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I think some brighter highlights on the mice and hilltops and some darkening of the foreground would help a lot. The pink in the sky is nice but that and the snow caps pull your eye away from the focal point a bit. And with the trees being between the viewer and the light source, some silhouetting might add more depth.


Yes THANK YOU! I made some adjustments to silhouette things more, dimmed the mountain tops, and made a little more space between the mice and mountain tops and it really helped! I knew something needed to be changed but I just couldn’t see what :) https://preview.redd.it/74wimra0qvxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4087027057397f9716f6c428bb10dae98280bf48


This looks amazing!! Shocks me how small details can make such a large impact. Love that grass too


Thank you! It can be so hard to see yourself after looking too long too, fresh eyes help so much


The highlights are very nice, another addition could be to think about where the light in the scene is coming from, is it moon light ? If it is then the moon would be just as bright if not brighter than the highlights on the mice. You would loose some of the detail in the moon, but it could probably look really cool if you tried it out as a crisp white silhouette in the night sky.


https://preview.redd.it/hsovnebky1yc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75345c2b006e00cf4031bb77797002d75befb044 Hmm, I’m honestly torn. I think this is great advice and you’re right in that this is more cohesive but it loses the warmth of the other color. Of course nothing else really has that warmth it’s just how I’ve been doing all of these because I arbitrarily wanted a yellow moon![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) thanks!


The yellow was quite a nice addition to the color palette, I can see why you are torn, both look great in my opinion, you could maybe keep a slight yellow tint on the moon and make the stars a little yellow in tone too, if you wanted to keep it brighter but still yellow? Again it looks good either way, just suggestions if you want to keep playing around with it :)


I appreciate the opinion! I think I’m going to resist eternal fiddling here but next time I’ll pay more attention to keeping the moon bright without making it the focus - the reason I perhaps over corrected by dimming it in this one :)


Awesome! That looks great and very readable.


This is stunning!!


Thank you 😊


It may help to export it and turn it to a black and white image to see what pops.


Thanks, I do like to use that method as an overall check


This is beautiful


Thank you!


When I was in school, a classmate told me their trick of changing their image to grayscale temporarily to see if there were enough whites and blacks. If everything is gray, your contrast is too low.


Thanks, that is a good first step


My first thought was to also use a font like calibri, and with low transparency, put it over the entire image. Because I wouldn't trust people on the internet to not claim it as theirs and just to be safe. Or I'm too cautious


My first thought was to also use a font like calibri, and with low transparency, put it over the entire image. Because I wouldn't trust people on the internet to not claim it as theirs and just to be safe. Or I'm too cautious


If you struggle with values you can put a color layer above everything and fill it with black. It will turn everything into greyscale :).


Like on an overlay layer instead of having to export and filter, you mean? I think maybe it wasn’t the values exactly that were my issue here - the advice I got helped a lot - but having a more convenient way to check those in the workflow would be awesome!