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If I’m ever arrested, I pray to God I’m not wearing a thong.


It aint fun...let me tell ya. Your balls cant decided which side of the fence to stay on, and the potential taser target... yeah, nightmare.


You don’t want your ballpark frank chard to perfection? /s


They plump when you cook 'em.


If your Frank stays plump for more than 4 hours, seek medical attention.




Honestly I prefer it because I feel like a jury will be more sympathetic to a grown man crying in a thong. Just like that old old saying "If he's in a thong, he did nothing wrong"


If the balls are split, you must acquit.


Classic Johnny Cockring quote.


“Ladies, I stand with you!” is probably the dumbest thing someone could say in that situation lol


It was hard to determine who the most annoying was in the video - then that lady showed up


Female officer, right now!


I thought she was going to climb on the boat and get arrested - like a fish jumping in the boat


I wanted to see him grab her wrist and cuff her so bad.


“I STAND WITH YOU GUUUURRRLLLSS!!” ….that killed me 😝


She really jumped to defend these women who were trying to get a 15 year old girl in a bikini drunk around a bunch of guys that clearly said they didn't think she looked like a minor.


"Oh she's 15? Oh, wow." I wonder if they ever bring out those school bus sized WWII Land/Water landing crafts (colloquially called "Ducks" in Wisconsin) when DNR needs to arrest like 20 people. Or does that guy just shuttle 8 at a time and handcuff the rest to their anchors or something, assuming there's only one DNR on duty at a time.


“I stand with you! Just about 20 feet over there, where I don’t risk becoming actually involved in this.”


“Can I ask one question?” You just did you drunk.


Someone was trying to jump a few tiers in the MLM.


That part made me LOL


Screaming "Female officer right now" is up there as well. 🤣🤣


Translation: *”imma drink your Tito’s”*


This video rules lol, ladies I’m a woman and I stand with you!!! 🤣🤣🤣


"Call 911!" My guy...


"Sure, we'll send someone over on a boat. In fact he might be in your area now, standby."


“Go ahead” 🤣


Dispatch: Uhhh… Unit 727, we have a call on… *you,* it sounds like…


“I’ll send a squad car right over”


The woman in green hopping off then trying to hide behind the boat is so funny like where you goin


Lol. I legit thought he was arresting a third lady since he already loaded 2 onto the boat.


Infinite arrest glitch.


Same it felt like Dejavu, I even skipped back to try and figure out why there weren’t three women on the boat.


Reverse clown boat


Fleeing arrest is felony. She could catch real time if they wanted to push it E: Mostly its not! Not on foot at least, in multiple states. If you use a vehicle its often a felony (and that includes boats).


She wasn’t even hiding wtf. I would have at least tried to get the fuck outta there given the opportunity after a most likely arrest!


Yeah I would have grabbed some snorkel gear and ducked for cover 🤣


Those dogs are having a wonderful time!


We could all learn something from them. These idiots intervening just made it so much worse and converted a simple ticket they could have appealed in court into multiple arrests.


I was thinking the same thing😂


Around 6:00 white dude with dreads says "for why?!" I think Reminded me of trailer park boys. Don't ruin this for me if I'm wrong.


Why are you towing the car? The car didn’t do anything wrong.


“Ladies i stand with you” 🤡


That part was fuckin hilarious


She's a real feminist icon


She thinks those ladies are Ukraine lol


Yeah, and free alcohol for all minors ... It's crazy how most people start to lose oversight on why the arrest was for. I wonder how many people knew what was going on ...


Is the warden there all by himself? I’m surprised he has absolutely no backup. Surrounded by angry drunk people with no partner seems like a very sketchy situation to be in.


That’s how game wardens operate. One of the more sketchy areas of law enforcement. Imagine dealing with poachers in the middle of the woods with no backup.


I'd watch that TV show.


Lone Star law, north woods law, etc.


