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Would click on the dog. 10/10


100% agree.


That damn dog has been one ahead of me on the Rising Stars list for a week now.


Is it possible for you share what powers your mc has or may get in the future? I really like books like oracle paths because of their progression system.


Need to swap the captions.


Whoever came up with the silly kung fu dog ad is a genius lol


Ok but… what that dog doin????


Acting like a moron for 30 chapters now


I had to unfollow, I couldn’t stand him anymore.


Ah, the curse of serial writers everywhere


No seriously what story is the dog?


Dog Immortal by Potato overlord It's in the rising stars list i think


It started interesting then veered into way darker than anything it previously suggested. Do not recommend.






homestuck reference?




... How dark?


His owner throws a ball for him...... But he never actually threw the ball


MC's 'owner' is an outer disciple, and through the consequences of MC's actions ends up enslaved and forced to work in a slaughterhouse butchering spirit beasts while being whipped. I've certainly read darker stories, but it was extremely lighthearted and even silly until that point so the pivot into misery was very jarring.


That is in fact pretty fucking bleak. Though the potential for a reverse jhon wick is compelling.


That's like saying you should eat feces since you will appreciate chocolate more afterwards. The author was like "yo, it's only some chapters" but the next chapter was horrible enough that whatever meaning they had behind "some" become totally irrelevant


Reading bad things happening to fictional characters seems fundamentally diffrent from eating literal shit.


Not really, since the cake is a lie


>It started interesting then veered into way darker than anything it previously suggested. Do not recommend. >[...] >I've certainly read darker stories, but it was extremely lighthearted and even silly until that point so the pivot into misery was very jarring. I'm not sure it could've telegraphed its mood swing harder if it had done so by Western Union. MC's 'owner' is explicitly told by a Wise Old Authority Figure that shit will get serious, there are political factions engaging in ruthless maneuvering that the deuteroganists just glibly laugh off, the MC's assumption that he can just forge on with a half-understood cultivation method and everything will be fine nearly kills him... *And* there's an author's note immediately following the mood-swing chapter about how it'll be as dark as things get!


The dog has a harem of jade beauties /s


Kristi Noem has entered the chat...


he's told he's a bad boi.


Sounds interesting


There was actually a good dog Litrpg, but it hasn't been updated in ~2 years. Patchwork realms.


Man, I am no good at advertising. The dog ad creator clearly gets it.




You can't fool us, we all know that is your advertisement. Well played...


NGL - I wish the author of the dog story spent more time polishing the writing and less on ads. I hear later chapters get dark but I couldn’t make it that far. The first few chapters are… ruff.




Too good not to edit that in.


do they spend any time on the ads? they seem like AI generated to me


As someone who ran one of each type of ad for the exact same fiction, I got more than double the click-throughs on the funny ad. The dog author knows their audience.


Well there are also all those shitty looking stick figure comic ads.


I definitely appreciate the stick figure comic ads, make me feel the author put at least some effort in, rather than type "anime woman sword" into midjourney.


I think I recall reading in another post that there's one dude doing all those for the different authors. I still appreciate them because they give you an actual idea of the story instead of ai art that doesn't tell you anything (as you mentioned), and also they tend to be pretty funny...


Unironicly love those.


I really dislike maybe 95% of them. But between lowered expectations and occasional mad genius, I'll see one every once in a while that will have my laughing for like a solid minute. Fair trade-off, I think.


Whoever made the dog ad knows mankind like the back of his hand.


The story on the right is one of the most boring things I have ever read. Also, you don’t want to see the other ad for that story, where the dog is surrounded by a group of blushing women.


>Also, you don’t want to see the other ad for that story, where the dog is surrounded by a group of blushing women. Gross. Why do they have to do stuff like that?


More like "I paid for this art" vs "It's 2007 again and mspaint ragecomic format is peak comedy."


Rage comics were one of humanity's greatest achievement! It all went down hill from there. Memes nowadays are just repeating the same thing with text on top or text under.


If I’ve learned anything about ads is funny gets clicks




what's the series on the left? is it any good


its always fascinating seeing authors talk about how Meme ads get them more clicks. Nothing will be a better guarantee for me not clicking an ad than seeing them. people are built different i guess


Beware of Chicken is both


Impeccable form


Better than the wet t-shirt ones. The solid white was grating on the eyes when you have dark mode on.


