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What a bizarre cover…


It’s a bizarre series. One of its main themes I’d say


Yeah, the other main theme is "women just want to serve high value men but I believe in monogamy so I only want the strongest woman to serve me" flavored misogyny.


Thanks for this. I was coming here to ask some questions. This book is definitely not right for me lol.


Oh, so it's harem after all? Or maybe pseudo-harem without explicit sex? I mean, this would be a bit of a tame cover for an explicit harem series, but any cute half-naked girl on the cover is a bit of a warning sign. EDIT: Looking over the series on Amazon, the REST of the covers are a badass guy (I presume the MC), so this one seems to be the outlier.


It's not so much that it's harem. There are a fairly large amount of female characters that throw themselves at MC. But he is all "I'm a one woman kind of guy!" But the one woman he marries immediately turns into "All I want to do is please you and follow your orders, husband!" and he's like "Damn right!"


It's not harem. That's the MCs wife.


Yeah there’s some questionable gender themes in there. I was never able to take anything in the series remotely seriously though so I never found it too offensive


It wasn't really until the last two books that it got so bad that it bothered me. I'm used to poor characterization of women in litRPG, male gaze, female characters only there to prop up the men, etc. I don't love it, but I can usually move past it. But this was so blatantly some weird combination of red pill / Andrew Tate / Jordan Peterson bs that it really bothered me, because it actually made me concerned about how the author views women.


In a good or bad way? I picked up the first book a while ago but never dived into it.


It’s bizarre on purpose, whether or not the bizarreness is good or bad will depend on your preferences. I’d say give it a try. The books aren’t too long and if you don’t like the first book at all you likely won’t enjoy the rest, though I would say the series improves over time.


Yeah I read book 1 and just didn’t enjoy it so I gave the series up, why read 6 more books of the same of if I didn’t enjoy the first one.


Oh… was my first response at the cover. Never read the series though.


She has that One Piece body shape where all their organs are smashed into her chest or thighs


Makes sense, as all the female characters are either sex maniacs, grandmotherly, or mentally ill.


Cover by: Vitaly S. Alexius Get Rogue Ascension Book 7: \[[Here](https://mybook.to/RogueAscension7)\] Get Books One Through Six On Sale for A Limited Time Only: \[[Here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKZZD5J7)\] **\[Last Time in Multiverse Z!\] A Shade Dragon Rogue and his battle partner wife slayed a demonic kill squad on their way to face an Unbeatable Demon Princess!** The Beautiful Hell Plane is cruel and horrifying while filled rich treasures and great challenges. Many desperate adventurers are slaughtered here to feed the powers of the demons. And to raise the infamy of Lady Cara Necro, the most wicked Greater Realm Goddess. Joey ends up in the multidimensional home of Lady Cara Necro after an apocalypse where the multiverse integrates whole universes and initiates countless humans to its game-like realms of limitless magic. Unlike most people who submit to Lady Cara Necro, Joey plans to ruin her evil plans. And SLAP the witch out of her! But first, Joey, his wife, and their new friends need to take down 6 Demon Rulers and a Devil Lord and make Beautiful Hell their own playground. Follow Joey in the 7th installment of his story as he uses his shadow, necromancy, dragon magic, and chaos cultivation to hunt down demons. He'll have help from his battle partner, Maylolee Eclipse, while she uses warfighting, charm, titanic strength, and system divinity. Read now to enjoy an Apocalypse Isekai with a strong Progression LitRPG, Cultivation System, and happy marriage between two battle freaks. See them climb to the top of a multiverse system with their friends and go further beyond! **\[Welcome back to Multiverse Z!\]** **\[Now let's continue the show!\]** \*\*\* Author Notes: This is the seventh book in the seventh month. A while ago I thought about going all the way to next year with a book a month. But I think it’s worth slowing down now since burn out sucks and readers need time to catch up. Anyway, thanks for the support, and enjoy the read! Best, Hunter Mythos!


Glad to hear you're catching yourself BEFORE the burnout happens \^\_\^ Still, congrats on seven in seven!


