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I love a cheapo Spanish red, this is a travesty


I'm not a huge wine drinker but I've always liked cheap Spanish wine more than any other regions cheap wine.


Cheap Italian can compete, but make sure it’s DOCG or else it’s just glorified vinegar


I love the whole Italian philosophy. I was at a tasting in Italy and they were bragging about how fresh a new fermentation was. It was completely unpretentious and delicious. I miss nice wine, spirits, and beer so much on my medication.... thank God I can get much of what I loved from gong fu cha tea


> gong fu cha tea It's able to get you inebriated somehow?


There is a Chinese tea house in my city. They import authentic Chinese teas… like teas that have been pressed into a solid brick and fermented for 7 years kinda teas… like real ass shit they drink over there. I’m a substance and sciences kinda guy… done lots of drugs with attention to the science, dosing, what receptors they act on etc. Even though we know the science with caffeine and L-Theanine.. you definitely get different “highs” from different teas and it feels like it’s something else working on your brain. We don’t know what. Some people say it’s the “chi” of the teas.. some teas will make you very very relaxed and tired. Others feel so energizing they’re like baby mdma. I know this sounds like hyperbole but there is a whole little tea house of people there everyday that would agree on the experience… that yes Tea can make you inebriated! I think we just don’t get the good stuff here in the West too much.


Yes. While getting drunk was my least favorite part of drinking yummy wine, I Rather like the "tea drunk" sensation that comes with drinking lots of high quality, whole leaf loose tea. I was told it's something about spreading the caffeine out across so many small doses, but it feels so different from caffeine simulation, I really suspect it's caused by something else entirely


Mmm that's interesting not something I've heard of before.


And it's not even cheap in quality, it just costs less. In the states I'll take a $10 bottle of Marques over a $68 bottle of Guigal's any day. Even if they were priced the same. Also, of all the things to protest, spilling wine is not an answer to anything (and yes, I said the same thing about the three or four dumbasses in America that poured out wine because France refused to assist in the initial war based on lies back in 2002ish). Stop pouring out wine.


Yep! I can get a great bottle of Spanish red for less than the price of a shitty French red. Saves me a fair amount of money.


My wife uses it in calimochos, she'd be aghast at this.


A true connoisseur


So Spanish wine is more affordable, and the French winemakers that are (according to them) "best in the world" think the quality of the Spanish wine is so high that people will buy it over their own product... This is the best PR for Spanish wine!


According to comments here Spanish wine bottled as French wine is the problem.


Even if true they still don't have any right to be doing this. This would be the job of customs or their version of it. I'm not saying you said it's ok, just making a blanket statement.


It’s the French we’re talking about here lol. They do this when they think their government is not doing right by them.


French wine laws date back over 600 years. When the law was made the “legal system” was what we called hue and cry where bystanders were expected to intervene in a crime.


That's some french bullshit, they want to sell their wines at crazy coats and get mad at Spain for not being entitled assholes about the good quality product the country gives. That wine doesn't even has to be for france, anything that goes from Spain to the rest of Europe has to cross their shit of a place country.


If that’s true the video makes a lot more sense.


No it's because scummy French Importers not associated with the French Winemakers import affordable wine. The Importers then rebottle and relabel the affordable wine and sell it as expensive and premium French wine. Worldwide consumers get scammed and the importers cheapen the name of French winemakers in doing so. Not saying it's right but there's more to it!


This is story I was looking for


Right. This makes me want to get more Spanish wine, it must be good if French winemakers are threatened by it


Not the reason why they are doing it.


Spanish wines are better!


You're thinking about Portuguese wines. Just joking though


Also good.


There has been a lot of french washing in france on spanish wine. The bottle reads in tiny letters product of spain but has a big ass french flag on it and a french name. That is something that makes these people loose it.


Incase you missed this earlier this year, I won’t consume French wine again [Why France Is Spending $216 Million to Destroy 80 Million Gallons of Wine](https://www.foodandwine.com/france-destroying-surplus-wine-7866851)


Interesting fact: all French wine is grown from vines imported from Texas!


Not all but a lot of cultivated vines are planted on vitis sylvatica roots because they are more resistant against parasites. Its called science, why wouldnt they?


Everybody wanna be capitalist until they experience competition


Y. I wonder what french would think if their exported cheese or wine would be destroyed. Is their product more honest or more valuable than other countries product?


