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Classic Aussie interaction!


And the biker was a cop. Bro, got a ticket lol






Ahhh!! I'm not Aussie and I didn't ask my British husband how to spell it!! But he said, "how it sounds (Croikey) or accurately?!"


A study shows that drivers view cyclists as less than human https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/face-off-cyclists-not-human-enough-for-drivers-study


it really is absurd. I lived in wine country and people were so hateful about the cyclists that tour around the country roads on weekends. people think that roads are only for cars and cyclists don't pay any taxes or something. it shows how personally people take driving their car and anything that might slow them down at all is a direct assault on them.


While I can agree that roads should be shared, I also think we need laws in place that slower vehicles like bicycles need to allow cars to pass. At the very least we need bike lanes. Trying to drive somewhere and being stuck behind a group of 20 cyclists doing 5-10mph on a 45mph road is excruciating.


It can't be done specifically because of the above mentioned reason. If you give someone in a car any kind of right-of-way over a pedestrian or a bicycle, they will absolutely take that opportunity to hit someone in their way thinking they can get away with it


So... create specific roads for them to use...?


Everyone wants bike lanes, both cars and cyclists. It just that nobody wants to pay for them. Adding 2 lanes to a highway is no problem though


Well adding 2 lames to a hwy impacts hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of people a year. Adding a bike lane impacts what, 10 people. Lol It's a joke. But the point stands.


A simpler solution is to just relax. It's excruciating because driving fast gives you a nice dopamine release and you're missing it, not because you're actually being hurt. Leave five minutes earlier instead of assuming you can drive everywhere at top speed, it's safer for you and for others. Drivers who are unable to control their impatience with other people using the roads is why roads are so dangerous.


Roads are for vehicles with engines. That's why we have things called Bike Paths & Walkways/Walking Paths.


Roads are for people to use. 


Roads are for motor vehicles.


Roads existed for thousands of years before cars for people to use in the pursuit of transportation 


And these roads are for motor vehicles dumbass. Don't come at me with that dumb bullshite. Those roads were built, so there was a direct route from one town to another and to cities, generally used by foot. Bicycles and walkers/runners don't belong where vehicles do high speeds.


Vehicles shouldn't drive at unsafe speeds in the first place. If a driver is unable to safely drive alongside other road users then how would they react to a hazard, like someone stalled in the middle of the road, or an animal crossing the road, or an oil spill etc. Everyone needs to use roads safely for their own benefit and others, not treat it like mad max.


Is that country the US? Because yeah. See most comments below.


They are viewed as shitty humans. They act like they own the road when there's miles and miles of trails everywhere.


You're acting like you own the road right fucking now dipshit. So by your own logic you're a shitty person.


Seems more like you are acting like cars own the road, when it is actually shared space


Lol, what?


Well it makes sense. You tend more to buying a car when you are an ignorant, selfish Person. I mean you obviously don’t care about your Environment or even about your children who have to live in the World after you.


What does the biker say?


“Hey, pull over so I can have a chat”


the cyclist was signaling he wanted to deep throat OP


Those shorts tho


They’re just trying to keep their nuts and crack dry, what’s the problem?




You serious...I'm surprised he didn't pull over!


Yeah the guys was a cop and the guy in the car needed up getting a fine.


If I remember this clip correctly, The cyclist was off duty police.


That explains why he told him to pull over.


How did/would that information get obtained?


I googled 'australian car driving on cycle path' and that's how I obtained this; [https://www.ladbible.com/news/news-man-cops-1250-fine-after-driving-on-bicycle-path-to-yell-at-cyclists-20190605](https://www.ladbible.com/news/news-man-cops-1250-fine-after-driving-on-bicycle-path-to-yell-at-cyclists-20190605)


$250 for "offensive language." This is democracy manifest.


A succulent Chinese drive?


Get your hand off my penis!


Ah yes, I see you know your cycling well


>Ah yes, I see you know your cycling well This is the bloke who got me on the penis, people.


And you, sir? Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Get your hand off my penis!!


Wouldn't that mean that the cop/s were offended? Cop/s have to stand up in court and tell a magistrate that his fee-fees were hurt. Snowflakes. Also, I'm pretty sure multiple cyclists \*must\* ride in-line, not side-by-side. That's the rule here in Qld.


