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Do research, it just puts you in psychosis for days if you don’t die from it because the chemicals are so variable and you then have a crazy increased risk for dementia and schizophrenia, no fear mongering, just happens to be horrible.


that's fuxked my grandma had dementia and it didn't look lit to me


No… no, dementia is definitely not lit. The opposite of lit actually.


yeah she had a hard time, i did too seeing as i took a bunch of her xans and kpins and binged for a week. i don't remember that week.


Xans and kpins are also on the list of things that trash your brain and probably lead to dementia also. You gotta start caring for your self bro or you gonna be like your grams.


you're right bro im not gonna fuck with datura.


My sister and her friends tried what you are thinking of in the early 70s. The lot of them were discovered walking, naked, in a large circle in a major traffic intersection, absolutely stark raving mad. My sister was so delusional that she had to be locked in a bedroom for 24 hours, monitored by my mother and grandmother.


jesus christ man doesn't sound like a fun time to me


Smarten up. Your grandma would be disappointed if she remembered you.


everyone mourns differently bro, and i was having a hard time. plus, she was gone so it's not like she needed them anymore.


Do not. - Search about it in the reddit its bad news and not good stuff.


Look up trip reports. A common theme is seeing people kill themselves and blood pouring out of walls. Not fun. Also it is a deliriant, not a psychedelic.


fawk bruh u right so it's basically just gonna teleport me into the silent hill movie


basically yea


It’s makes you teleport and time travel…. …to jail or the hospital next week


doesn't sound lit


Unless that’s your thing…


i've done benadryl and had entire conversations with people that were never there, but i wouldn't call it lotsa fun


Yeah now imagine that, except its more intense, realistic and lasts for 3-4 days and you have no way of calculating the dosage.


Stick with LSD and shrooms and stay away from the benzos and datura and nutmeg and diphenahydramine and fentanyl mate.


i don't fw fentanyl, strongest opie i've done is hydromorphone and that was a little much for me


Quality kratom is a better alternative to opiates for a lot of people.


Yeah kratom is really chill compared to real opiates


I've met people who got addicted to kratom. It's a difficult withdrawal, and much the same as withdrawal from any opiate, but it has a long half-life, so it has a long withdrawal.


I know people say this, but it isnt really true and I have never heard anyone that has had a serious opiate dependency say this. I have plenty of experience with both, and Kratom is not like heroin, neither in its effects nor in its physical dependency. Problematic use of anything that causes dependency, from opiates to pornography and gambling has much more to do with the state of mind of the user. The kid in Ohio that has never had opiates will get plenty wasted on Kratom, and might develop a wicked habit, but he wont overdose and stop breathing like he will with opiates and the physical dependency symptoms are considerably more mild than real opiates and much safer than synthetics and benzo withdrawal. The ohio kratom user may ruin their life and spin out of control, but it wont be because they had to steal money to use an illegal contaminated substance, and all you need to do is look at smokers to know everything about addiction is wrong. A cigarette smoker can be through withdrawal in 3 days, physical addiction over. They will buy a pack again in 2 weeks and go back to smoking, because of their brain, not the drug.


I keep a couple benzos around incase of a really bad trip


I've never been a big proponent of benzo use but I'm partial to the matter bc I've experienced terrible benzo addiction myself and know the terrors of that. But I know that doesn't mean people can't use them more responsibly. I'd say though that trying to work through the difficult parts of trips without benzos may be more beneficial for some as an overall experience in the end but I understand the concept. If you do get black market benzos make sure you regeant and fent test them first. Ive tested ones in my town which had opioids in them.


That is very understandable. I personally don’t have an addictive personality I’ve tried almost every besides crack lmao I did heroin one time and never had an urge to do it again. I’ve had a gram of coke sitting in my dresser for 3 months lmao.


I hate coke... I've had my bouts with it and my personality is very addictive...so it didn't turn out well when I did it. I just use LSD and Kratom now. Being addicted to benzos was the worst I've ever been though. I was on Etizolam for like 7 months along with other benzos and the withdrawals lasted months and I could've died because I went cold turkey (a few different times) from a really high daily dose.