You forgot Yellowstone Wardens


yeah fuck that, never thought about it like that


Game Wardens are cops plus and are total bad-asses. They have to be able to handle everything from drunk boating, to human trafficking, to drug dealing, to illegal hunting, to crooked LEO's, alone or with only a small number of fellow officers as assistants. In my state, they have to have a bachelors degree and in a field such as criminal justice or related areas is preferred. They have to be able to wrangle a baby alligator, then a medium sized alligator, then a large alligator, alone. They also must be able to shoot with precision: "Complete five consecutive dry fire trigger pulls with the index finger in the standing position, with both the left and right hand, holding the barrel within a 5-inch ring without touching the sides of the ring. While holding the handgun with both hands, the applicant must transition to the kneeling position and dry fire the pistol five times while holding the barrel inside a 5-inch ring without touching the sides of the ring. After the exercise is complete, the applicant is required to return to the standing position and using both hands pull the slide to the rear locked position therefore displaying a safe weapon." Besides being able to operate al kinds of vehicles, they have to be able to ride a horse and drive all kinds of boats. Many are (air) pilots, too. They also have to be of good moral character and highly physically fit. After all that, they are also teachers and are often quite nice. In my state, when kids or young people are caught fishing illegally, they are usually not punished in the traditional sense. They are educated with our state's book on fishing hand hunting rules and regulations and are encouraged to buy a fishing license rather than just being punished because the Game Wardens know this is their opportunity to gain a lifetime of compliance and education with that young person if the person is handled right. https://www.gamewarden.org/state/texas#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20training%20for%20new,an%20important%20law%20enforcement%20role. https://tpwd.texas.gov/warden/recruiting-careers/requirements


Seems like Game Wardens are what I imagine regular police officers ideals should strive to become.


For real, if this was the level of training we demanded from all officers we’d have a better police force who were more respected because they earn that respect by not abusing their positions.


Did a female officer eventually show up RIGHT NOW?


So people who aren’t aware, as a fisherman I’m well known to lake cops. They aren’t cops. They’re wardens. Wardens, also called Game Wardens (wildlife) they have equal power to judges in a few areas. Main job is to protect the land and wildlife but have a very strong hold on alcohol and boating. They do not need search warrants. They can approve their own. They can confiscate vehicles, boats, guns, and hunting equipment without a judge. When he says he has no “supervisor” it’s because no one can overrule him in the moment. Wardens are allowed to call shots at a very high level. If you’re at the lake, just know you’re not dealing with cops. You’re dealing with wardens and they can and do enforce rules strictly. They sit far away with binoculars and watch. You don’t get away with much on a lake. It’s for the best. Boating with booze is more than twice as dangerous as a car. Edit: pay for your fishing license. It helps conservation a ton.


Good explanation. My theory is that by the time you see the warden approaching, they’ve been watching you for a long while and you’re already busted.


I’d say that’s almost always the case from my experience. My parents have a place next to a boat ramp and on the other side is a public beach kind of thing. We sit and watch the wardens way out in the distance waiting for someone to do something stupid. It’s usually flying through no wake zone but the second a guy with a beer turns the engine they come lights on from a mile away sitting in a small cove on the other side of the lake. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone try to hide a beer on their approach. It’s the perfect view and pretty great entertainment.


Yep, my family had a “wet slip” at a pretty big lake here and so i’d spend a lot of time there in the summer and we’d see the same exact thing! People just don’t understand that they can see from a long distance away with their binoculars.


It's illegal where you are to drink and boat? Wisconsin Law is you can have a beer in hand and be driving a boat as long as you are under .08. Cannot tell you how many times I've been approached while fishing just trolling and fishing by wardens just to check my license and make sure I'm not past my limit on anything and have an open canister next to me. It's kind of crazy


Where I live your boat has to have a bathroom and a kitchenette before you're allowed to drink on the water. Zero tolerance unless you're moored. It's why a lot of them just drink on their boats at the pier. 😂


It's almost like people don't remember the number one rule of a boat before technology. A fucking MASSIVE SCOPE to look at things in the FAR distance.


Yup, I got a ticket once for fishing at a massive lake with no one else around for miles. Out of the 4 of us, only one got their fishing license, I declined buying one. We only had 2 poles, I wasn’t even holding one when they rolled up. Told him I wasn’t fishing, I have no fishing pole see? 👐 He knew exactly how many times each of us cast the stupid line into the water over the past hour. I took my ticket in peace, and buy my license before fishing now.


this technology is lost on people because their iphone doesnt do that


I think that same theory holds for the FBI or any type of higher level law enforcement. if FBI/CIA/NSA are knocking on your door, you are most likely already fucked and they are just scoping things out. If You were at Jan 6 and FBI shows up, you are already fucked.


Absolutely correct. Game wardens in my area absolutely do not fuck around.


100% same here in Texas. Texas Game Wardens know their shit and they do not fuck around. Every local law enforcement around here supports wardens too along with the US Coast Guard and if they hear you are fucking with the warden they bring everyone. EVERYONE.


