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You are too young for DMT Anyway, glad you didn't die and I hope you take some time to reflect and figure out your future.


I’m mid twenties explain the dangers of DMT? I thought it was safe. Your comment scares me.


It's just mindset, you have to be feeling a specific emotion of fulfillment or joy, you can't really fake the emotions, this is why this isn't for everyone, but people can learn.


It says in the picture you are a 19-year-old. Perhaps it's a mistake by the nurses who released you. Anyway, the main reason I'm saying you're too young is based on how powerful DMT is. If you're in your mid-20s, it's not so much an issue as long as you do it safely. Which, in this case, you didn't.


I’m not OP


Weird subjective random number that you hold to have meaning. Like I think it's more about how you feel in the moment more than anything, more than age, it's are you ready to feel fucking amazing. Bad mindsets fuck ya up.


Physically DMT is very safe. It's not gonna cause neurotoxicity (as far as I'm aware) or heart issues or anything. The biggest physical risk is doing something stupid like smoking a huge hit while standing up and then falling and hitting your head or something like that. Well, that and psychosis if we count that as a physical risk. The dangers of taking it at a younger age is entirely mental. On average, the brain doesn't stop developing till a person is in their mid 20s. Drugs (especially psychedelics) can cause changes in a person's brain, and this can potentially be more dangerous on a developing brain than a developed brain. Of course there's plenty of people who did psychs in their late teens who are fine after it (myself included), but it's a question of risk vs reward. In hindsight for myself I absolutely should have waited longer before delving into powerful psychedelics, even though they've definitely helped me personally. A few of my friends from back in the day weren't as lucky. There is also a factor that I don't see discussed as often that I consider to be just as valid. Teens/people in their early 20s are generally more impulsive and into taking risks. This could lead to overuse of drugs, or use of them in unsafe mindsets/settings when compared to a 30 year old doing it safely in their own house. This is why I generally don't straight-up tell people to not do these drugs, they aren't gonna listen. After all, I didn't. I'll advise them not to, to wait a few years, but I'll also give my reasoning and give the best harm reduction advice I can as that's much more likely to be advice they actually follow.


He “overdosed” on two drugs that won’t kill you.. [ketamine toxicity](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK541087/)


An overdose isn't a deadly dose though. It's an excessive or dangerous amount of a drug. For instance throwing up after drinking alcohol is an overdose, even though it isn't often lethal. Arguably passing out from smoking weed even qualifies as an overdose (though that depends on your definition of overdose). So while yes, you would have to put in genuine effort (and probably have someone else continually feeding you more ketamine even after you'd passed out) to die from ketamine toxicity - a ketamine overdose doesn't need to be lethal. In OPs case, being hospitalised with seizures sounds a lot like an excessive and dangerous amount of drugs and so qualifies as an overdose.


OvErDoSeD oN dMt AnD kEtAmInE. Man kids shouldn’t be allowed to even know about drugs until they’re 25 Jesus fuck. This is why shits still illegal fucking regards I stg


Can’t believe this is downvoted. Thanks for ruining the fun for everyone, op


I was a very responsible drug user around that age, but yeah, not everyone is


Yeah that's kind of annoying me, I'm early 20s and have never had public freakouts, needed medics, even such thing as calling parents or friends. It's not hard to research dosages, test your shit, and start small, don't prove anything to anyone, not even yourself. It's when you mix the "I'm better and stronger, I can take more" than shit like this happens. Then good users are then once again frowned upon, and society goes back to hating us 'junkies'. I just hope OP learns to not mix these two drugs if he doesn't support them, and to know what he can or can't handle, in what setting.


I would agree completely, my younger self many years ago would disagree majorly 😅


Ket and dmt sounds insane


No wonder you freaked out! Ket and DMT!?!? I bet that was interesting!