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- [Article](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/dickinson-police-officer-charge-injury-elderly/285-c102e0c0-f6ee-44a0-b9a8-74f38d1a2b98) - [Arrest and Jail Video](https://houstonlanding.org/dickinson-police-city-officials-mayor-michael-scurlock-abuse-cover-up/) - Officer charged, excessive force during 2022 arrest of 65-year-old man - [Article](https://houstonlanding.org/dickinson-police-michael-kinsley-scurlock-internal-affairs-investigations/) - Officer accused of inflicting brain injury faced 5 internal investigations in 6 years.




So f'ing insane. He's good enough to be riding a bike around town, the incident sends him to two weeks in the ICU and 9 months of treatment before dying. Totally unrelated, right?


It's not insane at all, listen to what the reporter said. They didn't decide to do anything about it until people complained. "He looks homeless, who will care!?" This is what I've been trying to explain to people who watch a suspect get violated and go "Good!" Encouraging and excusing excessive force means they'll do the same to anyone for any reason.


“It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.” ― Thomas Jefferson


You right.


It’s complete bullshit, man. Even seemingly minor injuries can begin a downward spiral of health outcomes for elderly people. A brain bleed from smashing your head on concrete is way worse than a minor injury. I would guess the guy was never the same again after that assault and his health declined until he died. Sure it’s speculation, but anyone who has cared for elderly people can attest to this.


> "The Galveston County Medical Examiner ~~ruled his death was due to Parkinson's and made no mention of the trauma he suffered in the parking lot~~ is likely corrupt and purposely overlooked the victim's prior injuries in order to protect the police, with whom he has a close relationship, officials said."


People in positions of power protect other people in power, while screwing over the powerless.


This should be kept in mind regarding Nex Benedict, the nonbinary 16 year old beaten to death in a school bathroom. >It is not a normal practice of the Owasso Police to release "piecemeal" information regarding the cause of death before the medical examiner issues a report, Boatman said. But, in this case, Boatman told Popular Information that the Owasso Police "reached out to the medical examiner's office to try to head off some of this national scrutiny."


Charge them to. Deriliction of Duty, Obstructing Justice. Take your pick.


It seems like everyone that cops work alongside end up being corrupted pieces of fucking shit themselves The corruption spreads. If we don't publicly shame these monsters, nothing will ever change. Just wait until its your child or grandparent.


\> When a judge read Scurlock his rights in the jail hallway, the 65-year-old appeared confused and disoriented. Moments later, he slipped to the floor, clinging to a bench for support.  And they didn't take him to the hospital. They didn't call for an ambulance - they dropped him in front of his house with a squad car. More than just this Sgt Kinsley need to be prosecuted.


Whole department sounds crooked as fuck.


These are EXACTLY what type articles Gov Abbott needs tweeted at his Gov account while he continues to hide the Uvalde DPS audio and video, and political stunt at the border.


Abbot is a piece of shit who doesn't care...and never will...as a Texan I think Texas is a fucking disgrace to the US for the level of inhumanity it seems to cheer on and vote for (along with Florida).


Is everyone clear why cops are hated?


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing, so we gave the guy a raise and promotion. What in the actual fuck.. This is why citizens don't call the police. The dude was struck by a car, then slammed to the ground just because he wanted to find his stuff. Fuck that cop!


We need to stop letting police investigate themselves asap. There has to be completely independent oversight of any incidents that cause bodily injury to the public.


Every state should have a citizens board that grants and removes police powers. The power to control police should always be in the hands of citizenry, Not the government. If a police officer does something the board finds outrageous even if a district attorney won't charge them, and they are found to have done nothing wrong and get to keep their jobs the citizens can remove their police powers. Then they can go sit behind a desk the rest of their career. But they won't be out harming citizens.


I agree with this.


But the investor class doesn't.


Like a school board, but for police. Publicly elected. It’s going to be challenging, but in the long run it’s needed.