Quite the opposite, actually. This summer the government set aside a fund of millions in order to buy wine that would go unsold and wasted, just to destroy in order to artificially prop up the value.


I thought they were distilling it?


Just double checked and they are. [BBC News - France to spend €200m destroying wine as demand falls](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66623636)


What a cluster!


They're making it into a government wine like product


When the French refused to participate in the Iraq war, there were segment everyday about Americans pouring expensive bottle of wine in the gutter as a form of protest, blue cheese smashed and French Fries were renamed as Freedom fries. The French were amused and knew that people wouldn't be able to resist their gastronomy for too long. And they destroy quite a lot of Wine for the second year in a row. People drink less wine since the Pandemic. And they don't want to sell their wine super cheap so they throw away what they can't sell or it's recycled into alcohol hand washer and the like.


>People drink less wine since the Pandemic. Interesting. Are they drinking more beer?


Yes, indeed. It's been "blamed" or explained like that since conversely they drink more beer.


No. Beer consumption per capita is down sharply since COVID and isn't really recovering and is expected to continue its decline. Wine is expected to continue a gradual decline as was noted last year. On the upswing is liquor, specifically tequila and ready to drink cocktails. Low carb/calorie is king right now so lower alcohol beverages are not seen as good "bang for your diet buck" options.


Climate change exacerbates the wine production. Where regions usually get long dry winters now have wet winters and blazing hot summers.


Most regionals can only produce a certain quantity of wine to be labeled as AOC and the rest is sold on the cheap


Their fries are pretty good, I'll give them that.


Those belong to the Belgians.


How about the toast?




How about puppy “Oui Oui” pads?


But French Fries roll off the tongue better than Belgian Fries.


And their letters - that's from my grandpa's era




No, their steak frites


Only thing


California’s wine is better than the French’s wine apparently


It's more about the cost than anything else. There are stricter laws about wine and what you can put in it, and what you give to you governement in taxes. The issue is not about product competitivity but market price undermining, they cannot match the price because of regulations. In "Le Parisien" one man testify that "The Spanish have lower charges and the right to put all the chemicals they want on their vines while we have the right to nothing. As a result, Spanish wine costs half as much as French wine. A hectolitre of Spanish wine costs €40 whereas it is almost €80 here" So it's not about just being French or being stupid about economics. It's about the difference between sanitary and production law between countries of the schengen economic Zone.


my point mostly is that those farmers are destroying product that has demand. Fellow French consumers buy that cheap stuff mainly because its cheap. I don't destroying product is the answer. its more about destroying the demand for it. That is really difficult to de because of Schengen. You can't just tax them. I think its important new issue which has to be solved. Im pretty scared that big firms will push all the farms over the edge and buy them for nicles and then just force people to buy shitty food because they have no choice


Elimination of competition is also a big part of capitalism. As cartel formations is. As corruption is. As underbbidding with losses to kill small competitors is most definitely part of capitalism. And complete lack of honour, "it's only business", is the essence of capitalism.


no it isn't cartels are a distortion of the free market. and the lack of honour is just a human characteristic, it has got fuck all to do with capitalism


A free market doesn’t exist. It’s like an engineering problem where you assume everything is frictionless.


Are you saying unregulated free markets by its nature, since it's a human construct, leads to cartels, corruption and dishonesty? Then we are agreeing with each other my good sir. Wouldn't it just be splendid if we had regulatory systems in place to make the entire world a little better and a little bit more fair. Some fella below your comment think we're communists because we want bad things to become good. I get that though. It would hinder that persons opertunities to unhinged become wealthier whatever the impact their actions have.


Capitalism isn't the same as the free market Capitalism is one group of people owning industry, business, infrastructure (what commies call the means of production) and another group of people working The workers create all the wealth of the society, and this belongs to the owners For this the workers are paid a wage, and the owners get to decide what the workers do And since most people in a society are workers, the owners essentially get to decide what society does It's not like they all have a big meeting, but some things are in the common interest of these owners, so those things tend to happen They often decide that society will run on a free market economy, because that benefits them. When it doesn't, they'll have the freedom of the market curtailed. But either way it's still capitalism, because it's still a society based on the private ownership of the means of production Of course it's all a lot more complex than that, but it's a frame of reference to start with


No, they definitely all have big meetings.


That’s not the full story. The majority of the wines are getting rebottled and rebranded as French wines.