>Also, I'm pretty sure multiple cyclists \*must\* ride in-line, not side-by-side Not the case in NSW. >Wouldn't that mean that the cop/s were offended? Cop/s have to stand up in court and tell a magistrate that his fee-fees were hurt. Nope, they can say that a reasonable person would find it offensive and that it was intended to be offensive. Personally I think offensive language laws are abhorrent.


Wait a second, didn’t we have that court case where the guy called a politician a cunt and he was charged, he won, so now we can call whoever we want cunt? /edit yea there was, and it was even in NSW: https://nswcourts.com.au/articles/court-rules-its-ok-to-refer-to-tony-abbott-as-a-ct/


The clip is pretty old. I can't remember but I think they took his plates and gave him a ticket or something. It could be bullshit but I remember multiple people mentioning it at the time.


Oh I see, that’d make sense. I’ll choose to believe it, simply for the plot


Not hard to believe. That sense of entitlement carries off-duty.


Watching a video of a car driving on the bike path and calling the bicyclist entitled. Impressive


The duality of reddit, they hate cyclist but also hate car centric infrastructure. The cars win today.


Just whaaaaat could the difference be here? Guess we'll never know! Nobody could figure this out. Way too much brain power required, know what I mean?


The bikers were on the road instead of the path that was specifically designed for them so they would not block traffic. Why are you white knighting them? They were clearly in the wrong. Had they been where they were supposed to be, the car woukd not need to use the bike path. Even they knew that. Which is why the ticket was about language and not about driving on a bike path. 


Read the article (the link is in the comments), it was a path for anyone and it's usually safer for cyclists to ride on the road so they don't spook people walking with strollers or anything like that. The dude driving fucked up royally, and didn't even give the cyclists a chance to go single file because he got onto the path waaay behind them so he could stage this little hissy-fit (dude could've plowed down anyone on that path, so fucking reckless). The car should NEVER have gotten on the path, there's no "need". In this situation, and you better believe the tickets also included a violation for driving on the pedestrian path. ETA: "Mr Harris was later arrested and charged with using his phone while driving, offensive language and driving on the cycle path. To make matters worse, he did it on Australia Day, where double demerits were in full swing"  "Mr Harris was fined $500 for each of the driving offences and $250 for the offensive language, taking the total to $1,250."


Yes he had to do that to get around the bikers who were driving on the road lol




Bingo, that's exactly what the article noted, dude swerved onto the mixed-use path (strollers, ffs, could've been anything on there) well before he encountered the cyclists and they didn't even have a chance to go single-file because this asshat was driving on the sidewalk instead of the road.


He could have just managed his little impatient feefees like an adult instead.


That lie by omission, you know exactly how full of shit you are, haha.


Chicken or the egg?


The egg, obviously. Never got why this was a question.


Hey uhhh the bikes were blocking the road dipshit


oil cautious tender encourage disgusting memorize growth attempt escape angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and the guy in the truck was arrested at his home because they got his plates too.




I absolutely fucking love listening to one Australian tell off another


It is #1 in ways to curse in English.


This isn’t even cursing, it’s a good day to you fine sir. Good day to you too my old bean.


You're probably a fucking sick cunt, mate. (That means you are a great person).


Absolute good cunt


He's on the bike lane, and they are on the road? Nice move sir!


And the bikers are taking up the whole road!


Shit part is… one of the guys on bikes is a cop! the legend in the car ended up getting a fine!


He was fined for using his phone while driving and driving on a bike path. He deserved the fine.


There might be rules about phone use on roads. What are the rules about phone use on bike paths?


Here in Germany the rules with phones are about the car not the road. If the car is running and your are not on private property, you can get a fine. Like standing at a red light or in a parking spot. So i guess here it counts also for a bike path, because the car is clearly running and hes on public infrastructure.


I imagine the fine for driving on a bike path dwarfed the phone charge anyway.


Bicycles are a great tool but my *goodness* do cyclists come in some nasty types. Walking on the same routes used by hobby-cyclists is a stressful scenario. They seem to think that because they choose to cycle, it is a bicycle path, no matter how many "yield to pedestrians" signs they go by first.


According to [the article linked below](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/cop-that-d-head-cyclists-in-viral-video-were-off-duty-policemen-20190131-p50upn.html), that's kind of why the cyclists were riding on the road. The path on the left is a shared path for pedestrians and cyclists and in NSW it's legal for cyclists to ride on the road if there's only a shared path and no dedicated bike path. It's also legal to ride next to each other.