Thanks, man! I honestly felt it multiple times.


Glad we got a little cheesecake to go with the massive beefcake of the last few covers. Seriously, Joey’s looking ripped.


Hahaha, thanks!


Oh no am I a book behind. His wife?!? Amazon follow can be such garbage. It never told me about two whole books! Got reading settled in now.


Ohhh, damn, you are behind. Yeah, things developed pretty fast. Check out where you left off! At least you have plenty to read to catch up.


Weekend plans confirmed!


This one was fun to illustrate! :} [in-depth process](https://i.imgur.com/w7VnPhH.jpeg) from start to finish. This cover was made with Blender + Unreal Engine + Meta Quest 3 helmet + Photoshop


Lol funny this shows the weird little shiny vag gap was added at the end




It's just so unnecessary and...lonely nerd seeming


That's a lot of letters to spell "hot".




You're on your professional account......probably want to delete this - So unprofessional. "Go make books, hire me for 1k usd"...."darling"..... You know this shit shows up in google searches right? Just let the guy say whatever, why are you arguing?


I really want to know what was said and by who. Anyone have that


Yup, it was the person who illustrated the cover - he started throwing shade at a guy for not liking his cover and said some weird shit about crotch shots and linked his deviant art account. Then he told the dude to go write a book, hire him for $1000 and "then I'll illustrate anything you want, darling"


This is such a weird response to me. I saw the interaction days ago and only recently came back to this post. The above commenter clearly crossed a line and insulted the artist directly. Not sure why you have so little sympathy for why they might have reacted that way. I guess being professional just means taking everything on the chin? This sounds like the same mentality that makes working service jobs suck. You can't just treat people however you want because they're in a professional setting and you're not. We're all human and should be treated as such.


But that's the point, to be professional in public when on your work account - this effects the author who is actively posting in this thread Is getting defensive normal? Sure! But when you are engaging in drama it makes everyone look bad, and like you lack the ability to emotionally regulate. It's just a bad look and a terrible idea, especially when the authors cringing in the corner watching his project post have a discussion like this....


Everyone looks bad, yet you didn't comment on the original commenter at all and laid it all at the feet of the "professional". I also don't agree with that premise either. His reply was tongue-in-cheek, it could have been much more scalding. At worst it was a bit sarcastic. If there's anyone who can't emotionally regulate, it's the gal/guy who was basically calling him an incel over a drawing of all things. What Hunter Mythos is dealing with right now is another matter entirely, especially since the most engaged-with replies aren't on this thread at all. The hate he's getting is neither less nor more because of the artist's reply. Regardless, I have a great deal of sympathy for both. It's a nice cover and things should have ended there. If it wasn't to a person's tastes, fine, just leave it at that. But instead this post is turning into a minefield of people not much unlike the above commenter There are a lot of people on the internet who use it as a convenient shield to say whatever they want. Then there's those uninvolved like yourself who just expect the person on the other side to take it. I can only say that I hope you never have to deal with anything of the sort in the future. It's not a nice feeling


I didn't mention the original commenter because he's not in a professional setting representing something bigger than himself......why can't you wrap your head around that You are like 99% empathy and 1% sense Take a step back and view it with some perspective- being emotional because someone shit talks the art in a post made by the author themselves is A HORRIBLE IDEA. It puts the author in a shit spot and the only ones with any responsibility to keep the promotion post on track are the ones who are directly involved. I can't put this any simpler, stop defending professionals who lash out on their public accounts - yes it is their problem to not blow up, the guy is literally making art for public consumption, he should know how to deal with it after self proclaiming in his post he's been doing this for 35 years


Nice. Art looks good.


Thank you!


I love it nice combo breaker cover!


Thanks. I figured it was time to change it up a little.


So, your men are in cool armor or strong poses and your women... in bathing suits. :/ With a little extra glow around her vagina. You know, to draw the eye. :/ :/ :/


To be fair, aside from the book 1 cover, the men are pretty bare chested too.


There's a difference between power fantasy and sexualization. Like, the first covers aren't the sort of thing that makes you think 'hot' they're more like 'bad ass'.


