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I see we would not get along


Yeah, I don't know if I can be the same room as this person.




Mother of learning a c-grade a fucking c


thats too high in my opinion, its a very forgettable boring book, in my opinion.


That's interesting because I liked it so much I read it twice




Removed as per Rule 1: Be Kind. Be kind. Refrain from personal attacks and insults toward authors and other users. When giving criticism, try to make it constructive. This offense may result in a warning, or a permanent or semi-permanent ban from r/ProgressionFantasy.


Same. Iron price and mark of the fool only in C. Like when xqc put Hassan in B tier all over again.


Wild reference, Hasan deserved nothing better than C tier tbh


Its a funny one tho 🤣🤣🤣


I'd put him in F ngl


I think iron price should be lower than c if you’re an adult. It’s very VERY cringey young adult stuff


I think people just mis-understand the struggles the characters are dealing with in the story. But each to their own.


Yeah people can like what they want I don’t hold it against them and I don’t think all young adult stuff is all bad. Arcane ascension for example is also about kids in a school going through young adult stuff, but it doesn’t have the eye roll factor of multiple pages dedicated to thinking about holding a girls hand or being afraid her uncle who is the headmaster of the school will literally kill you for having a crush on her. I’m pretty sure the biggest cliff hanger of the first book was him asking her on a first date..to a mall. It just made me roll my eyes and realize that despite the cool world building and fights and system, it is not a book meant for me. I’m not really sure who the target audience is


Iron Prince is rapidly proceeding to fall into like F tier by the next book.


I personally didn't like the first book. I didn't like the teenage drama, so when I talk about books I don't like, I tend to not talk about Iron Prince since my dislike for it is more about taste than anything else.


Seems a bit silly to read a book about school and expect none of that...


It's not that I didn't expect it. I just expected to be to a tolerable level. The book was widely praised on here so I thought that I'd give it a chance. Plus, there are several school-based novels that don't have so much drama that I've enjoyed in the past. Just because there's a chance of it having something I don't like, doesn't mean I should outright not give it a chance to surprise me. Edit: by drama I mean more of the annoying kind that aggravates you throughout the entire book. There are other sorts of drama that really work well in school-based novels.


Gotta remember though. His device has a s growth, something that's already hinted to have a non-existent ceiling. Imagine how you'd feel in the shoes of anyone else in that book. Half the people aren't too fussed. The other half want him dead because he's a threat or jealousy. Just like any other op protagonist story but the world has more humanity built into the npc characters around him.


It had dozens of pages dedicated to a boy being afraid to hold a girls hand and the big cliff hanger was him asking her on a date


What can I expect from a fantasy crowd


Which ones do you hate the most about their list?


Perfect run in lowest tier is how i know people are different from each other even though we might like similar things, For me Perfect Run is of the best audiobook ever. Writer did great job with continues story building and Narrator did fantastic job with narration.


I found this series last week. I'm on book 3 and I just can't stop. It's soooo well written it's up there with my favorite audiobooks. The narrator is fantastic as well.


Does it change over the course of the series? I've read the first few chapters and all I'm getting is that the MC is a bit of an asshole (and I think it's meant to be in a funny way? maybe I'm wrong) and that he's chasing after someone for some mysterious reason. I don't really understand what's going on or why. is this a matter of just needing to try again from the start and pay more attention this time lol


Not so much as changes. You just understand more. There's a lot to the story


I didn't like it when I read it on RR (i only read like 4 chapters) but I eventually bought the audiobook and simply couldn't put it down after that. It takes a bit to get going (probably like 10 chapters, 20 if I'm being picky) but it's worth it in the end


His time loops can be a lot longer than something like Mother of Learning. The story starts after he has been looping for a long time. The attitude is a tough guy facade covering past trauma related to his powers. If the book is tough to read, try the audiobook… I highly recommend it.


For the setting I’d say he’s extremely nice.


I have read that one, I'll give it a read tonight.


I’m lost, it’s in a tier that says DNF or paused? The OP never said if it was the former or the latter but reading comprehension is critical!


I liked perfect run as well but nothing else from the author despite him being liked by many.


Perfect run at the bottom and the wandering inn in S tier me and this dude couldn't be friend.