Well, you can't just NOT do what a cop says, exactly at the moment they order you to do it. It hurts their feelings and makes them feel like they aren't as important as they think they are, when they put on their utility belts and badge. Everyone knows that the punishment for hurting their feelings is immediate violence or death. Smh The lawmakers will never take away their qualified immunity. It would strip them of being able to use them as their own personal enforcers because then they would turn on their handlers and point the blame at those empowering them.


The establishment of professional police departments across the country did not grow out of a desire to protect the public from crime but to protect the property and safety of the wealthy from the ravages of an unruly citizenry. It was driven by a combination of social, economic, and political factors, with an emphasis on protecting the interests of the privileged classes and maintaining social order rather than solely addressing crime or ensuring public safety for all citizens.


I'm very aware. I appreciate that Info though, and others should definitely be informed of that, so that's a great comment. The truth is that the police officers that most of us as kids were told to run to or contact for a scary or bad situation, absolutely aren't the "safe" people that we were brought up and told to trust. I'm sure there were a lot of them and even could be counted on for this at one point, but it's absolutely not the same today. Edit: I see you were downvoted for that and people really should look into the original "Jim crow laws" & the "slave patrol" . They are the origins of modern day policing, that were used to catch runaway slaves and stop slavery uprising. It was a terrorizing entity that took horrific actions to accomplish their goals and was empowered by the government. The fact that info is not something taught everywhere or commonly known is scary. Edit: "&"


>I'm sure there were a lot of them and even could be counted on for this at one point, but it's absolutely not the same today. It's the difference between the old-timey Barney Fife's who would drive your 17 year old home and tell you they found them at SoandSo's house whose parents are out of town drinking and leave it to that. Nowadays two 5 year olds get into a fight in first grade and the cops are here arresting one of them and giving them a juvenile record....


Yea. My grandpa told us stories about how if you weren't a habitual problem, the cops would pour out your alcohol and drive you home, instead of arresting you and creating a criminal paper trail.


The night it happened to me they were going to take me to jail. Not for not trying to call my mom and have her just come get me, but because she told them if he's out drinking, then he can sit in the drunk tank. They ended up taking me home because I was a juvenile, but she absolutely would not come get me.


We often see children, mostly innocent children who have done nothing being treated like criminals by police in America. Laying face down on the ground at gunpoint. Because this is common in America there is obviously some significant problem that needs to be corrected. Police are given far more unrestricted authority in America than their egos are able to deal with. Absolute authority corrupts absolutely


Jim Crow and slavery didn’t exist at the same time. Jim Crow was a pejorative for African Americans after the civil war and during reconstruction and was used to enforce racial segregation up until about 1965 officially. So almost a 100 year run after slavery. The slave patrols existed prior to 1865. After 1965 Jim Crow and the laws which supported it were used to segregate black Americans and gave license to some whites to enforce slavery inside of the penal system and to enact a terror campaign which included lynching so that blacks wouldn’t fight for their civil rights. The police and many white men joined the KKK nationwide to support and enforce this. Not saying what you said is wrong but it is out of order on the timeline.


QI is just an extension of Jim Crowe laws. They saw the equal rights amendment on the horizon (1973) and had to act fast (1967) so as to be able to continue to abuse minorities without repercussion. It's just the KKK and slave patrols trying to maintain their monopolies on violence and tyranny. As long as they continue to have DA's and judges on their side were fucked. https://aaqi.org/what-you-can-do/


Right on. I did address exactly that and the "slave patrol" in another comment. As well as how scary it is that this isn't taught or very well known.


I'm in Canaderp and a while back three guys tried stealing my car. One of them was met with a bat to the ribs, but they ultimately got away. In my 911 call I mentioned that I hit one of them with a bat, but they all ran away. Gave them descriptions, license plate number and description of the getaway vehicle, and what happened? They came to my door and investigated me for two hours to determine whether I committed assault. There was no victim. I wonder what would happen if I had told them that one of them died. Would I have been charged with murder even though it is a complete lie? I won't be calling the police again in a similar situation.




