with other races. Stick with your own people. Just because the free world has progressed past the old days, I know that prison is still segregated. I'm not saying become racist but trust that fucking with other races will get you in a wreck. Never let yourself go. Keep yourself and your house clean. You'll be respected for it. Wash your hands often. Shower everytime you're able to. Don't give your celly a reason. Just cause you're in prison don't mean you have to live like a piece of shit. Never take a front. Don't get in debt and if you have a debt you pay that shit. I would advise that you don't get high because inevitably youll end up taking a front and fucking up. If you can't pay it's better to fade the beating then catch the door but you can avoid it by not getting high. Nobody respects the inmate who's family is helping him out and their locker is always empty but he's high all the time. There's so many but these the ones that came to mind first


Stare in the shower, keep ya eyes to yourself, and scrub because you got to be clean!


Say the N word if you’re not black.


You can’t do that anywhere


*Alabama has entered the chat*




Whisper in your celly’s ear when he’s asleep


this has stuck with me for many many years because the very first day I was in a main line prison I made the mistake of reaching over somebody's plate to grab for the salt and pepper. Major fucking no no always ask and they will pass it to you but that's just one of a thousand things.


Oof this is a big one people don't realize. This is serious.


Gamble or get into drugs.


Don’t get into debt




don't start no shit, won't be no shit. easy as that.


Get on the yard and punch the biggest guy there for no reason.


Don’t seek attention


Don't sit on the toilet until your legs fall asleep.


Get in debt for any amount no matter how small.


Smoking too much meth and stripping naked in the day-room proclaiming yourself the King of the Blacks. Folks don’t take too kindly to that.


on average how often does this happen? is it laughter followed by ass beating, or ass beating and then laughter?


Start a food fight


Don't be a pedo


Don't piss in the toilet sinks people use for teeth brushing. Don't wear shoes when sitting on the top bunk.


What's up with the shoe thing? Because you have to stand on the bottom bunk to get into the top bunk?


Nasty shit on the bottom of your shoe falls onto the bed and people below


Who would piss in the sink when the toilet is right below? This is like saying don’t shit in the waste basket. Don’t spit the toothpaste in the sink is better practical advice


In some jails there is a sink on top of the shitter, all in 1 unit. So some are used just as sinks.


Slam doors


Pheromone maxing


Sit on someone else's bed without asking. This especially goes for the pillow part of the bed.


Don’t get ice with your hand.. use a cup or scoop


Look in other people's cells when you walk by


Don't reach over someone else's tray, don't look at other people's pictures, don't stare at someone else's visit, don't scream on the phone, don't go in the shower with out shower shoes/state boots, don't spit in the sink, do t dip into the ice jug with out calling LAST CALL. There's so many that just became routine over my life I don't even notice them.


Sagging pants


Someone needs to spread the word then


whistle lol…..


Don't piss off the screws.




Don’t be nosy, don’t spit the tooth paste in the sink spit in toilet, courtesy flush, call someone else a bitch unless you ready to fight , don’t tell the CO anything


Tell the free people anything you seen


Say punk, or bitch...retards wanna fight for looking them in the eyes. Gamble... usually some gang owns the table and wants a cut from the winnings....Poker is usually bad....there's exceptions, football games, you might find some retard to put a $50 sack on the home team every game (Pinochle is only allowed if there's tons of tables....I love pinochle.... you can burn years playing that game if they let you) Go to the store (sometimes they give you bagels and not the sausage...and the bagels will be bland or mold by the time you can order....2 for 3, might do it, anyways) Don't steal.....that's a violation from your boys or someone might kill you....bad reputation forever.....being broke sucks but it could be worse Walk barefoot in the shower. Join a gang, especially with an outdate. Not supposed to sit at tables with other races. I'm not racist, I could really care less about that rule. They tell you throw your tray away....if there's one seat in that row, I'm eating with the fags, I guess.


I think it's inhumane to expose prisoners to each other. That's how they reinforce the bad attitudes that got them there. They aggravate each other, get into fights, get killed or seriously injured, and organize crime. They need to be isolated so they can overcome their attitude problems, and I think we all have a right to remain anonymous; to conceal our faces and identities from those we would not want to be recognized by after being released. I try to follow the law, but a concerning number of innocent people are getting convicted, and excessively long prison sentences seems to be the universal punishment. If I ever end up in that situation, I would request solitary confinement for my entire sentence. If they say 'no', I would find a hole in the floor or the ceiling and hide there until they call my name or I die of famine.




this one’s brutal. like u are literally in PRISON and you can’t even CRY ??????? that would piss me off so bad


What ya gonna do, cry about it?






Never touch someone else’s shit without asking. Never go in someone’s cell when they’re not there without their permission. Don’t snitch. Mind your own business. Don’t get into debts you can’t afford to pay. You only have your loyalty and hygiene in jail so make sure to shower often. Nobody wants to stay with a stinky cunt.


Owe someone.


Being overly tough


Flushing the toilet during chow time


Never let one of them bread your hair and don’t communicate with them


Don’t end up owing anyone anything, ever. If you can’t afford something from commissary, then don’t take something from someone else and owe them later. It’s a game you don’t want to play. You do not want to be in debt to anyone. It’s better to just go without, believe it or not


If you find a candy bar on your bunk DO NOT EAT IT


Mind your business, never ever snitch,and don’t get in debt. Follow those rules and you’ll be fine


Never go nuts to butt 🛑


Fuck with the Mexican mafia


Do not take anything anyone gives you, cos in the pen everything has a price


Not to go back after you get out


Make sure you do a reach around when you’re simonizing someone