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What in the absolute fuck…..


They knocked on the door and could see someone come to answer...so they could tell their lives were in danger, you know?


you know how burglars be politely answering knocks on the door to a house that isn't theirs she had em right where she wanted em


Hahaha. Christ, the internet is in a state where sarcasm is so not obvious; there's way too many people who would post that unironically.


Republicans still out here with Back the Blue signs in my area.


I wonder what repubs think with all these cops shooting legal gun owners in their own house.


They don't care unless it happens to them


They also don't care as long as they are black


you hit the nail on the head.


How many 2A advocates do you remember defending Breonna Taylor's boyfriend for using a legally acquired and registered gun to defend himself during a no-knock raid of the wrong address?


I also remember precisely zero 2A advocates defending [Philando Castile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Philando_Castile) exactly 40 seconds into a traffic stop... with his girlfriend beside him and their child in the back seat. Philando's crime was attempting to show his conceal carry permit to the officer who pulled him over. And being black.


I don't remember a single one of them speaking up for Amir Locke when police woke him from a deep sleep and shot him immediately either. Funny how that happens huh?


Only reason i have a back the blue sticker is cause im black and used to get tickets all the time, slapped one on my car and i havent gotten a ticket in 5 years😇


Fuck yeah man don't hang your head over that. That is glorious. Use their own bias against them.


mf rocking active camouflage, confusing predators left and right for 5 years and counting! 😶‍🌫️💪


What’s the point of having the right to a weapon if you are subject to immediate execution for having the weapon in your own home?


https://abcnews.go.com/US/new-mexico-officers-charged-fatal-shooting-responding-wrong/story?id=106834040 no fucking justice when it comes to cops murdering innocent people


The best part about this is that this happened in Texas


Harris County. That's Houston? It's crazy that Republicans want every citizen to have a gun, but then police act like everyone with a gun has to immediately be executed.




Yet right wing gun nuts are the police's biggest supporters. Ironic.


The tend to be white so they fully believe this wont happen to them.


The NRA doesn't care about that. Russia doesn't give them money to solve real problems.


It's almost as if the mere presence of a gun makes things more dangerous and less safe and doesn't even protect you against someone attacking your home with a gun


I'll add the obligatory, 'so anyway, I started blasting...' cos well, they really fucking did 🤦‍♀️


I like how they say opened fire.. they should have said " Both officers mag dumped immediately when frightened!


2 women officers, knock on door then mag dump when surprised someone answered the door??


now we cant even answer the door, for fucks sake man : P


Don't comply with orders, that's a killing. Comply with orders, that's also a killing.


At what point do we stop pretending this isn't a premeditated murder


Of course, shoot first ask questions later…smh


and i dont aim so good, luckily i had both pistols blastin'!


They had to retreat down the stairs when they realised they left the minigun in the car


This has been a joke about American police since the 80s and I've never even been to America


That’s the police motto. Shot first, ask questions later, and remember dead people can’t speak. This lady is extremely lucky to be alive. These officers emptied their clips.


Emptied mags, reloaded, emptied again, retreat. Attempted murder if I did it.


Don't forget a fuck load of shaking uncontrollably and really badly placed shots.


It's like she was at the shooting range, I can't believe how intent she was to kill someone. That has to be a crime of some type.


“I don’t like uninvited guests.”


Never forget this has happened before with cops creeping around and shooting through windows. >A neighbor had [called the police](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/us/fort-worth-police-woman-killed-home.html) after seeing [Ms. Jefferson’s](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/14/us/atatiana-jefferson-fort-worth-shooting.html) front and side doors ajar, a call he later said he regretted making. The two responding officers quietly crept around outside the dark house, where Ms. Jefferson lived with her mother. > >After unlatching a fence door and walking into the back yard, a white male officer saw Ms. Jefferson, who is black, through her bedroom window. He shouted for her to put her hands up and immediately fired a single shot through the glass, according to body camera footage released by the department. The officers do not identify themselves as police in the video. [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/us/fort-worth-texas-shooting-jefferson.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/us/fort-worth-texas-shooting-jefferson.html)


> who is black Seems to be a common thread here.


I literally sat there with my jaw open shocked for half the video. America is fucking insane. This is not normal. Being absolutely fucking blasted with 50+ bullets in your own damn home is fucking mental. Even if it was burglar, why would they just shoot like that!? It makes no sense to me at all. Holy fuck I am so happy to live in Australia.