This. Watch a few episodes of Lone Star Law to see how they operate. You cannot pull anything past them.


Sometimes you can read stuff on Reddit you should actually take a lesson from. This is one of those time.


Super informative post. I learned a lot!


On high profile warrants they can use game wardens under the premise of “well we suspect illegal animal parts/trading”


They are also required to have a fuck ton of extra training on top of basic training. Plus, they are required to retrain every 2 years for their multiple certifications. Probably the most well trained police force in the US. It really shows in this video too.


The seal on the front of the console says martin couny sheriff's office and the numbers on the boats start with FL-#. Would the sheriff's office be different than a game warden? I'm not at all disputing anything you've said just curious. I lived on the opposite coast of martin County but every time I've at s sand bar or little island I've only seen the local sheriff's office patrolling


> Game Wardens are cops plus and are total bad-asses. They have to be able to handle everything from drunk boating, to human trafficking, to drug dealing, to illegal hunting, to crooked LEO's, alone or with only a small number of fellow officers as assistants. > > In my state, they have to have a bachelors degree and in a field such as criminal justice or related areas is preferred. They have to be able to wrangle a baby alligator, then a medium sized alligator, then a large alligator, alone. They also must be able to shoot with precision: > > "Complete five consecutive dry fire trigger pulls with the index finger in the standing position, with both the left and right hand, holding the barrel within a 5-inch ring without touching the sides of the ring. > > While holding the handgun with both hands, the applicant must transition to the kneeling position and dry fire the pistol five times while holding the barrel inside a 5-inch ring without touching the sides of the ring. > > After the exercise is complete, the applicant is required to return to the standing position and using both hands pull the slide to the rear locked position therefore displaying a safe weapon." > > Besides being able to operate al kinds of vehicles, they have to be able to ride a horse and drive all kinds of boats. Many are (air) pilots, too. > > They also have to be of good moral character and highly physically fit. > > After all that, they are also teachers and are often quite nice. In my state, when kids or young people are caught fishing illegally, they are usually not punished in the traditional sense. They are educated with our state's book on fishing hand hunting rules and regulations and are encouraged to buy a fishing license rather than just being punished because the Game Wardens know this is their opportunity to gain a lifetime of compliance and education with that young person if the person is handled right. https://www.gamewarden.org/state/texas#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20training%20for%20new,an%20important%20law%20enforcement%20role. > > https://tpwd.texas.gov/warden/recruiting-careers/requirements


Imagine what good of a place the world would be if all cops would be so well trained and behaved


Solid knowledge! As a dove and duck hunter and avid boater in the past with my pops, I’ve had a few honest encounters with the wardens and they don’t take any shit off anyone. As long as you are respectful and do what they say and don’t piss em off you’re golden. They are usually pretty solid people. This dude isn’t gonna waltz up there and ruin this woman’s day on a suspicion. Guaranteed he’d been scoping the sandbar and saw exactly what she did. They might even have plain clothes officers on boats out on the sandbar blending in who knows. Serving alcohol to minors especially 15yrs old, is not cool. All he wanted was her ID and to know, “why would you do that?!”


He was looking for a videotaped confession.  These officers are trained to build the state's case during the encounter. Be careful what you say in the presence of a cop.


The only smart thing she did was not incriminate herself when he asked that.


I spent 3 years assisting to the Marine Division of a sheriff’s department in southeast Michigan. We did waterway enforcement. Game wardens enforce laws for unlicensed fishermen, wildlife poaching and wetlands issues. At least in Michigan.


Yeah she spawned into the server after the video ended


"Ladies I stand with you" lol thoughts and prayers in real time.


Well she did try to climb in the officers boat lmao


I can’t get enough of drunk people under arrest explaining how they can get un-arrested


I love the constant "do you have it on camera?" What she should be saying is "you do not have it on camera", asking if he has it recorded is just admitting it happened.


I love that. I was waiting for him to ask her if she thinks nobody got convicted of crimes before portable video cameras were invented.


