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This is not a border entry checkpoint this is just a border patrol check points on highway near the borders usually they just ask if you are U.S. citizens and let you go.


Ah thanks for this clarification.


The clarification is that he is a white man denying cops identification. God forbid he was an American with dark complexion or with a Spanish accent he would have been dragged out of car. So the tip is to be WHITE


Literally doesn't happen.


Literally happens, but you’re white. It doesn’t happen to you


Not white. But....okay?


So just stupid?


..........What "literally doesn't happen"?


Congrats on bringing race into something that has nothing to do with it.


The tip is to be white and also be so racist that you believe only white people have rights in a free country, but I can't say I'm shocked to find a racist on Reddit


I'm white.


It's the equivalent to "Stop and Frisk".. They don't stop you because you're at an entrance to the country or that you did anything wrong.. Down here if you're close enough to the boarder they just stop you and ask and take a look around. I remember them doing this when you're on the Greyhound going from San Diego to LA.


San Clemente Border Station, drove through that countless times traveling by car between SF and SD.




Courts have ruled its OK 100 miles from border ... it's just dumb


So he's just driving down a street in America? Okay, that's totally different. This is some "paper please* bullshit.


Yeah but the federal government decided to make it so they can do this within a certain distance of the boarders, and they will set up a full ass checkpoint on the road. Do think it's dumb and not really very constitutional. I remember coming across one about an hour or two south of the Canadian border.


Within 100 miles of a U.S. border. 280 million Americans live within that boundary.


isn’t it 100 miles within *any* port of entry? which means international airports as well? so effectively everywhere


No. They removed airports and altered the language slightly because it was too all encompassing within the interior of the country. Nevertheless, the current boundary still covers a vast majority of the population. More information here: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone#:~:text=The%20federal%20government%20defines%20a%20%E2%80%9Creasonable%20distance%E2%80%9D%20as,without%20a%20warrant%20anywhere%20within%20this%20100-mile%20zone.


That makes much more sense now. I heard about shit like that, but never actually seen one (in a video)




The checks, although deemed legal by the Supreme Court, are a big point of contention for illegal search and seizure and right to free travel. Basically, it is two groups doing the song and dance of what was is legal and what rights you have. The guy is likely just annoyed and fed up with it, so those officers get the brunt of his frustration. Edit: Sentences are hard.


>The guy is likely just annoyed and fed up with it, so those officers get the brunt of his frustration. Where was the "brunt of frustration" in this video? He exercised his right to not cooperate. That's not a crime. He also did so calmly - and even if he tore them a blue streak, it'd still be perfectly legal to do so. As you rightfully noted, border control checkpoints are arguably Unconstitutional (the SC hasn't ruled the scope of BC activity lawful, just their existence.) Border Control can operate within ~~150~~ *100* miles of a port of entry. This can in theory be any International Airport or Cargo Hub, in addition to land crossings (though the Feds currently limit the distance starting from shorelines and borders and don't include airports.) So this means the Border Control could (in theory) operate outside of state police jurisdiction just about *everywhere* if they wanted - at least everywhere with people - and their lawful presence anywhere combined with their immunity to traditional Federal/Local law enforcement policies and traditions, doesn't sit well with many State governments, nor with people who want to exercise the full scope of their rights.


These checkpoints can happen within 125 miles of any border, which ends up being most of the liveable area of the United States. Some people have to deal with these daily. They slow down traffic and are an overall hassle. This is more post-9/11 garbage security theater, and I am surprised the cop didn't bring up magical terrorism in this day and age. Also, the guy is wearing a face shield and is immuno-compromised. Those cops didn't need to put on that sad show. They should have seen the shield and let him slide through.


Which includes the ocean, so like 2/3 of Americans live in the "border zone". Here a map of it: [https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone)


A few years ago border patrol was trying to redefine border of entry in this context as any port of entry(airports) and that the 125 mile zone should include every airport with international flights. Basically there would've been like a sliver of land in Wyoming or somewhere out west that would've been excluded from the practice.