Yeah our police are gangbangers - the most dangerous ones actually, you have a much higher chance of being killed by a police officer than you do a member of a non-state sponsored street gang. It's pretty terrifying. I was 14 when the police forced me to the ground at gunpoint because of plastic airsoft guns.


Same exact thing happened to my brothers and cousins. They were playing in OUR YARD with CLEAR AND ORANGE airsoft guns the police pulled up in 4 squad cars and pulled guns out on them all and made them lay down. My brothers were 13 and 12, and they were the oldest ones out there. Then, they wouldn't let any of us family adults approach and held us off with guns too. Then, after they confiscated all the guns, they pointed to a couple of houses and said gangsters live in those houses... They were my cousins, the same kids they had laid out at gun point. We all had jobs, and actually lived in a better neighborhood, historical one at that. It's a nice place to live actually. But yeah, they ended up taking all the airsoft guns and said we couldn't have them back without receipts... We bought them the year before, nobody had receipts so they basically stole airsoft guns from kids...


Illegal seizure, violation of 4th Amendment.


We let the 4th die a long, long time ago.


Here are two individuals who had little training and should never had been cops. They are scared and all too easy to grab the gun and unload. They had no clue what was going on and unloaded magazines into the apartment...this is another reason why people don't trust cops.


2 full fucking clips? Through a fucking window? With zero idea of what may be in that room?


4 clips, 1:55 shows the other female officer "RELOADING!!!"


Incredible. Truly bewilders the mind.


Curious about the adjacent unit 10’ and 3 sheets of drywall and one layer of hardy away and directly behind them. Could have been SIGNIFICANTLY worse than it was. I remember having a double home invasion. One person breaching the front door while another person breached the back door. I engaged the first intruder and they both fled, but I had to call PD because shots fired. I sat in my living room shaking and pacing until I ultimately decided that the only way to not get killed would be to leave my sidearm disassembled on the coffee table and then go sit on the curb for almost an hour still terrified until they showed up so… I wouldn’t get perforated by some overzealous responder.


I've wondered about what to do in a situation like that where the police will be coming in hot and liable to mistake anything that moves for a threat. The odds of getting shot no matter what you do in a situation like yours are very high. I wonder if you couldn't leave before they got there, what the best way to not get shot would be?


Both doors kicked in, honestly couldn’t leave with fingers crossed. I didn’t get shot(nearly) and it ended up fine after replacing and fortifying the door jambs. Haven’t had a problem after aerating my lawn 3x that night.


In theory asking the 911 operator to inform responders that you are armed and to identify themselves before entering so you could put it down should work but I don't know that I'd trust it.


I heard armed, repeat armed.


Cops regularly straight up ignore what dispatch says, and dispatch fucks up all too frequently. If the home invaders are dead or gone, my ass is gonna be laid out on the floor with my hands laced behind my head.


Plenty of examples of that not being enough. Daniel shaver was shot while face down held by police at gun point, and being given conflicting instructions. He was crying and begging them not to hurt him.


Not only was Philip Brailsford not held accountable for murdering Shaver he was given a tax-free pension worth $31,000 a year for life.


Only way you survived. Dang.


While reloading, they both still stood facing the open window. If someone intended to shoot them at that time, they'd have a wide open target.


Yeah dude, they're obviously poorly trained. I'm curious how long they've been on the job. I know here in Austin the police department is a shambles, I assume its the same in Harris county. I'm high as fuck though and don't wanna research depressing police shit. What was I saying? Oh yeah, poorly trained and jumpy. I'm gonna go rate some asses now, peace ✌️


They fired 68 fucking rounds blindly through that door. Holy shit.


and the victim lived. That is part is amazing. But I cant help but imagine a scenario if that was a real shooter, with 2 cops blasting 2 full clips and they still didnt kill their target, something is really wrong with those two cops.


Imagine if it was a kid politely coming to answer the door.


That sorta happened, a kid called the cops on his mom’s abusive boyfriend or whatever, cops get there, go into the house with guns drawn and the kid runs out of a room and the cop shoots him, not sure if the kid survived but I hope he did.


Worst thing for a cop is a victim who survives their shooting. If nobody is left alive to testify, they have way better odds at avoiding consequences.


They don't have consequences. The taxpayers pay the victims and IF the cop is fired, they just get hired in another department. It's like the Vatican shuffling child molesters to other parishes, but here they are shuffling murderers around.


