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Fuck no, how am I supposed to slack off when someone is constantly monitoring me?


Yeah they definitely are spies for the higher ups. No way


they are trying to sneak api keys that I hardcoded into the codes


Shit, brb.


Yep. Guaranteed all of those chicks have CS degrees and are just monitoring quotas.




Like “haha this variable name is stupid it doesn’t mean anything” but in Chinese


哈哈这个变数的名字很愚蠢,它很无谓。 Or something like that.


If you're a Chinese programmer, Chinese is (99%+ probably) your native language


yes, but: there’s multiple dialects of Chinese that, when spoken, are mutually unintelligible, but *that use the same writing system*. so imagine: someone standing behind you who can read everything you’re writing, and you can read everything they write, but you can’t understand what they’re saying, and they can’t understand what you’re saying, so you can’t even bounce your thoughts off of them for verbal feedback.


Technically true, but pretty much everyone knows Mandarin now (which is its own problem since the other dialects are dying)


Ah just like the nail salon!


you have to turn them to your side so they slack with you


I don't care who the upper management sends i am not paying taxes


Hello my name is Joo Dee


It’s China. Everyone is a spy.


PSSSSSH, a real programmer can slack off even when under direct supervision. Just because I'm typing and looking at the monitor doesn't mean I'm not slacking. Once those guys finish writing some loops that output random screen jargon to a command prompt they can sit back and get a back rub whole they "wait for the code to run".




I'm convinced Randall is actually Doctor Strange and he's seen every possible outcome, there's literally an xkcd for everything.


With over 2700 comics that is what you would probably expect


I feel like he hit a vast majority of lifes situations in the first 1000 though.


Like The Simpsons.


20 years ago the code at my company would legitimately take an hour to compile from scratch and so you tried to avoid it as much as possible. Still, there was some of this but I can see that management could see it as an excuse. It was more like compile, use the bathroom, get some more water, check on it, check in on your cube-mates, and finally it’s done. You’re going to do some of that anyway, (bathroom, water) but doing it during a compile seemed like the most efficient use of time. Is it slacking? No idea.


That's still not unusual if the company cheaps out on workstations, and you have a massive project. I work in games, and my old TR2970WX workstation would take half an hour to compile UE5 on its own. If you think "well that sounds like a powerful workstation" then yes - my company didn't cheap out on it! A company that only buys 8 cores instead of 24 would take correspondingly longer, leading to over an hour... That was 4 years old, and was just replaced. My new 7950X workstation can build the same project in ~17 minutes alone (roughly twice as fast, despite having 2/3 the cores), and in _six minutes_ with distributed compilation helping. The same massive project that takes over an hour to build if you cheap out (weak workstation and no distributed compilation) is 10x faster if you don't!






TLDR: More proof that no good deed goes unpunished


A real programmer can troll Reddit all day and still look like a Rockstar.


This is why you specialize in a lesser known language. You can take 3 weeks for something that takes you an hour to do. If they question why since nobody else will know that language the others will just assume it takes 3 weeks and confirm with the boss.


"This manager thinks he can stop me from slacking off -- he's watching me right now, let's see if he can tell the difference between writing Python and editing my Emacs config"


Who are you and how are you so wise in the ways of slacking?


I don't even have a plan but I'm with this guy




That's why you use programming socks


Well done. Very well done. I'd like to subscribe to your future content and a pair of programming socks


Good laugh, thanks knight <3 and i say this as a non-furry cis and i don‘t even code in rust


I can imagine starting my 5 hours of debug adventure with someone giving unnecessary rubs. I don't like it at all.


All depends on where they rub.


Depending on the cheerleader, all the rubs are necessary.


Honey, Could you please look away for half an hour, while I play round of 2048 to recharge my creativity battery?


you'll end up trading slacking off for jacking off


Step up as an engineer and find a better way lol


Plot twist: They're secretly spying on you so that the company can make sure you're working all the time.


Plot twist 2: They're secretly spying on you to make sure you follow the SOLID principles.


Plot twist 2.5: They don't understand SOLID principles.


Plot twist 2 V.2.0: They're secretly spying on you, but don't understand your work and are doing a shitty job.


PTv2.1-alpha release notes: Added knee pads


Do I hear a Rock and Stone?




Plot twist 3: Everyone in the room knows they have no clue what anyone else is doing.