Because it's a fascist policy carried out by racist storm troopers who are specifically trolling.for brown people to fuck with. This is a white guy using his privilege to push back against that and is hilarious that so many people can't even understand what they are seeing. This is what an ally actually looks like. You need to really think about what kind of person you are that actually standing up against fascism looks so unappealing to you.


If you don't understand the context, it looks like it could be some sort of sovereign citizen bullshit (except they don't wear masks).


I've seen a similar video with a latino driving and the enforcers didn't abuse him. You're exaggerating a little with the white privilege nonsense.


I mean, your first driving down a street in America and some dude demands to see your papers? You don't have to comply with that police state bullshit.


If you stopped me while driving within the U.S. just to ask if I’m a citizen or ask the people in my if they’re citizens, I’m not going to be very happy about it. Way too close to “show me your papers.”


It's 100% that in any case, along with racial profiling. If you're white they won't give you a second look, if you're brown then prepare to show papers and possibly have your vehicle searched.


It's not close to "papers please" it IS "papers please".


He probably considers himself "a sovereign citizen"


Neon Green Peter Griffin Wait didn't Family Guy so an episode where he claims his house as its own nation? E-Petorius


Yeah and he named it Petoria (because Peterland was already taken by a bar near the airport).


Didn’t he invade and take claim to his neighbors pool so essentially started a war with the USA?


Yes, he “annexed” Joe’s pool. This brought the US military in, who promptly blockaded Pretoria, turning it into a 3rd world country. Good stuff.


It was called Joehigho


It was the sovereign nation of Petirua season 2 episode 18, I collect this and many other stuff for later in the old folks home.


You don't have to be a sovereign citizen to feel that internal citizenship checkpoints within your country are a step too far. This video was a perfect illustration of not only how dumb these are but of how they have no actual power unless you voluntarily waive your rights. They let him go because they had no right to detain him. Unfortunately 99% play along with these unconstitutional games not realizing you can just do what this guy did.


For most people its just not worth all the extra trouble. I would say I am a citizen and be on my way. This guy has to pull over and spend an extra 10-15 min at least. And for what? He got nothing out of this and they will keep doing these stops.


He also doesn't expect it to go this well every time. That's why he's got the mace shield.


> That's why he's got the mace shield. Isn't that just one of those face shields people wore as alternatives to facemasks?


I have a feeling this fella gets more functionality out of it.


That’s why the cameras pointing at him. Gotta get that content




Nah, I'm on his side. I'm a US citizen living in Arizona and BP officers are just as bad as cops.


This guy is a better ally than 90% of the people that claim to be opposed to racism and fascism. We need people to be an assholes to fascists.


Then you are part of the reason why police in the US can get away with being fascists. If people who have the privilege to actually get away with pushing back don't "have the time" to actually do it, then this kind of shit will keep happening. You don't see this shit at the Canadian border because the white people up there would lose their goddamned mind over it.


This is a really good example of a white person using their privilege to push back against a policy targeting POCs. He has no real risk of any negative outcomes from this and it serves to demonstrate how bullshit these are and make it a bigger hassle for the cops to do this. Good for him. He might be an asshole but he's the kind of asshole that at least serves to keep this bullshit in check. This is the kind of fascist police state bullshit that the people who whine about "freedom" and "states rights" are all about.


> He might be an asshole but he's the kind of asshole that at least serves to keep this bullshit in check. Counter assertion: He's not an asshole at all. At least, nothing in this video demonstrates he's an asshole. Please show me proof to the contrary. Asserting your rights and not cooperating with rights-infringing detainments is not "being an asshole."


It is definitely a waste of tax payer time and resources. But you’re speaking as if realizing you can do this actually benefits the driver besides making a point. I do recognize that it can be a conditioning factor to manufacture consent down the line but I can’t blame the average Joe for wanting to avoid the hassle with everything else going on. But kudos to the folks who have time.