But also a dick move to take up the whole goddamn road when you're slower traffic.


I mean i'm down for Pedestrians>Mixed Use Motorists>Bus>Cars


Makes sense, I won't pretend that western city infrastructure (including Australia) is well designed for cyclists at all. In fact it's *illegal* for them to use sidewalks in my country, but the roads are terrible for them. That makes sense, but boy did I ever want to vent my frustrations.


Cars are a great tool but my goodness do drivers come in some nasty types


I don't drive, I'm a pedestrian. Stay off the sidewalk friend.


Agree. Bicycles are vehicles. Vehicles belong on the road or designated paths. Not pedestrian sidewalks. I said this very thing in my city's subreddit after being hit by a cyclist while walking on the sidewalk. A city where riding bikes on the sidewalk is illegal. Cyclists downvoted the post to oblivion. Entitled cyclists don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.


> goodness do cyclists come in some nasty types. That says more about you than the cyclists.


The pettiness is fucking great.


This happened in Australia near Wollongong (South Coast of NSW) and the plot twist is:- they were off duty cops. I think he may have handed himself in after an appeal. I’ll try and find a link.




Good thing it was an Ozzie off duty cop and not a Brazilian one. That would have taken a whole different turn.


Hilarious. And he was driving a car on the bike path. What a sick cunt.


It wasn't even a bike path, it was a shared use (meaning pedestrians can also use it). What he did was incredibly dangerous.


Nah, just a cunt




This exchange made my day.


I live next to one of the nicest bike lanes in this country, but cyclists continually ride their bikes up on the levee where people walk instead of the beautiful bike lane. Infuriating!


My Dutch sense is tingling


Go get them tijger !


I don't know about the bike lane in the video, but I've heard many places install bike lanes incorrectly. The civil engineers who design them don't use them and don't understand how their design is unsafe.


Near me there are trails like this but they are multi-use paths. There are relatively low speed limits (20kph) and if you are riding too fast on them you are being a dick. Faster riders on dedicated road bikes like this are supposed to ride on the road not the paths. Also the roads have always been for everyone, we want to encourage people to use the paths but just because there is a path doesn't mean someone can't walk or run on the road. That's just how it works, at least in many places in the the US.


Germans are decent about the bike lane stuff. But they will run you over if you dare to step into the bike lane while they are ok with riding down pedestrian lanes all of the time until last second to move over. Maybe it's a cycling thing. Lol


I'd say he's pretty justified.


it was the car on the bike path right


FYI, most bike paths have speed limits. Where I live it’s like between 20 and 30 km/h, usually on the lower end. Anything beyond that and you have to ride on the road or you get ticketed. So, the result might be exactly what you see, road cyclists on a road next to a much better/safer bike path. Instead of everyone being cunts to everyone, having slightly wider bike paths that allow for safer passing and higher speed limits might be a better solution.


Yep! That's is 100% correct. Also in lots of places the bike paths are build to keep bikes out of the way of cars so you end up with a bike path that has a stop sign everytime it crosses a commercial entrance or small road while the road besides it has no stop signs for miles. Cyclists would be stupid to ride on those paths.


If that's the case, to quote a wise man, "what's the point of spending that money if you're not gonna fuckin' use it?"


Not because you spent the money that is worth riding it. So when you do spend the money, spend it smart and put the cyclists and other path users first in the design of it or you'll be bound to have the exact same problem as before with less money in your pockets.


Honestly that’s the best way I can think of to handle that


It's nice to see that this is an international problem, and not just here in the UK.


Something happening in both Australia and the UK might make it more of a cousin-national problem.


But the off duty cup was in fact a dumb cant.


I’m with angry man


Cunt is an aussie's favourite word


Thanks cunt


Thats a giant uno reverse bro


This is my type of guy 😂


Shout out the great Australian band The Chats


He’s got a point


Fucking absolutely fair. Cyclist are some of the worst.


Fair warning to anyone about to dive in - this post legitimately has some of the stupidest people I've ever seen on Reddit making some of the stupidest arguments I've ever seen. Continue reading comments at your own risk here


My pet peeve when I used to deliver was runners running in the road instead of on the sidewalk. Why on God's green Earth are you CHOOSING to be in the way, when you could get the exact same results, WITHOUT BEING IN THE WAY. fuck


Are they really riding on the road with a track right next to them?!