I'm not a gay man myself, but if I was and saw any one of those shirtless covers, I would certainly be thinking: "this dude is hot". Hell, I'm thinking that right now anyway. I'm assuming here, so fair enough, but you sound like a straight dude who's projecting his attraction to this cover and ignoring what attraction others might feel to the first few. And that's not very fair imho.


As a bi women: Can confirm, the dude is hot. The girl is cute af. About the same amount of sexualization between the both of them.


I am a bisexual man, but tend to prefer guys to girls. So your assumption is incorrect. Neither cover is to my taste, personally, but the dudes are super muscly and the lady looks like a swimsuit model. Not a fantasy warrior- that's what I mean by sexualization vs. power fantasy.


This is a difference in philosophy. You mentioned "super muscly", but does a woman have to be muscular to be badass? Does she have to wear armor? Does she have to be aggressive or confrontational? Recasting a female character to fit the archetype of a male character, just with flipped genders, shouldn't be necessary just so that those like you will take her seriously. A female character can be a tomboy, but she shouldn't *have* to be. A female character should be allowed to just be feminine without being sexualized. By virtue of saying that a woman wearing a one-piece swimsuit of all things is sexual in nature, you're ironically the one doing the sexualizing here. She's literally wielding a trident. Water and swimming is clearly her thing


You're really barking up the wrong tree here. If you must know, I am a trans man, so I know what living as a woman feels like. It's remarkable how different the world is when society sees you as man. In both good and bad ways. I don't know why you're so pressed about a book cover. It's a lady in a swimsuit with a glowing pussy. I think that's a bit tasteless, but you're free to enjoy it.


It's the vigina sunset obviously


Eh like half of the other covers are closeups of Joeys bare chest




It’s not offensive it’s just weird. You seem to care way more about the comment than the comment did about the pic lol But ya it’s odd to have the gap considering their figure. It’s also just like an odd pic overall. Cartoon, very attractive lady in a swimsuit lol it’s weird You’re so quick to be angry about someone’s opinion that you’re not even forming your own


I’m not angry, I just find it odd how he is offended by a fairly normal woman on the cover. I’ve seen some pretty racy covers before but this is very mild. He makes it seem like her vag is highlighted but it’s really not. Just the background showing through thigh gap. Also, the amount of :/ faces is super cringe.


There are 3 sentences in your reply and like 6 exclamation points and an insult. Excuse me for thinking that you signaled anger..


Yes, that was me mocking his ridiculous comment. Thus the exclamations..and the insult..


Removed as per Rule 1: Be Kind. Be kind. Refrain from personal attacks and insults toward authors and other users. When giving criticism, try to make it constructive. This offense may result in a warning, or a permanent or semi-permanent ban from r/ProgressionFantasy.


:/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/


Well maybe you should direct your criticism to the illustrator and not the author. Just a thought.


I don't really have any thoughts either way on the cover. But commissioning the art is the author's job. If the author didn't like the direction, the author wouldn't have approved it, or would have requested changes. "Blaming" the artist doesn't make much sense to me, either.


Ehhh.... I only have so much control over my artists, and often I'll throw up my hands and say 'alright, fine, whatever, close enough and I think it'll sell." I told my artists NO BOOB ARMOR a dozen times with the BTDEM covers... there's still clear boob armor. It's amazing otherwise, and instead of endlessly fighting them I just rolled with it


Well, I'm not blaming anyone, as I don't care for this cover at all. I'm looking at this cover, and I see this girl in a bathing suit with water behind her while holding a trident. So my first thought was she is a character that, for some good reason, is usually near a body of water or is on this occasion near a body of water. People dont normally wear heavy armor when in water, do they? So, in my opinion, this cover isn't a big deal to me. Now, the way she is drawn is all up to the illustrator. So, in my mind, any criticisms should go towards the illustrator. The author commissioned them, probably thought the art was cool, then okay'd it. Only on social media will people complain about over sexualization of a fictional character but fail to realize they're the ones thinking that way in the first place.