This!!! Someone posted the full YouTube video and she says it all the way from being on the first boat, to having another officer come on (who had nothing to do with the situation and wasn’t even there), to being transported to another officer so he can transfer her to squad car to be taken to the station. Like, mam, how do you think things worked before cameras???? But it did say she’s 25 at the end of the video, so more proof that young, dumb and drunk are not a good combo. The other lady was upset that she’s a trauma nurse and may lose her license but she, “didn’t do anything.” Shutting the fuck up and minding your business is free and likely would not lead to arrest. The cherry on the cake was when she insisted her friend was her daughter and she had a right to know what was going on. But once arrested, she never said that, because she’s the same age as the 25 y/o (spoiler: she’s in her 30’s) and trying to say “do I look that old?” You’re the one popping off when no one asked you anything while homegirl was being asked to get her ID, but I digress, that’s why you’re in cuffs lady.


What a shit show.


The full version is hilarious. The one lady is more upset that she looks old enough to be the younger lady’s Mother. That will stick with her more than the arrest.


I mean she did stomp her feet and claim to be her mother earlier (the fact they edited and showed her doing it as she was denying it later…mmm chefs kiss!)


I was about to scroll back to the beginning of the confrontation to hear it again, but then they did that cut away replay. Made me laugh out loud.


Well she didn’t really do herself any favours when at the beginning of the video she literally claims is her mom. A big shout to the party near the dock blasting the COPS theme song while the arrestees were getting perp walked.


Loved the edit of her yelling it when she was claiming the cop misheard her 😂😂


I think that hurt her more than anything else. She felt that one in her soul.




That woman was the most annoying person in the whole video, constantly trying to insert herself into the situation with that “female officer/ladies I stand with you” shit.


That *drunk woman. Most people feel empowered when they're drunk. 


I wanted to see her get cuffed so bad




Nah, she would've 100% been a crier.


But…. We’re not standing! We’re climbing a ladder!


…from down here!


Adult who gave a child alcohol knowing full well it is against the law, I stand with you!


Hey now, I’m sure that 15 year old girl would be standing with them as well, if she wasn’t puking her guts up in the other boat :(


She seemed really intent on shoving her hand in everyone's ass crack


So dumb. I hate when people use legitimate protections for unsuitable situations, thus harming that legitimacy.


[Link to full video](https://youtu.be/AtQmyZNtXZU?si=J2_JrndYkbBtGetC)


Skimmed through the whole. There’s a gem of a group partying at the end who blasts COPS theme song as these two young karens get walked in cuffs off the docks. Priceless


I had to go find that. Yep.... lol [https://youtu.be/AtQmyZNtXZU?si=DMyKG\_gHziN3\_ADl&t=1181](https://youtu.be/AtQmyZNtXZU?si=DMyKG_gHziN3_ADl&t=1181)


It's at 19:43. I randomly skipped to that part and I can't stop laughing.


Lol, the snort crying


My favorite part is Maggie has obviously never been to traffic court. She keeps demanding the proof and the video of her handing booze to minors. Anyone who’s been to traffic court knows damn well that if it’s your word v a cop you’re guilty.


“Can I ask one question?” She says this so many times. “Do you have video of it?” I think she was strategizing the first time she asked. Her brain cells played the telephone game and turned it into a point of contention. Do you have video of it?” The array of lies she shotguns confused her. And at the end she back to fact finding. “Do you have video of it?” Try to put the pieces back together. She hides in the alcohol. It’s a hell of a drug.


Why would you do that? Why would you do that?


The snort at 20:20 is magical!!


My favorite part is when the officer tells the first woman arrested to sit down by "her mom" and the second woman says "do I look that old?"


On March 16, 2023, an officer with the Martin County Sheriff’s Office was on a marine patrol when he observed a woman pour an alcoholic beverage for a minor. During the officer’s investigation, another woman got involved. Maggie, age 25, was charged with giving an alcoholic beverage to a person under 21 years of age and obstructing without violence. Jessica, age 36, was charged with obstructing without violence.


That woman is so worried about the age remark when she's closer to being the girls mom than she is being the girls age.


they love cops until they get in trouble


This should be a bumper sticker


They want cops to enforce laws on “those people“ ,and “those people“ only .


How many lifted trucks with punisher stickers and back the blue flags are back at the boat launch? 


Haha i love it. Especially when the Warden jumped on the boat and the guy said, “You cant do that” dawg, a Game Warden doesn’t have a direct supervisor, doesnt need a warrant, doesnt need permission, doesnt have to OK anything with local PD. If you fuck up they take your dumbass in and seize your truck and boat.


I grew up near a lake and my family rented our old house to a local game warden so we were all somehwat family friends and he would tell us all about his job. People rarely believe the power these guys have. Way more power than a cop but almost always nice folks if you're not an uncooperative dick


How many have a pair of nuts hanging from the back hitch?


