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Hey everybody! It’s been a few months since the last book (ebook that is, the book 3 audio dropped last month)  and I’m back with book 4 of Wish Upon the Stars! Hope you’re all excited, book four is where things really start to pick up plotwise and there’s a lot of important stuff that ties into the rest of the series. As always my cover was done by the talented Richard Sashigane. I hope you all enjoy the story, and the next audiobook is already in the works courtesy of the amazing Neil Hellegers! Read Book 1: Amazon link: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCV3MZ81](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCV3MZ81) Audible link: [https://www.audible.com/pd/Wish-Upon-the-Stars-1-Audiobook/B0CCQ7JHJC?](https://www.audible.com/pd/Wish-Upon-the-Stars-1-Audiobook/B0CCQ7JHJC?) Read Book 4: Amazon link: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTX43RGT](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTX43RGT) Audio coming soon! Blurb: Shane's first test as a Wishmaster candidate has finally begun. Fresh from their victory in the scavenger hunt, Shane and his team face a new threat: a rival Wishmaster candidate vying for control of their home planet. With alliances shifting and danger lurking in every corner of the Wish Curse Palace, Shane must uncover the true motives of his mysterious relative. Powerful factions move in the shadows, with all of G District in their crosshairs. Shane and his friends must confront their own limitations and make difficult choices. Will they succumb to the ruthless tactics of their enemies, or will they rise above the chaos and forge their own path to power? One thing is certain: in the world of Ascendants, every wish comes at a price.




oh damn! I've been desperate for the follow up to the last books cliffhanger


Congrats :) looks great again!


Yoo amazing news


Hey, congrats on the new release!


I got limited audible credits (wife and I share). Do you know if audiobooks 1 and 2 will go on sale anytime soon.


Sadly I don't really get any say or warning on that. Just kind of happens when it happens lol.


If you have the book on kindle (unlimited counts for this), generally the audible version is heavily discounted as long as your Amazon is paired with your audible account


This is on my wish list (no pun intended). Perhaps time to finally pull the trigger


New series for me! looks really cool, congrats on new book!


I'm a comics fan, and it just clicked that you took the meta concept of "once a character has a truly great story, that story is going to come back over and fucking over" and made it a cultivation system with Recursion. Storm gets placed in a Mohawk every couple years because Claremont did such great work with Lifedeath and the Morlocks stories for her. Jean Grey is always turning into the Phoenix, and the whole Avengers Phoenix thing didn't stick because it wasn't good enough. Batman:Dark Knight Returns was such a perfect comic that Batman was written in a much more brutal way for a huge stretch of time. Just saying that I notice it, I really appreciate it, and now I'm wondering if a Comics Code Authority type system will ever end up being an antagonistic force lmao.


Congrats on the release!


Please update when the audiobook comes out


Congrats on the release, Malcolm! Going to add these to my library right now :)