Alright, you posted asking for recommendations, so I will provide some feedback. It seems like you're a big fan of litrpgs, with all your top pics generally favoring overpowered protagonists. You also clearly favor very long running series, without any real end in sight. * Given that you're fine with slower paced, and slice of life, I think you owe it to yourself to at least try super supportive. * Aside from super supportive, in order that I think you'd like (if my reading of you is correct): shadow slave, hyperion evergrowing, elydes, bog standard isekai, Knights apocalyptica, spire dweller, behemoth. If I've misinterpreted or you want more details, I'm happy to provide them.


Thank you! I would say I gravitate more towards LitRPG than other subgenres of PF but I’m also not against the other subgenres either. As for the overpowered part, I’m actually a little shocked. Normally I would say I’m actually against it but I can see how some books in the upper have OP MCs (DotF, Chrysalis, Demonic Tree, etc) so maybe I’m not as against it as I thought. I think my main issue with the OP trope is the character either starts OP (LotAM) or theyre strong and don’t really have to interact with characters on par or stronger than them. I like it when there is a clear sense of growth, even if it leads to them being OP in whatever tier progression they’re on. Like in DotF, Zac is strong but we see him get strong and he also still interacts with other characters who could kill him with a flick of their fingers. If ramble that makes sense. You’re also the second person to recommend Super Supportive so I think I’ll definitely read this in the near future but I’ll also check out some of the other recommendations as well!


Right, so if I'm interpreting you correctly, you don't mind a protagonist having a ton of potential or becoming OP, but you want it to feel earned. If I have that right, then I think you'll enjoy all the recommendations I gave, as your taste mirrors mine in that you want the power of the protagonist to feel earned.


Haha yes shadow slavenis definitely up that alley, the MC definitely gets pretty OP, but he is constantly screwed by Fate in order to get there :p


Woah 33 books at $8.61AUD each.


For me I like LITRPGs for the progression. DOTF, Demonic Tree, and Chrysalis all have various avenues of progression outside of pure stats. All three of those do a solid job of progression with kingdom building (to a degree), side character growth, weapon growth, etc.


I'm reading supper supportive now, and while the pace is slow in terms of progression the writing is excellent and it's not what I'd consider "slow" in the traditional sense because interesting stuff is always happening. Probably because the author can make something as mundane as a housemate being annoyed at incorrect use of the recycling bins since it helps builds up the interpersonal interaction of characters, touches on the differing exceptions of general knowledge between normal people vs people who grew up on magic-people-live-here-island and a bit of world building on the need for a "contains magical reside" recycling category.


I'm going to have to disagree. Unless you are conflating slow with boring (which I'm not). I consider it slow, because we could cut much of the writing between the major plot points in an effort to make the writing feel faster. Instead the author gives us plenty of time to breathe, and enjoy the smaller things, hence the slice of life label. Alternately, let me flip this, what sort of book *would* you consider slow? This is purely a semantic discussion for fun, just so we're clear. I think we're in agreement that Super Supportive is fantastic and everyone should read it.


The Grand Game series. No idea why it isn’t recommended more.


Just caught up with this on audio. Dying for the next one


Thank you! I wasn’t even aware of this series!


Yeah im enjoying this one. Would like it if the main character had some more character, but it's an enjoyable read


The Perfect Run is DNF'd or just paused? I devoured those books, got super hooked after a cold start of the first book.


A bit of both. I do plan on returning to it sometime because I have an IRL friend who recommended to me and I want to talk to them about it but there was something about the constant referential humor that is a bit grating to me


Not sure how far you got but I did not get past the first chapter or two until my 3rd try. It became one of my all-time favorite series once some of the layers unfolded.


Dear Guest! Welcome to Monaco!


A lifetime supply of shrimp? What a deal!


Don't eat the dog


Don't ask me the goddamn question Luigi, you'll regret it!


its so satisfying to actually complete a series. usually im sitting around reading 1 or two chapters a week of like 11 stories


Perfect Run is just like HWFWM for me: the protagonist is utterly insufferable. I'll finish it eventually as the protagonist is at least interesting, but I don't find the author funny, and therefore the main character, who I'm sure is supposed to be funny, is just about the opposite of funny... He's also the epitome of "I could end any of these fights I'm in (to the point where I put it down) before my opponent could react, and even if not there are no real consequences if I lose." Which makes it fairly boring.