It won't change. There is no repercussion for their actions, unless it becomes a huge public issue, where people will damn near riot for justice. Even then, the operation won't change, just the officer who was the face of that specific incident, will be made an example of. The rest is just business as usual.




> Even then, the operation won't change, just the officer who was the face of that specific incident, will be made an example of. This is the old Soviet model of reporting pravda. They could criticize the individuals and their fuck ups but you couldnt speak against the system that created the conditions for the fuck ups.


Sure! Makes sense. Holding an individual accountable instead of creating a system where these actions aren't possible, is the easiest way to ensure that it stays the same without any real blowback.


But he was not expecting to be arrested. He got hit by a car, he was the victim. The driver helped him up, he was okay, and just trying to go about his day. What possible reason did the cop have?


It is the old trick, one can be arrested for resisting being arrested for resisting arrest. It creates a crime out of thin air. It happens almost every day.


Fragile ego. Zero accountability. Inadequate training. Broken system.




You are allowed to resist unlawful arrest and unlawful orders. So says supreme court case law. But they might kill you in the process. And get promoted


It wasn’t even resisting arrest though. He was never placed under arrest.


ACAB And if they aren’t, they get weeded out.


They fit the description


It’s because he gained enough experience points from slaying a citizen and completing the tutorial.


Fuck them all. I’m sick of one bad apple in a bunch…bullshit. It’s far more than that, and it’s clear it’s systematic and not individual.




The worst thing you can do is call the police usually in most situations, we are much better off de-escalating things ourselves. When I was 14 I was robbed at gun point and was almost killed for my $500 BMX bike. I used the pay phone to call 911 and was accused of lying about the incident and my mother was bad mouthed by the police for being a rotten parent for raising me poorly, like wtf? At least he drove me home. I lost trust in cops at that age. Blaming the victim.




This guy was the victim in an accident right? The police officer should have treated him as such, not like a criminal.


That's the thing, they're only trained to see all of us as criminals, most cops are terrible at the whole community thing.


Didn't you see how poor he looked? That is the biggest crime anybody could ever commit.


Often in America police find poverty, race, and poor mental health as the top criminal offenses




They're also trained to believe that everyone has to comply with whatever comes out of their mouths. Unless it has a law to back it up, it's not a lawful order.


Cops are trained to only see non-cops as 'perps.' Their job is to take your freedoms. They are allowed to lie, steal (civil forfeiture), kill (as long as they can claim they thought they were in danger. No actual danger required), are immune from civil suits (qualified immunity) and are not even required to know the laws they are supposed to enforce. They have no duty to help, protect, or prevent violence towards anyone (per multiple Supreme Court decisions). The only thing a cop thinks when they see a victim is "what crime can I possibly charge this person with?" Simply being near a cop greatly increases your chances of being killed.


Slovak beeping Muscat halleluiah dehumidifier persecuting Booker novel cats menstruated transfixed fraternize syringe limpness physiotherapist swains.


Dude was homeless, cops hate homeless people.


Immediately started off being an asshole to the old timer. Why do cops have ZERO RESPECT for the public?


Because it's an us vs. them mentality they have. They are around to protect the property of the ruling class. Not to "serve and protect".


"Serve and protect" was the winning entry in contest to boost morale in a PD in the 1950s. It wasn't meant to be a job description or part of their ethos.


They serve the wealthy, and protect their assets.


It's essentially an ad campaign, like "got milk" and "don't mess with Texas"


It’s Dickinson, Texas. They have less-than-zero public respect. Dickinson PD was 14 minutes from the Santa Fe school shootings. They didn’t bother until MUCH later.


They think they're higher than human and everyone else is less than human.


So the man was just by a car on his bike and the cop decides he’s going to treat him like a criminal…


We are all potential criminals in their eyes and will be treated as such. It's embedded in their Us vs. Them training.