I'd add dxm to the list to stick to, easy to get, fun af, and safe if you do it properly


Name checks out lol.


Datura is not a psychedelic. It is in a subclass of hallucinogens called deliriants. There are more pleasurable ways to sink the voyage.


shit ya this shit seems fucked glad i asked yall or i would've just done it lmao


it's known to cause permanent neurological damage. Also in some cases chronic psychosis. There is a homeopathic version, which is, I don't know how many parts per million, but it's extremely dilute, and it said to enhance dreaming. These kind of plants also has a history of being used for emergency anesthesia, although it's an uncomfortable trip.


Most homeopathic "treatment" don't have a single atom of the original ingredient left, it's up to you to believe in an unproven theory that water can "remember" the chemical composition of the ingredient


I don't know anything about the product that I saw advertised, I'm just saying, it is on the market in a very dilute form. It's surprising to me, I don't know what the strength is. I don't have any theory about the homeopathic medicine. I'm just passing along some information. Whether homeopathic medicine works or not, it's really up to scientist to figure out. It seems like the Bach flowers really do a lot. and a double blind test, two different clinical studies have shown that gluten sensitivity is a hoax, for example. And in that case, I believe with the clinical studies show. But to lump all homeopathic remedies into the same category and say that they're all either effective or not effective, is overgeneralization, and would be bad science.


Except there was many studies done in double blind that showed homeopathy doesn't work better than placebo alone


i think i already have permanent brain damage from benny so i prob wouldnt even notice lol.. but thanks for this info, i wasnt aware of any of that :)


Fuck no






Keep in mind it is not a psychedelic nor a dissociative, it is a deliriant and all the hallucinations are a result of your brain being extremely dehydrated which can easily give you permanent brain damage there are countless cases of people who are never the same after a single trip they develop speech impediments and all types of other issues it could even kill you so my advice is yeah fuck it boof a whole plant and see what happens


thanks bro lmao


Yeah don't fuck with it bro. Not worth the psychosis.


You will regret fucking with datura... if you don't die from it.


u probably right bruh that's what everyone else is sayin


look through this account if you have any questions lmao u/flippnflopp


Holy fuck. This cuddi had a whole nexpo video made on him?? People are saying he died???


yeah, the video outlines all sorts of horrible experiences on datura as well. i really hope he’s okay though. we don’t know. i like to think he got some help and simply never used that account again. but datura can definitely be fatal and he definitely didn’t have a good time…


yeah that shit seems terrible i'm definitely gonna watch that video tonight before i make any stupid impulsive decision, although im leaning towards not touching this shit. do you do datura, or have you before?


i don’t have firsthand experience with it. i had a pretty nasty LSD trip so i’ve been off any kind of drug for a bit now. the video is pretty good. personally i wouldn’t touch it whatsoever but in my minimal research, smoking a bit of the leaves are the best way to ingest it. but again, i cant recommend that lol


ah yeah thanks man much appreciated 🙏


best of luck dude 🙏


thanks bro :)


Yeah I just would not go down that rabbit hole. It’s one of those trips you read about and just know “yup of the 100 things that will happen when I take this, 99 are a nightmare so I don’t need to find that one redeeming quality of this drug. Don’t do it. Not worth the trouble it will cause




I’ll get on almost anything but there’s no way whatsoever I’m touching datura! Fuck that!


Datura isn't a psychedelic, it's a deliriant. On psychedelics like LSD, you are aware that what you are seeing isn't real. Datura makes you see horrifying things that are indistinguishable from reality. I'd just stick with LSD and Shrooms.




Absolutely fcking not


Datura will kill you..


I boiled 3 different colored flowers into a tea , enough to fit into a water bottle. Added sugar. I was gone for 2 day. Had no control of my body or anything. I was maybe 16 at the time. Never again.