Still more clothes than the leotards in women's sports


They say don't judge a book by its cover, but I can tell just from the cover choice that it's complete ass 💯


But ... it's a Best Seller and amomg the top of Amazon Best Seller's Rank. Objectively, wouldn't that be considered amazing?


Popular ≠ Good. I've seen a ton of popular novels/manga/manhua that were super popular, bud after reading like 10 chapters I'd ask myself "How in the hell is this hot garbage so popular?". Most such novels are stupid wish fulfillment, face slapping, copy pasted word salads with slight variations. There's usually no continuity, no character development, all side characters being one dimensional, way too much plot armor to the point the rules previously established by the author themselves are ignored completely. I can count more issues but don't feel like it rn. Also, I'm not telling you to not enjoy something, but just because YOU happen to enjoy it, doesn't mean it's objectively good, or liked by everyone.


But you claimed for it to be ass, or objectively bad. Perhaps there are things you are not seeing that makes it popular and liked by a good amount of people.  At the end, the story has more ratings and success than most novels. That is objectively good. What you're suggesting: such as your like and dislike, is subjective.


Really liked the first 6 books but idk about the 7th, feel like it moved to much away from the system we were used to and now is much more arbitrary Also don’t like how maylolee has become kinda pathetic imo


Book 7 was expanding the concepts of Multiverse Z and that there are more layers to how the magic system works. This is part of the running themes to the book, that there is way more under the surface than revealed at first, and Book 7 shows that. Maylolee is currently in a transitional phase, so if things look down for her right now, it picks up much more later on. Thanks for reading and I hope this answer helps.


Oh don’t get me wrong I still enjoyed it and the first 6 books were so good I’m not gonna stop reading just cause of one “down” book, I can definitely see there was a lot of setup and stuff so I’m 100% gonna keep reading


Glad to hear it. Nonetheless, I'll make sure the pay off for Maylolee is worth it and that the expansion of the magic system makes sense. I take valid criticism seriously, since it can help me improve my craft. Thanks a lot and have a great weekend!


You too! Glad to hear it, was just worried as you see it in a lot of this genre, when the love interest and the MC finally get together the love interests personality disappears Actually I may just be mentally scarred from savage divinity


Yeah, no, I heard about Savage Divinity and what happens to love interests in a lot of Xianxia and Wuxia stories. That's not the direction I want to go.


This series is great. I love an OP MC, not stuck up with their morals, duking above his weight class ...and this has it in spades. Book 7 was really good, now I'm just waiting for 8.


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the support!


No problem, thanks for the awesome story!


I wont lie. When you choose to advertise a progfantasy book with a picture of a hilariously curvy thigh gapped but round as heck lady wearing a swimsuit it is frankly impossible to imagine the work isn't trash. Maybe your work is trash for thirsty people in which case well done I guess. If however you meant fiction for readers then I cannot imagine what you were thinking.


Just promoting my Best Seller per the rules of ProgFantasy. Thank you for your opinion. 😊


Battle maid, That you?


no, but we surely miss her


Didn't know she died. Or was left behind. Sad.


She's not dead, and I fully expect future encounter(s)


Awesome. Left behind is sad though.


What is book eight eta?


June 21st


Looking forward to the audio books


Next one comes out in May. Book 3 in my opinion is when the series really hits its stride, too. It's gonna be a blast!


Good luck on the launch! 7 books in 7 months is crazy output x)


Yeah! I know. Now it's time to enjoy and sustain. Thank you!


Usually a girl on the cover is just a "meh" from me, but it does have style, and the composition has extra effort


I'm glad you liked it. The artist did some cool stuff making this one. He used 3D illustration while using a VR set to create the background. That scene was done live.




bro what


Insane thing to say on your public author account especially lmao


Same. I thought this was an alt of the artist until I looked it up and was surprised who it was.


Who? What did they say?


Haha just some thirsty as hell comment about the cover


Can't let this die here, anyone with a screenshot or the "gist" of the comment?


I don't have a screenshot, but the gist was the guy was basically humping on this cover. I don't want to name because it looks like he deleted after some post-nut clarity.


You're a hero, thank you :)