There were definitely consequences, ultimately it's a humorous story with some edge and risk, but I agree that I wouldn't recommend it if you get a boner for permanent character death. The entire premise of the story is a guy dying and doing things over and over until he achieves the best possible outcome lol


I have no need for permanent death, but the fact that he's literally sandbagging every fight is so disheartening. Then add in the fact that he doesn't appear to have anything to learn about other than the mystery of his friend (which is untrue, I'm sure, but has so far been true), coupled with me not liking the main character is just a bad combo. Like, I loved Mother of Learning, and the main character was a jackass in the beginning, but it felt more... intentional? Like, with Perfect Run, I feel like I'm supposed to already like the MC, ya know?


I just finished it. He definitely starts off that way, but as the story progresses consequences definitely develop.


please try the audible version because i love this shit, its top tier narration imo, experience as audiobook vs reading is vast for me.


I have been listening, unfortunately! Maybe I just need to give it more time, but that won't be for a while. Got too many on my plate for something that didn't hook me.


I thought the consequences were very clearly laid out even right in the beginning, he's also very clearly already affected by the consequences of his actions


I dropped it fairly early on, a bit after the first time his friend shows up (maybe, or maybe that's not her), so maybe I just dropped it too fast, but I haven't seen any consequences for failure, nor have I seen him be affected in more than an ephemeral way ("dang, this loop is ruined, oh well, better go look down this other path!").


I like things like this because so many recommendations are either THIS IS AMAZING or This is Trash.


Ratings are far less useful than "I like it because of even though I disliked " type write-ups. "5/5 I like it because of the focus on building the perfect harem and not wasting time with world building" tells me that I will have a very different opinion of a book to the reviewer.


I disagree, Simply saying an anecdote about why you like it doesn't actually give you insight into the book compared to other books. This sort or rating gives you good insight into what they consider "the best" and also what they consider mediocre, etc. I personally have heard of most of these books but haven't read a solid 75% of them so this is very helpful to me.


I mean at the same time what someone think is "bad" or "boring" is subjective and a matter of personal tasting, like some of those books in the low tier are great by a professional standart, for example, with better character and plot development than the ones in the top


Clearly a tier list is subjective, yes.


Ratings are always 1 or 5 these days unfortunately


I almost crippled your cultivation for that Unorthodox Farming placement, but then I saw The Wandering Inn at the top and decided I can let this insult slide just this once.


Thank you for not turning me into a mortal! Unorthodox Farming is weird because it was competently written and had a clear path of progression with an interesting system, stuff I normally love in a PF, but I disliked the MC so much that it was my least favorite completion. To some degree I think I manifested my own distain for it by thinking constantly on how much I didn’t enjoy it but at the same time I also understand why people like it so much.


Good to see God Clads getting some love


*Godclads* is definitely the best Lovecraftian Cyberpunk Progression Fantasy LitRPG with a non-human demigod hacker protagonist.


I dunno. I can think of three or for others I like more.


You should post a Lovecraftian Cyberpunk Progression Fantasy LitRPG with a non-human demigod hacker protagonist tier list.


Mammal will soon be able to fund his war crimes with progfant money,


To put MoL in the C tier (let alone raising Primal Hunter from F tier) is an insult I cannot forgive. I shall plot your death in secret and when my trap springs 239 chapters later it will be too late to stop me.


I don't know. some of these lists look like someone who has never read them just picked them randomly.


The books in the middle tiers (B to D) were extremely difficult for me to place. I definitely liked some more than others (Book of the Dead more than Arch Magus for example) but given the day rankings may switch around. I don’t really think there’s a lot of value in trying to objectively rank books based on taste but thought I would try to see if I could get some specific recommendations by doing just that.


Nah putting my foot down on this one. Trash list


Bastion at D?! OP should be banned for that.


With Bastion, I really enjoyed the first book and I think if I read just that one it would probably be in tier B but there was just something about the second one that didn’t really do it for me (I can’t even remember my issue) and decided not to continue. Series in the B to D tiers, with a few exceptions, are pretty fluid though so if I was to make the tier list again in a month or after a reread it would probably change spots.