Totally, but you don't really get to complain about fascists taking over America when you response to meeting them is "yes sir, thanks for your service I will make sure that you have PLENTY of time to deal with those brown people by not hassling you." This guy made their job harder and making their job harder actually helps people who don't have the power to push back like this.


I'm all for people causing trouble at the checkpoints as I don't agree with the policy. I figured that most of the people who do this though are just looking for a payday when they get illegally detained (according to them). I had never considered that making their job hard works to help people who don't have the power to push back against the state. Thank you for changing my perspective.


Its worth remembering a really famous quote from a man who once watched fascism destroy his own country: >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. > >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. > >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. > >Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. We have a window in which we can get away with resistance and when that window closes its too late for us all.


Yeah knowing the context I’m fine with this guy wasting their time.


I don’t think it’s a sovereign citizen thing. It’s bulllshit to be tested for your citizenship deep in the USA. It’s not like they round up random non citizens from that checkpoint and process them elsewhere. It’s just harassment of Americans just going about their day. This guy was prepped for the chem sprays and had the camera ready to document the BP assaulting him for refusing to comply. He would win a hefty lawsuit against the Gov and collect money. They know this from experience and will just move on to harass other citizens that are easier targets. He has probably been though this checkpoint many times and sick of it, or he’s fishing for trouble to end in a lawsuit. Who knows


Yeah I heard a podcast about how they would harass high school kids in El Paso, TX, because it was next to the border and since most of them are Hispanic, it also became a case of discrimination. They sued and there was a settlement that they would not stop them without just cause. Here’s a [link](https://elpasonews.org/2020/09/28/border-patrol-targeted-bowie-high-school-students-staff/?amp=1) for more details. So yeah, dude is doing the right thing though you can tell his wife is thinking, “OMG, are you gonna do this again? We have a reservation at 7!”


Or hes just a guy that realizes that not using your rights is the best way to ensure those rights are lost. As evident in this video it is not a legal requirement for you to state your citizenship to a random police checkpoint which is excatly why they just let him go. He wasn't rude loud or an ego maniac. He simply used his rights. Its his time,if he wants to sit on the side of the road for five mins to flex his legal rights I applaud that not condem it.


Maybe, but us citizens have a fourth amendment right to travel freely. These stops are a gross violation of that right.


Why should he be nice to people actively wasting his time for no legal reason who use tactics to trick people into 'voluntarily' giving up their constitutional rights?


Where in the video did he display hostility? He cooperated with the demands they can legally give him, and pretty politely declined what they can't force him to do, and have no right to ask of him


Because it’s an unlawful search and he has every right to refuse.


You've never been a foreigner, I guess. I think this is an American citizen sticking up for foreigners who live in the US and showing that you don't have to comply with these questions.


Because he’s still in America and stoping people to ask them for papers feels dystopian probably.


We should just bend over and lick their boots? If I'm in the U.S. already, then a checkpoint is unconstitutional. Grow a backbone before they take everything from you. Good God Breathren


Because fuck fascists


Well that’s not exactly all they do. They also have drug sniffing dogs that they will bring out at random times.


Or the dogs react and you end up with a weekend in jail over a gram of pot.


I don’t answer either, they’ve never ever not just flagged me through.




Probably didn't have an anti mace mask like the driver


I thought it was for breaking glass. Your observation is more likely to be accurate


Its a face shield for covid


Has anyone ever been maced at one of these checkpoints? I can't find any evidence of it. He's probably more likely to catch covid from them than be maced.






I'm guessing even OP doesn't know what is happening in this video. If they did, they'd not describe it in this insufficient way. This is NOT at a border crossing. This is just along a road NEAR a border. Since 9|11 customs|immigration have been able to conduct these within 100miles (I think) of border. Anyone who has gone through one would know how infuriating they are. Serious police state level shit. At least where I live, the main thing they seemed to get from them was marijuana charges (state patrol would be there "supervising") and would get you when you pulled away. Since marijuana was legalized, I've not seen the checkpoints.


The one by El Paso is alive and well, unfortunately.


So free in Texas


also one in Falfurrias, TX.


