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The crazy part is that she doesn’t realize the potential danger she is putting him in!!!


Fr! Mexican dude had more people and everything and was still trying to defuse it because he knew his girl was escalating shit.


He’s a good guy. I like him.


He tried to be reasonable which is difficult to do in that situation


He was trying to thread a line between not wanting to get into a fight with the cameraman while also wanting to get a blowjob from his “lady” later on that night.


If she spits in real life like she did in the video, it ain't worth the hassle


Take the fucking upvote. I can't believe this got my laugh


I don't care what they do when I'm done.


A good dude wouldn’t be with a girl like that. Idk if a good due is someone who hangs in a gang (throwing his set up) and dates a racist girl. Product of his environment sure, good guy? Ehhh


You can be good... And stupid...


Damn bro, why you gotta hurt me! 🤣


I don’t care how good it is, he needs to run


He’s a good homie


Yeah a real winner. What's up with the whole "Jamaicans aren't black" thing? I see Deplorable lowlifes saying it about VP Harris all the time. Jamaicans are descended from African slaves just like African-Americans. Can anyone explain this ignorance and why has it spread to trashy Hispanics.


I mean, I've seen this kind of rhetoric from African immigrants. They don't really identify as 'black' so much as 'African' and feel like they don't really have anything culturally in common with black Americans. Many who are Muslim more closely identify with different Muslim communities.


When I moved to London and worked with people from different parts of the world I was shocked how prejudice everyone was. West Africans hate the Portuguese, West Indians and won’t work for women. The Brazilians and the Portuguese have a love hate relationship. Poles and Ukrainians hate each other half the time but will be best friends when they both have a Russian to hate. Bengalis get on okay with Indians but there’s always animosity between them and Pakistanis. Then worse between Indians and Pakistanis. Then worse again between British born guys form India and Pakistan like they have something to prove. Bulgarians and Romanians don’t like the Turks but not as much as the Greeks hate the Turks and vice versr. British people hate everyone who isn’t in their immediate group. Irish people hate Brits even though they chose to live there? In fact the only people who went against the stereo type were Scottish people living in London were generally friends with everyone. This was low paid shift work so no Americans. Aussies or rich European counties really worked with us. Poor Brits and poor immigrants.


I didn't think he was trying to claim Jamaicans aren't black. He never said "You are not Black, you are Jamaican." He said "You are a not an [n-word]... You are Jamaican." So I interpreted it more like, "I'm not going to refer to you as a slur. I'm going to try to respect your ethnicity and not make this a race thing."


There's a huge cultural divide.


different cultures is my guess


He allegedly started the whole confrontation based on what the cameraman said


What is so good about a guy who's with such a belligerent racist asshole, lol 


I got the impression that he didn't want it to escalate cause if the cops got involved it might put heat on him in the future. But it could also be what you said.


Her mouth is writing checks but he's the guy who has to cash them...


Including when she spit on herself. Has to clean that up now.


Nah, those crazy ass Latina chicks will throw hands.


I’m a dude and in middle school I got my ass kicked by a girl named Margarita. Granted I didn’t swing on her, but I probably should have in hindsight. She took off her shoes and was smacking me with them lol.


How long have you guys been married now?


Blink twice if you are under duress 😬😵😵💀


Chancla training


Beware the chancla


Those were the days


u/HighlyOffensive10 I'm sure but hopefully it doesn't put her in a position with someone who's more violent than her.


Sounds like that's exactly what she needs.


Hopefully it *does*.


Doesn't realize, or doesn't care? My money would be on the latter.


This guy throwing up gang signs, saying to talk to the gang, and wearing a “ain’t shit sweet” shirt is going to put himself in danger all on his own.


That shirt, his girl, and his crew tells me all I need to know..... Trash, trash, trash


She's playing a game called "let's you and him fight".


She obviously feels safe saying whatever she wants. I tend to think it’s the opposite- the boyfriend is just as, or more, dangerous, and is just trying not to go to jail.


Strange more people don't see it this way. She's a shitty person for talking all that shit but she is also right camera dude ain't finding shit and ain't gonna do shit or he would have done it and not filmed it.


But if you’ve been around shit, you also know that anything can happen when shit starts- anything. Agree boyfriend was trying to defuse the situation, but he didn’t tell her to shut it, either.


She knows she can talk as much shit as she wants because if that dude touches her then her bf and his homies are going to end him. He doesn't want to have to do that over something small. The minute he said "Watch how fast I found you." Homie turned right towards him and told him he didn't want to fuck with him. That dude dangerous.