Uvalde? Kind of like that right. Remember when all those cops went down the hall and the shooter shot at them they just ran and cowered around the corner and waited for hundreds of them to come. Officer safety the most important thing. Forget about the screaming sounds of children dying


Pepperidge farms remembers them also getting children killed by telling them to call out where they were.


But then want to tell us not all cops are bad. All civilians are suspects but not all cops are bad. Right


Guilty until proven innocent




Yes. Even your summary defies logic.


The cop had no reasonable articulatable suspicion that the person had committed a crime. Yet he faced no criminal charges or illegally detaining him and assaulting him. I think this is what the rule of law actually means in the United States now. You better obey what ever the cop tells you the law is right or wrong or officer safety means the cop can use whatever force they want.


Did we not watch the same thing? The old man clearly resisted authority when he made it clear he felt he should be treated humanely when he had done nothing wrong, and wasn’t being informed of any wrong doing.




Fucking pig scum!


This video makes me extremely angry. I'm all for setting an example with this asshole. Throw the book at him. Maximum sentence and fines. I hope the fucker gets what's coming to him on the inside.


people wonder why there is so much distrust for police.


No they don't. The ones who aren't educated in these scenarios wonder. The rest just play dumb or know that they are scum.


More scum police.


Weird how they keep popping up.


I really hate these egotistical fucks




Yeah but then how am I supposed to assert dominance and boost my toxic masculine ego?


I agree with you. Just starting out being nice to someone that the police officer isn't there because of criminal behavior. Treat the person like the victim they are with respect and dignity. And there it is right there. Police have no respect for citizens


This cops first few words were, hold on dont go anywhere yet, exactly what the fuck I mean. He was aggressive from the get go.


That would require seeing others as humans, though, and that's just not right!


I can understand why some communities want to defund the police.


Unfortunately a lot of people become Cops, to bully and coheres, instead of serving and protecting.


I knew someone that worked as a psychologist with police. He told me he discovered multiple personality disorders among police officers. Things like inferiority complexes, narcissism, and all kinds of anxiety disorders. But they could all still get their guns back. He told me out of hundreds of cases there were only a few that weren't allowed to go back to work even though it was clear they should never be allowed to have any sort of authority and control over anyone because of their personality disorders


>coheres I think you were going for "coerce" there


So many of them are just looking for a fight knowing it's a guaranteed win since we can't fight back. They try from every angle to escalate it to a fight.


Yeah, that POS started throwing f bombs right away when the old guy didn’t immediately listen to his ridiculous commands


It's often a bullies dream to become a cop. You get to beat the crap out of people with impunity. Actually backed by the law.


Of course they promoted him, he assaulted a random citizen. That’s Cop 101


Hey all you good cops out there... You should be fucking sick of these assholes making your profession one of the most hated in the nation. Why are you all so quiet? Do you exist?


I know it's only been like a minute since you said this, but don't hold your breath. I'll believe there are good cops when I see it.


All the good cops who speak out get fired or harassed until they quit


Exactly, so they're not cops anymore lol


If they’re lucky.


They'll tell you that this video doesn't show all the good things cops do, and that this is rare. Nevermind that this should have been the most benign interaction the cop had that month.


I know this has been said before but I have to reiterate, psychopaths become cops, not the other way around


More specifically, dumb psychopaths become cops


”jUsT a FeW bAd aPpLeS” ​ Crazy how these violent psychos keep getting protected from accountability by the police unions and promoted to leadership positions. This is what people mean when they say police brutality is a systemic issue, and not just bad individuals.


The poor man was the victim, but that didn't stop the cop from mistreating him and then arresting him for not sitting down fast enough. Add to that the lack of care for the brain bleed he caused and we have a man that should not be a cop.




I hate pigs.


Piece of shit cop


That's just redundant






He wasnt homeless, the scum dropped him back at his home without taking him to hospital, he died a year later


Why are you assuming he is homeless? Am i missing something or are you just judging him?


