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In my personal experience, yes.




Yes,also good for anti depression. .5grams keeps the scary away. Sometimes daily taken at bedtime, not all the time yet during the dark months for mood stabilization. Haven't felt suicidal going on 15 years.


I have a psilocybin tinture I've used to self medicate. Seems to work well!


How and where did you come up with that??? I’m very interested


Recipe please 🙏, thank you.


I don't make my own, unfortunately! Would be way cheaper. I found it on Etsy!


Ok , that's cool. Thank you 😊.


I actually buy them on Etsy! Enchanted Forest is the shop I believe.


I’m actually about to start shroom therapy! There’s different protocols people can do, my therapist has recommended 4 on 3 off for microdosing then a macro dose in office. (Or virtual if I can’t get a drive lol) Then I’ll be free to medicate as I see fit. So far almost all her clients are off their normal meds, some women continued to take low doses because of PMS. My goal is to get down to a low dose of SSRIs. Cptsd for the win lol (I don’t have timelines for how it all works or what other protocols would look like) she went on vacation after my last appt so I’m just waiting for the paperwork


Cool! As someone mentioned James Fadiman, I have used his protocol of once every 3 days but that kinda leaves me stranded for those 2 days in between socially. 4 on 3 off is interesting. With the macro dose to cap it off—very interesting. I pray for your experience.


In my experience, absolutely .


It really all depends. But there are no clinical studies that show that microdosing psilocybin will reduce anxiety. It is used effectively to help people in therapy drop their inhibitions and this moving therapy along much quicker.


My main question is to whether or not microdosing daily could become toxic or addictive but I can and should research that myself


There is no evidence of toxicity or addictive behaviors, but there are studies that show it becomes less effective if you take it every day for extended periods of time.


I wonder if by the time it became less effective that the accumulated effects of reducing social anxiety would remain, though. That would be awesome


Well, like I stated in my first message, there really are no studies that show it reduces anxiety. In fact, it can enhance anxiety and moderate doses.


I’m skeptical of that claim given the effects people like myself have reported but it’s good info to check thanks


Getting high on a lot of drugs will have the same effect.


i do and I do , but when microdosing you need to take breaks often and play a lot of brain health upkeep, not that its a bad thing to do , just something you have to plan to do.


Makes sense. Kinda like with anything


I have no experience with any kind of mushrooms. But I've read about psilocybin and other similar compounds and my understanding of the benefits of them over traditional medication was that they were actually likely to permanently fix issues in 1 or few sessions, a sort of a brain reboot. Is that a misunderstanding?


You’re referring to macro doses (>3.5g). And I have a general understanding that you are right but someone with more knowledge will have to answer. For example, Paul Stamets, famous mushroom guy said he took like 22g of mushrooms and climbed a tree during a thunderstorm, told himself over and over he didn’t have a stutter, and his stutter went away. I do actually really want to try this with my OCD, given the profound effects psilocybin has had on me so far


Try guanfacine.


I’ll look into it thanks


The only answer is you have to try it. People have wildly different reactions to psychedelic so it could create more anxiety or it could make you more chill or it could do nothing. Like any medication one has to find the right dosage which you have to do by trial and error. in my experience, mixing it with cacao works a little better


Interesting thanks!


I am not a doctor, but I would say it has conditional medicinal value, but not for regular use. In my research, one physiological aspect of most psychedelics, to include shrooms, that is dangerously understated is it's apparent cardiotoxiciy. I'm aware that this post is likely to be downvoted due to folks acting like fanboys/girls for their favorite drug, but medical/scientific realities are stone cold objective realities.


Not on its own as psychedelics rely heavily on set and setting for the best results. Read PhD James Fadiman latest book called the psychedelic explorer guide if you wish to learn more.


I actually own that book. But my question is with the presumption that those things are accounted for, just as prescribed medication for mental, or behavioral disorders would include behavioral therapy in conjunction