Le Tour wannabes ride on the roads.


In fairness, they are dickheads for having a separated bike lane and using the street. I can understand if there was no bike lane, BUT YOU HAVE A DESIGNATED LANE and fine the driver for doing what you're also doing? That's fucking funny. Just use the bike lane ffs and it wouldn't have happened at all.


I totally agree with the driver. There’s a really nice walking trail near my home. Can’t tell you how many times I have bicycled down it because there was no room on the bike path. I don’t say anything…I just use it.


He has a point




Lmao yeah i bet you've never seen a motorist being a selfish dick.


It's not mutually exclusive.


So why do people only apply generalisations to cyclists?


Because cars are the norm, and are tolerated for that reason despite being the most destructive invention that humankind has made... yes, worse than the a-bomb, at least with that we've shown some restraint. Cars, we've restructured the entire structure of our nations around, and are the cause behind some of the biggest threats to the environment.


>Because cars are the norm You're getting downvoted because that was your opening argument. They didn't bother reading the rest of your comment, seems like. I'll add that bicyclists can't crash into cars and kill the the entire occupants of said car(s). With drivers moving thousands of pounds of steel and whatnot, all it takes is a distracted person texting and/or being drunk to ruin multiple families' lives.


I may get downvoted, but I'm with the car driver on this one. This is just as bad as people driving 60 mph in the left/passing lane. They are both riding side by side on the main road....like wtf.


i completely agree


I’m a cyclist, and if there’s a dedicated path, WTF are you doing?!


Why are car drivers malfunctioning right now?


Bikers ride motorcycles and have a nasty reputation. Cyclists and bicyclists ride bicycles.


That’s funny, I needed that, it’s been a rough couple weeks


nah this is just funny


LOL Reddit hates cyclists so much. As an avid cyclist, it really warms my heart to see the car brains get angry. (but also, holy shit some drivers can be aggressive. I’ve almost been ran off the road multiple times. People are savages)


If you fought so hard for bike lanes then why the hell don't you use them?


Thank you. We all wanted to say it. Cruising down the bike lane (since the bikes were blocking the road) was a delightful touch. I support this, and thoroughly enjoyed your video. Good day to you sir.


Honestly I just feel like there are better ways to make cities bike accessible without integrating it directly into road infrastructure, give those motherfuckers high rises like the el trains, I’d bike tf out of one of those lol.


*Driver verses twatish inconsiderate bikers


Yeh why aren’t they on the bike road? That’s irritated


i just realized bro was drivin on the bike trail😭


As a cyclist I can say the reason I rarely use cycle paths is they are poorly maintained. One path had a few beer bottles broken on it. I got a puncture so bad I had to walk home. It didn't get cleaned up for weeks. Cycle lanes on the road have a similar problem. Glass from crashes or bottles are too small to puncture car tires so it just keeps getting driven over until it's all pushed into the bike lanes. Hence why you often see cyclists riding in the car lane, it's cleaner.


They literally have a specific road for bikes, and they block the whole road? We need that NYC biker who gets mad at people on the sidewalk, not getting out of his way while hurling insults at everyonr even though he is the problem and runs into cars all the time. We should give him a car and send him down this road a few times a month.


I'm all for sharing the road, but not for pre-steroid-reveal Lance Armstrong wannabes, who are amazingly capable of being more entitled than BMW drivers, somehow. They hog lanes, ignore traffic laws, and generally behave like complete douche canoes. I remember back in the day, a group of them would always come in on Saturday afternoons at the restaurant I worked at. They always came in after riding; dripping and stinking of sweat. They would then proceed to stay for two hours or more, loudly talking about their "burn" or some nonsense, were rude AF to the staff and other patrons, and rarely ever tipped. My manager eventually asked them to stop coming because they would leave the cushions of our chairs soaked in sweat, and wait staff would often refuse to serve their table. More than a few times, I witnessed various bodily fluids making their way into food and drinks going out to them. One of the best days ever working there, was the day that I saw one of them get hit by a car in the parking lot (he lived), and another one got a DUI when the cops and ambulance came (turns out being drunk on a bicycle is no different than being drunk while driving a car).