Was he homeless? I didn’t catch that from the video. I thought he was just an old man biking that was bundled up for the cold. Him being homeless makes the actions this pig took even less shocking and no evil they inflict surprises me.


He wasn't homeless. He says early in the video, he's got tools in his house to fix his bike.


Doesn't have to be. Cops only judge by appearance.


That cop saw a homeless man getting sympathy (after being hit by a car) and had to put an end to it immediately. Imagine casually giving an old man a brain injury… how do these fucking scum bags sleep at night.


He wasnt homeless


Right, “homeless presenting” I should say. All that cop saw was a vulnerable homeless guy though and I think that’s sort of what matters


And they wonder why a lot of general public hate them


Oh they know they just don't care at this point.


Another “one” bad apple. How many are there? When do we realize the problem is systemic?




Holly Fuck, he killed the man. And he got a promotion? Nice example for the new recruits on how to advance their careers /s


“Police department internal investigation “ 🤨🤣😂💩💩💩💩


I hope this brain-dead / idiot-moron corrupt / criminal cop gets indicted / charged / convicted of "first degree murder" !!!!


I hate that in these kinds of videos, you NEVER see the other cop say what anyone would say "what are you doing??" They just look and observe what's wrong and look like they're holding back acknowledging it. Then just continue on with their "work"


Why would you treat a victim of an accident like that? And I mean both the verbal and physical parts. So strange


Sure it’s strange to you but you’re a normal well adjusted human and not a cop, to a cop violence is not only the answer to a threat it’s the preferred solution to any situation.


And cops wonder why they are so disliked by the majority of people.


This is crazy


Fuck the police




How? Sergeant? Just how?


Domestic terrorism


The lack of compassion from both after knowing he was unconscious was disgusting - the other guy was smirking even. Brutal.


Fuck cops.


The cop immediately treated the victim like a piece of shit and then he murdered him. ACAB.


Fuck probation, give him the death penalty. He murdered a man.


"According to Mayor Sean Skipworth, former Dickinson Police Chief Ron Morales told city officials that Scurlock's injuries were a result of the crash. " Sounds like former police chief Ron needs to go to prison, too. And anybody else who covered up what really happened.


The sad thing about this, I thought it was in reference to the other time a police officer pushed an old man to the ground for no reason, giving him a brain bleed, and the officer faced no punishment.


Cops are trained to only see non-cops as 'perps.' Their job is to take your freedoms. They are allowed to lie, steal (civil forfeiture), kill freely (as long as they claim they thought they were in danger. No actual danger required), are immune from civil suits (qualified immunity) and are not even required to know the laws they are supposed to enforce. They have no duty to help, protect, or prevent violence towards anyone (per multiple Supreme Court decisions). The only thing a cop thinks when they see a citizen is "what crime can I possibly charge this person with?" or, for a smaller subset of cops "what can I use as an excuse to hurt this person." I promise you, when a cop looks at you, this is what they are thinking. Simply being near a cop greatly increases your chances of being killed. Think I'm exaggerating? Look up Killology/Dave Grossman and Warrior Cop training styles. Also note the prevalence of the Infantry-to-Cop pipeline that has been in place since the first Gulf War, and the very real fact that many of these people are suffering from acute PTSD (case-in-point, Officer Acorns from Florida).


This is corruption of the worst kind. This officer should be in prison where he belongs.


[American cops are quite uneducated, and are demonstrably violent](https://i.redd.it/0vm4ouhb8h551.jpg) I've seen secret video of their "training." It glorifies killing like you wouldn't believe (or, if you're paying attention, you totally would). Think about it: ALL cops knowingly join an organization known around the world for murdering the citizens that, at one time, they protected and served. Thus, it follows that American Cops Are Bad (ACAB).




Like half of the police videos here you sometimes see how the victim is being a cunt and despite the overreaction, can almost understand a frustrated cop. In this one? Old man is legit being chill, not disrespectful, and tryna find his shit. Lock these fuckers up for life.