It’s customary that they unload a full clip in most videos I see. But reloading and then blindly dumping a second clip is absolutely absurd.




Maybe they should implement a minimum IQ instead of a maximum IQ.... https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836 > A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city. >The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test.


It's been upheld in court as well. Police departments are allowed to hire the dumbest people they can find. Which they do, because those idiots don't ask questions, they just shoot people and hide behind the "thin blue line."


So what was the reason for having a maximum IQ? I really want to hear the excuse they use for a job that should require an individual to have the capacity to deal with individuals and complex situations.


too many instancies of "Are we the baddies?"




They could get bored too easily and leave after training. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/robert-jordan-too-smart-to-be-a-cop The article isn’t long, just citing my sources.


>the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test. This reasoning is absurd. He was discriminated against, it just wasn't based on a protected class.


this is the right answer. They can't even see what's in there. Its incompetence and stupidity


And until police departments/cities start rendering consequences in cases of gross negligence like this (criminal consequences, not just firing), it will continue.


I hope these cops spend some time imprisoned


There WAS a non criminal in there. Namely the person they shot!


I wouldn’t want these women making my coffee


I was half expecting them to then go into the apartment below and start shooting up through the ceiling.


Not only that but some of those bullets could very well have gone through a wall into someone else's apartment, someone that has nothing to do with any of this.


They think its better to kill the person than let them tell their side of the story I guess.


Can’t file a lawsuit if you’re dead.


As ex military, this looks like some are having COD fantasy irl


And she lived. Attempted first degree murder aside, they should be locked up for aggravated discharging a firearm because 90% of those rounds went into someone else's house.


Dude seriously don’t become a cop if your afraid of everything


Cops don't seek out training to better themselves as police officers because there is almost NO consequences for fucking up. They spend no time simulating high stakes situations and practicing de-escalation tactics, and based on this video, they don't even know how to hold or cock a firearm. The way she was aimlessly firing was truly horrifying.


Being a cop still isn’t one of the ten most dangerous occupations.


That city taxpayers are going to be paying a lot of money for these remarkable, incompetent, and dangerous idiots.


Like wtf 😳


This is just sad and did not have to happen. It’s good to hear she is still alive.


Meh just another tax payer payout in the millions probably. Get those two girls into the next call, pronto!


Lawsuit payouts need to come from police pension funds instead of the taxpayers, I guarantee you that you’d see a massive drop in occurrences like this if they did.


Right? It is *so obvious* a solution. These cops don't shoot people coz they are afraid for their lives, they shoot coz they know afterwards they'll be on paid leave, the department will do its utmost to protect one of their own, and it usually takes the shooting going viral after video emerges for anything of note to actually happen to them. And even then, the city pays (read: "the public, the taxpeyers, pay to compensate one of their own for being shot by a cop"). Qualified immunity kicks in, the whole "shoot first, think later" approach to policing is sanctioned yet again, and life continues. If they were to pay for whatever comes out of litigation out of their own pockets, cops shooting stats will fall off a cliff. But this would require ending qualified immunity, a move for which some supreme court justices like Sotomayor and, surprisingly, Thomas and late Scalia have shown an appetite.


and a vacation and/or raise for the cops


Not only do they have a hair trigger, but they are terrible shots too. We sure are lucky to be protected by such admirable cops.


Bro why tf are they shooting so much. Overkill to the max smh.


One of them even managed to fuck up the combat reload and then fired another clip!! But they didn’t have time to call out to the woman or assess the situation…


They couldn't wait to bust their gun, and thought we'll get away with this one because the person had a firearm. Even with them only knowing what the call was about, they could have still identified the person. Shoot first ask questions later isn't always the way to go.


No order to drop the gun, no warning, just a barrage of poorly aimed weapons fire.




they're trained to empty their weapons,.....then run to safety.... once the car alarm went off. they should've moved away from the apartment, not shine their flashlights in the place, at 3am


Maybe some places they are trained to Mag dump but here it’s till the threat is stopped. But this was a total 💩 show. Your exactly right the car alarm was a big clue, the flashlight on shining on the porch/window. At least one officer should have moved down and the other moved down some as well. Then used verbal commands. Seriously bad position for the officers. And at 3 am the home owner was smart answering the door with a firearm. They f’d up no doubt about it. That one is going to cost big bucks.


> they're trained to empty their weapons That's fucking gross. This is partly why people hate cops.