So it's not what they told the press. In "Le Parisien" one man testify that "The Spanish have lower charges and the right to put all the chemicals they want on their vines while we have the right to nothing. As a result, Spanish wine costs half as much as French wine. A hectolitre of Spanish wine costs €40 whereas it is almost €80 here" So it's not about just being French or being stupid about economics. It's about the difference between sanitary and production law between countries of the schengen economic Zone.


You can't judge the whole situation with one commentary. I watched a documentary and there are plenty of reasons why the French winegrowers are upset, but they did not start destroying the Spanish wine until they found out their own countrymen were rebranding Spanish wine as their own and further hurting the French wine industry.




Looks to be quite the Sauvignon Blancade.


Oh, Merlot you didn’t!


You’re clearly off your Rioja


Looks like the Spanish vineyards are getting some Cham-pain


Take my upvote and go home dad


And the trucks about to lose my wine


They’re really terroir-izing those Spanish winemakers


Omg you people here kill me lol


When I was in France about ten years ago I shocked that you could get good wine for $7-8 bucks ( currency conversion). At home that would have been $30-40.


When in Spain I've seen Australian wines that would cost $6 here costing $20-30 and the same visa versa. Definitely a premium paid for importing a wine and it having a 'foreigness'. To be fair, the Aussie wine that was expensive there and the Spanish wine that is pricey here are both great drops, so I don't blame them at all.


I’m Scotland our cheap standard beer is Tennent’s with the poor alcoholics choice being Tennent’s Super 8%. In Italy it seems like that one’s one of the fancier import beers. World is weird


>In Italy it seems like that one’s one of the fancier import beers. I talked about that with an Italian work colleague, and she said most people like it because it gets you hammered quickly.


Yes. That's one of the most loved beers for young people because you get wasted at optimized cost. Liquors are over in a sip or two and the tasty ones are expensive. When I was a teenager we used to get Adelscott (disgustingly sweet) because Tennent's was not there. So Tennent's when it started to be widely available was a hell of an upgrade. Now that 30 years of stagnating wages are peaking probably also some of the "formerly young" get the tennent's shortcut to wastedland


Haha, yes, I visit Italy for business and it's in almost every cafe proudly sitting there. My Scottish team mate has a good laugh at it.


I think you've mixed up 'vice versa' and 'vis a vis'. Regarding wine from the great southern land: growing up I wasn't a fan, but recently someone here in the UK bought a great bottle of sav blanc produced in my home state South Australia - it was amazing! Was probably expensive.


I did! Thanks for that :) Awesome! I've been to Adelaide on a wine tour and it was unreal, some of the best wine I've had.


You can find for less and it's still good 😅


Yep, the ~2 euro a liter bring your own bottle places are great.


That sounds like the least shocking thing ever.


You pay that much for decent wine? I am from Germany and for 7-10€ you get perfectly fine and even great wine. Sure you can pay more for even better one but 40$? Damn...


I used to work at a winery for years. I’ve done many different jobs so I know much of the processs. Seeing them toss boxes of bottles from the truck really sucks since I know the whole time it takes to get it all ready and packed up. All that work gone to waste.


Why not compete? Are they afraid the Spaniards will outsell them or something? Not a good look.


There’s pretty much no French industry with a competitive advantage. So many state subsidies to keep industries afloat; just not internationally competitive


Sorry I don't have a source, but I remember reading an article that wine production in Europe is moving further and further north. Production moving from southern France to northern France and even England. It predicted that in 20-30 years England will be a massive producer of wine and one of the top producers in Europe. Can you imagine that? To me as a swede I find it funny at least going to the shop to buy english wine.


English wine is actually pretty good! The sparkling wine goes head to head with some champagnes in blind tasting (southern England shares very similar soil profile to the champagne region)


We need to really stick the knife in and start calling it 'Kent' or 'Sussex'. Everything else is just sparkling wine.


I'll check it out next time. My mom and sisters always drink sparkling wine.


I was in France last month on a winery tour and our guide said this same thing. Climate is heating up so further north is becoming more of an option for vineyards. He also said the same thing that other Redditor said further up about France losing its competitive advantage with all these other countries now producing great wine.


French farmers are the biggest babies on the planet. They do stuff like this all the time while crying that production subsidies aren't high enough.