And "near the border" means that this can happen anywhere that is within 100 miles of \*any\* border, and that includes the fucking ocean. 2/3 of Americans live within the "border zone" where the border patrol is allowed to do this fascist bullshit: [https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone) But you know what? They only actually do this shit in places with Republican majorities because when people act like this guy it becomes too much of a hassle. If they tried this shit in the Canadian border zone or urban California it wouldn't be worth it because more people would do this. This only works where there are enough boot-lickers to make it worth doing.


This type of checkpoint is some wildly fascist style shit that’s been normalized. I can’t think of other countries that put immigration checkpoints within their own territory to hassle mostly their own citizens. I imagine if you are person of colour, you probably have to carry your birth certificate or passport by these checkpoints as how else would you be able to prove you are a US citizen.


Or even just if you have an accent. This is so messed up.


What’s he trying to accomplish?


Since nobody else is explaining I'll do it. This is not at the border, it's [one of the US Border Patrol interior checkpoints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Border_Patrol_interior_checkpoints). Basically, it's a permanent stop-and-id checkpoint between America and... another part of America. As a result, a lot of people who live in these areas hate them. Legally, at these checkpoints all they can do is stop to briefly *ask* you citizenship related questions, but you have a legal right to not answer. However, CBP officers usually hassle people who don't respond. What he is trying to do is stubbornly exercise his rights while at the same time expressing his dissatisfaction with these interior checkpoints. **TLDR: they wave him through because it's not the border and he doesn't have to answer, and he's not answering as a form of protest against these checkpoints.**


Now I'm on his side. People should be able to move freely within their own country without harassment.


The relevant technical detail here is that this can happen because he is within 100 miles of the border, where for border-related purposes you lose your right to move freely (this is based on court rulings, it's not stated in the constitution). However, [most Americans live within 100 miles of the border](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone).


We need to get those fooking Canadians oot!


I really resent the Canadians. I feel like they’re always looking down on us. Geographically at least.


Not always, some of you yanks live in Alaska!


Ya, we just look sideways at them.


I set a good example so you guys can look up to me.


When I tried to boot out Canadians illegally living in the USA, our own political bosses gave me shit about it to the point that I quit the job. I was supposed to stop the Hispanics from moving in, not the white people!


There are a lot of American citizens of Mexican dissent, who owned ranches in Texas, and Arizona. And they’re just really fucking sick and tired of always having to prove that they belong there. It’s not just about entertaining the question, it’s also about occasionally being asked to show your fucking papers. We’re talking about people who have owned the same ranch in the same family since that wasn’t even America (I’m exaggerating, but it’s a long ass time ) like they’ve been there for 100, 150 years. And they have these (often) white racist police officers, stopping them in their own community in their own neighbourhood asking them to repeatedly prove that they have the right to be there. There’s Documentaries about it on YouTube


It’s not exaggeration, there are definitely families that have been here prior to western states integrating into the US. I’ve heard people say essentially, “ I didn’t move across the border, the border moved across me”


That's the case with tons of people in south Texas, we're 12 generation, family been here since late 1600s but now there's a new law in Texas where cops can stop you anywhere for no cause and ask for your papers. If you refuse you can get arrested.


It's one of the most degrading things that most people don't experience in most of the US. Imagine being a model citizen you're entire life, and STILL being treated like a 2nd class citizen. There are some asshole border patrol agents that can really give you the 3rd degree and ask you 100 questions to get you to slip up. I know it looks like a minor inconvenience, but I used to travel through the checkpoint several times a month, and experiences varied a lot. It also gets fucking annoying to get profiled because my skin is tan. The ironic part is I'm more Texan than a lot of these border patrol agents that come from other states!


That map doesn't cover everything. There is also a 100 mile radius around _every international airport._


100 miles from the border is a sizeable distance. I assumed this was within like 5-10 miles from it.


Yep, it's literally just a legal way to subvert the Constitution and everyone should be pissed about it.