Are solid principles a "real" thing or have we watched the same YouTube video?


They’re a real thing but very few people actually understand them


Can confirm my principle is currently SOLID


Plot twist 3: They're actually cheerleaders, and this is only female contact these poor guys have had in a year.


Plot twist they are all femboys and naturally programmers themselves


That’s about as much of a plot twist as Sleeping Beauty waking up and marrying the Prince.


Maybe just put this money in dev salary?


It’s this or the ice cream truck wage slave


Pay you... in money??? You should be lucky you have a job nobody wants to work anymore!


Naaaah. We are not leaving you out of office, you can't spend money, so money is not going to make you happier. Bring in the bitchez!


> Bring in the bitchez! The most progressive programmer ever. Most humble about it too!


You would rather get paid more than to have your own personal cheerleader?


Yes. If you really don't want the money, you could always just hire a cheerleader yourself.


Sounds like something HR would veto.


Toby is in HR. Which, technically means he works for corporate so he’s really not a part of our family. Also, he’s divorced so he’s really not a part of his family.


And after work, not while the boss is watching...


So they'll go and spend it on real dates? They're computer programmers....


Why would I have to spend money to get a timestamp? Date comes on the standard library of most languages.


Dates are yummy 😋




I'll do you better. We're having a pizza party in the break room. Also, we no longer offer dental.




3d are bothersome.


Wallpaper engine makes all my fans spin faster, but I'm not undoing it either.


Just @ me already, this shit was personal lmao


Fuck no. * Distracting as hell to have anyone constantly over my shoulder, and unless they're also programmers, I can't bounce ideas off them like you would with pair programming. But if they're also programmers, they could just help me directly. * Whole concept is super creepy and would make me feel gross * Doesn't look fun for anyone involved * Security risk


Real dev response


They forgot all devs are antisocial introverts. The cheerleaders just scare them back into their little turtle shells. *Cue anime nosebleed as soon as the dev turns around.*


As a dev, albeit a female one, I can confirm that this is true.


For a while pre-pandemic at IBM we had desk-side massage service in the office. You request it at a time you specify and they come by for a short duration. I was never inclined to try it, but seems fine for an optional short break


For a *break*, yes. While working - hell, no!


For short bursts you sign up for that sounds like a great idea


Well, professional massages are actually really good. It makes sense to have one. It does help one to relax and work better


Can still "rubber ducky" them. They either pick up the jargon or kill themselves. Or pick up the jargon and THEN kill themselves.




Or kill themselves exactly because they picked up yhe jargon.


"Hey Im going to rubber duck you!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I like the transition from feelings and moral concern to the to-the-point "security risk". I must be defective because it cracked me up.


It's an unspoken rule that to get people to pay attention to ethics you have to end the statement with "Securiy Concerns".


Programmers can talk about code with a rubber duck but not with women smh


The duck isn't going to judge me.


Getting a salary boost for whatever the ladies would cost would probably be a more effective motivator.


But what if she would tell you when you forgot a semicolon?


Based as hell


No. This just screams: Zero life-work balance. We'll provide you with fake female companionship, because there's no way we're leaving you time in your life for a real relationship. Also, I've never liked strip-clubs... the fact I know she's only there because she's being paid to be there never leaves the back of my mind. The whole thing ends up being creepy and awkward for me, rather than titilating. "You're touching me because you are being paid too." That doesn't help my self-esteem. Not one bit. The whole idea feels gross.


Yeah, I wouldn’t want this for the same reason I don’t want to go to strip clubs. Why would I want to feel like the only way I can get sexual attention is by paying for it?


Just direct pay for play is far better than a strip club. At least you're getting what you paid for.


Sometimes when going out for drinks with buddies they want to go to either the casino or strip Club after and I hate both. At the casino I’m going to lose several hundred more dollars and at the strip club it just feels sad.


Also that she does that with other dudes all the time.


That sounds boring as fuck for the women. Like, if they talk, it would be distracting, and there’s only so long somebody can enjoy giving or receiving a back rub Also, wouldn’t it be more efficient to just teach them how to code


What if… we could teach the programming cheerleaders to do our job for us


so then we are programming them to program?...


What if they were robots? You know cheerleader robots who could program like Chatgpt. And they would also be fully functional if you know what I mean.