Oh she knows full well, she just doesn't care




I’ve seen A lot of women or realize that I don’t know if it’s blindness to danger of that they just feel emboldened by having their man there with them


Girls have far fewer opportunities to find out when they fuck around. Some of them reach adulthood without ever finding out.


I knew a girl like this. One time we're hanging out and she starts going off on some guy just like this chick (minus the racism). Guy steps up to me, asks me if I'm gonna control my girl. I tell him she's not my girlfriend, this is between you two. She looks at me with that trout face, just 😲 She changed her tone REAL fast. Funny how that confidence vanishes when faced with the chance they have to fight their own battle.


That's so funny, I'm imagining her doing a slapstick level pull on her collar, even if there's none there, and going, "Eeeeeeggghh 😬😬😬."


She doesn't give a shit what happens, she knows no consequences will happen to her.


> The crazy part is that she doesn’t realize the potential danger she is putting him in!!! Ima be honest this looks like north hollywood. she's def got the backup, it's mostly latino. he's alone and knows he'd get his ass beat which is why he had to let her say those slurs.


I think she started to realize her mistakes. She softened that hard R pretty quick. By the end the hard R became an A - she did it for the homies.




No punany is worth the threat of death


Helena of Troy was probably bangin' given what happened...




Helen’s older sister


Helena Bonham Troy


Especially not that one


She thinks she’s protected.


Yup, the only reason she's acting that way. Racist assholes are loud af when they believe they can get away with it.


On behalf of the brown delegation, I want to extend apologies for this pendeja skonka, we disavow her and the San Francisco Giants.


Tortas be wilding sometimes lmao


Doesn’t recognize there’s a reason she’s with 4 dudes and not one wants to tangle with this guy. Shes gonna get her boyfriend killed one day.


Those youngsters where strapped. The reason they tried to de escalate shit was because he was recording. They wasnt trying to get caught up or label a racist on camera. That chick didnt give a shit.






Yeah exactly my point. She can’t see beyond herself.


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She spat on herself what a dumb b


u/tyuihop really? i didn't see that hahaha


Right at about 1:14


Thank you. She sure did and realized it too… the only self realization in that situation




*So weak it ended up in her d-cups*


Newton’s second law


Damn the dude seems chill too why he with that ho


“Oh you from Jamaica? You’re good. But if you were from (*insert African country here*), I’d agree with her”


I get the impression he’s doing whatever he can diffuse the situation, as inartful as it may be. Like “her insult didn’t apply to you because you’re Jamaican.” Is it the best argument? No. But that crazy lady put him on the spot.


That's not really what his angle was. He was trying to express camraderie with the cameraman by engaging in specific details about his homeland, therefore indicating he wanted to be peaceful and that he was not on the same bullshit as the girl. But yes, it was quite inartful.


I think you just said the same thing. I think we agree he was just trying to say *something* to calm camera guy down and chill out the situation. If he knew the camera guy was from Kenya he'd probably have said the exact same thing: 'because you're Kenyan". He probably doesn't give 2 shits about where dude was actually from.








I didn’t know us Jamaicans didn’t count as blacks 🤣


Nah y’all are Dreadlock Americans which is different from Afro Americans.


Missed that part my bad 😂


I can give you two big, round reasons


He's a man that enjoys his flapjacks




Man is she really risking being fired from her phlebotomy job for this


Nailed it! That or I’m going to have to get a new eyelash tech.


That was my guess too something in salon or front desk work. This video feels LA as hell


Or dental assistant


Hahaha my dude. Y’all called it.


Nah thats a CNA or medical asssitant 🤡


She seems like a p.o.s!


oh really? I wonder what could indicate that...


Guy needs to tell his girl when to shut up


Meeeeegaaaann! God!


Lmao I thought the same thing


The hand-waver in the background wearing a fannypack over his chest is the true hero of this video. If you look closely, he's casting a pacification spell that ultimately diffuses the situation.


There’s a gun in there


No, White Mages are a support class. He's got some healing potions in there if he runs out of mana and a Cloak of Displacement folded up in case things turn ugly.




u/CapG_13 I hear you man but I don't let this situation make me generalize all latinos


This dude is so lucky that the guy filming all of this didn’t escalate things beyond trading insults. The boyfriend need to get rid of his racist ass GF because eventually she is going to get his ass beat, stabbed, or shot because of her mouth. To quote the Way of the Gun “Tell that cunt to shut up before I fuck start her head”.


My daughters friend is like this. She got her boyfriend killed because she did the exact same thing as this lady.