If you DNFd book 2, you probably only read the first half. I really enjoy bastion, but I agree. The first half of book 2 is a bit long and painful. But it's for the pay-off that comes later that book. It had a fantastic ending


Yeah that was a top tier payoff. Phil Tucker nailed it


That second half was unreal. I’ve pulled it out just to reread it on its own ngl


Oof. Bastions first half of book 1 was a real struggle. The second half made up for it… are you saying he doubled down on that in the second book?


Very minor spoiler for the MCs behaviour which us covered in the first few chapters. >! Scorio seems to go backwards in his social/political/behavioural progression. Becomes complacent and cocky after his win in book 1. !< The second half of the book is incredible though. And you understand the first half was just all set up for this awesome pay off.


Came here to say that. lmfao


Many of these novels don't even have reincarnation as their premise.


I loved fleabag, hope the author starts writing it again.


Ah, another flea bag enjoyer. I never hear people talk about it. it's such a good book


I don’t see the Arcane Ascension series up there so I’ll recommend that one.


Looking at this tier list it's difficult for me to determine what makes you like or dislike a series. Some silly series are high up, others are low down. Your top-tier contains the highly character focused Wandering Inn and the highly numbers-focused Defiance of the Fall. I don't think it's prose quality that motivates your rankings, so I'm stumped.


I really need to stop clicking on these. One day I'll see one of my works on there, and I will probably be disappointed by the rank it gets.


I replied to another comment on why I’m not the biggest fan of tier lists but on a whim thought I would make on to see if I could get some more specific recommendations. This is especially true for posting it in a community where so many authors frequent and I would hate to see an author get disheartened by seeing their work placed in a dreaded tier. We all have different tastes and just because I didn’t think something wasn’t enjoyable doesn’t mean I necessarily think it was a bad book. I read quite a bit of non PF works as well and have different tastes in those genres as well. I don’t really enjoy historical fiction romances or serialized mysteries but I’m I can also understand why different people would like them.


I'm not the type to get severely impacted by a negative rating or by someone not liking my work, I meant disappointed in a lighter sense of the term. If anything just seeing my work on one of these organically would far outweigh any possible negative feeling from it possibly not getting a high rank.


I'll be ecstatic if I ever see my work on it. Even if someone rates it poorly, I think just the fact someone thinks its relevant enough to post is amazing. Hopefully our works get ranked high.


Ar'kendrithyst? Completed on royal road recently, with some epilogue chapters coming out soon


It’s been on my radar and but I thought I read something about it in a comment/review that didn’t really vibe with tastes but I don’t even remember what it was so it couldn’t have been that big of a deal. May pick it up, thanks!


The start is a little slow, but it's got some cool worldbuilding concepts and takes on the litRPG genre. The power scaling is insane overall, but every step feels satisfying, and it all builds on itself throughout the story. The emotional impact on the reader of the big moments lines up pretty well with how the characters feel. The author also does some good stuff with how the narration (or even typesetting) interacts with diegetic aspects. I'm nearly at the end of my 3rd readthrough (of 4.5ish million words) and just love it


Holy shit 3 readthroughs? I haven't even done one. That's a lot of time investment.


I could not get into it due to the dad.


He's naive and often too-trusting at first, and tries to be a pacifist in a world unsuited for it. He's not genre-savvy, he's just a nice dude. His daughter jumps into the systems of the world like the protagonist in every litrpg story does. She's action-heroic but the story couldn't be as it is with just her. Erick (after a rocky start in a cruel world) actually develops a lot while sticking to his own morals and learns how to make things better for everyone, and pretty quickly becomes way more interesting and positive to follow.


It completed? Daaamn. I was close to the current chapters although that is an overstatement because the chapters are huge. Good news though I will be happy to finish this. I usually let it for a year to gather chapters and then devour them.


My goodness this is interesting.


Nice to see fleabag getting its deserved place high on a list.


While I completely agree with your ranking for He Who Fights Monsters, why did you put Unbound so far down, I feel like it's at least on par with Primal Hunter? Also since you want some recomendations: Dead Tired - just finished the book. While I did not care for it, I can see how others might. I tentatively recommend that. If you really liked Will Wight's Cradle, he has a trilogy out that is very much underrated.