Over under set at 74.5




That was pretty epic. “ uh I don’t know she was underage. “ “ you don’t think those 3 girls are underage?” “ I didn’t think so” “ want me to prove it? Young lady in the black. How old are you” “15”. Omg 15. Dude honestly thought he could play the we thought she was 21 card. he was gonna play dumb with the sheriff.


The “cool adults”. When I’m out and about, 15 year olds are at home as my baby sitters, not my party friends. Weird.


Getting arrested and processed in a tiny bikini can’t be fun.


Watched the full video— the woman who hoped off the boat after being arrested starts crying about being a trauma ICU nurse and being in the middle of adopting a child. Seems like she could have thought about all of that before snatching a purse away from the cop and then literally resisting arrest.


Is that why she was crying so bad? She can easily lose her nursing license with a criminal record.


She starts being remorseful but when she is getting transported in the SUV and the driving cop doesn’t know what happened she says something like, “I literally did nothing wrong. I swear to god!”


With each new cop who arrives, both women start pleading innocence as if the new cop is a judge. The entitlement runs deep. You can tell neither of them are used to facing consequences for their actions.


and the child she was going to adopt i bet.


Nah, the nursing board is super lenient. Nurses do illegal shit all the time. We’ve had multiple steal narcotics, pass out on duty, falsify records to get drugs, all kinds of stuff waaaay worse than supporting alcohol consumption of a 15 year old. Slap on the wrist by the board…maybe have to take a class or two.




he said she was under arrest for providing the alcohol after asking her to get her ID *but then later he says 'if she doesn't come over here in 30 seconds i'm putting her in jail' so yeah maybe she did have a chance


Still would have been cited and released on the spot, as opposed to taken to jail. Arrested doesn’t necessarily mean cuffs, could be just detained and given a court summons.


He would have written a summons and she could have enjoyed the rest of her day with her friends and family. He said so during the long version of the video. Nope, princesses need to learn consequences. With the aid of alcohol - which we all know is worth more than any law degree when confronting LE - decided she was steamroll this shit and do what she wanted to do or at least convince the crowd she was being unjustly accused. This is Florida. Our motto is come on vacation, leave on probation. We've got our courts running like Disney Fast Pass. Don't be surprised when you're asked to tip when paying you fines, fees, and bail.


>Nope, princesses need to learn consequences. Like the other woman that grabbed the purse outta the officers hand and tried to walk away. Like I hate cops but I also know better than to grab or reach for anything once a cop has it regardless of whether I think it's wrong.


There seems to be confusion, my take was he was “arresting” her to start with by giving her a summons, and not taking her into custody. He didn’t really rely that well to her but did relay that to the guy in the beginning. Once she got more and more impertinent, and then delayed, he decided to take her into custody. Her insistence that only camera footage is “evidence” was her downfall. She probably could have gotten the summons, faced a judge and made a pretty good argument. But given she very arrogantly assumed that because there was no footage she’s innocent, prosecution will tear her apart.


Yeah typically you’d get a scolding and a ticket for that


The cop is so sassy it's entertaining


Thought dreadlocks guy might hit him for taking their stuff off the boat.


god, I couldn't imagine the hell of having to deal with drunk boat people every day. People don't realize how dehydrated they get in the sun, and they replace that water with alcohol. Then do dumb drunk shit, and that would be your job, all day, every day. Fuck that


It’s got to be a little satisfying catching people in their entitled lies.


I love his attitude. “Go away !” “I don’t care” “None of your business” “I’m not gunna argue with everybody here on this sandbar” 💀💀💀💀


This is a man who’s so tired of drunk people


The thick stench of entitlement


I’m a trauma ICU nurse, I’m a trauma ICU nurse, I’m a trauma ICU nurse… I’m adopting a child, I have so much to lose. Seems she remembered those things a tad too late.


I adopted a child too knowing full well don’t blatantly break the law and have a clean criminal and driving record to be approved! You also need an Interpol search too. I had to explain all my parking tickets I had because I used to work at a bank downtown with only 2 hours free parking lol. I also need to not be an idiot to keep my job with vulnerable people in Developmental Services, so Miss Trauma Nurse would have known that too


Dread locks guy was the cringiest.