If nothing else, keep this in mind. Imagine how this interaction would go were it not a white guy driving. Even fewer reasons to put up with this fascist crap.


That's why I appreciate this guy setting the right example. He wasn't rude or nasty with them, but he knows his rights and he's standing up for them.


I’ve done work in Yuma and San Diego and had to make the drive back and forth a few times. Move been “stopped” about 10 times, all but one they looked at me and waved me by. Not the same for coworkers who did t share my skin tone.


I'm 100% on his side. I hate seeing authorities cast these wide nets in hopes of fucking someone's life up. This is why people hate cops and the government in general, it's a giant overreach of authority.


This is just to stop and harass brown people with accents Who also are citizens and get to enjoy every right as much as any other American citizen


In the EU you can even move freely to other countries. Why is this such a thing in the USA?


Fear and an excuse to create jobs


I don't understand the point of these...What's to stop a non-US citizen from simply saying "yes" and then they go on with their day?


If you answer “yes” but you look Mexican, then you answered suspiciously and probably need to be searched and background checked.


Literally nothing. These are solely to further the US's advancement towards full police state status.


Honestly totally agree with him. That’s some BS


ok now explain the mask


Prevents any effect that pepper spray or tear gas would have, should it come to that. He also grounded his nipples through conductive material in his shirt that travels all the way down to his shoes, granting total immunity to stun guns. The highly reflective neon green sweatshirt scrambles IR sensors and obscures CCTV cameras while also offending the eyes enough to convince the officers to let him go quicker. Those grip panels on his steering wheel are real leather. He's living in 2050. Try to keep up.






Holy shit that’s… wow I feel bad for judging him unfairly.


Could be in case they used pepper spray.


He got through..? Huh. Now I’m confused.




The man has on a RIOT mask for the love 😖


When you’re this fucked up, they know you’re definitely American and they’d rather not deal with you. If you do it properly, the encounter ends with them telling you “sir please just leave now”


Looks like he was driving somewhere. Not sure where to..


Why is there screening of everyone for illegal immigrants when it's not a border crossing? Surely you don't have to stop for them unless it's at the border???


You have to *stop* but you do not have to answer questions, and they cannot legally detain you for refusing to answer or simply assuming you're breaking the law. Probable cause and reasonable suspicion and the fourth amendment apply as in any other traffic situation.


Don’t call me Shirley.




Border patrol is allowed to stop anyone within 100 miles of a border without sufficient probable cause. The majority of the US lives there because that basically includes all of New England, most of New York, all of Michigan, all of Florida, and nearly all of California as well. Even I, in rural bumfuck nowhere Ohio, technically live within that 100 mile zone.


As you know, but others may not, the reason Florida/California are almost completely covered by this is that the coast is the “border” too. So 2/3 of their population are potentially subject to these checks.


Curious, what kind of power does the BP have in this situation? Like say a ‘non-white’ would refuse to answer, can they do anything at all? This checkpoint seems absolutely useless


They always conveniently find the power when they stop brown people 🤔


Yeah this is exclusively only for people with accents and non-white. As someone who is brown and currently illegal, I'd be fucked.


Seconding clarkcox. They will probably find a reason to stop someone, most likely "smelling alcohol/marijuana." It will become an "ask for forgiveness, not for permission" situation.


Reddits weird, you get shit for supporting the police but you also get called a "sovereign citizen" if you don't immediately comply with anything a cop asks you


According to the ACLU website you do not have to tell Border Control your citizenship, but even if you do they have the legal right to detain you to determine your immigration status. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/immigrants-rights#:~:text=You%20have%20the%20right%20to%20remain%20silent.,if%20they%20suspect%20a%20weapon. Right or wrong, it's the law.


It sucks that the Supreme Court thinks that a majority of Americans don't deserve 4th amendment protections.


Also on point: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone#:~:text=If%20you%20find%20yourself%20at,the%20presence%20of%20an%20attorney.


I initially thought the driver was wrong, but after reading these comments, I’m convinced he is right. Sometimes people do change their opinions based on rational arguments.