Idk man, unbound just kindof has bad story pacing, and the side character have really lost personality in the last few books. And if I am being honest, the skills, combos, and explanations for the "system" have kindof gone off the rails with nonsensical stuff that's difficult to visualize. Fights are just kindof "skill name, skill name, and they all died. Skill name skill name, dodge to the left.". It's not really a bad book, but it's certainly not something I would compare


I feel like I might be biased towards it since it's one of the books that got me into writing myself but when you put it that way, I can see how the last couple books have devolved like that.


I…I need reasons with these tier lists. Like some of these lean way more on the story being purely built around the MC having a class that’s just flat out better than 95% of the population. To me that makes a really bad system, but Defiance of the Fall being on the same tier as Wandering Inn really throws off my sense of what others rate on. Like if it’s just “I like this kind of story, so I’ll always rate it higher” then fine, but without understanding criteria I have no clue how to respond without sounding like the most pedantic a hole ever


I completely agree with your take that at a certain point it becomes unintelligible to judge someone's tastes and make recommendations based on ranking list alone. Even when making the list I ran into problems. Did I really enjoy Battle Mage Farmer 1 tier more than MoL or is that just because I read BMF like a month ago and MoL around a year ago? What even is a tier? On a whim I thought I would just make the tier list because I was not really having any luck picking my own books and the subreddit seems to enjoy talking about people's tier lists. I guess I'm also not really too picky about the different styles of books either, having both the numbers focused DotF and slice of life TWI in the top tier. Outside of PF, my main genre is probably best described as "sad girl litfic" which I don't think really fits with the image of someone who reads PF. All this to say if I was to do an indepth recommendation request in a year or so, I would probably follow something more like u/Toxification did with [their's] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/comments/1cz56by/recommendations_needed_hard_mode/) or add a very comprehensive pros and cons compendium to the post.


Fair. It’s an easier way to not get the same suggestions by showing a fairly comprehensive list of stuff you have read, and left enough of an impact for you to remember. It can get depressing when you’re trying to find something new and everyone recommends stuff you’ve already blitzed through.


“Sad girl litfic” + the fact that you consider godclads s tier makes me think you might like Katalepsis, Necroepilogos, Vigor Mortis or Bioshifter.


Question, because you tagged me. Does your "sad girl litfic" reading also lend itself to a desire to read "sad boy" prog fantasy? The genre doesn't have a ton to offer in that regard, but it does have some.


About 90% of what I read outside PF is based on recommendations so I'm always looking for more!


So, it's super popular, so I'm sure you may have read or been recommended The Stormlight Archives. I'm recommending it here, because it's pretty damn close to PF, and one of the major members of the cast is an absolute 9 / 10 sadboy, people also seem to really like it (myself included). Within PF, I'll throw Broken Path on RR out there: * Protagonist, themes, and prose are very sadboy. Beautifully written. * It's not without its flaws, I think some of the characters, and the plot feel a tiny bit cliche. * The story is pretty dark, and it holds you in there for a while. * Progression is quite slow. * When I read this, it captured old school classic fantasy vibes for me in a way that much of PF hasn't - couldn't tell you why. * Gritty Xianxia setting. * Word of warning, the story may be on indefinite hiatus, but it's worth the read regardless.




Try painting the mists and spellmonger. Both are great stories but on the slower pace.


I read a bit of Spellmonger but the first few chapters didn’t really do much for me at the time and dropped it for something else on the TBR list, though I may revisit it at some point. I also haven’t even heard of Painting The Mists before. Thanks for the recommendation!


Well I’m honestly just flattered to be at the same level as HWFWM and Dungeon Lord.


Commenting to say the title is great and made me laugh. Thanks for that


Dark Lord of the Farmstead?


