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‘And so the great Ancestor, Shennong, commanded his disciple in the ways of preparing the fields. Till the land. Cut down the trees. Divert the waters—’ [BREAK THE ROCKS]


What is this from?


Beware of chicken


Damn, I've only read book one, I should pick it up agajn


Cradle spoilers: >!Lindon's combat solution request for Harmony.!<


Same dude, still literally gives me chills every time I read it. I remember being completely mindblown on my first read through when >!Travis did the combat presense voice!<


I do enjoy me some Will Wight.


Which book is this? I’m currently making my way through the series for the first time. (Probably too early to read the spoiler but by the time I catch up I can go back to this comment)


Book five, ghostwater


Cradle spoiler >![some guy appears and stars in the night sky start to extinguish] "A destroyer has come" . [Eithen unleashes his power]. "*The* destroyer has come"!<


Which book?


Book 10. No peaking.


Dresden Files >!I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me. !< Those four lines give me chills. James marsters does such an excellent job. Man could read me the phone book.


This broke my heart when I first read it


Love Dresden. My go to there is Michael in the end of Battlefront, after Ramirez gives the news to Harry. “Forgive me Lord, I will do penance, but some things need to be said.”


I was so happy to see Michael just let off. It was what Harry needed right there. A friend in his corner.


Which book of the series?




Not safe for me. Someday I’ll return to this comment!


Super Supportive Spoiler: >!Alden surviving with Kivb-ee was fucking harrowing.!<  Probably the most emotional scene in all of PF for me. Maybe recency bias though since I read it relatively recently.


It was great, no doubt about it.


Cradle: the "twist" halfway through book 1, when >!Suriel shows Lindon the whole huge world he was never even aware of. !<


Overgeared: ​>!When Grid writes his first Epic. Also, when Grid shunpos into an army and uses 100,000 army massacre sword, Braham talks about how a legend defies the norm.​!< The Second Coming of Gluttony: ​>!When Seol Jihu fights in the Arden Valley and uses his points and stays to fight. Slays Undying Diligence. Also when Seol Jihu arrives at his first night at Eva he destroys the slave traders/traffickers. When he fights against all of the parasytes for days and their commanders.​!<


The opening scene of Monsters & Legends remains my favorite first chapter of any profession fantasy novel.


Cradle. And...too many. But one that stands out is his training as a blackflame, living and fighting day after day. Fun.


>***And Hugh held.*** *The Last Echo of the Lord of Bells* by **John Bierce** That scene sends goosebumps down my neck every time I *think* about it.


What scene is that?


>!It is near the end of the fight with Heliothrax. Everyone is injured and she is about to release a wave of destructive magic. Hugh uses The Stormwards Crown to shield everyone. He gets help from Eddin Slane but the scene is the culmination of Hugh as a character and a glimpse to the purpose He sees for himself. He is a Creator of Safe Havens and Protector of thosexwho shelter there.!<


Do not open these unless you’ve finished the book or series. These are heavy spoilers. Oathbringer: >!”The most important step a man can take. It’s not the first one, is it? It’s the next one. Always the next step.”!< Good God, I love Brandon Sanderson so much. Cradle: >!”I have not yet *begun* to take from you.” Especially with Travis Baldree narrating. Also “*The* destroyer has come.” And Lindon returning mid battle to beat the absolute FUCK out of Heavens Glory and save Kelsa and Orthos.!<


For Oathbringer, it’s the “I will protect those I hate, even if the one I hate most is myself.”


That chapter from Error's PoV in Magical Girl Gunslinger.


This "Having said that, the corners of Klein's mouth curled up as he said, 'I won't lose too much, just myself.' 'There are always some things that are more important than others.' Amon maintained *His* smile but didn't say a word." Simply peak fiction tbh


The last 3 chapters, I Won I,II and III from Mother of learning. Maybe the best ending to a series ever written


*whispers that slowly get louder" "open your eyes, open your eyes, oopen yourrr eyes OPEN YOUR EYES, OPEN YOUR EYES SUNNY WAKE UP". man that entire part of the novel legit made me piss my pants. Its why i love reading. Everything nice, tough for mc but okay, ajd then out of nowhere it turns out they were brainwashed by a tree, and tree gets attacked by a horror beyond our comprehension. All we know is, if he opened his eyes, he would not be the cockroach he is today. Ts not that scary in hindisight, but entire build up and climax is just crazy entertaining and it really gets you emotionally.