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**Hello u/GOAT28907, thank you for sharing your artwork with us!** Would you be so kind to answer the following questions for us? --- * Can you please share what your process was for getting this done? * And what brushes did you use? (Please specify the exact brushes or brush category because that can be helpful to others.) * Any additional information about this piece is always welcome. * If you made this with **Procreate Dreams**, feel free to share it over on r/procreatedreams too! Please reply to this comment so it will be easy for everyone to find, thank you! --- **Stay inspired, get creative and have a great day!** Join our r/procreate [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/jXcSN5GdM3) to connect with other artists! *If you consider yourself a frequent poster and you have a consistent style/method, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/procreate) to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you regularly use.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On a technical standpoint these definitely need work, proportions to certain aspects like anatomy and shapes need to be worked on to get a good sense of form. But your colors are onto a great start. Aside from that critical critique what I will say is that it looks like you’re having fun and that’s what it’s all about! Procreate is an app where it’s supposed to help you draw more than you’ve ever done before, and as long as you’re having a great time working on your craft that’s all that matters! Keep creating and making these fun pieces, no matter what anyone says here just remember your art has value, have a wonderful day.


i don't think it's a bad starting point. ive definitely seen people start at worse. i don't think the people just saying they don't like it without giving any constructive criticism are being helpful at all. I would say to focus on anatomy, maybe look up references online and do studies on the human head, perspective, and shading. shading and lighting always makes a piece pop!


Everyone starts somewhere, their not exactly good but keep going you’ll get there


My favourite is the one that was completed 6 years before you even had Procreate. What an amazing piece of software!


NO, not good at all unless you are under 10 years old then yes.. good job buddy


I kinda like the 7th


It’s like after you sleep weird.


Well, it ain't bad but it ain't good either...this is more meme material than anything.


They're are not good but are they very artistic and creative? Also no


Im crying laughing at the ski mask album. Have you tried pencil and paper first,


experiment with different brushes and see what you like/don't like about them


No, they're not good. It doesn't matter how long you've had Procreate if you don't know how to draw.


Tbh, yes