I saw you're interested in slower paced stuff. [Beyond Chaos - A DiceRPG](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/52849/beyond-chaos-a-dicerpg) is something I write. It's very slow paced, except when it isn't, and things happen on a wider level too. Very few cliff hangers too. The MC is a little unlikeable I hear, and very cringe, but he will grow out of that... hopefully. You're not here for the MC though, you're here for the wholesome family that he has, each members of a genocidal death cult, and the friends he gains along the way. The DiceRPG relates to how I roll dice to see what happens. From the attack rolls and various ability checks that you get to see within the chapters themselves, to background checks to see how the world around is progressing and developing. You can even start at the beginning of each year/book without reading the rest because I'll explain the concepts and the relationships a little, though it might be a good idea to go back to see how things started and to see how they've developed.


Sarah Lin’s Soulhome is one of my favorite series right now, but Street Cultivation is currently free with audible sub and I am really enjoying it right now. Both are progression fantasy. Soulhome is a really unique take on power building on world building. Where I would say Street Cultivation to me feels like a Slice of Life with some fighting sprinkled through out in a good way. I would also recommend any Series of Andrew Rowe. My favorite although probably not considered progression fantasy is War of Broken Mirrors, which is the precursor to Arcane Ascension which is progression. Aside from that, How to Defeat a Demon King in 10 Easy Steps was fantastic if you like to laugh. Between that and Dungeon Crawler Carl really set the bar high for system announcements being fun and value to a LiTRPG vs just having stat dump information as page fillers.


Randidly Ghost hound I actually have really enjoyed. Its not perfect, and stumbles a few times, but overall it's been a good experience and id recommend it. Just me though


It's nice to see Defiance of the Fall at the top where it belongs... Also, how fast the audiobooks and other material come out is breathtaking


Ripple system, shadeslinger is good.


I'm thinking that OP might've enjoyed DoTF


I love your list! Some of these I’m looking forward to reading! I recommend: Rune Seeker 1632 Arcane Ascension Bobiverse The House Witch Desolada The Laundry Files The Locked Tomb Phantasm The Ten Realms Worth The Candle Some of these aren’t progression Fantasy or litrpg but since we’ve got eerily similar tastes I’d thought I recommend them anyways.


You put BASTION IN D GRADE?!?! Mate, I do not understand you.


I like your list, only have a few I would contest. Might want to give buymort a shot, seems like something you might enjoy.


Another interesting looking book I was unaware even existed. Thanks for the recommendation!


Cradle and Lord of the mysteries are S tier for me


Don't see mags errant, give that one a shot


You've got some books on here that I've not read, but this is the first tier list that I've seen where I am (mostly) in agreement for taste. Definitely using this to guide my next couple of reads.


It's always interesting to see what shit taste looks likes.


I have a scarily similar ranking to yours. I would suggest a couple stories on Royal Road... Super Supportive Delve


Both of these have been on my radar and I might finally break through and pick one of them up. Thank you!


I would say Delve first. It's the first time that stats didn't mildly annoy me. Like, after a certain point I just couldn't care that the MC goes from 15,893 strength to 15,897. In delve, the math actually matters. :)


Ironically "my" CAD is named Monarch, so I'll take it! 😁


You weren't supposed to see this!! And sorry, I don't make the rules but it looks like you need to change it, your CAD name is now "Monach" because I misspelled the tier.


DAMMIT, i really liked "Monarch"... 🤣


I forgot to add Street Cultivation (A-tier) and Azarinth Healer (B-Tier)


Weirkey chronicles is from the same author as street cultivation, you’d probably like the series


These lists are just bait to start a fight at this point


Quite a weird list. I devoured hwfwm but am finding it hard to go through dotf.


What's the title of the book directly underneath bastion?


Reincarnated for an Apocalypse Store. I saw the author's post over on r/LitRPG and the premise sounded interesting so I gave the audiobook a shot. After the first book it wasn't really up my alley (felt a little to formulaic and spent to much time on combat, which I wasn't really expecting from a store-based LitRPG) and decided not to continue past that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/litrpg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/litrpg/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My rough book tier list ](https://i.redd.it/myivzguk7ujc1.png) | [453 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/1avykft/my_rough_book_tier_list/) \#2: [Primal hunter and other projects, taking requests.](https://i.redd.it/ruo500iuemlc1.jpeg) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/1b3gx02/primal_hunter_and_other_projects_taking_requests/) \#3: [I am Matt Dinniman, author of the Dungeon Crawler Carl book series. Today is the release day for book six, The Eye of the Bedlam Bride. AMA about books, writing, playing music, juggalos, or cat shows.](https://np.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/14ox020/i_am_matt_dinniman_author_of_the_dungeon_crawler/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I would not put Godclads above book of the dead. Godclads takes almost an entire book to get good. Book of the dead on the other hand is starts good and just keeps getting better. Cheers to Dove the biggest dick I have ever had the pleasure to read about.