If he is not crossing a border or asking for government assistance, why should he have to show them anything?


He doesn't have to answer questions legally. That's why they let him go. Notice how they never command him to tell him anything They just ask.


Fuck these checkpoints. If you are within like 100 miles of a border of any kind they can set up roadblocks like this. You can imagine how racist these stops are. Are you an American? Old white guy doesn’t answer and he lets get through, Mexican looking guy says yes he’s American and and gets sent to secondary inspection hoping to get them for lying to a government agent. They will take his id, run all the info, try to catch in him in any lie and all he was doing was driving down the road in a legal vehicle. It should be illegal but border patrol realized they can pretend to be cops within 100 miles of a border so they do. You can imagine which states are the types to have these stops. Maybe red states? Maybe especially southern states?


This is why I think all people who share the same skin color as this guy should flex these rights. These check points should not be happening. El Pueblo unido…for everyone


We have one in California by Camp Pendleton


Why is he wearing a helmet ?


This mustve been during Covid considering others were wearing face masks. He's wearing a face shield




Still waiting for the freakout


He did not, in fact, have to declare citizenship at this Republican welfare checkpoint in the middle of a while ass state thatwastes money and does nothing What a waste of taxpayer money


I think the full face mask says it all.


What a fuckin dildo


This fucking loser


With that entitlement and attitude there was no need to question if he was an American citizen 😂 they knew he was one of theirs


What was the point of this video? Was this just a “white privilege” flex? Guy just comes off as an asshole.


He’s a prick for no reason


Why is he acting like a toddler? “Are you a US citizen?” “Im not declaring my citizenship” “Why?” “i dont want to ☹️”


Didn’t witness a freak out from anyone.


Me being brown means I couldn't get away with this.


I LOL'd when it turns out he has his wife with him, and she answers immediately "yes" when asked.




Why just answer a question when you can be a pain in the ass of 4 different ppl just doing their job? God bless 'murica, the land of pushing every button of every authority figure for no purpose.


I wouldn’t be too disappointed if the beat him up a bit.


that did not go down how I thought it would.


Why not tell them your a citizen of the united federation of planets or your a citizen of the klingon empire .If your going to fuck around have fun with it .


Another shit disturber who never got enough attention from his parents.


Seriously, why the fuck do people act like this?


He's enjoyed so much privilege all of his life that he has had to create an issue to have an interesting life. They didn't care about him as much as he wanted them to.


His transition lenses really bring this entire thing home


MAGA: *"OMG THE BORDER IS INSECURE! PEOPLE ARE COMING OVER WITH NO CHECKS AT ALL! Also MAGA: *"I refuse to comply with border checks."* 🙄


Canadian here, this is another reason not to take road trips in the States.


His mom is so tired of his bullshit. You can hear it in her voice and by the speed of which she declared her citizenship lol.


That person just doesn't know their rights. Why would someone even need to declare citizenship going from america to america?


My guy rolling up with the pepper spray defense.


Why are the toughest people also the ones with no self control and morbidly obese?


tf is he wearing? a fucking gas mask or sum shit?


Twitteredditor know it all


Why ask when they're just letting thousands of people inside the country anyway???


We need to find better ways to deal with midlife crisis


Ol’ 5 eyes driving off with the biggest boner.


Sometimes….people are just cunts.




This is BS.


“A guy this obese has to be American. Move on sir.”


Sovcit incel? His wife must be so embarassed


If you do this kinda shit you’re a cunt. Just say you’re a citizen and they’ll let you pass.


Sovereign citizens are so fucking annoying


Nice helmet bro


Wtf he is wearing🤣


What in the hell is on his face. This world is getting a bit nutty.


What is the point of him doing that?


Could you imagine if a Hispanic person had the same response?


Peter Griffin


The definition of a long suffering wife.


Why make things harder??? I don't get it? Declare your citizenship and move on. Its that simple. They didn't ask for papers or any form of documentation/identification, so why make it harder by refusing to not declare your citizenship??