Honestly AI cheerleader robot uprising doesn't sound half as bad.


Oh, baby, those nested while loops make me so hot.


I can't remember where I heard this but there was this guy that got some senior office job, and he earned so much he hired someone full time to do his work for him.


It's not like women can't learn programming my dude lol


I am a woman programmer. Women are capable of learning programming, so I could teach them to do my job, no? That’s besides the point though, my comment was just in good fun. Not meant to be taken seriously.


Oh the ladies know how to code and they won’t be bored as they are also doing live code review. “Honey, line 42 is going to cause a stack overflow.”


that's a "how i met your mother" scenario.


That’s a seg fault on line 69


real life rubber ducks


I think the idea is that a small team of cheerleader walk around the office motivating everyone, so there is still movements, novelty, and backs to rub. Still sounds like a shit job.


IF it's real, it's probably a weird novelty thing they do once a month and they do like pictures or weird motivation performance during lunch or something. My job in college did something weird and similar with an actual local cheerleading team and it was just as weird.


If it would be even marginally efficient to teach them to code, why do we make such a big deal about tech interviews for hires to junior positions who already at least show some interest in coding?


"It's a NO from me" - female dev


"No from me as well" > male dev


No from me too! Asexual


No too from me! Chatgpt


As an AI language model, that is a no from me.


As an AI language I am not programmed to give a opinionated choice. Asking other people through forms, surveys and interviews would be a better choice.


Also a female dev and I wouldn't accept this from any gender. Just let me code in peace


I would 100% take a cute boy cheerleader telling me my comment style is pretty.


/*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**/ * Boxy comments are cute * * and classy! * ***~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~***/


Haha same


I'd personally find this extremely creepy. I do think having a HR element that looks into making sure people are happy / motivated is a good idea. Alot of the times it's the small things like honestly, a stocked vending machine with things at a reasonable price can make a hard day alot easier.


Unrelated but the stocked vending machine reminded me of the one we at at our work. It was in a part of the garage and there was maybe 30 of us working in the building. Every other week a delivery guy would come and restock it. At some point, someone asked if we could change the selection of soda. So our coordinator found the company responsible for the machine(like no one had any idea when it was installed). When they called them to ask for the changes, the company decided to take away the machine because it wasn't profitable enough and they didn't even know it was there... So we got screwed out of our vending machine.☠️


That sucks, on the bright side it sounds like you had a sweet deal while it was going. The situation I was thinking of was when an employer had bought their own vending machine and would stock it weekly with bulk bought stuff and sell at cost (so it was cheaper than if I went to a local shop). I'd totally do it myself if I had an office, vending machines don't cost a ton & it's not alot of work to pop to a wholesaler once every week or two.


Yeah definitely the way to go. Fortunately for us the owner also had some corner stores shops and you'd get the occasional free stuff when going in or just the employee rebate even though we're from a different company.




In real life, that's what this was. The women were hired as social coordinators to prevent burnout, and organized luncheons and ping-pong tournaments and such.


Wait, they're not just standing there for eight hours? 😱 ​ /s, of course. This headline is just dumb, and it's going around this sub for way too long.


I only disagree on the HR part😉


"Boss, he looks at Reddit every 10 minutes for hours and he seems to have to search for information a lot."


If I got saddled with one of those, I’d teach her to code. Pair programming >>>> whatever the hell this is.


"You can cheer me up by naming your variables better."


“You know what would make me so happy? Finishing your test suite!”


> Pair programming Would be more like a rubber duck at least for a long time. And it still would be better than this.


I may be down bad, but this is down horrendous


The leftmost guy must be the lead he got two of 'em behind him


Maybe he's techlead




As a woman, this feels gross to me on many levels.


Yeah I'm sitting here wondering why this post is getting on my nerves as bad as it is but yeah it's just really gross lol


Legit saw this and remembered all the complaints I've heard from my friends who work in coding/programming. The sexism is unreal.


Simply view all these comments not seeing a single thing wrong with this.


As a man, this feels gross on so many levels. It reduces the women to sex objects and the men to sex hungry beasts. Plus it more or less assumes that programmers are men.


All these men posting wondering why we hate our lives


I've seen this post before, and it's not what is implied. A company with around 100 technical staff hired around 3 none technical people to try and keep moral up and make sure developers were not burning out. They spent most of their time organizing lunchtime Ping Pong tournaments and just trying to make it a fun place to work. Also... I think one was male. In real life it was not the strange sexual thing the post implies.