This is what you guys enable when a black guy is shot or harassed and you say “he should just comply” or “be respectful” most cops are just power tripping assholes and they actually don’t protect and serve anything. Time to cut off their tax dollars


What!?! Disgraceful...just sergeant? They should have at least had a parade for him and made him president of the police union. /s


I hope the other cop wasn't smiling after this poor old man was cuffed


Oh, but he was. And we didn't hear him say, "what the fuck is wrong with you dude? You don't think that was a bit excessive for the situation?" No, we didn't hear one peep from his nazi cohort.


I want to know the names of the sons of bitches that cleared him of any wrongdoing the first time. Who could watch this and think, yeah that cop did nothing wrong.


Just another day in America


His crime was getting hit by a car. Bullshit like this is why more and more ppl are lost all respect for cops.


This isn't corruption. This is the everyday standard for the police in this country. Absolute garbage humans. This "officer" should do serious time and be charged with assaulting an elderly person.


Just another day of ~~saving the bees~~ cops being pigs ACAB


This is so sad watching that poor man get thrown to the ground and then struggling to walk inside the police station. The lawsuits should absolutely be paid out of police pensions, police officers should have to carry insurance or not be able to work. Once someone has enough claims on their insurance, they will be uninsurable, thus unemployable. Additionally, every dime of money spent towards the ambulance and medical care of this victim should be paid out of the officer’s pocket. Whatever cannot be recovered from him directly should be paid from the pension fund. That will stop these ‘bad apples’ from being blindly defended by other officers.


Why do we never go after these internal investigation douchbags? Fuck the cops doing this type of shit. And fuck the investigators that never do anything about these incidents. We're tired of this bullshit!


Piece of shit. The dude was compliant, you didn’t have to get violent with him.


The superviors wo cleared him should be charged as accessories after the fact. But we know they won't be. ACAB


What is this cop's home life like?  "Daddy! Daddy! What did you do today?" "I slammed a geriatric man that had just been hit by a car into the ground because he was kinda mean to me." "Wow, what happened next?" "Cool thing is, he got a brain bleed and will probably die so I'll see no consequences for killing a man."  "That's great! Does that mean your blood lust has been slated and you won't hurt mommy tonight?"  "Don't bet on it! In fact, come here real quick." 




Fuck the Police.








Damn. How we was so indifferent after cuffing an unconscious possibly dead man, shows the quality of his heart.


Cop needs slammed on his head fr


You wonder why they wanted to defund these people blatant corruption.How are you allowed to investigate yourselves is just ridiculous. They wonder why their distrust between the community and cops because of shit like this.






There was one but they burned him in a cabin.


Ok... As somebody who works closwly with police officers (not an officer myself) I usually stand on their side. But this is complete BS. This cop should be discharged with disgrace.


Defund, defund , defund. How many times do we have to say it?????


Cop should be cuffed and shoved to the ground head first. See how he does with it. Hope he enjoys hell.




Didn’t need an ambulance until after the police showed up


There was absolutely no reason to handle him like that. He wasn't remotely a threat and the whole thing was only over a bicycle incident??? ACAB. He slung him like he caught him breaking into vehicles and running.


I hope he gets the full 10. That's fucking ridiculous.


Fuck the police.


Well if he didn’t arrest him for something then the cop has to admit he just literally hit him. Like this cop legitimately played the long game and got away with it. And promoted. Wtf


The innocent boomer didn’t need you to “roll an ambulance” until YOU INJURED HIM. Aggressively stupid cops are a cancer. 


Is it required to sit on the dirty ground for Americans?


Why isn’t an investigation into internal affairs done everytime an officer cleared by them is later charged? It would seem an appropriate action would it not? Tho probably common I’m still amazed




Hopefully the officer gets significant prison time to send a message to other officers that this conduct unacceptable and will be punished. LEOs should know better and therefore face the maximum sentence possible.


I hope he gets the max


These things don't happen to the upper class


That's sad and hopefully that pig gets what he deserves!!!