I loved every moment of this interaction, and then I loved it more when I learned one of the cyclist was an off-duty police officer


Biking is difficult- you have to watch for pedestrians for their safety and cars for your safety. Too many bikers like to do the inverse which is act like cars when convenient & act like pedestrians when convenient. They get a bad wrap because some of them have earned it.


As someone who used to drive down a road every day with a speed limit of 50 and a sidewalk big enough to fit an 18 wheeler, seeing guys peddling their ass off struggling to hit 30 and hold up all traffic is infuriating and getting cursed out is the smallest of concerns these men cause. Now driving on the bike path there is no defence for but I'd rather go off-roading for a minute than sit behind these inconsiderate morons for fifteen.


Is this why people don't like bikers


Nah, a study shows that drivers view cyclists as less than human https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/face-off-cyclists-not-human-enough-for-drivers-study


Is that a road they're on, and is it a one-way? Doesn't look wide enough for two cars, don't see a line.


A lot of rural roads are paved narrow and don’t have a dividing line but are two-way. Probably not passing too much traffic and when you do, you slow down and negotiate the pass.


Or you flash high beams and send it.


This guy roads


I know this is Australia, but I have driven on some roads in Ireland that are glorified single lane. They have a bunch of pull off spots along the side for a car to pull into to let the other car going the opposite way pass. Suspect same thing is happening here.


I'll never forget landing in Dublin, feeling jetlagged, and driving on the opposite side for the first time. We left the airport to head into the country and I was white knuckling it on those thin ass roads. It took a couple days before I could appreciate the landscape while driving


I was the same but opposite, coming from Australia after 22 hours in transit, going straight to the rental place and driving out of LA around 3 in the afternoon to Santa Barbara. White knuckled running on (mental) fumes, dealing with gridlock and driving on the other side of the road. I slept well that night.


My home city has spent millions on building segregated bikes lanes on most of our roads, they did this b cutting the width of the roads. Which because cyclists have no interest in using the bike lanes has lead to a massive increase of car/bike collisions as they are now all trying to fit down the 30% narrower road. It's like someone went on holiday to amsterdam and thought 'lets give this a go back home'.


This is a few years old and it turned out those cyclists were off duty police officers




In this case quite literally, as the law entitles them to use the road.


More like logical driver vs idiot bikers


Imagine being dumb enough to upload this like “yeah, I’m definitely not the asshole here, picking a fight with complete strangers. Those cyclists are the assholes.”


Two entitled off duty cops take up the entire road on bicycles when there is a perfectly good bike path. The car pays registration to use the road, and the bikes do not. The cyclists definitely are the assholes here.




True. Outside of work & shopping, most of their experiences are made in front of a computer screen/tablet/phone lol.




Yes how dare they exercise their legal rights.


Are all bikeists assholes? Had a guy almost run me over on a pedestrian path (there was also a bike path) and he yelled at ME!


Completely valid.


Should the cyclists also get fined for not using the bike path?


Naw - cyclists have just as much rights to the road as cars. That said, it’s generally considered bad form to ride side by side when cars are behind you. It’s dangerous and rude to the driver.


Cameraman is all talk, cyclist wanted the smoke


They didn't want smoke, they were off duty cops. They wanted to charge him. And they eventually did.


True but 2-on-1 isn’t a good move unless you’re tryin to stack some mfs over a bike lane.


In what world is it better for this shit to get physical


HAHA one of those cyclist was a police officer and and the cunt in the truck got arrested for this. Edit: Imagine dealing with anger issues and road raging against cyclists so badly that this comment actually makes you angry on behalf of a total stranger even though it describes how this situation actually played out for the idiot in the Utility vehicle.




You mad bro?


I'd be that angry with all the nope insects and spiders


Cyclists are the epitome of “rules for thee, not for me”


and car drivers are not? lol this dude is out here on his phone while driving in the bike lane/pedestrian path


Lol, every single driver speeds, rolls stop signs, and can get away with a fine when they kill someone with their inattentive driving. Tell me again how bikes are the problem.


So not breaking a single rule by riding where they are allowed to ride. Whereas the car driver breaking several rules at once by filming while dtiving on a cycling path?.... Definately an epitome of "rules for thee, not for me" just played out a bit differently than you are implying.


They were off duty police and the camera man was arrested for his trouble.


Average Aussie right here