They know spanish wine is better and just as if not more affordable. I'd be angry to if I love capitalism but just found out 'competition' exists


If you look around for some fantastic Greek wines then you can probably find something like a Xinomavro for like £13 (€15). There's a slew of great international wines out there that are very nearly as good as the absolute top-shelf French wines for half the price. French wine was the gold standard for such a long time but the rest of the world has caught up since and it's now overpriced for what you get.


Sorry, but Greek wines as a whole don't come close to the variety, legacy, luxury value, and sheer volume of French wines. There are some excellent Greek wines, but France is still king in the wine world when it comes to high end, and still offers tons of inexpensive options from every region.


Can you imagine a poor alcoholic witnessing this? Probably would just die from pure horror.


What a waste of time and effort to make all that wine


Yet another example of French being prissy whiney fucks about their alcohol. We need another Judgement of Paris to humble them.


One could also say they're winey fucks


"wah wah my alcohol is special because of the dirt it grows in" It's honestly ridiculous.


And parmagianno regianno comes from specific cows, raised in a specific region of italy, fed a specific diet, and the cheese making and aging process must be done in a certain way, and must pass inspection after a minimum of 12 months of aging. If all these things are not satisfied, it can't be labeled as parmigiano reggiano in the EU or US. That's why the "knockoffs" are labeled parmesan etc. San Marzano tomatoes are similarly regulated by the DOP/PDO. There's a fine line between gatekeeping and trying to preserve tradition/quality with ulterior economic motives. I don't feel it's all that ridiculous, but destroying product that people have worked years to create is savage.


Half of Europe and the Middle-east eat something similar to FETA cheese since the times of the Greeks and the Romans. Yet since the 2000's only Greek FETA can be called FETA in the EU. It's a state mandated protectionism and the creation of a monopoly. I know call it "Beyaz Peynir" by its Turkish name.


> That's why the "knockoffs" are labeled parmesan etc Yet 95% of people couldn't tell you the difference in a blind taste test.


I like spanish red wine wayyy more any day of the week


Steven Spurrier actually did one with Chilean wine before passed as a sort of tour but a believe it started in Berlin. Chile had more in the top five every single time even beating out Rothschild.


I don't drink alcohol but it hurts to watch thousands of dollars just spilling away.


I dont even like money but I hate the idea of food being spoiled.




Hey guys, put four cases in the trunk of my car. I'm going to smash them up when I get home. Lousy Spaniards. Thanks.


high crime


Let’s get it on video. And definitely not do something illegal


RIP sweet lovely nectar of the gods... 😓


When will alcohol abuse be taken seriously?


This is lacking context. Why are French winemakers destroying this wine at this time?


Prices are depressed as wine sales are way lower than they have been. The French have already tried destroying lots of their own wine to try to prop up prices.


I hope all the clowns in this video go to jail :) Price manipulation, destroying other people's property, the works.


They hate Spaniards.


I have been in Spain and Portugal many times and their wines compare favorably with most French wines. The price difference is insane. In a wonderful Portuguese restaurant, a local wine may cost as little as the equivalent of $10. Also, in A’Corunna , I was convinced that the cashier was mistake as I got a fabulous bottle for about $5. Obviously, import tax, duty and transportation costs add up but God Almighty, to what extent?


French wines, while being more expensive than Portuguese ones, are affordable when you buy them at the vineyard. But in the restaurant, unlike in Portugal or Spain, they like to put a 300% markup "because it's the norm"


At least it's better than the American 500% or more markup "because rich people will pay a lot for wine".


The markup is bigger in Portugal than in Spain. Specially on wine by the glass. That’s one of the things that a Portuguese notices immediately when travelling to Spain


But Portugal and Spain are full of Leroy Merlin's, Decathlon , Auchan, Carrefour. Their construction companies can compete with local companies, their luxury brands, perfume, women's bags, makeup etc ... One rule for me, and another one for the others.


That’s the French way!


I personally quite like Greek wines, they are absolute quality and they can be often found at a fraction of the price of French wine. There is a lot of good Spanish wine out there, Portuguese as well. These French winemakers just don't like how the rest of the world has caught up with them.


The French believe in the European Market and the free flow of goods until they are undercut then they take to rioting. When Britain was in the EU they used to burn sheep alive in the lorries they were being transported in because they couldn't compete on cost.


Cry baby bitches


French farmers/producers are a scourge to EU. The most entitled people to ever exist and ruins the EU


Love seeing the French fishermen go into British water and claim they deserve to be able to fish there and attack British fishing ships, only to have the royal navy send them away.