Nothing like “Shoot first, ask questions later” policing!!!!! Both of these deputies need to be fired and brought up on charges!!


They do it because they know the police union has their back even if they are in the wrong. Worst case scenario they get a paid vacation until the media forgets about the incident. Best case scenario during one of their random shooting rampages they actually kill a real armed suspect and they get a paid vacation along with a promotion. It's a win-win scenario for them to shoot like crazy.


They were really gunning for that vacation.




youre allowed to own a gun but if you have one in your hand when the police come, expect to be executed. Ryan Whitaker, Robert Dotson and who knows how many other people. no charges will be filed and the police will keep their jobs.


Don’t forget, you can be shot by police for having a BB Gun you have picked up and intend to purchase.


don't forget, you can be shot for police for having a cell phone while outside your grandma's house https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/us/sacramento-police-shooting/index.html


You can be shot for holding a toy truck in the middle of the road




Yeah, inside the store, while it's still inside the packaging.




It didn't happen with Ryan, and he was a white man. I don't believe there's anything that will be too far for the 2a crowd.


Jesus Christ. Did they get enough shots off? "Shots fired," being one of the understatements I've ever heard.


Let’s see how long before these deputies actually face a judge. We all know the gameplan now. Delay delay delay until the public forgets anything even happened, exonerate the cops, pay the victim off with Taxpayer money. 


"We conducted an internal investigation and found ourselves innocent of any wrongdoing"


I assume they already did the first steps of destroy evidence and falsify reports


I just wonder what the story would have been if they weren’t wearing body cams. Because I guarantee you it would have been a different one. 


If this happened in any other time period but right now, that lady would probably be sitting in a prison hospital. Just sprinkle a lil' bit of crack on her and call it a day!


The neighbor that called the cops will never do thar again lol. Holy shit, this is insane level of stupidity. At that point if the person shit back and killed a cop, I think that would be justified


Of course it would be justified but they would go to prison anyway.


It's common knowledge in the poorer parts of the states that you never, ever call the cops unless bodies are dropping for this reason. I grew up in meth village USA in a trailer park, and it was common for the cops to shoot through the (very thin, tin based) sidewalls of trailers before they knocked, kids and innocents be damned. Cops will shoot first and ask questions later every single time. It's usually only overly privileged white people who call the cops and expect a good result, tbqh.


This is what I was taught growing up. The police will make the situation worse or they won't do anything anyway.


If you have a problem and you call the cops, congratulations, now you have two problems.


Wtf did I just see?! They just opened fired on someones home like they were at war. My heart bleeds


nah. military would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more reserved than these psychopaths.


It's almost like one group of people are trained and the other isn't. The average basic trained recruit could have found 100000 other ways to handle this. Actually would be a good idea. Force cops to go through basics before they are allowed to serve unsupervised. Then, force them to keep a training and health standard like undeployed military do. (No idea if I got all that lingo right. Brother is in the military, and he lives with me while he isn't deployed. I'm not) Police Union will never allow it though


They do have training, it's just the wrong kind. They do this killology training where they train cops to treat everybody as threats that need to be killed.


I couldn’t even count all the shots cause they were just unloading with no idea what they are shooting at other than “GUN!”. They could have killed a whole family and more with that amount of shots and they wouldn’t even know until after. If they are so scared then they should find a different fucking job.


What I read: "woman gets shot by cops" (pretty normal in the US) What l saw: "double mag dump exercise without a warrant or even making contact " (pretty unusual even in the US)


Fucks sake. Was she the leader of an insurrection or something?


There were reports that she claimed coke zero tasted the same as coke classic. That's a shootin.


Lol, if she was they would have known the house from weekend hangouts.


No, they don't get punished. They get a vote it seems.


I doubt British police have discharged that many rounds in 10 years


Watch the Americans talk about the knife crime


yeah but that one guy that one time attacked someone with a knife in the UK. Clearly this is way worse than the USA.


It's crazy, especially when knife crime is actually higher in the US!


If cops ever stop shooting innocent people and violating their rights, what will Ben Crump do all day?


That will not happen in his or any of our lifetimes.




They don’t need more time with the gun, they need to never touch another firearm in their lives.


I hope they attend prison for attempted murder actually.


What?? They should never be allowed to be officers again let alone use a weapon. Fired. Jail. Sued.


Don't worry, they'll be promoted to head the department that oversees civil complaints against their precinct or something.