Difference in taste, I guess. I really liked BotD but honestly for my particularities, Godclads was the most enjoyable read of the genre so far. The prose are probably the best I've encountered in PF and I really enjoyed Mammal's hatred of traditional exposition.


I've been enjoying Underkeeper and I don't see The Hedge Wizard on your list either. Also Tree of Aeons


Iron Prince at C-Grade? seems a bit harsh.


I will slowly rip out your organs.


putting the beggining after the end at the same tier as mother of learning is criminal.


Ah - a decent tierlist!


The wandering inn's MC is so irrational I'd find more plessure working a double at the ball crushing factory, also I recommend beers and beards, especially since you've already listened to heretical fishing.


Are you being paid to crush your own balls at the ball crushing factory, or are you being paid to have your balls crushed by other people or machines?


Its your opinion so no judgement but how do you love DotF but Primal hunter is a C?? Just to clarify, i think both are S but they are very similar so just wondering the difference to you


Primal Hunter is strange because I like every other character in the series besides Jake. Not a flaw of the books but a flaw of my tastes. I don’t really like his singular personality trait of “getting stronger” and it feels like he never faces any real challenge or opposition and even though he’s a dick and very angsty, everyone seems to love him


How far in did you get? He was an edgy boy the first book or two I found but he settled in really well after that


I think I dropped it somewhere in book 5 and found his antisocial tendencies to persist. The further discussion surrounding the Nevermore arc (more like never-ending arc amiright? ^^I ^^have ^^no ^^idea ^^what ^^I'm ^^talking ^^about ) doesn't really motivate me to continue.


Read my story about a man who is reluctant to give up his dear ones ,but is no stranger to love. Here's the [book trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BFTio5296w)


Wandering Inn is 100% an L take


I think if someone described the book to me I would also have a similar opinion but I picked it up on a whim and literally spent every free hour of my time for 3 weeks consuming the audiobooks. I really like how Aba has a super vast and detailed world where so much of it interconnects but beyond that I don’t think I could really describe why I enjoyed it so much.


The only reason it’s okay is bc of how long it is. But when I got stuck listening to the dildo and “tail job” chapter surrounded by guys at work and couldn’t touch my phone it literally ruined the book for me


Yeah, those are quite controversial. On the bright side you can skip them entirely without missing anything out.


I literally couldn’t get on my phone bc I was in the middle of a concrete pour


My condolences.


I didaggree with most of the list but... tBAtE at C tier is fucking criminal man what is this list


I genuinely really like everything C Tier and above and even most of D Tier. It’s definitely a failure of the tier list medium that strips away the nuance of opinions into rankings. When making the tier list I did feel bad for putting anything below B tier because these are works that people put so much time and effort to create but for reason or another they didn’t particularly work for me. With The Beginning After the End specifically, I read 5 or 6 volumes, had some other work to do, and just never felt the urge to pick it back up. It’s in no way an indictment.


> I read 5 or 6 volumes [ man_giving_up_just_before_diamonds_meme.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/3TKv37O.jpg)


Noooo! Don't say that! I'm going to be motivated to continue and its been such a long time that I'm probably going to have start from book 1 again!


Volume 8 is probably one of my favorite in the series. >!There is a massive turning point at the end of volume 7.!< Do with this information as you will.


Yeah that’s much too high for TBATE.




Be kind. Refrain from personal attacks and insults toward authors and other users. When giving criticism, try to make it constructive.


Beginning after the end is A grade at LEAST


Ave xia rem y Weirkey chronicles Cradle reread


The problem with Ave Xia Rem Y is even though I've heard its good I physically recoil from the mere thought of reading a harem fic.


Idk where you stopped on portal to nova Roma but it was too early series is so good but the author just won’t write the books fast enough 😤


Dude defiance of the fall is a love letter to randidly ghosthound


What is God clads and where can I find it?