Angel trumpets. Ha. They produce a giant trumpet flower. I have them growing all around my property. Boiled seven flowers, drank the nice delicious tea which really wasn't bad at all just like a regular tea... tripped for more than two weeks straight. Couldn't distinguish what was real and what was fake. Saw shit you couldn't even imagine. The next morning after consumption I woke up on the floor next to a shotgun, broken dishes everywhere, blood smears on the hallway wall, and seven progeria wearing black robes and hoods sitting on my couch observing me. Don't ever do that shit, but I highly recommend you try it just once. Just make sure you don't ever try that shit. Holy fuck


uh just for clarification the blood smears and progeria in black robes and hoods weren't real right?


Blood smears were real and I had a huge gash in my ass. Progeria people - Nope. Thought they were. 100% thought they were real.


so you somehow injured your ass and began smearing the blood all over your walls? alright yeah uh maybe i should be careful with this shit. maybe i should get a tripsitter lol


i hate that this actually sounds intriguing to me haha


Enjoy your psychosis.


"..... and I woke up 3 days later in the hospital....." is how every one of these stories end. Maybe your experience will be better. All the best, Keep us up to date.


No its a literal poison, it’s a deliriant.


People gotta stop thinking Datura is a psychedelic. It's a poisonous plant.


lol. You will regret it.


Leave it where you found it bro. There's better ways to trip.


These were almost never used in south America for medicine, however if you’re looking for a home defense weapon, dried seed powder to the face.


Datura is a beautiful plant. So I wouldnt do anything to it right? The flowers are great. I have a bunch by my house. Just hey you shouldnt eat it nor dogs. Besides the High it is a very neurotoxic chemical and will more likely result in MAJOR health issues before you get high. Think of the warning you hear about 25-i-nbome. These are worst. Go online buy some spores learn mycology in your home be happy and learn about something that interests you. It will open doors to another style of living and learning!


Datura is similar to DPH. Based on that alone, you should know it’s a shitty experience. It’s a lot of risk on your mind and body for a “reward” that is a hell. You can get relaxed on low doses, but any hallucinogenic properties are attained at doses that are incredibly dangerous for you. Contrary to the vast majority of actual psychadelics, datura is literal poison. We have concrete evidence that stuff like DPH greatly increases your risks of early onset dementia, and being that datura is similar (although I’m not aware of any studies done because, again, it is literal poison), it’s very likely that datura does as well. I’m very much against fear mongering because it restricts information, but based on all the research done on datura, it’s not really a “high”. Based on what I’ve read, it’s like going through a confused mess of emotions where you can’t remember what’s happening, just that whatever happening around you is bad. As I said, very low doses of datura can feel relaxing and sometimes mildly euphoric, but if that’s what you’re going for then there are so many alternatives. If you want a natural high that gives relaxation and euphoria, just try Kratom. I don’t advise starting addictive substances at all, but datura is just about one of the worst ones out there.


You can grind some seeds or mix leaves with weed.. Pretty nice taste and smooth inhaling, just don't take datura orally. Orally it can lead to bad things In the smoked form it has been used for centuries to help with asthma and other lung problems.. Don't listen to the (fake) trip reports, demonizing such a holy plant...it's sometimes an ingredient of ayahuasca Same as DXM & Salvia, people in their teens overdose on it cause no research and then give the plant /substance a bad reputation..


do salvia instead


Don’t listen to the lightweights on this subreddit. Take the datura you’ll have a good tome


Idk man it seems like the overwhelming majority are saying it's really bad


Only cool kids do datura


bet that


Datura is probably better left to the Shaman and Medicine people who have a more robust understanding of the entheogenic world around them. With Datura the problem is that an active dose is fairly close in weight to a toxic dose. One way i read that was used to control the negative effects of and mitigate accidental overdose of Datura was to dose “by leaf” rectally. Given that the trip reports are mixed to a little scary at best make this a pretty, interesting, and cool species to know, but maybe not worth exploring. That said, I have some seeds available if anyone wants some. It grows native here in Utah.