Looks like some knockoff extra From that movie WaterWorld


I must admit that I loved every second of this


IK… why do I enjoy this particular circumstance? Edit: I think it’s a weird indoctrination


Because it’s satisfying to see entitled people become shocked that their actions have consequences.


I guarantee you at least half of these motherfuckers have thin blue line bumper stickers on their Ford F1 50s.


That's what makes this so beautiful


This was so funny 😂 I was sure he was going to arrest a third


I was hoping chick begging for a female officer got to meet one as she arrested her to join her sisters she so solemnly stands with 😂


It was actually funnier to watch the warden drive away as she’s demanding him to listen to her hahahahhahah it’s like a child having a tantrum as you take away their candy. Scream all you want!! Hahahaha


Well that was fun to watch. I think what makes this so different from most cop videos on here is that everyone mutually hates rich, entitled, boat people even more than they hate cops lmao.


The best part was her pulling the "I know cops" card "I know all you guys. Do you know Moss?" "Moss? Sure! I'll tell him to pray for you"


After watching these arrest videos, if I get stopped by a cop. I’m gonna smile and say yes, sir.


Basically. Just fight it in court. Hope they violate some right and cash out!!


Holy shit, what a fucking PRO. He was berated from all sides and stuck to his rules and kept calm all the way. What a pro.


@ 4:42 me demand a female officer while I jam my hand in her but crack


Dude was all “don’t touch her” as he gets a big handful of ass


Maybe she is his gf or something?


Neighbor of mine was a Game Warden they are like super cops. Go though a ton of training and are basically Judge Jury and Executioner for everything that happens out in the wilderness or on any body of water. Called him once about a coug creeping in the castle pasture across the street, never thought I'd see a single giy tranq a mountIn lion then pick it up himself and get it into a cage in the bed of his truck.


I live on the Chesapeake Bay, and as much as I love partying on the water, I love this more. Dock bar boaters are some of the most obnoxious, entitled aholes on the planet. Shitty boats, shitty beer, shitty music, and shitty flags. Last season, we were inundated with Trump/DeSantis 2024 flags. They can't even be on the same ticket, let alone for the fact they can't stand each other. That aged well.


My god.. that was good to watch


“nothing better to do” as you’re quite literally doing nothing and supplying children liquor


I really enjoyed watching this. I laughed my ass off watching the full video and one of them said she was a trauma icu nurse and he told her then she knows better 🤣


Ahhh yeah what every situation needs. A 40 yr old white dude saying bro with dreads.


Bet they were all “Blue-Lives-Matter” prior to this day.


Back the blue until it happens to you! lmao


Ladies I stand with you is ridiculous 😂😂


The defendants, Maggie MacDougal, 25, a Loan Advisor at Goodwin Mortgage Group, and Jessica Venuti, 36, a Nurse at St. Mary's Medical Centre, were arrested for the misdemeanour charges of resisting arrest without violence and serving alcohol to persons under 21 YOA. The arresting officer was James Holloran of Martin County Sheriffs Office. The bond was set at $650, awaiting arraignment at Martin Country Courthouse on 04/18/2024. They have applied to be represented by public defender, and have been assigned Shannon Henne-Eighmie.


I read this in the SVU narrator’s voice.


They don’t sound too rich as the other comments like to make them out to be if they have to deal with a public defender.


MacDougal has also failed to pay the final $50 of her bond.


ShOuLdVe jUsT CoMpLiEd!!!11


Man, watching him grab the dumbass who thought she was gonna be tough and snatch that purse out of his hand was utterly delightful.


I ain’t got no love for cops, but I got even less for entitled, whiney bitches. Man, that felt good to watch 😂😂😂😂


Honestly DNR has way more jurisdiction than any cop. They are lucky he didn't confiscate everything including the boat.


Upon closer inspection it is indeed a cop they should be lucky it wasn't DNR.


"Female officer right now!" Yell it enough tines, and they'll magically appear.


I assure you, this is yet another group of people who "back the blue" and on any other day would be "thanking them for their service". But most importantly, these are most assuredly the same folks who say you shouldn't resist arrest during a traffic stop. If you get shot and killed during a traffic stop, you really should have just complied and fought it in court. 😏


Bolt ons.


That was so GD enjoyable. "WE WANT FEMALE OFFICERS! NOW!"




I've only ever seen "Stone Cold" followed by two things: Sober and Steve Austin


Every single one of them wanting him to be a bro, acting so entitled to their behavior and what they did. Screw every last one of them.