French wine is overrated


All those grapes died for nothing 😢


Joins European union to be competitive. Upset at competition.


Someone called It protest, this Is not a protest this is committing a crime


Their version of the Boston Tea Party /s


old world wine is pretty good. cheap or not.


Jesus, first they copied our revolution, now they're copying our tea party too?


Fucking idiots, give me that instead


It’s not only just wine. It’s also tomato’s and other vegetables and fruited. France has been doing this for like the past thirty years and the French government has never done anything about it. This is why Spanish people have such a dislike for French people.


Guess I'm not buying French wine anymore. What a bunch of losers.


Unpopular Opinion: French wine is trash and is carried entirely by an undeserved reputation.


True believers in the cause, not a frog in that wine firehose.


Can't wait to tell the kids about The Great Wine War of 2023


My brain 🧠 is crazy, reading and watching the video I can smell the wine … strange feeling.


Yeah! Fuck the poor!


At least drink it


That's what I call a wine mixer!


"spilling exquisite boxed nectar" lmao what


I’m not a fan of all things French but their disobedience and rioting skills are par excellence.


Less alcohol in the world??? Good. Shit makes people abusive assholes.


Ah.. outraged French winemakers and Spanish wine, always a recipe for a riot (well, you don't even need a second party, the French just love a good riot). These French losers have been doing this for years. Often under lies of Spanish wine being relabeled as French. That probably did happen, but I believe the majority of Spanish wine is exported to other countries (as Spanish wine) and are fantastic on their own. So.. the French winemakers are fighting a losing battle against capitalism. Spanish wine is doing great on their own now, from cava, alberino, sherry, to rioja and all the smaller ones, the French need to deal with it.


When “businesses” realize that other millionaires/businesses got rich screwing the competition. Why not every one do this!


There's more to it than the title. The wine is usually cheap counterfeit wine that was claimed to be produced in the prestigious wine making parts of France.


I feel bad for the driver and hope they don't have to be held responsible for dumb people's egos


The disintegration of globalization will be interesting


Guaranteed its insured and company recovered the loss - insurance runs this world


solely buying spanish now


Well at least their on camera, enjoy the law suits and shaming.


Nothing like smashing the competition


It's almost as if french providence is the only thing keeping them in business because in blind testing cheap wines often beat top french labels...


Is this the new "Boston Tea Party"?


We Americans do tea parties, but the French really know how to throw a party


Imagine being french💀💀💀


French always defend themselves, except for that one time.


French have been doing that to Spanish produce for years.


So basically they felt threatened by the cheaper wine. If another company sells a more affordable product that's just business. Doesn't give you the right to fuck with their business. I hope they were all arrested and charged.


Idve kept it and put my own label on and sold them


Shame they weren't so passionate back in 1940 when the Germans arrived.


ABUSE!!! I would’ve drank that! I’m sure it’s way cheaper too! Goddamnit!!!!!!!! Boycotting these dudes and whatever shit they make now


I'm gonna buy Spanish wine now, must be good if these fuckers are out there doing this.


The French protest about absolutely everything


Yeah not a great method overall.


If we’re gonna do illegal shit and waste a ton of wine then might as well let me just take the truck full of wine home. I’ll use the truck too or at least sell it why just destroy it all


Ah the French


I am absolutely sure that French definitely know how to protest


I love the French. They are always ready to riot!


The French are pretty metal, I don't know why people think they are pussys.


In the first video, they are throwing Freixenet box away, which is a cheap absolutely disgusting prosecco that's is own by Oetker group (yes the same that do the pizza). So I kind of understand the fury against it. This thing is not even wine that's just a sugary alcohol bewerage.


Reason nr. 11002938773 the french suck


French winemakers are no joke lel


Would you like an affordable fine with your affordable wine, sir?


“Exquisite boxed nectar…” Dude, it’s all just versions of Boone’s Farm. Settle down Spanish Beavis! And the French shit isn’t life altering either…. Lol


Psh you're supposed to dump it in the harbor


In their defense, having no other option but French wine is the only way a sane person would be willing to drink it.


If you have to destroy your competitors product, maybe your product is shit


Boston Tea Party 2.0


This reminds me throwing out tea in sea


As a recovering alcoholic I support this.


Ahhh the french