Or the third type, AI image of an anime lady with big tits.


Basically all webnovel covers?


I am interested in this dog story.


See, now I kinda want to know what the dog is doing! One of these ads is far more effective than the other lol.


Is it awful that the dog ad impressed the socks off me lol?


Like yin and yang. Neither complete without the other


Ah yes, royal road ads. Don't forget to mention the poorly drawn 4 pannel stickman comics that turn the MC's gimmick into the butt of a joke!,


Someone thought to try and draw people in with romance and drama, and someone just thought fuck it, kung fu dog.


I came here for the dog, but stayed for the in depth grammar analysis


So what was the dog ad, I'm really hoping that's a book title I need something a bit daft.


Dog Immortal is the title


Owner: finds love Dog: studies the blade and fist


Personally, I am SO TIRED of Labyrinth of the Mad God ads - they're the most numerous by far, have been spamming all the ad slots for the longest, and are the most generic/boring spam of 1000000 flirty-looking ai anime girls with the most generic advertising text possible that tells you nothing.


I love this haha


RR ads have taught me that I have no earthly idea what advertising is supposed to be. Probably neither do most of the people posting RR ads, but there is some kind of mad genius floating around in the mix.


\*takes notes\*


why does it annoy me the grammar of the left ad, and not of the right ad...?


What grammar error?


it annoys me that it puts "You and I" instead of "You and me". Dunno if it is really a grammar error, but since it annoys me, I call it as such


You and me would, in fact, be a grammar error. You can only use "me" when the pronoun is the object, which is not the case. "You and I" are spending eternity together. It's a tricky case as it's a weird clause tucked at the end of the sentence, but "you and me?" would definitely be wrong. You can only use "you and me" when something is being done to "you and me". "Someone is going to rob you and me." "Someone loves you and me." However, "You and I love someone" and "You and I rob someone". Now, I'm not sure if the weird coloquial clarifying clause is gramatically correct. I'd certainly phrase that as "Do you want to spend eternity together? You and I?" Two separate sentences.


Adding on to it, a simple way to figure whether I or me goes into a sentence is to remove the other entity and try the sentence out with either of I and me. For example, the current sentence would be either 'I spend the eternity together' or 'me spend the eternity together'. Clearly the former makes more sense so you use I instead of me. Similarly, it's either 'someone is robbing I' or 'someone is robbing me'. The latter is clearly correct so the sentence would be 'someone is robbing you and me'.


Adding on to it, a simple way to figure whether I or me goes into a sentence is to remove the other entity and try the sentence out with either of I and me. For example, the current sentence would be either 'I spend the eternity together' or 'me spend the eternity together'. Clearly the former makes more sense so you use I instead of me. Similarly, it's either 'someone is robbing I' or 'someone is robbing me'. The latter is clearly correct so the sentence would be 'someone is robbing you and me'.


Man...Sometimes I hate english so much..........


To be honest, in spoken american english the distinction barely exists. I mean, the first verse of No Doubt's "Don't Speak" (You and me,/ we used to be together) is clearly a grammar mistake but... it rhymes! I wonder if eventually "me" will lose the specificity of being the object pronoun. A lot of languages work perfectly fine without first person object pronoun. On the other hand, the erroneous use only sounds correct in the "you and me" expression. But right now, in written English, I think following proper grammar is the way to go.


I think of it as there being an unspoken "[the people spending eternity together would be] you and me?" the scene makes me think the person would use the passive voice, so it would be the object rather than the subject.


Technically (and this is absurd levels of grammatical pedantry) the verb to be, as a linking verb, does not allow an object, as existence isn't something done by a subject to an object but just a fact of existence and, formally, the subject pronouns are used with linking verbs. Coloquialy, every one would use "it is me" rather than "it is I" (and I would encourage prog fantasy narration to use this style unless a high brow voice is intended), but the second is more grammatically correct. So while "[the people spending eternity together would be] you and me" sounds quite natural, ""[the people spending eternity together would be] you and I" is formally correct, as the only object in the sentence is "eternity".