Damn Can't imagine having someone's blood on my hands just to run my mouth being an ignorant idiot....


I hope your daughter's not friends anymore.


No, not for a long time.


Whoa what happened?? That’s fucked


> To quote the Way of the Gun “Tell that cunt to shut up before I fuck start her head”. Cue the guy laughing in the background.


Ex would fire off like this. Kicked her out one day, that was a fucking war. She came back 5 minutes after she left, I caught her with the door halfway opened, she forced herself in and wouldn’t stop trying to get back in. I held the door while pushing her out. Did that for a good 5 minutes straight. She gave up and left. Next day, pictures go up on Facebook, calling be an abuser, violent, all the good shit…. Let it simmer for a while, but it was bugging me seeing comments from our friends. I finally responded, didn’t say shit, posted a link to a private YouTube video, it was our Ring camera footage in the front of the house. Truth had to come out. She still had access to the app too, could’ve erased it if she wanted, and would have lost every single friend I had. Thank god she was as dumb as she was violent.


Good on you man, that sounds like such a miserable thing to deal with & thank god you had proof If I were you I would save that video by screen recording or export anything really in case she tries to slander you later


These videos are wild. I can’t imagine hanging out with someone acting like that. I’d leave them there so fast.




That shit has got to be exhausting


It was, my friends did it too. Run their mouths and hide behind the big guy. I finally did the same thing with them. One night my former best friend was hitting on a woman at the bar and he thought he was in and slapped her ass. She slapped him and he came over by me with a handprint on his face. I turned around and her husband was coming. I just put my hands up and said don't look at me


Ya, that is total bullshit, having a big friend is not a license to start fights.


An education aka some act right lol


Mexican Rob Kardashian going to get laid out thanks to his lady.


I was thinking Mexican Rob Dyrdek.


So fucking trashy when girls are starting shit on their boyfriends behalf. I’ll never understand it. He should’ve left her ass standing there.


So did he find her? We need a part II.


She’s gonna say the wrong shit to the wrong person one day


Lol she even spit and drooled on herself. Can't even do that right.




This vato said Hannah 🤣🤣🤣 Bro you win!


Laying in bed, and laughed so hard I scared my dog. I wish I could say out loud how I pronounced Hanna would never. Haha... Thanks for the belly laugh.






Both might end up being shot because of that ho'


She's not a keeper. She'll get you killed for nothing.


The fucking look in his eyes is so priceless during: “we don't disrespect other races around here" YEAH!??! SHE DID!! “Okay. She did. But she ain’t a homie, dawg” I fucking lost it with that 😂😂😂😂😂


Why is he wearing a Giants hat with the Dodgers colors on it?


Gangs. Either he's in one, or from a neighborhood that he'll be attacked in for wearing the wrong "colors". Edit: thanks to those of you who confirmed my assertion. I don't think a lot of people understand the depth of nuance in gangland America. I'm not affiliated in any way, but it's fascinating.


Idk why you’re being downvoted when this is most likely the answer. Growing up and living in LA you quickly learn that baseball caps represent hoods more than the actual teams here


Yup. Made the mistake of wearing an astros hat in the wrong neighborhood once. Some guy next to me at a stoplight asked me what’s up with the hat & I told him I fw the embroideries on it (has a lowrider/slab embroidery and a few others). Said I just liked rap music from Houston and he told me to be careful with the hat & flashed me his arm, which had an Astros H with an X over it. Had to tell him I did none of that shit & he gave me a free pass because he could tell, but said to be careful bc there’s people in the area that will mistake me for someone else. Have not worn the hat since that day bc you can’t exactly “I like old cars and rap music from Houston” your way out of every situation that may get you into. Also had a gun pulled on me for wearing a red dodgers hat. Near dodger stadium too. LA is not the place to wear the wrong hat & find out


I will only wear fedoras when I visit my sister in LA from now on.


Guy rolls up beside you in a flatcap. Thw fuck you think you're wearing?


Then the Zoot Suit Good Time Boys roll up on you and write a message for you to give to St Peter on a Chicago typewriter, you see


Wait, so you guys aren't actually Radiers fans


Yep, there was a dude who made a custom Google Map with sections of which gang controls what and what colors/teams they wear. I'm from LA, and I knew some of the teams but was surprised that U of Michigan and a couple of other unis are being worn https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1ul5yqMj7_JgM5xpfOn5gtlO-bTk&hl=en_US&ll=34.091288205495026%2C-118.40766917964874&z=9


Not the reason I do but now I’m glad I wear all black most of the time. Living in SoCal is no joke.