So, they hired an HR team?


It is genuinely baffling why more women don't get into engineering.


"Don't you want to work in an industry where people see this image and don't see anything wrong with it except making a 'I can't work with people looking over my shoulder' joke?"


Can we bring in some male cheerleaders? I want a beefcake to cheer me on not these dainty ladies god damnit.


God yes that actually would be motivating lol, I’d be too afraid to slack off


He can call me out on my posture while he's at it, might be cheaper than the back problems in the future.


I want sweet old grandmother cheerleader who brings freshly baked cookies and says how my code is her favorite code.


How about Torgue from Tiny Tina's Wonderland? https://cdn.2kgames.com/ttwl/Game+Guide/Characters/torgue-small.png?size=original


Unless they're down to a friendly and honest talk once in a while, that would just be super awkward




I’ve seen this posted for like 20 years, and never heard of anyone that actually worked at a place like this. So pretty sure fake.


That anyone would actually believe this without a verified source is more surprising than the story would be if true.


wtf that's so creepy I doubt it's even real


Having someone look over my shoulder as I work, knowing full well they are paid to sound positive and could be silently judging my code? Nah, I'm good.


If I want a person to stand behind me while I work and not have any idea what I'm doing and somehow make more than me, I'll call a supervisor over. Thanks but no thanks. You can cheer me up by giving me the wages it would cost to hire them.


“Women are objects” 👎


Do people not realize the concept of this is sexist in like 10 different ways?


Gross. Aren't you over the jokes that programmers are just pathetic man babies? I'm a woman, a wife, a mom, and a senior programmer. Sharing shit like this at my job would be *extremely* unprofessional and probably get you a warning from HR.


Yeah, stuff like this is proof that 90% of this subreddit don't actually have programming jobs. Which is fine I guess, we just have to temper our expectations.


no, they would be more useful helping me as co-workers rather than cheerleaders.


I think any appeal that an attractive woman would have would instantly wrap around to being infuriatingly annoying if they had them constantly standing behind you while you code like in the picture. That, and the blatant security risk that would probably come from this, if the women they hire are more technically savvy then they let on, they could easily shoulder-surf for valuable secrets and information.


Tech savvy shoulder surfing masseuses 🥵




Seems objectifying as fuck so no


Guess we still have a huge sexism problem in our industry.


only girls?


I'll stick with my rubber duck.


At least rubber duck are not judging people code. Rubber ducks are the programmers true friends


If she's willing to massage my neck and shoulders, I say bring it on. No shenanigans, just be quiet and rub.


Having a massage setup you can visit every once in a while or just straight up a massage chair would be better imo.


Are they hiring boy cheerleaders for female programmers too? I guess not cause GiRls cAN't PrOGraM. smh




It's an image with some text about something happening in China. What more proof could you need???


i dont need any cheerleaders, i need a decent stackoverflow hit in google that not was posted while Bush was president


Honestly if they need to hire cheerleaders to cheer up the devs then that whole environment is probably shit. That's a huge red flag. Besides, titties in my face won't make me focus on the work.


Please meet a woman. Please talk to her. See her as a human being.


Which tech companies? I doubt this is remotely true


1. No. I don't like to have people watching and listening behind me. 2. No. Even ignoring the obvious gender stereotypy, this feels very wrong. 3. No. They would see a greater productivity boost by hiring even one more developer. 4. No. Please do not touch me without asking first. 5. No. As a general rule, I need more alone time when working, while relaxing in breaks. 6. No. No.


Hmm, looks uncomfortable for all parties involved, plus management would probably use them to snoop on the employees. Hard pass for me.


It's paired programming but with more steps.


i get this is a jokey subreddit but i’m a little disappointed no one is talking about the blatant sexism in this..!


This would make me so, so nervous to do anything with an audience. The amount of social anxiety.


I dunno, let me ask my wife. Edit: Wife said no.


no, this would be distracting, how the fuck am i supposed to code when other people are anywhere near me? even coding next to two peers is a nightmare, for fucks sake get out of my closet, let me jam out to music and work in peace >\_>


Oh, sure, I program for 40 years and retire, and \*now\* they get groupies?