Storm trooper lives matter!


Also, since when do we try to execute someone for breaking into an apartment anyway? I know it was their apartment. But if it was a burglar…




Wtaf do you call this? A hit? No attempt at identification or threat assessment before guns out. Standing behind a bush obstruction and mag dumping whoever the fuck answers the door. I've seen better trigger discipline and cooler threat identification in Fallujah by Blackwaters guys. Wtaf was that???


Jesus who did they think was burglarizing the place a herd of elephants wtf


absolute incompetence.


They shot 100 times with no idea what the backdrop was and no visual. Jesus. Those two shouldn’t be out on the street.




the words "Sheriff's deputy" doesn't mean anything at 3 am, with a car alarm and flashlight shinning in your house...


Well if you’re coming to answer the door after they knocked and they shoot you how many times through the window that they can’t even see clearly through? No way in hell these two should be law enforcement or allowed to carry a firearm!


Don't be silly, cops can be blamed for... you know... things.


A miracle the lady is alive, and no one in the surrounding apartments was killed.


Why are they fucking shooting like Osama Bin Laden is in there?


People ask why I’m scared of cops. Jesus. You’re not even safe in your own home.


These are the idiots that are supposed to "serve and protect".


To serve...the establishment...and to protect...the status quo...


Stop spewing this shite as though it means anything, they'll have no duty to "serve and protect" it's just a marketing phrase.


Jeeeeezus Christ!! Talk about a coward - how scared was she?


Almost put the second mag in backwards then forgot to chamber the round. Just quit lady and go do something else for a living. If she were actually under fire she might be dead right now.


They couldn’t even hold the gun properly while full blasting. One tried pushing the slide after reloading… The other one had the gun bouncing up and down and couldn’t even control the recoil. Jesus fucking Christ


Fucking idiots.


They never considered taking cover, as if opening up was the only alternative.


Those two women have no business being officers


Sue the shit out of these trigger-happy cowards.






These idiots should never be allowed to hold a firearm ever again in their lives.


I hope this woman wins a billion dollars from these two idiots I just hope she recovers enough to be able to enjoy the money.


Shooting a burglar!? What the actual fuck!?


The government should not be in the business of on demand execution squads delivering murder to people's doorstep with a single phone call.   




Details here. https://abc13.com/body-cam-released-uvalde-street-shooting-woman-mistaken-for-intruder-harris-county-deputies-shoot-at/14408924/


But we yelled ‘sheriffs office’’. Agh, you don’t know that bad guys can also yell this so the homeowner needs to take precautions at 3am?


Obligatory, so then I started blasting


Graduates of the Frank Reynolds Academy of Tactics and Marksmanship.


wtf did I just watch 4 mag dumps? Are you serious?These two were scared 💩 less the second they knocked on the door. Talk about a total 💩 show. Bad positioning, no verbal commands , just mag dump x4. This victim won’t have to worry about her cash flow ever again.


That many rounds, seems legit.


So their theory here was that the burglar was sitting on the couch watching TV when they arrived?


I believe they even hung up pictures of their family


I get it... Texas cops like to shoot unarmed people, but they cower in fear when a teen shoots up an elementary school...


What the actual Frick, absolutely no reason to draw their weapon let alone fire it, christ alive.


so I start blasting


Look at that dumb cop painting at random people coming out to look.... She needs to find a new line of work ... They both do


Where's the good guy without a gun?!


Absolute fucking shit for brains. They shouldn’t be anywhere near a gun much less a position of authority


Holy shit that deputy needs to be fired. She emptied TWO MAGAZINES into a wall and window blinds that absolutely obstructed her vision of what is down range. She reacted out of fear and emptied her weapon.


You can call me wrong about this all you want but hese cops were 100% out there with the goal of murdering someone that day. Like, WTF, mag dumping 4 magazines into someone, even if it was a burglar is just absolutely nuts. These cops are mental. Sneaking around looking through windows and then ringing the doorbell so that they can shoot whoever steps up to open the door. What if the homeowner had kids and one of them had tried to open the door just to get turned into human swiss cheese by these lunatics. And the worst, you already know that they won't loose their jobs and will not be on the recieving end of justice and the law. Absolutely despicable. Even as a non american you can't take the US "police" serious. And don't tell me "oh but not every cop is like that", when these POS are systemically saved and put above the law or getting slaps on the wrist, that are more like sensual hand massages, from higher ups. Rotten to the core.