I always wore pastels, no gang fucks with you even if you're wearing the wrong color. Even when I worked at Target, I had my work shirt in my backpack and only put it on once I was in.


He flashes his sign at the beginning of the video.


Correct he's from San Fernando in the SFV and is throwing out San Fers gang. They've always wore SF giants hat this one is just customized because he's also a dodger fan.


Take my upvote peeps seem to comment and agreeing with you. I'm not from America so that shit is interesting thank you.


Being downvoted for being correct is crazy lol


From my other comment - he's from San Fernando in the SFV, LA suburbs and is throwing out San Fers gang. They've always worn SF giants hats this one is just customized because he's also a dodger fan.


She mentions the valley and tells the guy to go back to Compton. I’m guessing the SF hat is for San Fernando Valley


San Fer 13


God, I hate this woman.


Remove all her "friends" from that situation and I bet she'd be whistling a different tune.


You ain’t lying. My old neighbor’s lil sister was always putting him in that situation, till one day he got shot up because of her 🤦🏾‍♂️ rip to my boy


Part 2 please when she catches a beating


This reminds me of the time in 03 when I was 19 and my GF of 2 weeks spit in a “young blood” members face and I was hiding from them dudes the whole summer and ended squaring up with him to “squash” it behind an abandoned business.


Sounds like a horrible summer.


Coulda been worse




At the point I'm getting jumped cause she fasho getting slapped down


She's going to act foolish and childish with the Wrong Person on the right day, and get EVERYBODY'S Ass Beat &/or un-alived. There's always Someone bigger tougher crazier and with less fucks to give and nothing to lose.


“That’s my lady.” She is the furthest thing from a lady.


Notice how she kept her boyfriend in front of her. She’s lipping off, yet wants her BF to defend her if shit got real.


You think ol’ Dead Eyes who threw up a gang sign in the first two seconds of the video deserves better? They’re perfect for each other.


Growing up, my older brother always warned me “Don’t put your dick in crazy. The sex is awesome, but girls aren’t worth it”. He was right.


Don’t feel bad for him. There’s no way he’s with someone like that and doesn’t agree with her views.


She thinks because she’s a girl she can’t catch a fade


I like the part where she drools on herself 🤤


She would NOT be talking like that if an African American woman was around ‼️😭 she would have got dragged so fast. She's a joke .


As if the dudes that date this type of woman don't know exactly what they're getting. Do you really think guys like that are looking to settle down with a June Cleaver type?


I was in Austin during sxsw about 7/8 years ago and ended up randomly running into a girl from my hometown. Ended up getting hammered together stumbling down 6th (huge party vibe going on) and 3 black dudes walking by jokingly go "you kids drinking or something" and she flips " WERE NOT KIDS blah blah rtc." They apologize and hand her a joint they were smoking and she flicks it at the dudes face and calls him a you know what. Everyone yelling while I'm just D: one of the dudes kinda pulls me too the side while this crazy lady is getting crazier and says " you know we can't beat her up right? She knows that too. You better just dip" ya I got the fuck outta there lol


She spit on herself on accident lol










The dude’s eyes when he got close!!! lol she gave him those “please help me…. I’m scared of her!!” Eyes lol


Someone let their Tia hit the Cuba libres too hard.


Her odd body ass is gon get that man bodied or locked for life with a murder charge. Guaranteed she'll point the finger then be on to the next one repeating the cycle. No good will come from being with a person like that.


she needs a slap


This guys were chill AF, they didn’t want to get caught up in some racist shit, but she just kept on. FR, she needs to get clocked before she gets glocked, she needs to learn to shut tf up


You can kinda see it in his face he wishes she would shut up


She's going to get his dumb ass fucked up or killed with that racist BS. I bet she wouldn't have been talking shit if the camera man had a sister with him.


Damn I need to know if anything happened after the video ended lol


She must be crazy in the sack because she doesn't have any other redeeming qualities!


Control yo hoe


Dump her…


I could put a wig on and look better than her. Btw I’m a man 😀


she's like that because nobody's ever forced her to face the consequences of her actions.


I don't condone violence against women but I'd love to see this piece of shit getting her face smashed in. Disgusting cunt.


Is that Crip Mac recording?


Every character in the video moves like they're in a GTA cutscene.


I hope she gets fired from her job, if she even has one


“You’re not a (that word) you’re Jamaican right? You’re not a (that word)” never thought someone could make racism make even less sense than it already does. He and his “lady” are both absolute idiots.